
pragomerhi. I have choosen "minimal install" while installing ubuntu-budgie 18.04. But I now am missing some things (tilix-here in nautilus, screenshooting-tool). how can I easily install these packages?12:46
pragomerAND: i got a very strange bug using gnome-screenshot tool: it only captures "black"12:57
mpmcfossfreedom: I'd actually forgot I'd done that as it's not something I see every day :p14:57
BeagonHi there everyone. I've been using Budgie for a couple weeks now and I'm really satisfied with it, however I have a litte problem20:22
BeagonI can't seem to rebind the print screen button to shutter... The default screenshotting tool is quite sub-par20:23
BeagonFor context: I disabled all the screenshotting bindings then tried to add a custom shortcut but the bind doesn't seem to pick up on my print screen button20:25
=== sorinello1 is now known as sorinello
fossfreedomBeagon, for your custom binding - is "Print" actually assigned?  If it is then it must be your command line you are using21:58

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