
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.06:06
Knight_Wrkhey brobostigon06:30
brobostigonhi Knight_Wrk06:30
=== layke is now known as Guest95068
daftykinsGuest-436223: bad connection!17:10
diddledanI love when it stays light into the evening20:07
diddledansummer ftw20:07
zmoylan-pias a kid playing tennis against a wall behind the house until it got dark and someone got hit in the head by the ball when they could no longer see it :-)20:19
diddledanwe ruined my dad's lawn one summer with cycling around it for hour on end every evening20:24
daftykinsmust've angered it20:26
daftykinsdiddledan: my friend with the outdated vulnerable drupal site has got in touch to say that that site, his wifes personal one and his mum in laws holiday home one all need their hosting sorted O_O20:27
zmoylan-pian english mans lawn is his pride and joy20:27
daftykinsdiddledan: right now he's using multiple hosting companies across each, but i'm thinking of just saying dump the lot and i'll run a digitalocean droplet with them all on instead :D make sense?20:29
daftykinshe is trying to avoid having to maintain them but i've explained that the only way to do that is to stay offline xD20:29
diddledanyeah, putting them all on the same hosting is probably a good idea20:30
daftykinsjust one of the above seems to want £35/mo for 'management'20:30
diddledanmanaged hosting costs :-p20:30
daftykinsmmm can't see them really doing it all though20:31
zmoylan-pihe's asking you as he hopes you'll volunteer...20:31
daftykinshaha nah i was just curious as to whether i sounded insane or whether you'd direct folk the same way20:31
daftykinsoh one of the sites is already disabled by the current host for having been hacked in the past, allegedly :D20:32
diddledanoh gawd. might need to clean it first then20:35
daftykinsdo you ever bother with that, or just start afresh?20:35
daftykinsi found it on the way back machine from april but there's nothing visibly wrong, think it's the classic unmaintained wordpress situation there20:35
daftykinsseems like it goes: 1) client wants to be able to update their site 2) someone puts in a CMS for them 3) client never updates site 4) site is compromised20:36
zmoylan-pibut if they do updates it will eventually break something!!20:38
daftykinsa much better result :>20:39
daftykinsseems some think they need to put up really obnoxious cookie banners now due to GDPR20:39
diddledans/some/every damned site/20:40
daftykinshehe, mmm yeah doesn't sound like something new and yet why some have started doing more i assume is down to GDPR fear20:41
daftykinsi remember that privacy fella said cookie banners was everyone misinterpreting the rules20:45

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