=== FrankF1 is now known as FrankF === hehehe is now known as Guest54829 === Guest54829 is now known as hehehe [09:41] Connecting a BT headset to my Lubuntu laptop causes wifi to grind to a halt. [09:41] Why and what do I do about it? [14:06] please one repository for bionic? [16:49] Hello Everyone! [16:51] If i type this into the terminal, what is the terminal supposed to read back to me ----> pcmanfm %U [17:06] Typing in terminal 'pcmanfm %U' Is this the correct output ----> /home/user/%U: No such file or directory [17:54] Ok, forget what i wrote previously. I am on a different operating system and are having problems with my speech to text in the browser. Now i know the results of that command has nothing to do with it, and i'm pretty sure the problem isn't with the browser...... [17:55] cimbakahn: please pick a channel and stick with it. [17:55] Ok. [17:55] When i activate it the mic blinks on and off in the panel. I could be missing a package.