[00:00] #xubuntu-es too perhaps [00:01] gracias, probaré por ahí [00:05] En el canal en español, nadie me responde. Les cuento por si alguno de ustedes sabe y me dice. [00:06] Tenemos una pc en el trabajo con xubuntu, es el server desde el cual acceden todas las computadoras con windows, a traves de XMing [00:07] Todos los días a las 14 hs aparece un mensaje de actualización y la computadora se pone terriblemente lenta por unas dos horas. [00:07] Mi intención es hacer que esto suceda, x ejemplo, a las 2 de la mañana. [00:08] sólo tengo acceso al servidor por medio de línea de comandos, a través de ssh [00:09] busqué información referente al tema, pero sólo encuentro como activar o desactivar las actualizaciones automaticas, o decidir si son diarias o semanales [00:09] pero en ningun lugar encuentro la hora en que suceden las mismas. [00:19] La pregunta es: ¿qué está causando que el servidor se desacelere? [00:20] Puede ejecutar el comando "top" para mostrar dónde está ocurriendo la carga de la CPU. [00:22] Además, examina los archivos de registro en /var/log podría dar algunas pistas [00:24] xubuntu51i, Parece que cron.daily ejecuta "actualizaciones desatendidas". La siguiente página explica cómo cambiar el tiempo de ejecución de cron.daily: [00:24] https://askubuntu.com/questions/36971/at-what-time-does-cron-execute-daily-scripts [00:25] Sí, estoy de acuerdo con drl. Las actualizaciones automáticas no deberían reducir la velocidad durante 2 horas. [00:27] https://serverfault.com/questions/431013/how-to-change-the-time-cron-daily-is-run-in-linux [01:38] investigaré con esta información que me pasaron, muchas muchas gracias a todos! [03:11] 8:25 AM Hello, I am a first time user of xubuntu and I am having a problem with vlc media player. Whenever I jump forward in vlc, the video becomes pixelated after being halted for a couple of seconds, though the audio runs just fine. After 7-10 seconds everything goes back to normal. OS- xubuntu 16.04 LTS, graphics card- nvidia GT650M. Googling it gave a link- [03:11] https://askubuntu.com/questions/778933/vlc-pixelated-video-when-skipping?utm_medium=organic&utm_source=google_rich_qa&utm_campaign=google_rich_qa. Though a solution was not exactly offered. Is there any way to tweek it back to normal? [05:29] tatai that might just be a limitation of the codec, the way the frames are encoded [05:30] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_compression_picture_types [05:31] tatai: ever so often in the video is a complete frame (i frame), then there are a number of p or b frames after that use that i frame as a referene point [05:32] when you skip, it would be ideal if you only snap to the nearest i frame [05:32] Thank you for replying. [05:32] if you skip to a p or b frame you start off with limited information until the next i frame [05:33] nova: thanks for replying. [05:33] youre welcome [05:34] nova: If this is a problem with the encoding of the codec, then does it mean that it should happen irrespective of the video player? [05:35] unless another play snaps to the nearest i frame [05:35] nova: I am asking because on mplayer that problem does not arise. [05:36] MPLayer and VLC [05:36] VLC appears be unable to skip/seek to key-frames. MPlayer on the other hand will use key-frames when you press the forward/backward buttons. These short-cuts will try to go ahead/backwards by 10 seconds but will use the nearest key-frame when doing so. This makes it extremely fast, especially if you have loaded the video from a RAM disk. [05:36] the source for that remark is here :https://blog.programster.org/fast-video-seeking [05:37] Thanks a lot. Being a novice, such things are completely unfamiliar to me. I will be sure to read on it. [05:38] so the question is if its wanted or unwanted behavior...with vlc you have precisions down to a single frame, but that frame might not look right until the next complete frame occurs [05:39] basically think of an i frame as a complete picture, then imagne if the next several frams only store information about what has changed on the screen [05:39] if the camera is in a fixed position...then the codec only needs to store the parts that have moved or changed alot [05:39] Ohhh, now I understand. [05:39] You are exactly right. [05:40] Usually the pixelated graphics does not get corrrected until there is a change in the camera angle. [05:41] So the first frame in the new camera angle is serving as a reference point....right? [05:42] nova: 11:09 AM You are exactly right. [05:42] yes a drastic change in the scene will trigger a key or i frame early [05:43] nova: 11:11 AM So the first frame in the new camera angle is serving as a reference point....right? [05:43] they will ahppen at a set interval or when there is enough of a change in the scene [05:43] so perhaps every 60 frame or if there is a camera change [05:43] Okay....now I understand this much much better. [05:44] you might notice different file formats behave a little differently [05:44] Yes, that is also correct. [05:44] the questio is if theres a way to have vlc skip only to the nearest i frame [05:45] .avi 's are a little sluggish on vlc on jumping [05:47] (new xubuntu 18.04 installation) I'm wondering what's going on with ANSI colors in my terminal... I've got TERM=xterm-color, set force_color_prompt=yes, etc. https://imgur.com/a/WZe3B8e [05:48] oh...wow your prompt is not looking right [05:49] i did a fresh 18.04 install and did not need to change anythign to get colors in my terminal [05:50] you did this in .bashrc i assume [05:50] well, tried in bash & zsh [05:51] did you not have a colored prompt to begin with? [05:52] no, and I get the same results setting PS1 under root [05:53] weirdly, `echo -e "\033[31;1;4mHello\033[0m"` works as expected [05:53] i dont know what zsh and ps1 are im afraid [05:53] ah. PS1 being the environment variable that holds the prompt string [05:54] are you using xfce4-terminal? [05:54] well you seem to have colors its just your prompt is all mangled [05:56] mine just worked out of the box, heres my unmodified .bashrc https://pastebin.com/Hn6TW6zE [05:56] i use the stock terminal, and set the colors in the GUI [05:57] in the presets i dont see xterm-color i see only XTerm [06:09] emptyflask, https://pasteboard.co/Hoi8Hhj.png [06:10] it seems strange that ill of your folders show a forward slash at the end [06:10] all* [06:10] hmm, I'm able to set a color prompt using `PS1="$(tput setaf 2)$ $(tput sgr0)"` [06:11] Have a good day everyone. [06:16] PS1='\n\[\033[0;33m\]\D{%l:%M:%S %P}\n\[\033[01;34m\] [ \[\033[01;37m\]\W\[\033[01;34m\] ]\[\033[1;33m\]$\n\342\224\224\342\224\200\342\224\200\342\225\274\[\033[00m\] ' [06:19] yikes [06:19] I've probably just screwed up my dotfiles by importing bash/zsh stuff from my macos config. setting force_color_prompt on a fresh user account works fine [06:19] but you still had to set it? [06:20] yeah, it's commented out by default [06:20] i get a colored prompt with it commented out [06:21] i have this: #force_color_prompt=yes [06:22] this is my usual monstrosity: PS1='\[\e]0;\w\a\]\n\[\e[0;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[0;30m\]:\[\e[1;32m\]\w\[\e[0m\] \[\033[1;30m\]$(get_git_prompt)\[\e[0m\]\n\$ ' [06:22] (requires a get_git_prompt function) === obscurehero_ is now known as obscurehero [11:41] Hello. I'm trying to enable natural scrolling through Xfce's Mouse and Touchpad settings, but some apps ignore the change and keep scrolling with the default behavior. [11:41] presumably non-GTK apps? [11:41] * pmjdebru1jn is just guessing [11:42] pmjdebru1jn, for example, Thunar works with natural scrolling, but GNOME Software doesn't. === ErichEickmeyer_ is now known as ErichEickmeyer === andyrock_ is now known as andyrock === pleia2_ is now known as pleia2 === genius3k is now known as genius3000