
comodore64talk me world00:05
comodore64this is where are you?00:05
oerhekshmm, we are not the yellow pages comodore6400:06
RoadRunnerwhat is the advantage of limiting access to a floppy drive?00:40
streakyno floppy viruses?00:42
streakyi haven't seen a floppy drive in a pc for like 20 years :s00:43
kk4ewtRoadRunner, well for one machines havent came with them for many years00:43
streakyesoteric question of the day right there00:44
streakyone for reddit methinks00:45
RoadRunnerkk4ewt: even if there is just one left in the world, why deliberately take away the "write" priveledge?00:48
streakyis this in response to something that's happened that i missed?00:49
RoadRunnerstreaky: you probably missed that if someone still got a working drive and a box of floppies, they are way cheaper than usb sticks...00:50
streakyand way less useful00:50
waltmanIf it's like CDs, I'm guessing the answer is that it's a multiuser operating system, and you don't necessarily want any random user accessing it.00:50
streakyi can think of reasons to limit writes in a more general sense00:51
streakylike to prevent data exfiltration or accidentally destroying data00:51
* waltman calls shenanigans on "way cheaper"00:51
streakyquite, individually you get get them cheaper and more reliable, even factoring in inflation and peak manufacture00:51
RoadRunnerwaltman: can't get cheaper than free00:52
streakybeen to literally any trade show in the last 10 years?00:52
waltmanIndeed. I've got a pile of free usb sticks I've gotten as swag at conferences.00:52
RoadRunnerstreaky: re: less usefull - not so, if your files are small00:52
waltmanorders of magnitude slower.00:52
streakyfloppy disks are just data destruction machines00:53
streakythey're much bigger, much slower, much smaller and massively less reliable00:53
streakyoops i have a magnet in my bag, bye bye data00:54
alphagood job00:54
alphais your data backedup?00:54
waltmanIs there anything preventing this hypothetical user who's still got a floppy drive and a pile of free floppies that still work from just changing the setting to make it writeable?00:54
streakyalpha, floppy disk discussion going on for reasons passing understanding, it's not an actual thing :p00:55
alphaoh ok00:55
alphajust joined so all I saw was the streaky talking about the magnet00:56
streakyplus yeah actually now you mention it - carrying storage around in 2018 is pretty passé anyway - because y'know, nextcloud google et al00:56
RoadRunnerwaltman: it precisely changing the settings that is going to be an issue for someone who still has floppies :)00:56
alphayeah, that's true00:57
streakywhich leads me nicely into westworld is about to start..00:57
oerheksone needs 8" floppies to reprogram nuclear rockets, no?00:57
RoadRunneroerheks: so I've heard :)00:57
RoadRunnerbut that's even older than 20 years...00:59
oerheksedit /etc/group  find the floppy group and add your username next to it, then save the file. this might fix the groups problem so you can write01:03
kk4ewtand with all group changes you will have to logout, login01:04
oerhekssudo usermod -a -G groupName userName01:06
SporkWitchkk4ewt: there's actually a command to refresh groups without logging out, at least in a terminal; i always forget it and have to google it, though01:08
hggdhSporkWitch: newgrp <new group>01:28
SporkWitchkk4ewt: ^01:29
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spacemanwhat doing02:13
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szusihi guys someone can help me?03:52
szusii want to install teamviewer but i get error: dependency is not satisfiable libc603:54
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ChaiTRexIt seems fairly easy to convert the Caps Lock key into a few common keys, like Esc or Ctrl. How can I convert Caps Lock into the A (the letter) key or an XF86AudioPlay key?04:36
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loso_Hello Ubuntu people!04:47
lotuspsychjeloso_: good morning, how can we help you?04:47
loso_Just showing a good friend the magic that is IRC. Thanks for checking in!04:48
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slingamn`perf top` reports high CPU usage from acpi_processor_ffh_cstate_enter05:12
slingamni found this related bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/157927805:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1579278 in sysvinit (Ubuntu Xenial) "Keep powersave CPU frequency scaling governor for CPUs that support intel_pstate" [Medium,Triaged]05:12
slingamnwhich suggested setting the scaling governor to "performance" as a workaround05:12
slingamnbut it does not work in my case05:12
slingamnthe CPU is an Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     T8300  @ 2.40GHz05:12
madwizardlblume: \o05:22
madwizardlblume: Coffee?05:22
pragomerI try to losetup -o $((512*2048)) /dev/loop0 myimage.dd as ROOT05:32
pragomerbut I get no permissions error.05:32
pragomerwhat could be the reason?05:32
corey__Hi, is there anyway to improve the responsiveness of ubuntu 18.04s UI? i'm running a AMD RX 560 / amd ryzen 1700, fresh install default & wayland are both tear free, but laggy when moving windows or just using firefox05:44
lotuspsychjecorey__: gnome is known to be more laggy, can you check if your driver loaded well? sudo lshw -C video05:49
corey__i think its more of the compositor05:51
lotuspsychjecorey__: driver looks loaded correctly05:52
corey__is ubuntu 18.04's default compositor mutter? can i change the way it vsyncs?05:53
corey__on other distros i'd use compton to fix tearing with xrendr as backend and vsync type as drm05:53
lotuspsychjecorey__: you think its graphics related, or just overall system laggy?05:56
corey__it's definitely related to the default compositor, this is a pretty beefy system so i assume the way it syncs isn't the best for this card05:57
corey__also have tried updating all of the drivers with optimizations from Oibaf05:58
lotuspsychjecorey__: tryed other kernels too?05:58
lotuspsychjecorey__: you might wanna have a look in dmesg/syslog too to see whats happening with amdgpu05:59
corey__what ones would you suggest? i'm not seeing anything funny in dmesg/syslog i'll try https://liquorix.net/ i guess06:01
lotuspsychje!mainline | corey__ as test06:03
ubottucorey__ as test: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds06:03
lotuspsychjecorey__: we dont advice using other external kernel adding/compiling06:05
lotuspsychjecorey__: did you try the dri part in this tut? https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-install-the-latest-amd-radeon-drivers-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux06:06
corey__gotcha, i'll give that a shot thanks06:09
Remboi'm getting this after patching my ubuntu server, what do i need to do? : pyOpenSSL module is not found. To be able to validate SSL certificates of hosts with SNI support please, install pyOpenSSL >= 0.1306:30
byte00Rembo perhaps a solution here: https://github.com/cloudera/hue/issues/20506:33
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RahulANHi All06:44
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Dani-hpHello, i have some more questions about diskless ubuntu/thin client (root on nfs).. What about network interrupts? How good can Root-on-NFS Ubuntu's handle these?07:20
Edistoon ubuntu regular there are 2 vlc players. What is the second that plays all movies? I am on ubuntu mate but I only see 1 on the store07:33
geirhado you mean video players?07:36
geirhaif so you might be thinking of vlc and mpv07:36
Edistogeirha: When I just on ubuntugnome there were two on the store. One said for dvd,vcd,etc. And the other played mp4, flv, avi, etc..07:37
Edistotrying to play mp4 files and it is crashing like the dvd,vcd vlc player07:38
guiver_dEdisto: i'm not aware of more than one VLC; I SUSPECT if more than one is seen on the store, one is the deb version, other versions being snaps  (which could be a different version(s))07:49
Edistoguiver_d: yeah.. They appear to be different versions. I had to install the gnome software from boutique. One is 3.03 and the other is 3.02 which crahses07:50
guiver_dVLC i believe requires codecs; esp to play dvds.  I don't know if the snap would use codecs installed for the deb version (it may if the snap is packaged as a classic-snap; but I couldn't tell you how to check sorry)07:53
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lotuspsychje!nfs | Dani-hp07:58
ubottuDani-hp: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.07:58
lotuspsychjeDani-hp: we have also the #ubuntu-server channel if you like07:59
lblumemadwizard: Why, yes, certainly.08:01
lotuspsychjeslingamn: wich ubuntu version do you have?08:03
slingamnlotuspsychje: sorry, i think my pidgin crashed08:04
Dani-hplotuspsychje: Thanks :) I do know nfs in general. I just wonder if someone has experience how some ubuntu runs with root on nfs..08:04
lotuspsychjeslingamn: did it work on other ubuntu versions?08:04
slingamn/proc/version says 4.15.0-22-generic08:04
slingamnnever tested this on any other versions08:04
lotuspsychjeslingamn: an idea to test perhaps, and add to the bug url?08:05
slingamnyeah maybe08:05
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lotuspsychjeslingamn: or other kernel test08:05
myrathello everybody08:06
lotuspsychjemyrat: welcome, how can we help you?08:06
myrati have non working wifi driver iwl394508:06
myratin laptop fujitsu amilo pi150508:07
dudejihi we lost some files from recycle bin and after using testdisk , we got files but all files are empty. any luck with that ?08:08
lotuspsychjedudeji: did you try recover data with photorec?08:08
dudejidirectly from test disk08:09
lotuspsychjedudeji: photorec is the recovery part from testdisk08:09
tomeaton17Hello, I am trying to flash a usb stick with gparted to resize my boot partition. However whenever I boot with the usb stick, it just takes me to the grub fallback shell. what have i done wrong? I am on a UEFI system08:09
dudejiwe issued command sudo testdisk08:09
dudejiand from there we navigated folder and recovered it.08:10
lotuspsychjedudeji: try sudo photorec and scan whole hd08:10
EriC^^tomeaton17: did you md5sum the iso?08:10
lotuspsychjedudeji: if photorec cant recover, your data is prob dead08:10
EriC^^dudeji: you can choose in photorec which file types to recover08:10
tomeaton17EriC^^: I have tried with rufus and tuxboot, and I believe tuxboot did a md5sum check08:10
tomeaton17Also I have tried with etcher08:11
EriC^^tomeaton17: in the shell try typing "normal" then "configfile /boot/grub/grub.cfg"08:11
EriC^^tomeaton17: ps you can always resize boot without a live usb fwiw08:11
tomeaton17EriC^^: can I resize it with the ubuntu live disc08:12
tomeaton17EriC^^: Does the live disk have cfdisk08:14
EriC^^tomeaton17: yeah08:15
dudejiafter i select some folder it directly starts recovering from harddisk is it expected behaviour ?08:16
EriC^^dudeji: yeah i believe so08:17
dudejibasically partition.08:17
EriC^^dudeji: did you choose the file type?08:17
EriC^^well that's a mistake08:17
EriC^^it doesnt recover names or dir structures08:17
EriC^^what kind of file did you delete?08:18
ericrajuinM$ bought github ..08:19
lotuspsychjei always scan whole hd without filetypes08:19
dudejiit has option for python compiled files.08:19
lotuspsychjeofftopic ericrajuin08:19
mjaykAnyone got miracast working with ubuntu08:31
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mIk3_08mjayk: yes! MiracleCast is an open-source implementation of the Miracast technology.08:45
tomeaton17Hi guys I need help resizing my boot partition https://i.imgur.com/tVCB8WC.png but the microsoft reserved partition is in the way. what do I do08:52
kemistenhi ive installed a snap using 'snap install' isnt it installed on the system? i cant edit the files from the snap i dont understand why08:53
ducassekemisten: the snap files are in a read-only squashfs, and not intended to be edited08:54
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Nothing4Youcan i not install the desktop target in expert install from an iso?08:56
kemistenhow do i install them on my system?08:57
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guiver_dkemisten: the beauty of snaps is the are easy to install (download), remove (single squash fs), are self-sufficient & portable (work regardless of version, even OS) -- installing as if a .deb defeats the advantages of snaps09:02
=== guiver_d is now known as guiverc
kuberonI'm seeing there is a fair amount of hype around liunx touted to be this big competitor to other OSes, this big powerul customizable thing ...09:33
kuberonI'm finding that to be pathetically false for example https://askubuntu.com/questions/50581/is-there-an-ubuntu-theme-available-to-make-it-look-like-windows-709:33
kuberon --> The Gnome-2 Win7 theme used two key capabilities that (as yet) have not been ported to Gnome-3.09:33
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kuberonSo same thing about removing old features09:34
kuberonall for the new trendy look09:34
kuberonmost popular distros are being run corporatively, no difference really, bunch of nonsense "opensource"09:35
jluclol unhappiness is not related to OSes09:43
adrian_1908looks like he left already, just ranting i guess. I don't know where he saw "a fair amount of hype" but I certainly haven't.09:43
mr_fresh__How can i set a DSL connection in the new gnome environment?09:51
mjaykAnyone know the neon channel09:57
nav_Hi All, what is the difference between HWE & GA kernels?10:04
guiverchwe = hardware enablement; lets you run the latest kernel for purposes of using latest hardware; standard kernels have bug fixes backported & are often considered more stable, but can be less useful for newer hardware10:06
guiverc(ga=general availability; or std - had to look that one up!)10:08
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darai'm having terrible trouble installing phpmyadmin. it won't accept my database administrative password10:32
adrian_1908dara: consider asking in #ubuntu-server as well, they probably run into such questions more often10:36
daraadrian_1908, thanks10:37
adrian_1908np :)10:37
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BluesKajHey folks10:42
asanchezh56mastyhibacjcjj j v vjihb nos entramos en insta?11:06
asanchezh56la madera11:07
asanchezh56voy a entrarme en insta11:07
sadiazd02que se megastan los dsatos11:07
asanchezh56bueno vale11:07
asanchezh56tengo1006 seguidores11:08
guivercthis is a Ubuntu Support channel - please stay on topic.11:09
asanchezh56q es ubuntu11:09
sadiazd02hola adrian11:09
asanchezh56hola desconocido11:09
asanchezh56q tal11:09
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.11:10
sadiazd02NO PETES11:11
asanchezh56esto es publico11:12
sadiazd02bueno si11:12
asanchezh56osea q lo puede ver tol mundo11:12
sadiazd02si se entra alguien sdi11:12
asanchezh56@albasanchez3007 @albasanchez3007 sigueme rtud11:14
asanchezh56sigueme en insta11:14
asanchezh56soy alba11:14
sadiazd02hola? hay alguien11:14
asanchezh56no os marcheis q nos aburrimos en clase de tecno11:15
asanchezh56nav q nos aburrimos no te salgas11:15
asanchezh56de donde eres?11:15
nav_Regarding HWE & GA kernels, how frequently these kernels get released? Are both kernels released for every 6 months?11:15
asanchezh56im alba how are uç11:16
nav_For Ubuntu 16.04.x LTS, starting kernel version is v4.4, what will be the maximum supported HWE kernel version?11:16
sodhiI'm having issues with a custom PS1 for my BASH shell. I've colored a few items to my eyes pleasing, but it has completely borked textwrapping. If I type too long a line, it wraps on the same line ("deleting" the part of the cmd, I've already written) and if I use history (arrow keys), the location of the start of the CMD is set wrong by Bash, so I can't see what I'm editing.11:17
sadiazd02you're british or american nav_11:17
asanchezh56do you speak spanish?11:17
adrian_1908nav_: kernels get steady updates. minor versions definitely see updates every 6 months, but I think sometimes within a single release too.11:17
guivercnav_: standard GA kernels are for each release; eg. 16.04 LTS 4.4 kernel came out with 16.04 & remains the same (with patches backported to it, so minor upgrades). HWE kernels mean 16.04 would then use 16.10 kernel, 17.04 kernel, 17.10 etc...11:17
asanchezh56hello yo soy española podeis hablar en español y no en chino11:18
adrian_1908!es | asanchezh5611:18
ubottuasanchezh56: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.11:18
guivercHWE kernels obviously only make sense with LTS releases nav_11:18
adrian_1908^ thanks11:18
sodhiI wonder why people are so set on trolling :/11:19
sodhiYou'd need to be some sort of sadistic human being to enjoy bothering others with no personal gain apart from said joy.11:19
adrian_1908I think boredom is a common cause. People often get abrasive when they realize a channel of 1600+ users is practically always idle.11:20
sodhiPossibly. That's how IRC works - and has always worked, though. Don't come here expecting instant answers :)11:20
JimBuntusodhi, Bullying is a big thing in schools, and carry's hefty penalties. Now those school children turn to IRC. That's how I look at it.11:21
sodhi.. and if you're bored, play a game, start a new programming project or go outside and do something.11:21
adrian_1908I meant irrespective of their own questions. They expect vibrant discussion, not silence. At least that's my perception.11:22
guivercexcellent point JimBuntu11:22
JimBuntusodhi, You clearly mean "roll" outside and do something.11:22
nav_adrian_1908: Thanks11:22
nav_Guiverc: Thanks for the clarification. Are these explained in wiki or any other place? If so can you point me on this.11:22
sodhiYeah, *roll* outside and do something :-D11:22
guivercnav_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/RollingLTSEnablementStack11:23
guiverc(as i open it & check its relevant...)11:23
nav_Guiverc: Thanks. I'll have a look.11:23
guivercmost welcome nav_11:24
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gambl0rehow do i move the panel to the bottom?12:13
v0lksmanbeen ages since I've done anything on an Ubuntu desktop but I need to ssh to one and export the filemanager display back to my local so I can move files around using a GUI.  What command would invoke a filemanager window?12:14
v0lksmanusing 14.0412:16
Teguhumm, I think the default is "nautilus", is it?12:16
guivercgambl0re: providing more info (version of ubuntu for example) may help, but look in the tweak tool12:17
v0lksmannautilus brings up a window but it's blank12:17
gambl0reguiverc, i figured out how to do it12:19
v0lksmanhrm...it's my local though...I can click around in that window and see context menus appear but are all blank12:19
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jaydemirI need to burn 10 copies of multiple different CDs. If I SATA connect a bunch of cd burners to an ubuntu desktop, would it be possible to burn multiple discs at once?12:37
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compdocjaydemir, you would think so12:39
jaydemirI've burned an occasional dvd here and there but I've never taken on a bulk project12:40
jaydemirI've gotta burn over 100 audio CDs >.>12:40
pWnGejaydemir: i think u can burn multiple copies at once using brasero or something not sure doe never really needed to do so12:41
adrian_1908jaydemir: I would imagine so long the program supports it, that should work. GUI applications might refuse to run more than one instance, so maybe a cmd utility that lets you pass the target device would be an optiion.12:42
compdocjaydemir  ^12:43
adrian_1908that looks well suited.12:43
jaydemirI'll check it out. Thanks!12:45
regdudeHi! Where is the networking related config file located at in Ubuntu Server 18? /etc/network/interfaces doesn't seem to have any effect12:47
compdoci think its /etc/netplan now12:47
CyberManifestHi, which version of Debian is Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver based on/built from?12:48
regdudecompdoc: seems like it ,thanks!12:49
adrian_1908CyberManifest: I might be wrong, but I don't think Ubuntu inherits from Debian in that sense.12:49
compdocregdude, do you create bridges for KVM?12:49
tomeaton17Hello, I am looking for some calculator software that emulates a real calculator. I dont care which calculator it emulates, as long as it is easy to use and doesn't require me to source a ROM. Any ideas?12:50
CyberManifestadrian_1908: for the longest time I've been told that Ubuntu is based on Debian12:51
regdudecompdoc: not in Ubuntu, but I always use OVS12:51
adrian_1908CyberManifest: right, but I think that just meant to say that Ubuntu immitates Debian. The two OSes don't "track" each other (in lockstep) afaik.12:51
CyberManifestadrian_1908: I mean after all they do at least share the same package manager, do they not?12:52
adrian_1908they do12:52
Southern_GentlemCyberManifest, yes it is based not a direct fork12:52
pWnGeubuntu is BASED on debian12:52
CyberManifestSouthern_Gentlem: so which version of Debian is Ubuntu 18.04 "based"?12:53
pWnGethe base system is the same but all the updates are not driven from debian12:53
Southern_Gentlemjust like fedora is based on RHEL, and now it is the upstream for RHEL12:53
pWnGebasiclly it is based on debian but whatever happens to it is not in hands of debian but cannonical12:54
pWnGethey after all maintain it12:54
CyberManifestok, what is Ubuntu 18.04's upstream?12:54
Southern_Gentlemor the projects it uses12:55
adrian_1908And they have different release cycles no? So I don't think one could state Ubuntu 18.04 == Debian x.x, hence my original reply.12:55
andrew_me name temmi12:55
andrew_an dis mah fen temmi12:55
tomreynubuntu syncs a lot of packages from debian still. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Ubuntu/ForDebianDevelopers#How_does_Ubuntu_cooperate_with_Debian.3F https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SyncRequestProcess12:55
CyberManifestadrian_1908: Ubuntu 18.04 ~~ Debian ?.?12:56
pWnGeu cant compare debian to ubuntu on other then the base system12:56
CyberManifestMaybe the Debian guys will know12:56
pWnGefor example they both use apt and they both use systemd but they come with different precompiled softare12:56
andrew_do u know da game undertale12:56
tomreyn!ot | andrew_12:57
ubottuandrew_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:57
adrian_1908CyberManifest: hard to say really. You could compare multiple different things to base such a statement on. e.g. kernel versions, core library versions. I don't think such a statement can be sensibly made.12:57
CyberManifestadrian_1908: predominately based on majority of software elements, could you guess?12:58
andrew_D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:<12:59
andrew_D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:<12:59
andrew_D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:<12:59
CyberManifestSo, supposedly Ubuntu is "BASED" on Debian, but no one can offer me any DIRECT lineage; other than to say it uses bits and pieces?12:59
andrew_D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:< D:<12:59
tomreynCyberManifest: did you read the links i posted?13:00
adrian_1908CyberManifest: 18.04 is definitely "newer" than the current Debian stable (9), that much I can say.13:00
mIk3_08hey! kick that shit!... "andrew_"13:00
tomreynmIk3_08: he's gone, also please watch your language.13:01
CyberManifesttomreyn: didn't see them till now13:01
BluesKajmIk3_08, he's gone13:01
mIk3_08tomreyn: sorry13:01
=== Nach0z_ is now known as Nach0z
CyberManifesttomreyn: those links only provide information in regards to how it works, the process, and how to use it; not much of a conclusive answer to my original question or even really a hint.13:08
CyberManifesttomreyn: but thanks though13:08
cr1mson_kingCyberManifest, my guess is they grab packages from Debian testing or unstable13:08
CyberManifestcr1mson_king: so the sid branch13:09
tomreynyes, unstable / sid13:14
CyberManifesttomreyn, cr1mson_king, thank you for your help, information, and time.13:18
bobeohaving an issue with ubuntu, cant delete old kernel versions,and I cant download updates. To make matters worse, its giving me an error, telling me I have to download an update to a kernel before I can delete the old kernels. I cant manually delete files from the directory either, even as root. Ideas?13:20
bobeotried sudo apt autoremove, sudo apt autoremove -f , apt autoremove, and apt autoremove -f as regular and root.13:22
diskinhi all, when I suspend my laptop (ubuntu 16.04) via system menu, nothing is added to /var/log/pm-suspend.log, but when I run sudo pm-suspend from command line, the log is being updated. Why is that?13:23
Southern_Gentlembobeo,  one question why are you trying to remove old kenrels ?13:23
diskinbobeo, "and I cant download updates" - what is the problem?13:25
bobeomy /boot is full, thus I cant update. It tells me I have to install an update to complete an unmet dependecy so I can use autoremove. I dont have teh space to install the update to be able to use autoremove.13:26
snpresentwhy an ip using tcpros protocol connecting my ubuntu computer???13:26
bobeoThis is really annoying,a nd unless its fixed will force me to reformat probably the single most important system I have.13:26
adrian_1908snpresent: how would anyone else know? Have you tried looking for more information on the IP?13:28
Cheezbobeo: delete older / unused kernels, you can list and remove them using dpkg which will then free up space on /boot so apt works properly again.13:28
bobeoSouthern_Gentlem: Cheez I understand that, I cant.13:28
bobeoits telling me I have to use the -f option because of "unmet dependencies" and then it tries to install a 72.4Mb item, and obviously fails becuase of lack of space.13:29
snpresentadrian_1908, i just want to know is tcpros dangerous???13:29
Cheezbobeo: have you tried an apt-get remove of the linux-header files? that may actually work13:29
bobeoCheez: yes13:29
bobeolhicks@lab-maas:~$ sudo apt-get remove -f linux-image-4.10.0-42-generic Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these: The following packages have unmet dependencies:  linux-image-extra-4.10.0-42-generic : Depends: linux-image-4.10.0-42-generic but it is not going to be installed  linux-image-extra-4.13.0-43-generic : Depends: 13:30
adrian_1908snpresent: I don't know. Probably no risk, but be sure to run a firewall.13:31
bobeothis seems to be a reoccuring problem, might I humbly recommend a forced state of no more than 5 backlogged kernels, and this problem goes away.13:31
bobeomy first quess is it corrupted, or partially corrupted my current kernel install, which is keeping me from removing the old files.13:32
microwaved_what you need to do is: go to /usr/sources  or /usr/src/13:33
snpresentadrian_1908, thanks anyway:)13:33
microwaved_check which ones are there13:33
microwaved_and if you removed your current kernel that you are running on by accident , make sure to reinstall them13:33
microwaved_and remove the older ones13:33
bobeomicrowaved_: I cant. I cant remove anything.13:33
adrian_1908snpresent: I definitely recommend looking up the IP though (just do a websearch/geoip), it should be interesting either way.13:34
microwaved_bobeo: you don't have sudo rights?13:34
bobeomicrowaved_: thats the problem, its not letting me remove ANYTHING until I add this file, which is stupid, putting it bluntly, as it creates a race condition that causes a system failure.13:34
bobeomicrowaved_: I do have sudo rights.13:34
microwaved_bobeo: what do you see when you do uname -a13:34
bobeomicrowaved_: Ive tried it as a regular user, and as root13:34
microwaved_tell me the output of uname -a13:35
microwaved_bobeo: tell me the output of uname -a please13:35
bobeomicrowaved_: Linux lab-maas 4.13.0-38-generic #43~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Mar 14 17:48:43 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux13:35
snpresentadrian_1908, i did already,i found only a company,do you like to know the ip address?13:35
adrian_1908snpresent: sure, why not :)13:36
microwaved_bobeo: ok so you're running on 4.13.0-3813:36
microwaved_bobeo: the one thing that bothers me why is it asking for 4.10.0-4213:36
bobeomicrowaved_: thats a great question, why does it care about dependencies of a kernel Im wanting to delete. Why would you force someone to update a kernel you want to remove?13:37
microwaved_bobeo: what you can do is, just install these kernel files, you can either et them through that command or download them with wget13:37
snpresentif you can please me feedback13:37
bobeomicrowaved_: I cant download anything, im out of space, thats the problem. Its trying to force me to download a kernel file toa  location thats out of space so I can delete the kernel to fix an out of space issue.13:38
microwaved_bobeo: did you also do a du -ah?13:38
bobeoIts the same idea as asking me to put more coke into a coke bottle than will fit so I can pour it out.13:38
bobeomicrowaved_: theres no space left, literally its telling me 0 bytes of space left13:38
bobeoand wow, the amount of config files chrome has o.o13:39
microwaved_bobeo: will it allow you to search for big files?13:39
adrian_1908snpresent: looks to me like it might just be a regular ISP subscriber. Could simply be crawling the web looking for insecure devices. If you have your firewall set up (e.g. GUFW in Ubuntu) to defaults, you shouldn't have to worry about it.13:39
bobeomicrowaved_: My kernel files are GBs in size. Comparatively to the kbs of smaller files, they dwarf everything else13:40
bobeobut yes, it allows me the search13:40
snpresentadrian_1908, thank you for your advice!:)13:40
Nothing4Youis there no gnome-tweak-tool anymore for bionic?13:41
microwaved_do you have more files next to 4.10.0-4213:41
Nothing4Youhow do i disable window grouping in alt-tab?13:41
bobeoii  linux-image-4.10.0-42-generic       4.10.0-42.46~16.04.1 amd64        Linux kernel image for version 4.10.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP ii  linux-image-4.13.0-26-generic       4.13.0-26.29~16.04.2 amd64        Linux kernel image for version 4.13.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP ii  linux-image-4.13.0-31-generic       4.13.0-31.34~16.04.1 amd64        Linux kernel image for version 4.13.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP ii  linux-image-4.13.0-32-generic       4.13.0-3213:42
microwaved_bobeo: show me the output of 'ls -ltra /usr/sources  or /usr/src/13:42
bobeoalso, sorry everyone for all the text, I dont have the space or ability to install pastebinit13:42
bobeototal 136 drwxr-xr-x 11 root root 4096 Feb 15  2017 .. drwxr-xr-x 27 root root 4096 Aug 23  2017 linux-headers-4.10.0-32 drwxr-xr-x  7 root root 4096 Aug 23  2017 linux-headers-4.10.0-32-generic drwxr-xr-x 27 root root 4096 Aug 29  2017 linux-headers-4.10.0-33 drwxr-xr-x  7 root root 4096 Aug 29  2017 linux-headers-4.10.0-33-generic drwxr-xr-x 27 root root 4096 Sep 19  2017 linux-headers-4.10.0-35 drwxr-xr-x  7 root root 4096 Sep 19  213:43
leftyfbbobeo: you could just copy and paste yourself13:43
bobeoleftyfb: yea thats what Im doing. Trying not to spam, moving to PM. Will update with answer as we find it, and create a post on ubuntu13:44
leftyfbbobeo: I mean, just copy your terminal, paste to paste.ubuntu.com and copy/paste the URL here13:45
leftyfbbobeo: please keep all conversation about your issue here, not in PM13:45
leftyfbbobeo: You can also use something like:   ls /usr/sources | nc termbin.com 999913:46
leftyfbbobeo: sorry, I'm just joining this morning. What exactly is the issue?13:46
bobeocant remove old kernels filling up space in order to install updates, cant remove the kernel because its trying to force me to update an old kernel so I can remove it, but cant remove it because no space in /boot. Also cant manually remove old kernels from /boot, either through file manager, or command line with sudo apt-get remove, or sudo apt autoremove, as a regular user, or as root13:48
bobeoleftyfb: ^13:48
leftyfbbobeo: http://iam.tj/projects/ubuntu/apt-autoremove-old-kernels13:48
leftyfbrun that13:48
bobeoleftyfb: already tried that, first it tells me to use the -f option, then it tries to force me to install a 72.4Mb patch to an old kernel so I can remove kernels, which is why its failing, and why I cant remove old kernels13:49
leftyfbbobeo: can you pastebin the output of running the script I gave you?13:50
EriC^bobeo: can you pastebin 'df -h' ?13:51
leftyfbEriC^: I got this. It's not too hard to fix this. Just takes some steps. First is getting EXACTLY what kernel's it's complaining about13:52
bobeoEriC^: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/NtVTJhdf3f/13:52
bobeoleftyfb: same issue13:54
* Owner4u asks: For Ubuntu 18.04 I see vm.swappiness = 10 but there is also no setting for it in /etc/sysctl.conf - isn't Ubuntu's default 60 normally???13:55
leftyfbbobeo: you didn't give me a pastebin output like I asked13:55
Owner4uany ideas on vm.swappiness??13:58
adrian_1908Owner4u: maybe check out the files in /etc/sysctl.d/ for a setting13:59
=== Ricardus_ is now known as Ricardus
leftyfbbobeo: ?14:01
Owner4uadrian_1908: Yo Adrian! <smirk> my brother Adrian hates that phrase! I will do that... I checked /etc/sysctl.conf is all I checked - but okay! I also did a fresh install and it seems to be 10 unmodified I always though 60 was the default14:02
ChaiTRexOwner4u: It's not usually added to /etc/sysctl.conf by default. Just add a line at the bottom: vm.swappiness = 1014:02
adrian_1908ChaiTRex: His is 10 and he doesn't know where that value comes from (from what I understand)14:03
=== ErichEickmeyer_ is now known as ErichEickmeyer
Owner4uoh! YOU ARE RIGHT! when I installed UbuntuStudio onto my desktop a file in there was added so jackd would not get swapped out to fast!!14:04
Owner4uthank you sir!14:04
adrian_1908glad to help!14:05
bobeoHey everyone, sorry for the delays! I was messing around with it and realized it was a few issues. I really do appreciate all the help everyone gave me. The solution was to get rid of the old package headers and images manually, as it wasnt allowing me to use auto or remove via sudo dpkg --remove --force-depends linux-image-extra-4.13.0-32-generic14:14
leftyfbbobeo: You deleted the header files manually?14:15
bobeoleftyfb: the header files and the image files. Once I removed the offending file, 4.13.0-32, it allowed me to return to standard performance14:15
leftyfbbobeo: that was the wrong thing to do14:16
leftyfbnow you've got packaged installed with it's files missing14:16
microwaved_yeah but thats easy to fix14:16
leftyfbbobeo: If you had responded to me with the information I asked for, I could have given you a few steps to fix it properly14:16
microwaved_dpkg -l 'linux-*' | sed '/^ii/!d;/'"$(uname -r | sed "s/\(.*\)-\([^0-9]\+\)/\1/")"'/d;s/^[^ ]* [^ ]* \([^ ]*\).*/\1/;/[0-9]/!d'14:17
microwaved_thats a way to show what kernels are registered14:17
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=== Nicmavr is now known as Guest27724
microwaved_some commands to analyse sudo apt-get clean; dpkg -l | grep linux-image | grep -v extra14:19
microwaved_here's one you might want to note14:20
microwaved_To find if any broken packages are there:14:20
microwaved_    sudo dpkg -l | grep "^iU"14:20
microwaved_    To remove broken packages any of two commands will help:14:20
microwaved_    sudo apt-get -f install14:20
microwaved_    sudo apt-get remove --purge $(sudo dpkg -l | grep "^iU" | awk '{print $2}' | tr '\n' ' ')14:20
leftyfb!paste | microwaved_14:21
ubottumicrowaved_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:21
adrian_1908too much help :D14:21
bobeohey leftyfb I tried the script, which was really impressive btw, but it gave me the same error as before. I remember that someone mentioned try removing the headers manually, which I tried, but not with dpkg. Now that Ive removed the headers, and the image files, everything is working fine again. Im sure its not the "proper" way potentially, but it is working, and I can install packages again, and the first thing Im adding, pastebinit14:21
microwaved_i just noted all these down because i made the same mistakes back in the day aswell i just create my own guide14:21
bobeoalso, again I apologize for the mess all over chat I made manually posting.14:21
=== andyrock_ is now known as andyrock
microwaved_i'm not sure why leftyfb says its the wrong way to do it but i have been managing my ubuntu's for ages like that if something messed up but once you fix it just let it autoremove the kernels by using apt-get autoremove and autoclean14:22
microwaved_there are more ways that lead to the same solution14:23
bobeoas for ill effects, I did run into issues installing updates initially, but I finished my dist-upgrade, and now Im able to install packages fine. But yes, the initial consequenes was issues being able to install packages, command line still worked fine for the most part though.14:23
leftyfbmicrowaved_: you can easily move some of the kernel files elsewhere temporarily, uninstall some of the other kernels/headers to make enough room, move the other kernel files back, then autoremove all remaining old kernels/headers14:24
microwaved_yes so my point was fair aswell14:24
microwaved_i think you just ment the same thing in the end.14:24
leftyfbit's the cleaner/proper way14:24
bobeoleftyfb: As for moving files, but it kept telling me permission denied, even though I was owner as root with rwx privs. That part I still dont understand14:24
leftyfbdoesn't matter14:24
microwaved_meh i don't want to call it that, its "another" way14:24
leftyfbmoments over14:25
microwaved_anyway moving on14:25
microwaved_good luck bobeo, i hop we helped you14:25
bobeoyou guys really did, thank you. The moment may be over, but we'll always have 4.13.0-32-generic14:25
microwaved_its alwasys good to have 1 or 2 versions you can always go back a version14:26
SporkWitchlive dangerously, delete all the others immediately after kernel upgrade, roll those dice! lol14:38
=== Guest94 is now known as kratos123123
pragmaticenigmaFortunately with a recent upgrade to the software updater, it appears the GUI now removes older kernels during upgrade14:41
kratos123123Hi there ! anyone has a couple minutes to help me with a problem ?14:41
pragmaticenigmakratos123123: Please feel free to ask your question, all on one line, here in the chat room. If someone can help, they will respond here in the room.14:42
kratos123123thanks, well I just used the "mv" command in a wrong way and after it I am not able to boot my system anymore14:43
kratos123123to save the files is not important, but I am having some problems installing Ubuntu again14:44
pragmaticenigmakratos123123: can you explain what you mean by "installing Ubuntu again" ??14:46
kratos123123pragmaticenigma using the USB stick with the mounted ISO to reinstall Ubuntu14:48
pragmaticenigmaWhat kind of issues are you running into?14:48
tomreynkratos123123: what doesn't seem to be working then?14:52
kratos123123I am trying to find a proper way to explain it, since English is not my mother language and it's a bit hard for me. So I used the MV command and turned out being a disaster, for example a normal directory path would be... : /var/bla/bla14:54
kratos123123and I managed with the MV command to put some other directory before the /var/ ( it is just as an example ) , so basically I guess I destroyed the system, I cannot use any commands like apt-get , ls, etc etc14:55
tomreyn!de | kratos12312314:55
ubottukratos123123: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!14:55
tomreyn^ in case you prefer native (?) language suport14:55
kratos123123spanish is my native language actually14:56
tomreyn#ubuntu-es then14:56
kratos123123I will try to ask there, then ^^, thank you a lot14:56
laboratoryediting blog....14:56
laboratoryso busy.14:56
adrian_1908kratos123123: but basically, the recommendation would probably be that you just install a fresh Ubuntu over your current data, since saving the files is not that important to you.14:57
kratos123123alright I will try14:57
tomreynlaboratory: do you have an ubuntu support question?15:00
laboratoryhow dose your think about this15:00
tomreynsince this appears to be15:00
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:00
laboratoryyes, i wan't know how to install lib applications for the ubuntu 13.0415:00
tomreynlaboratory: ubuntu 13,04 is eond of life, not supported15:01
laboratoryi searched ubuntu site ,it's has old sources15:01
laboratoryi can use it now, but it's support application very little15:01
laboratorypear os,i guess that's a start of linux15:02
laboratorybut it's last version only 13.0415:02
tomreynlaboratory: this doesn't change the above facts. we do not support end of life releases here. please take this discussion elsewhere.15:02
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades15:03
laboratoryalright thanks for you reply tomreyn15:03
tomreynwelcome. be sure to use a current release for anything outside of your sanboxed laboratory15:04
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coldpresenthey all, I got a live usb of another distro, but update-grub did not find the usb. What do?15:22
coldpresentfdisk -l lists the usb as /dev/sdc, with /dev/sdc1 partition being the live distro15:23
SporkWitchi wouldn't expect update-grub to automatically add things from removable devices, sounds like asking for trouble.  The correct way to boot from a removable device is via BIO/UEFI boot settings, boot from the external device15:24
coldpresenti disabled secureboot, enabled legacy mode, allowed boot from usb, and changed boot order15:24
SporkWitchso the external / usb device is first in the order?15:25
coldpresentthe only possible thing left is mokutil validation... will try and report back15:25
SporkWitchmok doesn't apply to legacy boot15:25
SporkWitchis the USB legacy or UEFI?15:25
coldpresentah, usb has a /boot/grub/efiboot.img, so it should be UEFI right?15:26
coldpresentshall i try booting in UEFI mode?15:26
SporkWitchyup, and if it's ubuntu, it should support secureboot (if you want to use it)15:26
SporkWitchbut definitely put it in UEFI boot mode, just maybe disable secureboot15:26
coldpresentis USB Disk on top, or is USB Rom on top?15:27
coldpresentI know OS Boot Manager should be below all USB boot options15:27
adrian_1908coldpresent: you could also see if your mobo offers a boot selection menu on startup, I find that more convenient that shuffling around items in a list.15:27
SporkWitchgonna depend on your UEFI; i'd just put all the external device options at the top heh15:27
SporkWitchthat too; my UEFI main screen will let me click the boot device i want to start from and it'll just continue booting from there, no settings change required15:28
coldpresentah :( i have to press F10 to enter BIOS15:28
coldpresentgonna give it a try, thank you so much adrian_1908 and SporkWitch!15:29
coldpresentso uefi boot mode on, secureboot enabled, grub still does not detect usb live image15:39
SporkWitchcoldpresent: if you're seeing the system's grub, it's not booting from the USB15:40
coldpresentSporkWitch: damn, shall try with another USB stick then15:40
SporkWitchcoldpresent: i recommend Etcher for creating it; it's the one that i've found works reliably for creating bootable USBs15:41
coldpresentSporkWitch: i'm currently using `dd`, thanks for the recommendation, i'll give it a try15:45
SporkWitchdd and flash media DO NOT work as expected; the controller abstracts the physical layout of the drive15:45
coldpresenthuh, ubuntu help pages say dd is reliable15:46
SporkWitchfor USB? O.o15:46
SporkWitchflash, rather15:46
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SporkWitchfor an external HDD, sure, but not for flash media...15:46
coldpresenthelp page was talking about mkusb that uses dd under the hood15:47
* JimBuntu has not had issues with DD and "flash" media. It's how I have made, literally, hundreds of SDs (if not well into the thousands at this point). But... I am lucky with some things.15:47
SporkWitchi'm not sure there; i don't trust it with flash media.15:48
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
SporkWitchi've never had much luck using anything but WoeUSB for making Windows media, Etcher for linux, and official binaries for making raspi images15:49
pierreI heard this distro changed its name15:54
JimBuntupierre, which distro? Ubuntu?15:55
coldpresentso i just flashed a new usb stick with `dd`, no cigars15:56
pierreJimBuntu, to Crapbuntu15:56
pierrethere were going to change it to posbuntu but changed it at the last minute15:57
pierrewanting it to be as bad as possible, they went with the new gnblome15:57
pierrethis OS constantly freezes15:58
pierrerebooting the computer several times a day cuz of this15:58
JimBuntupierre, If you want support, there are plenty here that could actually help you... if you only want to trash talk Ubuntu, please go to #ubuntu-discuss or #ubuntu-offtopic and I am sure there will be people to talk this over with15:59
=== patriciadomin_ is now known as patriciadomin
diskinhi all, when I suspend my laptop (ubuntu 16.04) via system menu, nothing is added to /var/log/pm-suspend.log, but when I run sudo pm-suspend from command line, the log is being updated. Why is that?16:00
humm8I am waiting for an 8K screen to become available, and want to use ubuntu(mate) on it. Will this hidpi screen be supported by all ubuntu flavours which are currently released?16:02
leftyfbhumm8: I don't think you're going to get much help asking for support with technology which today isn't available16:04
SporkWitchhumm8: that would depend on the availability of drivers and hardware support, not likely something that needs explicit support by the DE16:05
coldpresentso I tried etcher, still doesn't work16:05
SporkWitchcoldpresent: something isn't being done right in your boot settings16:05
coldpresentthere is a long black screen of about 7 seconds, before shim start16:06
coldpresentusually it's 3-5 seconds16:06
SporkWitchwhat distro is this?16:06
humm8leftyfb: there are 8K screens available already, i am just waiting for the brand samsung to release one, as i think they have the greatest tft's.16:06
SporkWitchtalk to them; sounds like something wrong with their ISO16:06
coldpresentbut I also tried windows live usb, didn't work either16:06
SporkWitchcoldpresent: if you want a control, download latest Kubuntu 18.04 AMD64 ISO, use etcher to make it.  If it doesn't start, either something is wrong with your computer or your boot settings16:07
SporkWitchcan confirm that combo works with secureboot enabled as of two weeks ago16:07
coldpresentSporkWitch: great, thanks16:07
hdddasVery useful.16:08
coldpresentwill try x86_6416:08
SporkWitchsame thing16:08
humm8SporkWitch with hardware support you mean the gpu right?16:11
SporkWitchhumm8: no, the mouse :P16:11
YADW1Hello there. There's a little something that's offsetting me just a bit. Not really a problem, but, well, it's weird enough to drive me crazy.16:11
SporkWitchYADW1: If you have a question, just ask! For example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian version ___. When I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, if anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask. We're all volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get an answer try a few hours later.16:12
Jerry__what's up16:15
humm8SporkWitch i expect drivers for hidpi are not good yet, are they?16:15
rain1I just updated my ubuntu and it goes to a black and white login screen instead of the normal one where it just starts up into desktop16:15
YADW1Yes, yes, I was getting to that. People really can't hear premises nowdays, can they. Story is, on my ol' rusty laptop, when I switch to a text-only tty, it switches almost instantly, and that's okay. Curiously, though, it takes quite a while to switch back to tty7 (actually, it switches back right away, but the screen stays frozen for, say, ~7 seconds, then the pointer comes back).16:16
Jerry__hey need some help withh hplaserjetp1102w printer16:16
SporkWitchJerry__: If you have a question, just ask! For example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian version ___. When I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, if anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask. We're all volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get an answer try a few hours later.16:17
tomreynrain1: updates as in an upgrade to a new ubuntu version, or did you only install patches / pending updates?16:18
naccSporkWitch: ideally not about "Debian version..." here :)16:19
tomreynrain1: also, which graphics card(s?) do you have there, which drivers are you using (if there are multiple available)?16:19
YADW1BUT! When I plug in an external VGA monitor, it works perfectly, and I can go back and forth from tty(n) to tty7! And this, ladies and gentlemen, is when you call the Ghostbusters. Or, you write on the #ubuntu irc channel asking for clues.16:20
tomreynrain1: and finally: which ubuntu version are you running (and if you upgraded, which one were you running before)16:20
ash_worksiI used chsh to /bin/bash and logout/in; but $SHELL still says /bin/sh16:23
ash_worksiwhat gives?16:23
rain1its got a ugrl rat now as the desktop picture16:23
naccash_worksi: /bin/sh is a symlink16:25
naccash_worksi: `ls -ahl /bin/sh`16:25
tomreynalternatively: readlink -f /bin/sh16:26
ash_worksi`usermod -s /bin/bash` did it16:28
ash_worksibut yeah, it actually links to dash16:28
TrelIs there any tutorial on creating a snap package from binaries, not sources?16:30
=== chiluk_ is now known as chiluk
SporkWitchnacc: i'm lazy, i'm not making new pasta for every distro channel i'm in :P the format of the example still serves its purpose, and if the user is unable to apply the critical thought to modify it to purpose, they probably lack the critical thought to able to be helped in the first place lol16:32
naccTrel: you want #snappy, and you can just use the 'copy' plugin16:32
naccSporkWitch: you'd be surprised how many people just c&p :)16:32
SporkWitchnacc: no i wouldn't; it's part of the triage process :)16:32
SporkWitchnacc: like how THAC0 in AD&D kept out the really stupid people :P16:32
Trelnacc: cool, I'll check there, I have no idea what I'm doing with this so far16:34
naccTrel: copying a binary (probably a *static* binary) is trivial with snaps.16:34
SporkWitchnacc: what's the deal with persistence, though?  Admittedly i've only tried one, but when I installed the OpenTyrian snap, it ran fine, but it had no persistence.  Settings and game saves were lost after closing and reopening the program16:35
naccSporkWitch: fully depends on the snap and whether it is using ~/snap to save stuff, etc.16:36
naccSporkWitch: so you'd have to ask the snap maintainer16:36
SporkWitchnacc: gotcha; was trivial to install the regular version from the repos, so i gave up fast, i had just figured i'd try out the snap lol16:36
SporkWitchnacc: (since it's a one-step process instead of two, since opentyrian requires getting the game data separately)16:37
berwynHi everyone in this chatroom. I use Linux Mint 18.3 but I am wanting to change over to Ubuntu because that operating system is more secure than L M and because there are not any free security programs available (yet) that are compatible or suitable for L M!16:40
berwynSo, because of that I have an obvious question to ask. My question is: Can Ubuntu 16.04 LTS be installed onto and run on a Toshiba Equium P200 (old?) laptop?16:40
SporkWitchberwyn: mint is based on ubuntu; security is comparable, as are available applications (pretty sure mint still uses the ubuntu repos...)16:40
SporkWitchberwyn: to your question, you'd be better off googling it; there are various lists of hardware and how good its linux support is.  If Mint runs, odds are good ubuntu and its otehr derivatives will.  That said, i've had poor experiences with toshiba and linux in general, due to some odd16:41
SporkWitchACPI implementations breaking things.16:41
SporkWitch(odd on toshiba's side, not linux; FOSS tends to comply with the standards and RFCs, proprietary vendors are less reliable in this regard, heh)16:42
Trelnacc: you'd think so, but I've been trying for over a week now16:44
naccTrel: then you didn't use the #snappy channel or snapcraft forums?16:45
tomreynSporkWitch: i would disagree about LM's security being on par with Ubuntu's. Discussing this here would be wrong, I just think berwyn should know that others may share his point of view on this.16:45
TrelI didn't know about the channel until you just told me...16:46
naccTrel: ok, well, the forum is linked multiple times from https://snapcraft.io/16:46
DJonesberwyn: I'd be tempted to try xubuntu or lubuntu for an older machine, wtih lower specs16:48
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
berwyntomreyn: Hi and thanks for your reply. Also, I have been using L M for about 2 years or more after transferring over from Windows 7 and recently I have come to the conclusion that the free security for L M is either non-existent or not much after doing a lot of reading and searching on the subject! That is my main reason for asking my question!! : )16:52
berwynDJones: Hi, thanks for your reply and thanks for your suggestion of the 2 OSes to install and try on this laptop. But, your reply made me think of 1 question. My question is: Is Lubuntu and Xubuntu just as secure as Ubuntu and better secure than Linux Mint? : )16:55
SporkWitchberwyn: the OS's themselves are comparable in terms of security; the issue he was referring to, and what has hurt Mint's reputation, is a breach a few months back that resulted in a compromised ISO being distributed from one or more of their mirrors.  Normal sources were still fine, the problem was the compromised ISO on the site (e.g. if you already had Mint, you were fine, but anyone16:57
SporkWitchwho downloaded THAT ISO before they caught it and replaced it would be vulnerable)16:57
cr1mson_kingberwyn, what kind of security enhancement you're looking for? Antivirus programs don't do much nowadays. When I think of security, SELinux, AppArmor and sandboxing comes to mind, beyond what the OS has by default. But it depends on your threat model.16:57
SporkWitchthis too ^16:57
DJonesberwyn: Can't say about Linux Mint, I've never used it, in theory its based on Ubuntu, but may have random changes. Ubuntu, Xubuntu and Lubuntu are all based on the same source code, so should have the same security settings.  You would need to ask in linuxmint's supprt channel how it compares to the Ubuntu defaults, we wouldn't know that16:57
berwynSporkWitch: Hi and thanks for your reply again. I also have a question: Was is DJones that you were referring to ("the issue he was referring to")? Also, I do know about the ISO being compromised a few months back, as I read about it, and thankfully I did need download the .iso at the time because I was using L M 17.3! : )17:08
SporkWitchberwyn: yes17:10
berwyncr1mson_king: Hi and thanks for your reply. Also, the kind of "security enhancement" that I am now looking for after a lot of reading and searching is a robust second line of defence free software program for L M or something similar or maybe a much more powerful free firewall for L M or a combination of both! : )17:11
ioriaa bot17:12
oerheksfor LM  ?? wrong channel, dude17:13
=== hehehe is now known as Guest52074
berwynDJones: Hi, thanks for your reply and thanks for the information. Also, I will not be visiting the Linux Mint help chatroom for quite a long time because I got angry and upset for the lack of help/support I received in there and feeling ignored in there awhile ago ("You would need to ask in linuxmint's support channel how it compares to the Ubuntu defaults, we wouldn't know that")! : )17:17
DJonesberwyn: Fair enough, but for continued supprt here, you'll need to install a supprted version of Ubuntu17:18
ioriaDJones, i think it's a bot17:19
berwynoerhoks: Hi and thanks for your reply. Also, I did not enter this chatroom to chat about Linux Mint - just scroll up and read my original posted question! Thanks again. : )17:20
berwynioria: Hi. Thanks for your reply. Also, I did not enter this chatroom to chat about Linux Mint - just scroll up and read my original posted question! Thanks again. : )17:20
DJonesberwyn: Thanks for your reply17:20
=== Guest52074 is now known as hehehe
courrierIs this command valid to send UDP data from bash? Wireshark sniffes a lot of TCP stuff but not the outgoing UDP packet: `echo "TEST" > /dev/udp/`17:30
klemaxwhats the reason of freezing after logout?17:31
tomreyncourrier: i think this code is not included in ubuntu's bash builds (i might be wrong, though, not sure). it's usually better to use netcat or other utilities to do networking in the shell.17:35
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
=== momken_ is now known as momken
berwyncr1mson_king, DJones and SporkWitch: Was already trying to find the answer to the "2018: Is the latest version of Ubuntu compatible for a Toshiba Equium laptop? after using Google but I have not tried to find the answer to the "2018: Can the latest version of Ubuntu be installed on older Toshiba laptops?" question yet! So, the question is: What website do I visit to find out or read the answer to the first question ("2018: Is the17:50
berwynlatest version of Ubuntu compatible for a Toshiba Equium laptop?")? : (17:50
naccberwyn: why not just put ubuntu on a live usb and try?17:52
oerheksyou already run mint, so ubuntu should be no issue17:52
oerheksand Toshiba Equium is a brand, not a model17:52
oerhekscould be ton s of different hardware17:53
besiis there a program for ubuntu where packet loss can test ??17:58
tomreynbesi: ping, mtr17:58
besiTomreyn: how install taht can not find in the ubuntu Software Center ??17:59
berwynoreheks: Hi and thanks for your reply again. Also, I am sure that you are aware: Linux Mint has been built to run on older laptops. But, I am not sure about Ubuntu and that is why I asked my original question earlier. Also, I am sure that you are aware that I included "P200" after "Toshiba Equium" because that is the model name - the full model number concerned is: PSPB5E-003004KS! Thanks again : )18:00
* Ankhep s18:00
=== Ankhep is now known as s
=== s is now known as Ankhep
tomreynbesi: "sudo apt update; sudo apt install synaptic", then use the synaptic software to install the ubuntu packages you like.18:01
tomreynbesi: the software center doesn't provide you many of the softwares you need. if you prefer not to use a gprahical frontent (synaptic) you can also just use the "apt" command to install software: "sudo apt update; sudo apt install iputils-ping mtr-tiny"18:03
=== Apollo is now known as Guest66985
=== cajhne is now known as crogers
=== fabricius1 is now known as fabricius
berwynoerheks: Hi. Also, the message that I have just posted to "oreheks" was meant for you to read - sorry for mispelling your nickname! Reply soon. : )18:09
Oolberwyn: there are different flavour of Ubuntu, each choose a Desktop Environment and different software, Lubuntu need less ressources than Ubuntu or Kubuntu18:10
Sir_AndreiI have a little problem with my mic. I come from #python18:10
Sir_AndreiWell, I'm trying to access my earphones mic with pyaudio, but i cant. I think it is 'cause my earphone's mic are detected as a subdevice.18:11
Sir_AndreiHDA Intel: ALC269 Analog (hw:0,0) (the computer's mic).18:11
=== jstein_ is now known as jstein
jkhalafHello everyone18:20
berwynOol: Hi and thanks for your reply. Also, I use the Cinnamon desktop environment for Linux Mint which is an easy to use Windows-like environment and I am using a Windows XP theme. So, I have to ask you a question: Does Ubuntu include a Windows-like desktop environment or an easy to use desktop environment? Also, another question which no person has answered yet: Is Lubuntu (and maybe Kubuntu) just as secure as Ubuntu?Please answer18:21
berwynvery soon as some people in this chatroom seem to either not answer or leave! Thanks again : )18:21
jkhalafAnyone know how I can install Docker CE on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS? Official docs are not working for me :(18:21
berwynOol: Reply soon! Thanks again : )18:28
leftyfb!patience | berwyn18:28
ubottuberwyn: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/18:28
leftyfbberwyn: https://www.lifewire.com/install-cinnamon-on-ubuntu-412560518:28
leftyfbberwyn: lubuntu IS ubuntu.18:28
s17hi, friends.  i have .iso image for 17.10-desktop.  if i install that, will i be able to update it to 18.04?  would it be more efficient to just download 18.04?18:29
leftyfbs17: I would recommend installing 18.0418:30
Ools17: just download18:30
s1718.04 says i need 1024MiB RAM, 17.10 says only 384MiB.  target machine is an old lenovo t60.18:32
s17not sure on how much RAM it has right now18:32
s17maybe 2GB18:32
leftyfbs17: try it18:32
berwynleftyfb and ubottu: Hi. Thank you both for your reply and link. But, I still have a question that no one has answered yet and as soon as I have received a answer I will, probably, leave this chatroom (unless someone else interrupts my chat again)! So, my question is and was: Is Lubuntu (and maybe Kubuntu) just as secure as Ubuntu? Look forward to your answer/reply soon and thanks again : )18:38
leftyfbberwyn: I answered you. Lubuntu and Kubuntu are both Ubuntu.18:38
Gnjurachow if i have .deb package can i install all dependicys for it whiitout installing package?18:39
SporkWitchGnjurac: seems an odd requirement; why would you need the deps if you don't want the thing that depends on them?18:39
geirhaGnjurac: sudo apt install package.deb18:39
geirhaoh without installing the package itself, nevermind18:39
SporkWitchgeirha: he said _without_ installing the package itself; yeah, really odd requirement18:40
naccGnjurac: can you describe your use case?18:40
Gnjuracmy app is crashing cuz missing dependecsy i think18:41
SporkWitchGnjurac: assumping you installed the deb properly, and without --force, it should install the deps automatically; if it's missing deps after that, it indicates that the maintainer didn't list all the deps18:42
naccGnjurac: what app? something you wrote, or an ubuntu package?18:42
Gnjuraci dident install deb i installed form script.sh18:42
Gnjuracbut there is Unity3d.deb package too but i dont want to install whole unity3d again i just want dependeciys18:43
SporkWitchGnjurac: start over from the beginning, what is your end goal, what did you do, what failed and how.18:43
naccGnjurac: then you'd need to figure out what dependencies it has18:43
SporkWitch!xy | Gnjurac18:43
ubottuGnjurac: The XY problem is when you need to do X, and you think you can use Y to do X, so you ask about how to do Y, when what you really should do is state what your X problem is. There may be a Z solution that is even better than Y, but nobody can suggest it if X is never mentioned.18:43
naccGnjurac: also, there is no unity3d deb in ubuntu, so this is all third party stuff?18:43
Gnjuracyep ofc18:43
nacc!who | Gnjurac18:44
ubottuGnjurac: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:44
Gnjuraci know how to use tab18:44
Gnjuracyou guys are wierd18:44
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
naccGnjurac: you said "yep ofc" but two different people are talking to you.18:45
naccGnjurac: so we have no idea who you are replying to.18:45
naccGnjurac: and if you know how to use tab, actually use it!18:45
=== coderphive is now known as ChrisHansen
andrew_is anyone there?18:46
leftyfb!ask | andrew_18:46
ubottuandrew_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:46
=== ChrisHansen is now known as coderphive
Gnjuracnacc:  you aked if it was thired party stuff , i sead yess of corse ,  on SporkWitch xy i dont even plan to reply18:47
naccGnjurac: thank you for using irc in a way that makes it possible to help you.18:47
berwynleftyfb: Thanks for your prompt reply. Also, although I will not visit any Ubuntu forum to read and post a question unless I really have to (have copied the forum links but I found forum a bit judgemental in the past) I do have 1 more question to ask you. My question is: Why is Kubuntu named Kubuntu and Lubuntu named Lubuntu? Look forward to your prompt answer/reply again and thanks again! : )18:47
andrew_is this fake? respond if its real18:47
Gnjuracnacc:  is LDD to list libs requred or what i frogot18:48
AnkhepNo andrew_ xD18:48
Gnjuracor was LDD for preloading libs18:48
naccGnjurac: we don't support third party stuff in the channel. As to your question, no there is not a trivial way to do that to a .deb. You could extract the .deb (dpkg -x) and see what is listed in the control file.18:48
AnkhepJust an illusion18:48
naccGnjurac: ldd will tell you what libraries a dynamic executable expects to load.18:48
andrew_i dont understand18:48
SporkWitchberwyn: K for KDE replacing the GTK / unity stuff, but otherwise it's ubuntu (and uses the same repos; it even used to be official canonical, but is pure community now).  Lubundu uses LXDE, i think? Same deal otherwise.18:48
naccandrew_: this is the ubuntu support channel. Do you have an Ubuntu support question?18:48
naccAnkhep: please don't troll here.18:49
andrew_i dont trol btw18:49
andrew_im a kid18:49
naccandrew_: no one said you did, the above was directed at Ankhep (hence their nick was the first string)18:49
andrew_look up miner pro man on youtube for proof18:50
naccandrew_: please stop. This channel is for ubuntu support only. If you want to chitchat, go to #ubuntu-offtopic or some other channel.18:50
andrew_oh, ok18:50
=== momken_ is now known as momken
berwynAnkhep: Hi. Also, thank for opening another room and thanks for providing me the website link which I have already copied! Thanks again : )18:53
andrew_how do i conect to #ubuntu-offtopic18:54
SporkWitchandrew_: https://lmgtfy.com/?s=d&q=what+are+basic+irc+commands18:54
leftyfbandrew_: type: /join #ubuntu-offtopic18:55
Gnjuracis there some ppa for vscode from source?18:55
SporkWitchGnjurac: good question for the product website or google18:55
Gnjuracdoes ubuntu-make install sourced one of msone18:56
GnjuracSporkWitch:  i allredy asked google but answers are old and i was hoping somone else is using it too :)18:56
ioriavscode is on github18:57
SporkWitchGnjurac: so ask the support channel for that productt; there are many thousands of PPAs hosted on launchpad alone, never mind self-hosted ones.  It's not really a question for this channel unless it's in the official ubuntu repos18:57
andrew_it wont work18:57
berwynSporkWitch: Thanks for your reply and information. Also, I have another question to ask you which Ool did not answer. My question is and was: Does Ubuntu include a Windows-like desktop environment or an easy to use desktop environment? Reason why I asked that question is because I use the Cinnamon desktop environment for Linux Mint which is an easy to use Windows-like environment and I am using a Windows XP theme! Look forward to18:57
berwynyour prompt answer or reply and thanks again. : )18:57
Gnjuracioria:  i know vs code is on github but they ofer only branded deb , and i dont want to waste time building form source18:58
SporkWitchberwyn: https://ubuntu.com/ these are basic FAQ questions, they do not require interactive support.  See also http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html18:58
ioriai see18:58
humm8andrew_ : Message(477): #ubuntu-offtopic Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services,,, means that you have to register your username first18:59
Gnjuracberwyn:  you can istall xfce, xubuntu and put some  gtk windows theme18:59
=== gms is now known as Guest61669
sqlsqlsqlis microsoft planning on taking over linux?19:15
syb0rgthey already did, everybody is migrating over to Temple OS19:16
oerheksplease move the tinfoilhat talk to #tinfoilhat, thanks19:16
syb0rgthat was more like sarcasm than tinfoilhattery19:17
oerheksbug 1 reversed19:17
ubottubug 1 in Ubuntu Malaysia LoCo Team "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119:17
syb0rg" This bug affects 2418 people "19:18
syb0rgMore than that I fear19:18
ioriasqlsqlsql, it shields the brain from threats such as electromagnetic fields, mind control, and mind reading.19:18
syb0rgmind control is okay so long as its FOSS19:19
SporkWitchActually, research shows that tinfoil hats HELP the gov control/read your mind *shrugs*19:19
berwynTo everyone in this chatroom: Thanks. Also: all the best to all your families and yourself for 2018! : )19:21
ioriaget lost19:21
EdistoSporkWitch: lol19:21
syb0rglol! I feel like I'm missing context on this one19:21
Gnjuracubuntu irc of the charts19:21
berwynioria: Have I done something to anger or upset you?19:22
sqlsqlsqlwhat happens now if microsoft decide nobody is allowed to acces the linux source code? It will just die?19:22
ioriaa lot19:22
Gnjuracsqlsqlsql:  linus will upload it to gitlab :)19:22
naccsqlsqlsql: please take this to a different channel (and no).19:22
SporkWitchAright kids, let's get back to actual relevant things; jokes aside, there's some real crazy cropping up, and that's no fun for anyone19:22
berwynioria: What for instance? Give me an example please! : )19:22
Gnjuracmy guess he has some backup :)19:22
syb0rgMy guess is 10,000 people have cloned that git repository19:23
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
berwynioria: Hello? : )19:24
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.19:25
berwynioria: If you cannot give me an example about how have I angered or upset you then how am going to know? : (19:27
techciedCan anyone here help me with alsa sound issues?19:27
SporkWitchtechcied: If you have a question, just ask! For example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian version ___. When I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, if anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask. We're all volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get an answer try a few hours later.19:27
oerheksask, wait and see19:27
techciedI have a problem with alsa saying "Cannot find card '0'" I'm running Ubuntu version 18.04. I get the following output: https://pastebin.com/Kb44WAK7 I expected it to initialize correctly.19:29
Jimmy06im trying to setup 18.04 but cant get past the network setup step19:29
techciedOh and it seems I've spelled my username incorrectly.19:29
berwynSporkWitch: ioria answered "a lot" when I asked her or him "Have I done something to anger or upset you?". But after I asked "What for instance? Give me an example please!" they are not or have not answered me. How am I going to or supposed to know what I have done? Do not understand! : (19:31
Jimmy06hangs at 66% then says timeout even though the details are correct19:31
SporkWitchberwyn: your personal drama is not relevant in this channel; cry into your pillow, not to me19:31
theGoatJimmy06: i had a problem like that in previous versions where i would have the netmask wrong, or had the wrong vlan configured for the VM19:32
Jimmy06no vlan19:32
theGoatjimmy06: so far in 18.04 haven't had any issues19:32
theGoatdo you have dhcp turned on?  possibly let it get an IP via dhcp, then go from there19:33
RoadRunneris the capability to read Windows shares built into 18.04 or does Samba still need to be installed for that?19:33
Jimmy06I dont have DHCP19:33
theGoator jsut configure with out an ip for the install then try to manually configure one19:33
SporkWitchRoadRunner: you still need to install samba or something else that provides SMB tools19:34
berwynSporkWitch: I am not going to "cry into my pillow" because I do not have anything to cry about. Just wanted to know from ioria what am I supposed to have said to anger or upset her or him! Seems strange that he or she is not responding!! : (19:34
Jimmy06theGoat: that sounds brill accept you cant do that19:34
SporkWitchberwyn: then bug him about it, in PMs, not me, and not here19:34
Jimmy06even if i set both boxes to do not use it tries anyway19:35
Jimmy06my subnet is /2419:35
berwynSporkWitch: Okay. I have opened a separate room. Thanks : )19:35
wastedanyone who can tell me why mariadb is used instead of mysql in most articles about 18.04 ?19:36
Jimmy06because mysql is not free any more19:36
Jimmy06so was switch years ago to mariadb19:36
SporkWitchwasted: because mariadb is a FOSS implementation, and Oracle likes to sue people for using stuff they made FOSS years ago19:36
theGoatmysql community is still free isn't it?19:36
RoadRunnerSporkWitch: software lists, Samba and Smb4K as options.  Would you recommend something else, or are these two bug free enough to be fine under 18?19:36
SporkWitchRoadRunner: i'd recommend webdav over SMB; i refuse to support it, it's too much headache19:36
wastedso mariadb will work the same as mysql ?19:37
Southern_GentlemtheGoat, yes but most of that is already in mariadb19:37
SporkWitchRoadRunner: as far as bugs, i'm not aware of anything serious, SMB is just a nightmare to set up, especially in anything but an "anyone can access" mode19:37
SporkWitch!info mariadb | wasted19:37
ubottuwasted: Package mariadb does not exist in bionic19:37
* SporkWitch sighs19:38
techciedI fixed my issue, thanks19:38
kostkon!find mariadb19:38
ubottuFound: libmariadb-dev, libmariadb-dev-compat, libmariadb3, libmariadbclient-dev, libmariadbclient-dev-compat, libmariadbclient18, libmariadbd-dev, libmariadbd18, mariadb-client, mariadb-client-10.1 (and 12 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=mariadb&searchon=names&suite=bionic&section=all19:38
Jimmy06so the setup window has a subnet box with example
Jimmy06if i use this would be correct right ?19:38
theGoatcorrect, a /24 is
SporkWitch!info mariadb-server | wasted19:39
ubottuwasted: mariadb-server (source: mariadb-10.1): MariaDB database server (metapackage depending on the latest version). In component universe, is optional. Version 1:10.1.29-6 (bionic), package size 12 kB, installed size 63 kB19:39
Jimmy06so mypublicip.0/2419:39
RoadRunnerSporkWitch: any issues with Samba?19:39
SporkWitchand of course it doesn't give the description; i give up.  wasted: mariadb is from the original mysql devs, and it's designed to be a drop-in replacement for mysql (that is, unless you're doing something funky, it _should_ "just work" with anything that supports mysql)19:40
theGoatjimmy06: you aren't doing any natting?  ie not behind a broadband router/firewall, etc19:40
Jimmy06no theGoat19:40
oerheksLoLz ... tons of bugs with smb, and it is slóóóówww19:40
SporkWitchRoadRunner: yeah, it's a nightmare, it's miserable, and it's not worth the headache.  Like i said, i refuse to support it; you're welcome to seek help from others, but i won't waste my time, it's too much frustration.19:40
theGoatthis this machine sits on the inernet?19:40
Jimmy06yes theGoat19:40
theGoatok...just making sure.19:41
wastedi never do funky but you never know what software will do :)19:41
Lukedoes anyone know of a snapcraft IRC channel?19:41
CodeMouse92__Luke: #snappy19:41
SporkWitch!alis | Luke19:41
ubottuLuke: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"19:41
LukeCodeMouse92__: thanks19:41
wastedi will give it a try on a virtual system19:41
Jimmy06its a proxmox vm theGoat19:41
theGoatfor the network it would be something like for the network19:41
theGoator what ever your subnet is19:41
Jimmy06its /2919:42
theGoatah /2919:42
LukeSporkWitch: unfortunately that doesn't work when the channel isn't named after the topic :/19:42
Jimmy06so as an example
Jimmy06then in the address box
mackeyHow to solve firefox problem: XPCOMGlueLoad error for file /opt/firefox60/libmozgtk.so  ibgtk-3.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory19:43
Jimmy06but this hangs and times out even thought its correct19:44
Jimmy06with the gateway added of course19:44
blackflowmackey: /opt/firefox? that's not regular ubuntu package'd firefox, is it?19:44
SporkWitchLuke: my mistake, i didn't realize that snap wasn't in the name snapcraft or snappy; the problem is the user, not the tool19:44
Jimmy06gateway by the way is not in the same subnet (this is intended and works fine)19:44
LukeSporkWitch: snap != snapcraft19:44
SporkWitchLuke: != ubuntu, either19:45
LukeSporkWitch: canonical made snapcraft19:45
mackeyblackflow: is this the wrong channel to ask?19:45
SporkWitchLuke: and actually, from the first google hit, yes, snap == snappy == snapcraft19:45
blackflowmackey: looks like unsupported software, so I'd say yup, wrong chan.19:45
ubottuUbuntu Core is a rendition of Ubuntu with transactional updates using "snappy". For discussion and support, please visit #snappy and see http://www.ubuntu.com/snappy/19:45
Lukesnapcraft is for building snaps. snap is more like the package manager portion19:45
blackflowand snappy is a distro19:46
SporkWitchLuke: well then go cry to canonical, instead of blaming your laziness on perfectly functional tools19:46
oerheksmackey, how did you install firefox?19:46
blackflowthey aren't the same.19:46
oerheksand what version?19:46
Lukeblackflow: thanks19:46
LukeSporkWitch: whoa take it easy. just discussing here. lets not get into name calling please19:46
mackeyoerheks: according to this info, 32 bit version: https://www.tecmint.com/install-firefox-quantum-in-linux/19:46
SporkWitchLuke: lazy isn't a name, it's an accurate descriptor19:46
blackflowLuke: there's maximum confusion around that, though. it's Canonical's but Canonical doesn't want it to be just their. the usual NIH. see, even the bot has no factoids on snaps.19:47
SporkWitchblackflow: snapcraft is the site, snappy is the package manager, snaps are the packages19:47
Lukeblackflow: good point19:47
oerheksmackey, so you used that ppa? ubuntu alrady has FF 60, that ppa is not supported here19:48
mackeyproblem is firefox does not run19:48
RoadRunnerSporkWitch: regarding snaps, are they updated independently or as a part of the Software updater system?19:49
oerheksremove that ppa and reverse packages, and you should be fine19:49
SporkWitchmackey: but you aren't using the ubuntu-packaged version, ergo unsupported.  Install from the official repos if you want support here, otherwise you'll need to contact the PPA maintainer19:49
oerheksRoadRunner, you know the answer already, hence your detailed question :-D19:49
SporkWitchRoadRunner: there's package management for them, but i haven't used them much. The only one i used was opentyrian and it had no persistence, so i tossed it out and went back to debs as normal lol19:49
oerheksi noticed you do that a lot the last few days19:50
SporkWitchoerheks: i'll take skilled trolling over the standard fair in this balmy September19:50
RoadRunneroerheks: just wanted to confirm :19:51
=== Guest27724 is now known as Nicmavr
SporkWitch!spanish | pc-0519:52
ubottupc-05: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.19:52
berwynTo everyone in this chatroom: Thanks for all the information! : )19:52
berwynWelshman (berwyn is my real name and I did not want to use it) is leaving this chatroom....19:52
memphistoRoadRunner: snaps are independatn19:53
Amphaeonhello everyone, Im new to openstack and wanted to try out a proof of concept. I followed the instructions on ubuntu web page and have tried to utilize conjure-up. I am having a hard time when it seems like it should be easy.19:54
AmphaeonI have a huge log, but not sure where to start with the errors.19:55
blackflowSporkWitch: I guess the bot needs a factoid correction, and addition. other than "snappy" (suggesting it's a distro), it has no more info.19:55
SporkWitchblackflow: i'm going from the main page of snapcraft.io which refers to the snappy package manager, and snaps (the packages)19:55
SporkWitchblackflow: it's literally the first google hit for "snapcraft"19:56
SporkWitch(well, DDG, not google)19:56
blackflowSporkWitch: there's also snapcraft the package (I think it's SDK/framework to build them)19:57
blackflowand snapcraft(.net) the MMORGP tha has nothing to do with this.  yah, maximum confusion.19:57
RoadRunnerSporkWitch: regarding webdav, from what I just read, its a protocol - not an end user app; so what application using webdav would you recommend?19:57
SporkWitchRoadRunner: it was a sarcastic response; it's not ideal for file sharing; the point was "use anything but SMB, that's how miserable SMB is"19:58
blackflowoh srsly? the bot doens't know about snapcraft package? which database is it accessing?    https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/snapcraft19:58
Lukeblackflow: yeah I don't think snappy and snapcraft are the same thing. There's no mention of snappy on the snapcraft website that I was easily able to find19:58
SporkWitchexcept for "snappy" being the first word in the description of snapcraft.io when you search "snapcraft"19:59
memphistoAmphaeon: i don't think youll find someone here with openstack && conjure up knowledge...its mostly desktop stuff; try looking for conjure irc or forum19:59
blackflowLuke: one is the package manager (tool to manipulate snaps), the other is a) a game, b) a site/store/repo for snaps, and c) an sdk/framework to build snaps19:59
Lukeblackflow: the snapcraft I'm talking about is the tool to make snaps.20:00
blackflowLuke: this then   https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/snapcraft20:00
RoadRunnerbesides smb based apps, what specific aps can be recommended for Windows shares?20:00
Lukeblackflow: "snappy ubuntu core is a distribution of Ubuntu that relies entirely on snaps" from the snapcraft guys20:00
memphistoLuke, blackflow: the way i see it...snapcraft is like dockerhub like where you find images; snappy is like apt; .snap is like .deb20:01
AmphaeonHello all, Im trying to spin up a localhost instance of openstack on ubuntu 18.04 utilizing conjure-up, can anyone assist in looking at my log?20:01
blackflowmemphisto: yah but snapcraft is also a toolset that builds .snap(s)20:01
Lukememphisto: well snapcraft is also a CLI tool for building snaps. And yeah it's also the repo20:01
Lukeyou can use snap and snapcraft without snappy20:01
leftyfb!repeat | Amphaeon20:02
ubottuAmphaeon: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/20:02
leftyfb!openstack | Amphaeon20:02
leftyfbAmphaeon: you probably want #openstack20:02
oerheksor #ubuntu-server20:02
memphistoi just hate having multiple loop devices seen in my filemanger (dolphin)20:03
memphistosnaps. but i'm still on 16.04, it could be that this is fixed in kubuntu 18.04; but i'm waiting for 18.04.120:05
oerheksmultiple loop devices , yes, that is awesome, those are snaps installed, don't worry20:08
memphistono, i know, but i hate the way it looks20:09
memphistoi found some doc on how to hide them, but it didn't work20:09
memphistoat least on KDE20:09
oerheksthey are not in your regular home folder, are they?20:13
oerheksso why bother..20:13
memphisto2cause its left panel with the other devices20:14
memphisto2disks,usb,CD/DVDs and of course loop devices20:14
oerheksshould we click that url, Jimmy06 ?20:22
Jimmy06this is my problem20:22
Jimmy06i cant get paste networking20:23
SporkWitchJimmy06: your real problem seems to be posting random links and expecting people to respond to that better than an actual question20:23
oerheksVirtio network.. so give more details, is this on bare metal?20:23
Jimmy06i explained the problem eariler though20:23
Jimmy06no its on proxmox20:23
syb0rgJimmy06, we don't constantly read and memorize problems20:23
syb0rgyou should restate your issue if it has been a while20:24
Jimmy06it was 10 mins ago :S20:24
Jimmy06i rejoined the channel because i closed it by mistake20:24
syb0rgyou can argue or just state your problem again20:25
Jimmy06simply put no matter what I select on the network part of the installer I cant get paste it20:25
Jimmy06im not arguing20:25
Jimmy06that image is when I select "do not use" to both ipv4 and pv620:26
Jimmy06even if I put valid settings in to the ipv4 box it fails with that error20:27
SporkWitchfor the record, 10 != 4520:27
Jimmy06for the record you suffer with short term memory loss xD20:28
SporkWitchnope, you just aren't important enough for me to memorize something that happened nearly an hour ago20:28
tomreynJimmy06: looks like dhcp isnt working20:28
Jimmy06tomreyn: I dont run DHCP20:29
tomreynJimmy06: okay, i forgot whethe rthe server live installer supports manual network configuration, havbe you given that a try?20:29
Jimmy06yes I have and it fails20:30
tomreynwith the error message of "network configuration timed out; please verify your settings"?20:30
Jimmy06says that even with valid settings20:30
tomreynis this vm able to reach the internet with the valid configuration?20:31
Jimmy06of course :)20:31
tomreynhow do you know?20:31
Jimmy06because its the same as the other 5 VM's running on it20:31
Jimmy06with the same network settings20:32
SporkWitchif it's the same, why not clone one of the functional ones?20:32
tomreynand the others also run ubuntu 18.04 server?20:32
Jimmy06no 16.04 and centos20:32
tomreynuse the classic server installer, it'll work.20:32
syb0rgwhat installer is this anyway Jimmy06?20:33
tomreyn18.04 server live installer20:33
Jimmy06yeah I just clicked download I dont need a live installedr20:33
syb0rgthat installer looks like this for me https://i.imgur.com/ajBgDCT.png20:34
tomreynthat's the classic installer20:34
syb0rgah gotcha20:34
syb0rgI will have to check out this other version I'm not familiar with...20:35
Jimmy06bah only a torrent link20:35
tomreynit's AKA "subiquity"20:35
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest66980
tomreynJimmy06: no, the classic is hosted on cdimages.ubuntu,com20:37
Jimmy06yeah I found it now20:37
tomreynhttp://cdimages.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases/18.04/release/ specifically20:37
tomreynthe download page on ubuntu.com points there.20:38
syb0rgis the live version supposed to be easier to use or something?20:38
Jimmy06yeah i downloaded it all ready thanks20:38
Jimmy06I suspect its so you only download what you need20:38
tomreynsyb0rg: if you have dhcp and want just a very basic server installation then it's easier to use indeed.20:38
Jimmy06it supports manual config of the interfaces20:39
tomreynkiriuha: hello. you usually place a question in front of a question mark.20:39
syb0rgok tomreyn, good to know. I'm surprised Canonical cares that much about user friendliness in even the server edition - the classic installer is pretty straightforward already20:39
kiriuhastart linux mint20:39
tomreyn!mint | kiriuha20:39
ubottukiriuha: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)20:39
syb0rgalso ##linux, kiriuha20:40
Jimmy06https://i.imgur.com/3HRWqpk.png this is an annoying error20:47
syb0rgJimmy06, just a thought - do you have networking enabled in the vm's settings?20:48
Jimmy06i get that same error in 16.0420:49
Jimmy06set the gateway up afterwards and it works fine20:49
Jimmy06gateway is not in the same subnet20:50
syb0rgperhaps #networking would be a good place to ask?20:50
Jimmy06for what ?20:50
Jimmy06only ubuntu complains about it20:51
syb0rgI mean you are having networking problems, maybe someone over there would have a thought. That's all. But it does seem to be ubuntu specific20:51
Jimmy06im not hav ng any networking problems20:51
PierreYHello, do you know how to fix display problems like this one ? https://www.noelshack.com/2018-23-1-1528145212-capture-d-ecran-de-2018-06-04-22-46-18.png (meld) I have the same problème with gnome calc and gedit to name a few20:51
Jimmy06my network works fine just the ubuntu installer doesnt like it :)20:52
Allie`syb0rg: this isn’t necessarily a networking problem, there are valid times to configure an unrouteable gateway - having said that, Jimmy06  is unlikely to be experiencing one of those scenarios20:52
Allie`Jimmy06: what option did you select, and how are you connected?20:52
Allie`hang on i’ll read scrollback first20:53
syb0rgAllie`, I didn't even mean to imply that his networking setup is invalid. Just that people in #networking might know how to make ubuntu cooperate with his setup, as they have experience with such things20:53
Allie`makes sense!20:54
Jimmy06I am using the router and broadcast IP's from my /28 this means they end up having a /2420:54
Jimmy06yeah it does just annoying20:54
Jimmy06hmm gonna have to work out how to configure this new interface the new way :)20:57
syb0rghuh that live server installer is pretty slick, but still seems redundant to me. I guess it is cool to get someone started on running servers though21:00
tomreyni ran into this issue where the gateway was outside of the subnet and i needed to use a pointopoint configuration to make it work. this wasn't possible on the classic (debian) installer (and i assume it is not possible on the live installer either). it works fine once the system is installed, though. i needed to resort to a debootstrpap installation to make it work.21:01
tomreyn(it's a rather ugly network configuration, though)21:01
=== fabricius1 is now known as fabricius
Jimmy06tomreyn: I just add the default gateway noremally21:06
Jimmy06but this netplan doesnt like it21:07
tomreynJimmy06: so that's on the readily installed system?21:09
Jimmy06centos or ubuntu 16.04 yes21:09
Jimmy06just add the gateway and done21:09
Jimmy06centos I could do it in the installer ubuntu I have to do it after but this 18.04 still wont apply my gateway even afterwards21:10
tomreynJimmy06: netplan is still a bit young, it might (i do not actually know) not allow the default gateway to be outside of the subnet.21:10
Jimmy06i added gateway: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx to the file and restart/applied but no go21:10
Jimmy06gateway4: sorry21:11
jcduttontomreyn, "default gateway to be outside of the subnet".  I think you might be a bit confused21:11
tomreynyou're not required to use netplan, though, can just edit the systemd-networkd configuration directly21:11
grauzikasHello every one :)21:12
tomreynjcdutton: how so?21:12
jcduttontomreyn, it makes no sense. A gateway is always on the same subnet as your PC.21:12
Jimmy06jcdutton: its not21:12
jcduttonWhat is the IP address of the PC, what is the IP address of the gateway. What is the subnet mask ?21:14
tomreynjcdutton: not always, no. eg. this hosting provider does it differently: https://wiki.hetzner.de/index.php/Netzkonfiguration_Debian/en#Routed_.28brouter.2921:14
Jimmy06thats who im using actually lol21:15
tomreynthought so, it's a rare corner case, and a terrible setup21:15
tomreynjcdutton: better docs here https://wiki.hetzner.de/index.php/Netzkonfiguration_Debian/en21:15
tomreynactually ignore that, that'S the same page :)21:16
Jimmy06I dont have to use it like that I just decided to get the router/broadcast ip back21:16
jcduttontomreyn, ok, thats OK, I did not know you were using a pointtopoint link21:18
Jimmy06pointtopoint link ?21:19
grauzikasi have problem with opendkim and openssl, trying to figure out where the problem could be past few hours and cant find the problem. The problem is that opendkim wont start with error:  opendkim[26979]: opendkim: incompatible SSL versions (library = 0x0100020bf, filter = 01000204f). So i started with default (from packages installed) openssl and opendkim and i got this problem, then i thougth21:20
grauzikasok i can compile openssl from source and did that. Curently i have:21:20
tomreynjcdutton: np, i think i mentioned it above. the problem is that neither debian installer (classic ubuntu installer) nor subiquity (ubuntu live) can handle this configuration, though.21:20
Jimmy06neither can netplan21:20
grauzikasdont know where else i can find what the **** wrong :)21:20
jcduttontomreyn, you are probably right, it is quite a rare configuration21:20
grauzikasi even created a bug in opendkim, but they answered that probably this is not opendkim bug21:21
tomreynJimmy06: chances are that systemd-networkd can handle it, so forget about netplan for now (maybe file a feature request) and just use systemd-networkd directly.21:21
jcduttontomreyn, during the install, you will probably need to manually do the network config, in order for the install to work.21:24
tomreynjcdutton: it would not accept a gateway outside of the subnet (which was a single ipv4)21:25
tomreynit would also not accept a netmask of (i tried this in an attempt to at least be able to install with network connectivity)21:26
Jimmy06255.255.255.255 does21:27
tomreynthat's what i had tried first, but it said the configuration was illegal (due to the default gateway resising outside of this single ip  subnet)21:27
Jimmy06oh I just set it u without a gateway21:28
tomreynthis was 16.04, i think, might have changed.21:28
jcduttontomreyn, could you not drop to the command line and use ifconfig ?21:28
tomreynjcdutton: i thionk i tried but failed, can't remember, it's a good while ago.21:29
tomreyn(i don't rmemeber how i failed to do it manually on the command line, possibly just my mistake)21:29
skrhello. how do I stop pulseaudio on ubuntu 18.04 ?21:36
oerhekssystemctl --user stop pulseaudio.socket && systemctl --user stop pulseaudio.service https://askubuntu.com/a/87509021:40
oerheksyou might need sudo for that21:41
yunogimmeusernamHey, where can I go for server images that let me openssh without configuring anything on the monitor?21:50
yunogimmeusernamfor the cloud21:50
grauzikasi have problem with opendkim and openssl, trying to figure out where the problem could be past few hours and cant find the problem. The problem is that opendkim wont start with error:  opendkim[26979]: opendkim: incompatible SSL versions (library = 0x0100020bf, filter = 01000204f). So i started with default (from packages installed) openssl and opendkim and i got this problem, then i thougth21:50
grauzikasok i can compile openssl from source and did that. Curently i have: https://pastebin.com/sVzfXA0u21:50
tomreynyunogimmeusernam: i assume that's https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/18.04/ - never tried. alternatively oyu could also netboot the ubuntu installer and configure it to spawn and sshd or serial console21:54
fabbodid something change with the Cheese webcam tool in recent Ubuntus?21:54
yunogimmeusernamI tried that, it complains about not having a root device, and pauses, then it does stuff, but after 3 seconds it hangs forever21:54
fabbomy webcam used to work21:55
yunogimmeusernamalso, Packer doesn't like that image format, there isn't an iso21:55
fabbonow, while it still works with guvcview and qv4l221:55
fabboCheese says "no device found"21:55
yunogimmeusernamis there an ubuntu cloud channel?21:55
fabboit does work with a workaround21:56
fabboLD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libv4l/v4l2convert.so cheese21:56
fabboI just wonder, why is this workaround necessary now, but not before?21:56
oerheksyunogimmeusernam, step 5 ?? https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-to-use-kvm-cloud-images-on-ubuntu-linux/21:57
tomreyngrauzikas: the root issue will be that you're not using libssl from ubuntu21:57
yunogimmeusernamI think I need a preseed21:57
guest253hey guys, whats the best, secure and lightest program to make partitions backups and that includes a test option for the created iso?21:57
yunogimmeusernamoerheks, I don't think that's applicable21:57
skroerheks, thanks but i've already tried it. it keeps restarting. I found a workaround here https://askubuntu.com/questions/8425/how-to-temporarily-disable-pulseaudio21:58
BlueProtomanI'm trying to use the nvidia drivers on Ubuntu 18.04, with a nVidia GeForce GTX 860M.  Although `prime-select query` outputs `nvidia`, nvidia-smi fails with "NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn't communicate with the NVIDIA driver. Make sure that the latest NVIDIA driver is installed and running."  I can't use CUDA, then.  How can I fix this?21:59
grauzikastomreyn: what you mean not from ubuntu? how i can fix this issue?22:00
guest253whats the best, secure and lightest program to make partitions backups and that includes a test option for the created iso?22:01
oerheksguest253, there is no single best; i would use live iso and install clonezilla, else use dd22:03
oerheksand a test option for the backup partitions? note sure that exists22:04
Jordan_Uguest253: Those criterion are subjective, and things like "security" depend more on how you use the program than what program you use. Also, I'm not sure what test you could run, other than booting the image in a VM (and I don't think there's any tool that will do that, and it's not straightforward to do manually).22:04
oerheksjust diff the data22:04
tomreyngrauzikas: based on what you posted you, have libssl1.0.2 installed from the deb.sury.org 3rd party repository for ubuntu trusty (14.04) on this ubuntu xenial (16.04) system. fix your apt sources.22:04
tomreyngrauzikas: if that's not enough hints, yet, then post the output of: lsb_releass -ds; apt-cache policy22:06
tomreyngrauzikas: if that's not enough hints, yet, then post the output of: lsb_release -ds; apt-cache policy22:07
tomreyn^ typo fixed22:07
guest253the test option is very important to check if the image was done correctly before I delete the partition in case I need it. r-drive image for win has that option which I check with every backup22:07
oerheksexplore clonezilla22:07
guest253but clonezilla only works from live-cd, right?22:08
Jordan_Uguest253: The question is what it is testing. If it's just testing a checksum of the data, you can do that (I don't know if clonezilla has an option for this or not).22:09
arooniis this anything i can fix by the installation of a package ? libpng warning: Application jmp_buf size changed; fish: “./GuitarPro” terminated by signal SIGSEGV (Address boundary error) (ubuntu 18.04)22:09
grauzikastomreyn: https://pastebin.com/Zaj7vzb022:10
oerheksyou would get "skip checking the saved image" option22:10
grauzikasi cant see this source in my repo22:10
grauzikasprobably need try to remove that lib and install again?22:11
Jordan_Uguest253: If you're booting from the partition that you're trying to back up then you can't back it up using clonezilla. While there are ways to backup a live system in this way, I would not recommend them for a beginner.22:11
tomreynguest253: i'm not aware of an existing software doing this, but there most likely is one. what you can do it to write it yourself. you can use lvm snapshotting to create a stable snapshot of the partition (or logical volume in this case), then egnerate a checksum on this, then dd it to a file, then run the checksum against this file, too, and compare them. and if they match you can drop the snapshot (and optionally the live logical volume, too)22:12
guest253not sure what it checks, the integrity of the image I guess, but the test option its safer for me22:12
Jordan_Uguest253: If you're not booted from the partition, then just unmount the partition being backed up before backing it up with clonezilla and you'll be fine. In that case clonezilla would not need to be run from a LiveCD/USB.22:13
tomreynarooni: probably not, but to be sure you'd need to ask the developers (or run it in a debugger and understand its output).22:13
aroonitomreyn: reass i ask is because it ran fine on ubuntu 16.0422:13
tomreyngrauzikas: looks like you removed the repository but not the package. you can identify such packages (where there is a ismatch between the actual version installed and the version availablöe from the currentöly configured apt archives) using this script: https://github.com/tomreyn/scripts -> foreign_packages22:15
tomreynarooni: this doesn't mean it will run on a different ubuntu verison, too.22:16
aroonitomreyn: well i thought itd simply be a missing library22:16
grauzikastomreyn: i can try something like this: dpkg -r --force-depends libssl-dev libssl-doc libssl1.0.2 (this is wahat i found via: dpkg -l | grep deb.sury.org about ssl) and then try install this packages back?22:16
RedPenguinhello again all22:17
tomreynarooni: i dont think so. you seem to have libpng installed, the application is just not compatible to this version.22:17
guest253in windows I use r-drive image which works perfectly and has that test option. once done the test, Im happy to save the iso on an external drive just in case I may need it if I have any problem with the system. im used to it, so I thot there could be a backup program similar on linux22:17
RedPenguinOn a machine I'm working on, after a kernel update, the second NIC thinks it's "FIBRE" and not Ethernet, and not sure how to realize it's Ethernet again22:17
aroonitomreyn: tragic; they announced they wont support future releases on linux; so i'm kinda just outta luck at this point22:17
tomreyngrauzikas: it'd be better to just downgrade the packages, which is done by installing, and installing a specific version - the one your current ubuntu release provides.22:18
tomreynarooni: you can still run it in a 16.04 VM or chroot.22:18
oerheksarooni, maybe this german page is any help? https://forum.ubuntuusers.de/topic/guitar-pro-6-auf-xubuntu-18-04-64-bit-installi/22:19
aroonitomreyn: i get the vm but what do you mean chroot ;22:19
oerheksour german friends are pünktlich22:19
aroonilooks like there wasnt a resolution from that thread22:20
grauzikastomreyn: thank you very much :) now i have the idea where the problem can be22:21
tomreyngrauzikas: welcome22:21
tomreyngrauzikas: make yourself aware that you've been running this system with outdated openssl libraries for a good while now. that's not a safe thing to do, so try to prevent this isutation in the future.22:23
tomreyn!chroot | arooni22:24
ubottuarooni: A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot22:24
tomreyn^ using a VM is probably easier, though22:24
aroonihow much space would a simple 16.04 installation take up22:25
aroonior the minimal installation22:25
aroonithinking of my existing hard drive space on this laptop22:26
tomreynarooni: a desktop installation? something between 5 and 10 GB, i'd say.22:27
spikebikearooni: a simple server install is around 1.0GB, but of course doesn't include all the desktop stuff22:29
aroonisilly guitar pro; they should just make future releases for ubuntu22:30
aroonii bet i could install it on my existing winxp vm; (blarg))22:30
oerheksMS should buy it22:30
oerheksoops offtopic22:30
berwynHi to everyone in this chatroom. I (Welshman not berwyn) have returned to ask another question.22:30
berwynMy question is: Does anyone know if Nwipe or Wipe is the correct program to completely wipe a hard drive or would I need to find an .iso of a wipe program to completely wipe a hard drive that, at the moment, has Linux Mint installed?22:31
berwynThanks in advance for any helpful answer or reply! : )22:31
oerheksberwyn, hi again: ask the mint channels?22:31
guest253is guitar pro any good compared to the audio apps on win like amplitube and the king s-gear?22:31
oerheksubuntu has nothing to do with mint, mint has its own issues.22:32
tomreynarooni: i just checked the unmodified 16.04.4 installation i have in a VM, it consumes exactly 4.4GB22:32
arooniok thanks for checking :)22:32
tomreynberwyn: alternatively, install ubuntu and come back here with your ubuntu (only) questions.22:34
guest253btw, whats the lightest ubuntu derivative nowadays?22:35
eyeohlubuntu probably22:35
berwynoerheks: Hi and thanks for your reply. Also, it will be a whole year before I return to the linuxmint-help chatroom because some of the people angered and upset me as well as ignored me! So, that is why I have entered this chatroom to ask about NWipe and Wipe!! Thanks again. : )22:35
tomreynarooni: do you know http://www.tuxguitar.com.ar/ ?22:35
guest253is tuxguitar any good?22:36
berwynStaying here until I receive an answer and I might have to re-send my message. Thank you : )22:36
guest253I know all the guitar amps emulators on win but never bothered trying any on linux22:37
tomreynguest253: i don't really know, but it's appartenly similar to the application arooni tried to run, and it's free software (gpl2.1), so source code will be available which facilitates buulding it on newer ubuntu releases.22:38
berwynHope that is okay with you? : )22:39
tomreynberwyn: no one here will mind your presence unless you will ask support questions which are not about ubuntu.22:40
yunogimmeusernamHey, I'm trying to use the latest docker image, but when I set up (python3 I think) a package using apt, tzdata feels like it needs to get user input and pause forever for picking a time zone. Can I make it not do this somehow?22:42
berwyntomreyn: Hi and thanks for your reply. Also, can you answer my "Does anyone know if Nwipe or Wipe is the correct program to completely wipe a hard drive or would I need to find an .iso of a wipe program to completely wipe a hard drive that, at the moment, has Linux Mint installed?" question? If you can or do then please reply soon. Thanks again : )22:43
tomreynberwyn: did you read what i wrote?22:44
oerhekshe is more like a bot than humanoid22:45
aroonitomreyn: cool ill look into it; i already have the guitarpro files.  and bonus points for software from argentina one of my fave countries22:45
yunogimmeusernamoerheks, of course it's a test of an Ubuntu-based AI system22:46
oerheksfrom github?22:46
syb0rgberwyn, you can just use shred.22:46
syb0rgto shred /dev/sda, it is just sudo shred /dev/sda22:47
hggdhberwyn: you can use shred22:47
berwyntomreyn: Yes, I did. But thought I would ask you just incase you knew the answer. If you cannot then I will re-ask my question again soon! Thanks : )22:47
syb0rgsee the manpage or google for options if you want to make it behave in a specific way (number of passes, type of data written)22:47
oerhekshggdh, + from live cd + 122:48
hggdhberwyn: also: please give *at least* fifteen minutes before you re-ask a question. Re-asking more frequently is not nice.22:48
berwynhggdh and syb0rg: Hi and thanks for your reply. Also: Does or will shred completely wipe the hard drive? Answer or reply soon. Thanks again : )22:49
yunogimmeusernamso apparently `yes 11 | apt install -y python3` still doesn't select the SystemV time22:49
hggdhoerheks: yes, it is coreutils, any install will have it (including live)22:49
yunogimmeusernamalso, I thought it was systemd22:49
syb0rgyes, berwyn. It will erase all data on the drive by overwriting it.22:50
tomreynberwyn: whether i know the answer to your question is not relevant, you keep asking a question about linux mint, but we don't support this here.22:50
hggdhberwyn: Yes it will. Please get details from the man page, or 'info shred'22:50
syb0rgand keep other channels like ##linux in mind for general linux questions (non ubuntu specific)22:51
syb0rgor mint's channel, as you keep being told22:51
naccberwyn: it's really annoying to be told (as a volunteer) to "Answer or reply soon". You are making a request of other people's time, so be patient and if people want to answer they will.22:53
syb0rgI think this guy is a low key troll22:54
berwynIt will be a whole year before I return to the linuxmint-help chatroom because some of the people angered and upset me as well as ignored me!22:54
syb0rgprobably because you lack basic ettiquette, berwyn22:55
naccberwyn: that's irrelevant here. please stick to *ubuntu* support topics. you have been told several teims22:56
compdocI had no idea that trolls had keys. thats so cool22:56
hggdhback to topic, please22:58
berwynhggdh and syb0rg: Hi and thank for all your replies. Also, another question: Is Shred available to download in a .deb or an .iso format because it is not available through the 2 software managers on or through Linux Mint? Or: Could I download it in a .deb format through the Terminal? Thanks : )23:01
syb0rgberwyn, come on. Try ##linux23:01
berwynsyb0rg: I have to enter the ##linux chatroom to ask that question? If Yes then: Why? : )23:02
syb0rgberwyn, because your question is not about ubuntu. How many times do you need to be told this?23:02
syb0rgI am done talking to you now.23:02
hggdhberwyn: shred is part of coreutils (which is, in general, automatically installed on ANY decent Linux distro.23:02
hggdhberwyn: this is the Ubuntu support channel. If your question is not about Ubuntu, then this is the wrong channel. This has been explained to you some times already.23:03
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berwynhggdh, nacc, syb0rg and tomreyn: I am now leaving this chatroom. Also, thanks for your replies and I might return 1 day, maybe! : )23:23
berwynhggdh, nacc, syb0rg and tomreyn: I am now leaving this chatroom. Also, thanks for your replies and I might return 1 day, maybe! : )23:24
* oerheks shivvers23:26
berwynoerheks: Just before I leave: "shivvers"? :o23:27
SporkWitchis it gone yet?23:31
syb0rgdon't look at it and it might leave23:31
berwynI am waiting for oerheks to reply then I will leave. Thanks : )23:33
fabbodid something change with the Cheese webcam tool in recent Ubuntus?23:38
fabbomy webcam used to work23:38
fabbonow, while it still works with guvcview and qv4l223:38
fabboCheese says "no device found"23:38
fabboit does work with a workaround23:38
fabboLD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libv4l/v4l2convert.so cheese23:38
fabboI just wonder, why is this workaround necessary now, but not before?23:38
berwynoerheks: Just before I leave: "shivvers"? :o23:45
TBotNikAll: On Kubuntu 16.04 LTS and cannot get my printer to install on CUPS.  Are Pantum 2500 on USB and Brother MFC 7360N on the LAN.  Downloaded the .deb files and installed but drivers never show in CUPS23:49
TBotNikNeither of the .deb installs produce the required .ppd file, but had installed correctly on 14.0423:49
=== fabricius1 is now known as fabricius
berwynoerheks: Hello? : )23:52
hggdhberwyn: please stop23:52
tomreynTBotNik: http://support.brother.com/g/b/downloadlist.aspx?c=us_ot&lang=en&prod=mfc7360n_all&os=128 lists a bunch of drivers. the first one is a script to install the second and third one. i'm using a different networked brother MFC which uses the same mechanisms apparently, and does show up on 16.04 (after configuring it there).23:54
berwynhggdh: Hi. Also, as I said earlier I am waiting for oerheks to reply then I will leave. Thanks : )23:54
syb0rg!ops berwyn is a troll23:55
tomreynTBotNik: try if you can get it listed on http://localhost:63123:56
=== fabricius1 is now known as fabricius
BlueProtomanI'm trying to use the nvidia drivers on Ubuntu 18.04, with a nVidia GeForce GTX 860M via Optimus.  Although `prime-select query` outputs `nvidia`, nvidia-smi fails with "NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn't communicate with the NVIDIA driver. Make sure that the latest NVIDIA driver is installed and running."  I can't use CUDA as a result, and my graphics are being drawn with my Intel chip.  How can I fix this?23:59

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