
=== obscurehero_ is now known as obscurehero
waldo323good morning11:02
jrwrenTIL this exists https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penny_Arcade_Adventures:_On_the_Rain-Slick_Precipice_of_Darkness13:26
jrwrenGood morning #ubuntu-us-mi13:26
flipsidecreationGood morning, has everyone moved to GitLab yet?13:54
jrwrenworking on it.13:56
jrwrenarguing hte evils of MSFT in ##csharp, cuz I"m insane and I am reading even more about Eric Lundgren13:56
jrwrenhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaoJErxYLtM  so many points here that I didn't even think of.13:56
jrwrenIt has made me EVEN MORE ANGRY about the Eric Lundgren case.13:56
jrwren"microsoft is abusing the power of the government to put people in jail for the sole reason that they made products easier to service." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaoJErxYLtM13:58
flipsidecreationyup, one side of the company is embracing open source while the other is still M$ as usual14:02
jrwrenwait... they are making Nat the CEO of GH?  wow! good for him!14:08
jrwrensometimes I regret not taking the job when Nat called me up and tried to recruit me :(14:09
flipsidecreationMy dad regrets not taking the job at a pizza place his friends was opening in 1973 and went to work for GM instead.14:17
flipsidecreationMy dad didn't think anyone would buy pizza from a place called Hungry Howie's Pizza14:17
cmaloneyGood morning14:17
flipsidecreationMorning cmaloney is all your code moved away from GitHub before the terms and conditions change? :)14:19
cmaloneyNot really. They can have it14:19
cmaloneyIf they can get piddlepodder to work better more power to them14:19
brouschflipsidecreation: I still won't buy from Hungry Howie's. The pizza is nasty.14:25
flipsidecreationThey are ok, not great but ok14:27
jrwrenoh, then I won't try it. Its the only thing near me that I've never had.14:27
cmaloneyThey're work a try. I'm not sure how their pizza is now, but they were the first to do the flavored crust schtick14:54
cmaloneythat I'm aware of14:54
_stink_we get hungry howie's all the time15:07
_stink_but uh it's not fancy15:07
flipsidecreationnope, it's edible15:07
_stink_it's little caesars + 115:07
flipsidecreationthat is accurate15:08
jrwrenTY for this evaluation. I shall continue to pass and if I want flavored crust, I will add it to Jets that I get :)15:23
brouschJets is much better15:27
cmaloneyJets is decent16:05
greg-gah yeah, Jet's is who I had in Chelsea16:20
cmaloneySadly Jet's Pizza doesn't go that far AFAICT16:49
Scary_Guynow that it's confirmed I'm updating all my repos and then deleting my account.  Never really did use it anyway other than to clone stuff so it's super easy for me.  Saw a tutorial though for those of you moving to GitLab on youtube18:41
Scary_GuyLittle Ceaser's < Hungry Howie18:46
Scary_Guys < Jets18:46
Scary_GuyJets is on par with Domino's and Pizza Hut18:47
Scary_GuyThen you get Green Lantern, and Pizza House which is my current favorite over in Ann Arbor18:47
cmaloneyDominos is akin to taking the box and putting the pizza toppings on it18:48
cmaloneythat's how they are so affordable18:48
jrwrenPizza House is DAMN GOOD18:48
jrwrenits $$$ though. Definitely a rare treat compared to others.18:48
cmaloneyAnn Arbor thing?18:49
jrwrencmaloney: dominos can be good, but you have to know how to order it.18:49
jrwrenPizza House is in Ann Arbor and Lansing.18:49
cmaloneyjrwren: Right.18:49
cmaloneyIf you're ordering Dominos here's a simple checklist18:49
cmaloney1) Don't18:49
jrwrenno no no.18:49
cmaloney2) Throw out that number and order literally anything else.18:49
jrwrenmy guide to ordering dominos: 1> 12" (medium) pan. 2> heavy sauce (its free)18:50
jrwrenthat is it.18:50
Scary_Guyto be fair, I haven't had Domino's in a very long time.  I just remember it was edible18:52
cmaloneyThat's fait praise18:52
Scary_GuyI wasn't really praising it18:52
Scary_Guyif anything I just like the delivery car18:53
jrwrena couple yrs ago Dominos redid everything.18:54
jrwrenIt could be that because I live in AA where dominos is HQ that it is better here.18:54
jrwrenin fact, my lcoal dominos is the closest branch location to the HQ.18:55
jrwrenso maybe I just get the good qwuality while everyone else suffers.18:55
jrwrenand when I don't get the pan with heavy sauce, I'm always disappointed, but the pan with heavy sauce makes for a great foundation.18:55
Scary_GuyIf you're in A2 you should get PH because PH < every goddamn thing except for that one inn I went to up in Eagle Harbor in the U.P. and that might just be on par18:56
jrwreneh, I would, but PH is liek 4X the price.18:57
Scary_Guyyeah, for a reason18:57
jrwrenusually I want 2 pizza for $12-14, not $30.18:57
Scary_GuyI'd take out a loan from a guy named Fat Tony to get that pizza18:58
jrwrendammit, now i'm realizing its been at least a year since I've had PH.18:58
jrwrenI may have to get some soon.18:58
Scary_Guyand he'd understand why because he'd be fat from eating all the Pizza House pizza18:58
_stink_i eat cheap pizza all the time18:58
jrwrenthey other thing cool about PH is they deliver until 4am or something crazy like that.18:58
_stink_little caesars18:59
_stink_you snobs :P18:59
Scary_GuyNecto is tonight, I may end up there before hand18:59
Scary_GuyOh I forgot Happy's Pizza too, which exists below dog food19:00
jrwrenwhen I think happy's I want the cheap ribs :p19:01
jrwrenrick_h_: oh damn! gopkg.in/mgo.v2 is deprecated and unsupported? is juju and charmstore moving to a diff library? is that rough?19:12
cmaloneyWhere are you seeing that it is unsuported / deprecated?19:19
jrwrenfollow through to the github repo19:23
waldo323is there a central gitlab server or is it mostly host your own?19:30
waldo323wow, old place of work is prominent on the gitlab page - too bad my group wasn't using it19:32
greg-git's open core, so a ton of people just use the main offering19:33
greg-gbut gnome and debian are notable in that they run their own instances19:33
jrwrenas long as Nat is CEO of github, I'll continue to trust them.19:33
jrwrenhell, I trust them even more now.19:33
greg-gso, does "startup" now just mean "any company that is actively looking to be bought out for the right price"?19:35
cmaloneyMy biggest concern is they're going to try to make money on github19:35
cmaloneyand as someone who worked for Sourceforge that is a rather dubious path19:35
jrwrencmaloney: GH already makey money. 200M+ in revenue19:36
cmaloneyAnd they owe how much to VCs?19:36
jrwrenthey have sold GH enterprise for many years now.19:36
greg-gto MS :)19:36
cmaloneyThey might be profitable, but I think they took on a lot of debt to get there19:36
cmaloneyhence the MS acquisition19:37
waldo323hopefully it will improve git (and version control in general) adoption throughout many industries where it was lacking before19:41
waldo323gets old fast19:42
greg-gthe only solution to that problem (shittily versioned text docs that Communications etc people create) is google docs19:43
greg-gI should add "... that I found"19:43
waldo323that is a good solution.  office could come with git and have settings to allow for saving + committing, pushing etc19:45
jrwrenmy query aggregates and windowing function knowledge isn't good enough.20:55
jrwrenI have a table that has user_pk and creation_time of referals that a sales person has referred customers to. I'm trying to find the right aggregates and window functions to group them so that the query results are ordered by the first, second, third, etc sales person to refer some count N during a threashold of time, creation time between start/end.20:55
rick_h_jrwren: well mongo is finally putting together an official go client20:59
rick_h_jrwren: so one day I expect us to move to that, but it's still alpha20:59
rick_h_jrwren: so not sure20:59
cmaloneySeems a little premature to deprecate the old library if the official one isn't ready21:51
cmaloneyI mean, this isn't JavaScript21:51

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