
lubot<tsimonq2> Qt 5.9.6:21:36
lubot- Release content in place and packages under RTA21:36
lubot- If all OK we will release these packages as Qt 5.9.6 during this week21:36
lubot   * Release target Wed 6.6.2018 but let's see if we can get all needed testing done early enough for that21:36
lubotQt 5.11.1:21:36
lubot- Branching ongoing. Target to finalize branching Thu 7.6.201821:37
lubot- Creating initial changes files will be started later this week21:37
lubot- Target to create final packages for RTA at the end of next week & put the release out 19.6.201821:37
lubot   * 4 issues open in release blocker list, see https://bugreports.qt.io/issues/?filter=1937221:37
lubot<tsimonq2> Some releases coming up. :)21:37
lisandro5.11.1 already?21:49
lisandrooh, wow21:49
lisandrowell, work to do it seems21:49
lubot<tsimonq2> hehe21:53

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