
=== bspar is now known as croweII
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cpaelzergood morning05:29
microwaved_morning ^^05:39
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=== Guest54829 is now known as hehehe
microwaved_anyone got some cool must happ applications on their ubuntu server i'm fiddling around with mine09:29
rbasakmicrowaved_: lxd. It's there by default I think. It allows you to nest Ubuntu server installs. Perfect for experiments.09:38
microwaved_rbasak: thanks!09:44
neo4what is wildcard subdomain?09:52
neo4I'm going to install on a test server wordpress mulstisite that will use wildcard subdomain09:53
neo4how to configure apache to use wildcard?10:24
neo4it should be like *.site.com10:24
neo4or whole host10:24
neo4it might for dns10:25
neo4Can we somehow turn on all dubdomain for our server?10:25
neo4that from our WP app we will able to create network10:26
ikoniawhat ?10:26
ikoniasubdomains are nothing to do with your server10:26
neo4ikonia: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wildcard_DNS_record10:34
neo4nothing do, there might apache should accept *.site.com and DNS redirect to all domains *.site.com to my server10:35
ikoniaso you're asking can apache handle wildcards ?10:35
neo4in wordpress exists 'multisite network' it's when we install one copy of wordpress and can create multiple sites with naem site1.example.com site2.example.com10:35
ikoniaI know what multisite is10:36
ikoniabut you're not really asking a question10:36
blackflowhe's asknig a bunch of loosely related things all in one sentence. dns, apache and now WP.10:36
neo4ikonia: both, I'm going install this set up on test server10:36
ikoniaboth what ?10:36
blackflowneo4: perhaps slow down and start from the actual problem you want to solve, ignoring whether it's dns, apache or WP.10:36
neo4ikonia: both customization DNS server and apache10:36
ikoniawhat about it ?10:37
neo4blackflow: actual problem it's make a test server for wp plugins and themes using wp multisite installation10:37
ikoniaok - so follow the multisite install guide10:37
ikoniait calls out the DNS and webserver setup10:37
ikoniait actually walks you through this is the setup and preq section10:38
neo4 ok10:38
ikoniado you actually ever read the docs on the products/setups you're trying to do ?10:38
neo4ikonia: you seems not to have heard abut wildcard for DNS or Apache?10:38
neo4exists a few kinds of wildcards10:39
ikoniayes, I have10:39
ikoniaas I've just said I have, and I've just said I know what multicard is10:39
neo4I too10:39
ikoniano, there is one kind of wildcard - a wildcard10:39
neo4ikonia: ok,10:39
ikoniathere are multiple technologies that can/cannot use wildcards10:39
neo4I haven't10:39
ikoniayou haven't what ?10:39
neo4haven't heard10:39
ikoniaok - so read the documentation then10:40
neo4i thought there existed special app that automatically add records to dns and creates virtual hosts :)10:40
neo4this theme worth learning10:40
ikoniaa special app ??10:41
ikoniato be honest, you're spam server technology stack is getting a bit old10:41
ikoniaubuntu-server is not here to help you with this10:41
neo4ikonia: It was delusion10:43
neo4about how it works10:43
neo4it doesn't use app10:43
ikoniano, it won't use an app10:43
neo4passed, will read docs10:43
ikoniaas most people don't host apache/dns/email/webmail on one server10:43
ikoniaso that would require complex API calls to multiple infrastrcture components10:43
neo4yes, and if you don't know server it looks like it uses app10:44
ikoniawhich isn't realistic for an app like wordpress to deal with10:44
ikonianothing looks like it uses an app to do that10:44
blackflowikonia: (we do, but each is jailed and isolated :)   )10:44
neo4ikonia: ok10:44
ikoniablackflow: I'll cut that some slack then ;)10:44
blackflowneo4: sounds like you really want to purchase a hosted centos/cPanel service and use cPanel. That is "an app" that integrates all that and does dns + virtualhost + a lot more, automatically.10:45
blackflowif not, you'll have to write your own integration.10:45
neo4blackflow: no, this is for people who badly know inside server but I am supposed to be a powerful linux user :)10:46
ikoniathen you are a liar10:47
blackflowthen you'll have to learn it yourself, which kind of excludes looking for "an app" that does that automatically.10:47
neo4blackflow: I want to create wp plugin for codecanion that will deploy on server a wildcard multisite wp installation10:47
blackflowneo4: I don't know what codecanion is, but sure, writing a WP plugin that integrates with DNS and Apache (re)configuration is of course doable.10:48
neo4user install usual wordpress, then run my activate my plugin and run will get server and wp prepared for put there demo plugins and tests, left only put record to DNS server10:48
neo4blackflow: it's big market10:49
ikoniado you understand how silly that sounds10:49
ikoniayou want to create a plugin that will deploy codecanion10:49
ikoniahe means codecanyon10:49
blackflowah I see.10:50
ikonianeo4: you understand hoiw infrastructure works......10:50
ikonia"you install wordpress, install my plugin and it will configure wordpress for you"10:50
neo4ikonia: which infrastracture?10:50
ikoniafor your plugin to work - you'd need wordpress installed and configured10:50
ikoniaso you're building a plugin to configure the dependency of the plugin actually working10:50
blackflowunless there's some base WP installation that bootstraps other WP installations.10:51
ikoniathe wordpress default installer does it10:51
blackflowbut that sounds extremely advanced for somoene asking these questions.10:51
blackflowwell if I understand it correctly, this plugin should also integrate with DNS and Apache reconfig?10:51
ikoniabut apache will already need to be setup - or you can't install wordpress, which means you can't install the plugin10:52
ikoniaand dns will alrady need to be setup if you wish to access your blog via a friendly name10:52
ikoniarather than IP10:52
ikoniahence "do you understand how infrastructure works"10:53
neo4blackflow: only server, there will on plugin a tip for user how  to set up DNS for using wildcard10:53
blackflowyeah, but what I mean is, you have already a WP setup (with apache and whole infra), and then a plugin that deploys new WP installations, and changes apache and DNS for those new multisite installations.   Basically, replicate what cpanel does in a way :)10:53
ikonianeo4: how to setup wildcard dns will depend on the dns provider, and it's well documented already10:53
ikoniaso you're plugin to provide a tip is pointless10:53
ikoniaI suggest you take this to the wordpress channel and ask how useful this is10:54
ikoniaand take a flameproof hat10:54
blackflowheh, yeah.10:54
neo4ikonia: apache have been set up already, Plugin will only configure and user have to put 755 right on shell script before run wp plugin, I think it will allow wp plugin to access /etc folder10:54
ikoniaerrr no10:54
blackfloweh no.... nononononon. don't do that10:55
ikoniawordpress doens't touch etc10:55
ikonianeo4: basically "stop what you are doing"10:55
ikoniaand you don't change the permissions10:55
neo4ikonia: for DNS looks like standard *.example.com.   3600 IN  MX 10 host1.example.com.10:55
ikonianeo4: that's just an MX record, that's not how DNS servers work10:55
ikonianeo4: basically - you don't understand what you are trying to do, stop doing it10:55
neo4ikonia: no, I'm going to do this plugin and sell it users10:56
neo4on codecanion many sellers who need test server10:56
ikoniaok - good luck with that10:56
ikoniathis channel is not here to help you with that, so please don't ask for help10:56
neo4I'll ask if have some troubleshooting10:57
ikoniado not ask10:57
ikoniathis channel is not here to help you build comercial software that could put people at risk10:58
neo4I'll ask about software for myself )11:00
ikoniayou're done here11:00
ikoniawe helped you with your spam mail server11:00
ikoniawe've helped you with various other problems11:00
ikoniayou're now asking for help building comercial software that you don't understand - this is not this channels purpose11:00
neo4ikonia: and you'll continue to help me with others things11:00
neo4thanks )11:01
ikoniaword with the channels that provide and support the software stack you need11:01
ikonianeo4: no, not in this channel11:01
neo4I appreciated yours input11:01
neo4ikonia: nothing bad, people have to help others, I don't thing it something bad if you helped me11:01
neo4ikonia: yes, people require to help others11:01
neo4it's human needs11:02
ikoniathey do11:02
ikoniaI agree11:02
ikoniatry the others such as #wordpress11:02
ikoniathis channel is not for your help needs though11:02
ikonia##php etc11:02
neo4and I don't force anybody to help me,..11:02
ikoniano, but I'm telling you to no longer ask for help on your projects11:02
neo4ask and you get help, read bible11:02
ikoniayour projects are nothing to do with ubuntu11:02
ikoniathis is not a christian channel, and has nothing to do with the bible11:02
neo4ikonia: I'll run my projects using ubuntu11:03
ikoniayes, but they are nothing to do with ubuntu support11:03
ikoniahence please no longer ask11:03
neo4ikonia: ok, I understood, stop it, If I have trouble I'll ask11:03
ikoniawhat part of "do not ask" am I not making clear11:03
neo4ikonia: and what do you offer me to do?11:04
ikoniause the channels that support the software stack/engineering you want to do11:04
neo4ikonia: it means you offered me to leave a channel?11:04
neo4I dont' understand11:04
ikonia you're welcome to stay, just don't ask people for help on your projects11:04
neo4about shall I ask?11:04
ikoniasorry I don't understand11:05
neo4all questions relate to ubuntu server I'll ask here11:05
ikonianot in reference to your development projects11:05
neo4what about shall I ask?11:05
neo4I won't mention  for why I need it11:05
ikoniano, that wasn't what I said11:06
ikoniahiding your needs will not be tollerated any more either11:06
neo4it isn't my development project, it was just what we can do using whildcard possibilities. I don't have such project11:06
ikoniayou just said you are doing this to build commercial plugin to make money11:07
neo4ikonia: if I won't say about my needs it will looks like proper question, silence is gold11:07
ikoniathat attitude will not be acceptable11:08
ikoniaas I've already said11:08
ikonialook - either comply with what I've said, you'll be remove from teh chanbnel11:08
ikoniayou got removed from #ubuntu for ignoring the rules and requests to change your behaviour11:08
ikoniathere is nothing different about this channel11:08
ikoniano more discussion on it please11:08
neo4ikonia: say is one, but done thing is others. You can say much but in actually will have done nothing11:08
ikoniaI have no idea what your last sentence meant, sorry11:08
neo4people do this frequently, empty words around11:08
neo4ikonia: this saying11:09
ikoniaI'm sorry, I honestly don't understand what you are trying to say11:09
blackflowneo4: except some can kickban if you cross the line ;)11:09
neo4ikonia: fast tales is said but not fast bussness is being doing11:10
ikoniaagain, I don't know what that means11:10
neo4blackflow: it doesn't matter, I've banned on #ubuntu and #wordpress and today I went to #wordpress and asking there. If I need some channel I can reach it...11:13
neo4on #wordpress they kicks me by default11:13
blackflowneo4: sure but think why are people telling you all these things. is there a reason.11:13
blackflowthink hard. You want to write commercial software that someone will PAY for, but you have ZERO experience in things that software would have to do, and very little knowledge.11:14
neo4blackflow: because deviate from topicks11:14
blackflowPlease explain to me, how is that NOT scamming people?11:14
blackflowLike, buying a car only to find out it was put together by people who never built cars, and of course it breaks down.11:14
blackflowWoudln't you want to find the seller and demand your money back?11:14
neo4and #wordpress was first my irc channel, I hardly speak there and strong violate rules, put there links from youtube and speak in very familiar way.... )))11:15
blackflowdo you want to be called a scammer? a spammer? a criminal?11:15
neo4blackflow: it's world, might buyer wanted to save money and buy cheaper thing, etc... greedy guy always pay twice11:16
ikoniaenough, this is nothign to do with ubuntu-server11:16
ikonianeo4: you've been told what is expected of you, you've been told the consiquences11:16
ikoniait's up to you what you do11:16
neo4blackflow: yes, it's market11:16
blackflowI meant this is offtopic for the channel :)   as for the market, no you will become a scammer and a thief and people will want you to return their money.11:17
neo4blackflow: no, it isn't scam this is the silly of them to buy cheap things and not trusted expensive brands and nothing else11:18
ikonianeo4: final warning - please stop now11:19
lordievaderGood afternoon11:56
microwaved_anyone ever heard about flockport12:02
=== flugger_ is now known as flugger
coreycbjamespage: do you mind if I update gnocchi-api and gnocchi-common to default to py2 and have py3 as an alternative?14:03
jamespagecoreycb: that feels like a step backwards? I think some of the dependencies only ship py3 pkgs...14:04
coreycbjamespage: that might be true for gnocchi. i'm planning to make everything else py2 default and py3 as alternative for now and then do a full switch to py3 all at once when all projects are ready.14:05
coreycbjamespage: mainly due to issues with all-in-one installs14:05
jamespagecoreycb: ok14:05
jamespagei'd not bother to much with gnocchi for now14:05
jamespagecoreycb: I'm working on the ceph mimic release for cosmic btw14:06
jamespagetrying to get the parallel build target up for lp buildd's14:06
jamespagemight be able to use 4 - we'll see14:06
coreycbjamespage: ok cool14:07
geoffmccIm running Ubuntu 18.04 and today I noticed I have a debian-tor group. I don't recall seeing it there before, but it may have been there. Im also pretty sure I never seen it on other versions before. All I have been able to figure out is that tor does not seem to be installed, but I cant find any documentation as to if that is now a default group.14:46
rbasakgeoffmcc: it doesn't look present by default on a Bionic image.14:52
rbasakgeoffmcc: looks like it gets created dynamically when you install the tor package.14:54
geoffmccrbasak: hmm.. weird. I wonder if an update pulled in something that somehow required it, but not tor14:54
rbasakNothing that I can see.14:55
geoffmccrbasak: okay thanks for looking14:56
geoffmccrbasak: debian-tor must be a default group on Bionic. I did a fresh install, checked and there it was again.16:25
rbasakgeoffmcc: which installer are you using?16:44
geoffmccrbasak: I just burned the latest image and i got that new installer, forget what its called.16:45
rbasakdebian-tor isn't present if I boot a KVM or lxd Bionic image (using official images). It could be an artifact of the installer though. You mean subquity?16:46
naccand my ubuntu desktop that was a fresh install of 18.04 just before release does not have it either16:46
geoffmccrbasak: yes, subiquity.16:47
rbasaksmoser: ^16:48
rbasakI don't understand why this would be happening.16:48
rbasakThe user-setup udeb looks like it defaults to adding users to debian-tor, but won't if the gruop doesn't exist.16:48
rbasakI've not confirmed this though.16:48
rbasakIs subiquity perhaps creating the group if it doesn't exist?16:48
smoserrbasak: i do not think that subiquity is doing anything with tor16:52
rbasaksmoser: geoffmcc's report above is that a fresh install of Bionic using subiquity results in a debian-tor group created16:53
geoffmccrbasak: smoser: fresh install - $groups geoff adm cdrom sudo dip plugdev lxd lpadmin sambashare debian-tor libvirtd16:53
geoffmccsmoser: as far as i can tell, tor is not installed16:54
powersjconfirmed the debian-tor group is there on latest bionic daily-live iso :\17:22
naccpowersj: what about the non-live one?17:24
powersjI created LP: #1775228 and will check d-i now17:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1775228 in subiquity "user is in debian-tor group on fresh install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/177522817:26
rbasakpowersj: thanks!17:43
naccrbasak: are you still around?19:29
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axisysanyone successfully made sssd working on ubuntu 14.04.. I am getting much success... exact same sssd.conf works on 5 centos 7 I tried20:19
axisysI am *not* getting much success20:20
axisyschecked with #sssd team and so far no success there either20:20
axisysldapsearch works fine ..20:20
granjerohi, trying to follow this guide to install SQL driver for php but i got an error on the second line. the echo "extension....20:26
sarnoldsudo and echo don't usually mix20:27
sarnoldwhoever wrote this probably adapted instructions from elsewhere without testing20:27
sarnold(well, sudo and echo work perfectly, as designed, etc., but people expect them to do something other than they do ;)20:28
sarnoldinstead of prefixing every command with sudo, run sudo -s once, and then run the commands without 'sudo'20:28
granjerolet me try20:29
granjerosort of worked20:30
granjerogot a wanrnig20:30
thedacroaksoax: That seems to have fixed things. I am running a full OpenStack deploy now.21:54
roaksoaxthedac: cool21:55

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