
hggdhnow we wait00:10
oerheksyes, on the nvidia issue ... sudo prime-select nvidia & reboot?00:11
hggdhIDK, sorry, I make sure, nowadays, *not* to get anything with nVidia...00:12
oerheksi have ati 54xx running, 2x hd, no issue running 2 youtubes00:13
Bashing-omAnd I run nvidia .. both open source and porprietary drivers - on different installs on same machine.. no issues with either  :P01:42
Bashing-omToo slow to hold my attention .. G nite guys \o05:01
lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:05
lotuspsychjemorning EriC^^06:17
EriC^^morning lotuspsychje06:17
ducassegood morning06:37
lotuspsychjehey ducasse lordievader06:37
BluesKajHi folks10:31
=== CyberHacker_ is now known as CyberHacker
lordievaderGood afternoon11:56
ducassehi lordievader - wb11:57
lordievaderHey ducasse11:57
lordievaderHow are you doing?11:57
ducasseall well thanks, and you?11:57
lordievaderDoing okay here.12:00
lordievaderQuite nice weather.12:00
lordievaderSunny and warm.12:00
BluesKajHey lordievader, ducasse , doing fine here too :-)..had to displace okular with foxit reader due to a printing problem with okular on my passport  reapplication. Foxit solves the problem.12:01
ducasseit's really nice here today, after all the heat it's cool enough to live with12:01
ducassehi BluesKaj12:01
lordievaderI moved to Evince for my pdf reading. Only reason is that more transition effects are supported.12:02
BluesKajwell okular was putting spaces where they don't belong in my name, address etc12:04
BluesKajweather's a bit crappy here, cool and rainy , but i don't really mind since the new grass seed application needs a lot of rain12:05
BluesKajlordievader, transition effects?12:07
lordievaderYes, for presentations.12:07
lordievaderPDF actually supports quite a few transition effects.12:08
BluesKajok what do you mean by transition effects? I still don't understand that phrase12:09
BluesKajgot an example ?12:12
BluesKajok I found it on google, lordievader, now I understand12:17
BluesKaja little pizazz to your presentation :-)12:21
ikoniapragmaticenigma: did you want me ?16:08
pragmaticenigmaikonia: I had a thought about indica.... but I think they're just being difficult16:15
oerheks_lonely people..16:15
pragmaticenigmasomething like that?16:18
lotuspsychjegood evening to all16:36
oerheks_*hips*  arooni, no-one runs 18.04 .. that issue happens on mint only, AFAIK20:45
EriC^^evening all21:44
oerheks_hi EriC^^21:52
EriC^^hey oerheks_21:52

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