
nhainesMeeting in a couple of minutes!  :)01:56
darthrobotMeeting started Mon Jun  4 02:02:31 2018 UTC.  The chair is nhaines. Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.02:02
darthrobotAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired02:02
nhainesHello everyone, and welcome to the Ubuntu California meeting for June 3rd, 2018.02:02
nhainesOur agenda is available here and is empty: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/18June0302:03
darthrobotTitle: [CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/18June03 - Ubuntu Wiki]02:03
nhainesI don't think anyone's here tonight, so this will be a brief meeting.02:04
nhaines#topic Upcoming events02:04
nhainesThere are no upcoming events that I know of.  Summer's a great time for installfests, so if anyone is interseted in organizing one, we have several members who have experience and can lend advice.02:05
nhaines#topic Announcements02:05
nhainesI got a surprised package in the mail last week: a Bq M10 FHD Ubuntu Edition tablet.  It's now running UBports and is a very nice piece of hardware.  I can see why people were so happy with theirs.02:05
nhainesI'm not sure what I'm going to do with it yet.  Maybe a bit of archival work and maybe a bit of documentation.  And soon, UBports will release 16.04-based images, so that will be nice.02:06
nhaines#topic Agenda02:06
nhainesThere is no agenda for tonight's meeting.02:06
nhaines#topic Other business02:07
nhainesIs there any other business before we wrap things up?02:07
nhainesOkay, our next meeting is scheduled for June 17th.  Hope to see people there!02:08
darthrobotMeeting ended Mon Jun  4 02:08:43 2018 UTC.02:08
darthrobotMinutes:        http://ihas.5cat.com/~darthrobot/ubuntu-us-ca/2018/ubuntu-us-ca.2018-06-04-02.02.moin.txt02:08
pleia2I struggled a bit with the battery life on my M1002:09
nhainesIs it not great?  I haven't used mine enough yet.02:09
pleia2not compared to my other tablets :\02:10
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-ca to: https://ubuntu-california.org (has links to mailing list, forum, and more!) | Next Meeting: Sunday, June 17th, at 7:00pm PDT (UTC -7:00) This channel is logged at irclogs.ubuntu.com | We have an unlogged channel at #ubuntu-us-ca-offtopic
pleia2I reflashed it with android after Canonical stopped support, and that didn't help02:10
pleia2might try UBports now though02:10
nhainesThe installer's a snap!02:11
pleia2hah? :)02:11
nhainesIn that it's really easy to use.  Also a snap package.02:11
* pleia2 nods02:11
nhainesIt was fun to say.  :)02:12
nhainesAnd then you just enable dev mode and plug it in the tablet and the installer autodetects your tablet and grabs the right files and throws them at the device.  Very slick.02:12
pleia2maybe that's my project next weekend ;)02:19
pleia2GPD Pocket + Debian was the project this weekend02:20
nhainesOh yeah, how did that go?  :)02:33
nhainesPart of me wants a GDP pocket and part of me knows how I feel about that kind of keyboard.02:33
pleia2went well, someone I worked with on OpenStack stuff did all the hard parts and wrote up instructions ;)02:34
pleia2wasn't so bad though, just fiddling with wireless02:34
pleia2there are a couple other things I'd like to do, so I'll chip away at those02:35
nhainesNice.  :)02:35
pleia2the keyboard really is terrible though, worse than the mini902:38
pleia2the layout I mean02:38
pleia2now I really want to flash my tablet, aahhh03:19
nhainesIt's never been easier!03:51
pleia2it keeps booting into android /o\03:54
pleia2ah, there it goes03:55
pleia2well, there was an error, but I just did "try again" and it seems to be trying to do things :)03:59
pleia2no, there's a bug report about what I'm seeing04:01
pleia2first need to put canonical ubuntu on it again to unlock it, then use this thing04:01
pleia2so it is indeed a next weekend thing :)04:01
nhainesOoh, really?  Weird!05:01
nhainesMine didn't boot and had to be flashed...  I think twice.  But it's hard to tell because the port doesn't keep a secure connection.  /o\05:01
=== pleia2_ is now known as pleia2
=== chiluk_ is now known as chiluk

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