oerheks | How did you install the nvidia drivers, and what version? | 00:02 |
berwyn | oerheks: Hi : ) | 00:06 |
BlueProtoman | oerheks: Through the official repos | 00:17 |
oerheks | this recent post wants to use the driver ppa.. https://askubuntu.com/questions/1028830/how-do-i-install-cuda-on-ubuntu-18-04 | 00:24 |
oerheks | and some odd missing ocl-icd-libopencl1 package https://askubuntu.com/questions/1032430/opencl-with-nvidia-390-on-ubunut-18-04 | 00:25 |
spikebike | the newest cuda includes a newer nvidia driver | 00:26 |
spikebike | (396.26) | 00:27 |
bobdobbs | I'm on Ubuntu 18.04. I hit prtscrn and... something happens. Where does the screenshot get saved to? | 00:27 |
kk | https://pastebin.com/hmN27Ekt | 00:27 |
spikebike | bobdobbs: it pops a dialog and asks you where to save | 00:27 |
kk | Hello Guys, Linux noobie here..I am trying to script a quick bash script that will start ssh-add command so that I don't have to type the passphrase again and again. | 00:27 |
oerheks | bobdobbs, standard in ~/Pictures .. | 00:27 |
kk | I wrote this..But its not working | 00:27 |
kk | https://pastebin.com/hmN27Ekt | 00:28 |
kk | Can anyone please help | 00:28 |
spikebike | kk: you are doing it wrong | 00:28 |
bobdobbs | oerheks: thanks! | 00:28 |
kk | spikebike: Can you please tell me what is wrong with this? | 00:28 |
spikebike | kk: default 18.04 already runs an agent/keychain, just run ssh-add once and you are golden | 00:28 |
spikebike | kk: don't run an agent, don't put it in a script | 00:29 |
kk | Ok..Let me change my script to run just ssh-add. | 00:30 |
Asuran | hi, does tcpdump include all wifi packats send by wlan adapter? i got some problem with packet spam i cant identify which doesnt seem to be on fedora 28 just on my ubuntu 18.04. its a rt2800pci wifi | 00:30 |
spikebike | Asuran: it's most accurate to just name the interface you want to use with tcpdump. | 00:30 |
Asuran | with -i? done it | 00:30 |
hggdh | tcpdump will receive all packets accepted by the interface(s) | 00:31 |
arooni | does ubuntu 18.04 use a qt4 qt5 enviornment? | 00:31 |
arooni | trying to figure out which to download | 00:31 |
arooni | http://www.tuxguitar.com.ar/download.html | 00:31 |
arooni | nevermind; theres an ubuntu package lol | 00:31 |
Asuran | hggdh: okay so wavemon isnt showing more then tcpdump ? | 00:32 |
dijondon | Hi -- i am running ubuntu artful (17.10) and am not able to install package 'strongswan-plugin-eap-mschapv2' -- can i install a package from an earlier release of ubuntu? i see it there for trusty and xenial | 00:33 |
kk | spikebike: https://pastebin.com/HEEU90GR | 00:33 |
kk | Getting this error "Could not open a connection to your authentication agent." | 00:33 |
spikebike | kk: running which ubuntu? | 00:34 |
kk | DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 15.10" | 00:34 |
kk | Not sure if this is the problem | 00:34 |
spikebike | that's way past EoL | 00:35 |
kk | hmm..I am running the bash shell in my Windows.. | 00:35 |
oerheks | dijondon, maybe this answer is a help https://askubuntu.com/questions/1029907/trouble-setting-up-ikev2-ipsec-on-18-04-unable-to-locate-package-strongswan-ik/1030024 | 00:35 |
oerheks | strongswan-swanctl | 00:36 |
dijondon | oerheks, i can install the mschapv2 plugin using swanctl? | 00:38 |
oerheks | if i read that post correctly, you would need the libcharon-extra-plugins too | 00:38 |
oerheks | or maybe it pulls that automaticly | 00:39 |
Asuran | so idk is someone spamming(scan?) ubuntu installations and that is what i see or is it a bug? | 00:39 |
oerheks | Asuran, packet spam during ubuntu installation? | 00:40 |
Sven_vB | for a while now, my netbook developed a habit of surprising me with numlock suddenly being on. how to debug? Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS xenial, Xfce 4.12 | 00:40 |
Asuran | during install also | 00:40 |
Asuran | all time | 00:40 |
Asuran | when i tried other distro nothing like that | 00:40 |
Asuran | so in my opinion its bug but idk tcpdump doesnt fit with wavemon activity | 00:40 |
oerheks | so your adapters sees packages from surrounding wlan clients | 00:41 |
Asuran | it look like it sends packages and get response from gateway | 00:41 |
Asuran | but i cant get the prove since tcpdump doesnt show i | 00:41 |
Asuran | all i got is wavemon + the acitivty lamp on the apdater | 00:41 |
Asuran | which happens only on ubuntu | 00:42 |
hggdh | Asuran: tcpdump receives all packets accepted by the interface being sniffed. Wavemon seems to have a different type of connection to the *wireless* interface | 00:42 |
Asuran | so what im supposed todo switch distro or | 00:43 |
Asuran | even creating launchpad account doesnt work here, always fails at my name which isnt uncommon or special character | 00:44 |
oerheks | sudo ufw allow ssh/tcp && sudo ufw logging on && sudo ufw enable && sudo ufw status https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UncomplicatedFirewall | 00:47 |
oerheks | and be happy | 00:47 |
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Asuran | oerheks: done, still same | 00:49 |
Asuran | so i can expect its from inside then? | 00:49 |
oerheks | disable wavemon and that led activity stops | 00:51 |
Asuran | oerheks: eh no it doesnt. the other thing on fedora 28 this problem doesnt exist no matter if use wavemon etc. | 00:52 |
Asuran | it seems only be ubuntu related, but idk what it is | 00:52 |
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Asuran | nethogs doesnt show atleast no process is responsible for it like snapd | 00:53 |
oerheks | nethogs, wavemon, tcdump .. how does snapd fit in? | 00:56 |
Asuran | i wanted to say with this example its not a process if i see it right which causes the packet spam (nethogs) | 00:58 |
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Slade | hum, cant do a release upgrade because mirror.umd.edu is down.. | 01:01 |
oerheks | Slade, change the mirror to 'main' for now | 01:02 |
oerheks | or your version is way EOL ... | 01:02 |
pankaj | I have to dual boot another Operating system. The MBR is set up by ubuntu. What is the easiest way to add that anohter partition OS to ubuntu's grub so that I can dual boot? | 01:03 |
Slade | oerheks, havent done that before. | 01:03 |
oerheks | type sources in bash, and the tool/menu pops up | 01:04 |
Slade | ah, no gui :D | 01:04 |
oerheks | pankaj, update-grub or os-prober from within ubuntu | 01:05 |
oerheks | you have a lot of issues in your life.. sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list # and replace it with http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu | 01:07 |
pankaj | oerheks: Will it itself search for partition that want to be dual booted and configure its configuration file? | 01:07 |
Slade | something like this maybe? sudo sed -i 's|https://mirror.umd.edu/|http://archive.ubuntu.com/|g' /etc/apt/sources.list | 01:07 |
oerheks | i think that sed works too | 01:07 |
oerheks | sudo apt install update-manager-core && sudo do-release-upgrade | 01:08 |
oerheks | pankaj, normally yes | 01:09 |
pankaj | oerheks: OK | 01:10 |
oerheks | some choose to chainload those grub installs, i would seperate linux installs by hdd and bios-switch | 01:10 |
Slade | oerheks, i'm lazy so i like sed.. thanks for the help :) | 01:11 |
oerheks | have fun! | 01:11 |
Slade | i'm surprised theres no cli tool for auto reselecting the mirror | 01:11 |
Slade | bad sign.. https://pastebin.com/ZmVBDHqa | 01:15 |
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crazyhacker | hi all | 01:32 |
steelnwool | Hello | 01:39 |
crazyhacker | hi | 01:39 |
crazyhacker | how are u | 01:39 |
steelnwool | Doing great. | 01:39 |
steelnwool | So, need some knowledge. I downloaded http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/18.04/release/ubuntu-18.04-server-cloudimg-amd64.vmdk .. and I have no idea what the default username and password is. | 01:40 |
hggdh | steelnwool: should be ubuntu/ubuntu | 01:41 |
steelnwool | you'd think so :) | 01:41 |
hggdh | steelnwool: ah, sorry. There is no password, you have to boot it with a public key | 01:42 |
crazyhacker | who can hacked me | 01:42 |
hggdh | steelnwool: see, for example, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29137679/login-credentials-of-ubuntu-cloud-server-image | 01:42 |
hggdh | crazyhacker: off topic | 01:43 |
steelnwool | hggdh: fair enough. now... to find out the IP of the machine :) | 01:44 |
hggdh | steelnwool:heh. Now, only you would know it, after all, you are booting it | 01:44 |
steelnwool | hggdh: yeah, I've not messed with vms in quite some time. I have to find which subnet and do some nmapping. | 01:45 |
steelnwool | But yeah. trying. | 01:45 |
kvndy | Can anyone help me troubleshoot a data loss problem with an Ext4 formatted external drive? My machine crashes daily, this time on reboot I cannot decrypt the drive. | 01:47 |
kvndy | "Error mounting /dev/dm-3 at ...: can't read superblock on /dev/mapper/luks-4795f4... | 01:49 |
dabbler | I have an installation of Ubuntu 16.04.4 on an armhf SBC (with HDMI out to a TV) that I'm trying to get JWM working on. I've installed jwm, xserver-xorg, xinit, and created a basic /etc/X11/Xorg.conf, but when I run xinit, I get the fatal error "Cannot open /dev/tty0 (Permission denied)" in the Xorg log. I'm guessing I might be able to get around this by doing sudo xinit, but I know you shoudn't just blindly sudo things unless you know i | 01:50 |
dabbler | t's appropriate. should I be sudoing xinit or is there some bit of config I'm still missing? | 01:50 |
kvndy | Furthermore, using Disks it shows two volumes at 1TB each when there should only be one | 01:51 |
dabbler | kvndy: have you checked the SMART health of the drive? | 01:51 |
kvndy | dabbler: I don't think I can check SMART data & self tests until the drive mounts, which it appears to almost do but fails | 01:54 |
kvndy | "Error mounting filesystem, can't read superblock..." | 01:55 |
kvndy | And it was practically a brand new drive, and my first month on Ubuntu, already with catastrophic drive failure, very disappointing. | 01:55 |
Ryvius | Hello, is it correct that Ubuntu 16.04 has not received Vulkan 1.1? | 01:56 |
kvndy | i was spoiled using other OSes, and didn't realize how hairy things were over here | 01:56 |
Ryvius | For the standard nvidia drivers | 01:56 |
dabbler1 | oops. batt died. if anyone (e.g. kvndy) replied to me, I missed it. kindly repeat | 01:56 |
kvndy | dabbler: I don't think I can check SMART data & self tests until the drive mounts, which it appears to almost do but fails | 01:57 |
kvndy | And it was practically a brand new drive, and my first month on Ubuntu, already with catastrophic drive failure, very disappointing. | 01:58 |
dabbler1 | kvndy: no mounting is needed to check SMART | 01:58 |
steelnwool | hggdh: what did you mean by "boot it with a public key" ? | 01:58 |
dabbler1 | kvndy: do you know what /dev/ device it is? | 01:59 |
hggdh | steelnwool: cloud images must be booted passing the (initial) public key for one to ssh into. I do not remember the details on it, though | 02:01 |
kvndy | dabbler: Maybe dm-3 or maybe /dev/sdb? Not sure. I correctly type the password to decrypt, but in Disks there appears two 1TB volumes when there should only be one | 02:02 |
kvndy | There is also /dev/mapper/luks-4795...etc | 02:02 |
kvndy | Two devices /dev/sdb and /dev/mapper/luks... | 02:03 |
dabbler1 | kvndy: I'd examine an sdb before a mapper one | 02:05 |
kvndy | The unlocked one is not named, and my volume that I named does not mount. | 02:05 |
steelnwool | hggdh: yeah, I'm trying to do this on fusion, which is a different beast. I think I'm attacking this problem the wrong way. | 02:05 |
kvndy | dabbler1: examine how? | 02:05 |
dabbler1 | kvndy: I would install the package gsmartcontrol | 02:05 |
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kvndy | dabbler1: I will have a look at it, thanks | 02:06 |
dabbler1 | kvndy: there may not be anything wrong with your disk hardware, but i'd always verify that first because if there is a hardware problem, you need to know ASAP in order to save as much data as possible | 02:07 |
kvndy | dabbler1: gsmartcontrol is not saying much. | 02:11 |
kvndy | "View Details" shows "no additional information available for this drive" | 02:12 |
kvndy | "Enable SMART" and "Perform Tests" are greyed out and cannot be selected | 02:12 |
dabbler1 | kvndy: hmm how is the disk connected to the comp? USB? | 02:12 |
kvndy | yes | 02:12 |
kvndy | Computer crashed like it does everyday, but this time after typing correct password to decrypt it shows two volumes in Disks, one mounted with a long hashed name, and another not mounted with the name I gave it | 02:14 |
dabbler1 | kvndy: ugh. the software support for SMART over USB often isn't there. do you have the option of removing the disk from whatever external enclosure you have it in and connecting it internally, like via SATA? | 02:15 |
kvndy | dabber1: not really, no | 02:15 |
dabbler1 | kvndy: do you have a windows installation you can connect it to? | 02:16 |
dabbler1 | kvndy: I've noticed the $-free CCleaner app on Windows can often show SMART data for drives connected via USB | 02:17 |
kvndy | dabbler1: I could wipe Ubuntu and restore Windows which came installed, I made a recovery USB drive | 02:18 |
kvndy | Or try a dual boot but I'm a novice at this | 02:18 |
dabbler1 | kvndy: eh that sounds like a lot of work. is this an off-the-shelf sealed external enclosure? is that why you can't connect internally? | 02:19 |
kvndy | dabbler1: No, I bought the case separately, I can take it out, I just don't have a machine to put it in. Maybe I could take apart the laptop I'm using now, I also have an older mac that I've taken apart plenty of times, but the motherboard is fried and requires an external drive | 02:21 |
kvndy | dabbler1: I had my data on an external drive here so I could wipe Ubuntu and try out other distros if I felt brave, never got around to it though. | 02:21 |
kvndy | This laptop has a small internal SSD | 02:22 |
crazyhacker | hi | 02:22 |
dabbler1 | kvndy: can you think of any desktop machines you could use? friends? work? | 02:22 |
kvndy | dabbler1: Not impossible, but... | 02:23 |
kvndy | dabbler1: Do you know of any tools on mac OSX that can troubleshoot Ext4 formatted drives? | 02:23 |
dabbler1 | kvndy: you could check smart params (provided the USB thing isn't a problem), and i think you could run fsck on them | 02:24 |
kvndy | A dual boot windows install on this machine would be easier than bothering someone else to use their desktop, but on the other hand, I've lost a bit more than a month of data and would very much like it back | 02:24 |
kvndy | dabbler1: I've never heard of SMART before, or at least didn't pay attention, OS X has fsck but I'm not sure about Ext4 support | 02:25 |
oerheks | without smart support for your usb adapter, how could we help? | 02:26 |
dabbler1 | oerheks: well, if (s)he wanted to dual-boot, we could at least point him/her to something on how to do that, right? | 02:27 |
kvndy | he | 02:27 |
dabbler1 | noted :p | 02:27 |
kvndy | should I start reading the smartctl man page? | 02:27 |
oerheks | it has nothing to do with ubuntu, hardware issue .. but one could perform a fsck.ext4 fix https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilesystemTroubleshooting#e2fsprogs_-_ext2.2C_ext3.2C_ext4_filesystems | 02:28 |
oerheks | * for that external hdd | 02:29 |
oerheks | else i read more issues with the pc itself, so i wonder where this all started and if that machine is the right idea to use | 02:29 |
dabbler1 | kvndy: I also would get those reboots figured out before relying on that machine | 02:31 |
kvndy | Can I multiline paste in here without getting killed? | 02:32 |
kvndy | fsck.ext4: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/sdb | 02:32 |
kvndy | /dev/sdb: | 02:32 |
kvndy | The superblock could not be read or does not describe a valid ext2/ext3/ext4 | 02:32 |
kvndy | filesystem. If the device is valid and it really contains an ext2/ext3/ext4 | 02:32 |
kvndy | filesystem (and not swap or ufs or something else), then the superblock | 02:32 |
oerheks | !paste | 02:32 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 02:32 |
dabbler1 | kvndy: i would not do an fsck.ext4 fix before confirming the drive hardware is healthy first. otherwise you might only degrade your data more | 02:32 |
kvndy | dabbler1: This is probably not a hardware issue, the drive is new. My machine crashes daily, and I suspect did something to the drive | 02:34 |
dabbler1 | kvndy: i would suspect that too, but if this is data you couldn't afford to lose, i would be safe about it | 02:34 |
dabbler1 | kvndy: a machine crashing daily is a recipe for constant filesystem corruption problems | 02:35 |
Synx_hm | Can the usual if.vlan naming convention still be used with netplan and the networkd renderer? | 02:35 |
dabbler1 | kvndy: does the disk's power come via USB or a wall wart? | 02:36 |
kvndy | dabbler1: USB | 02:37 |
kvndy | What I don't understand is where the second partition came from. There should only be one partition, 1TB, not two 1TB partitions | 02:38 |
dabbler1 | kvndy: ok. they're engineered not to be damaged by sudden power losses, but i'd still be made nervous by daily power losses | 02:39 |
kvndy | "filesystem intact" "Filesystem on /dev/mapper/luks-4795f4a.... is undamaged" | 02:41 |
dabbler1 | kvndy: i don't have much insight into why it might appear twice, short of a corrupted partition table. unless you were modifying your partition table when the comp crashed i wouldn't think that likely | 02:41 |
kvndy | dabbler1: No I was not, but it sounds like the partition table did get corrupted somehow, or something along those lines | 02:42 |
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dabbler1 | kvndy: not necessarily. there are several layers of software involved in disk management and presentation. a file system corrupted in a certain way could perhaps trip one of them up into presenting a duplicate volume | 02:44 |
kvndy | what is fstab and is it possible that is what is messed up? | 02:45 |
dabbler1 | kvndy: i'm not familiar with the layers at work in modern Ubuntu, unfortunately | 02:45 |
dabbler1 | kvndy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fstab | 02:46 |
dabbler1 | kvndy: in principle it dictates what devices to mount at what mount points and with what options to the relevant driver | 02:47 |
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dabbler1 | kvndy: i think its maintenance might be semi-automated in modern Ubuntu | 02:48 |
mIk3_08 | oerheks: Are still there? | 02:48 |
dabbler1 | kvndy: have you done any manual modification of /etc/fstab? | 02:50 |
kvndy | dabbler1: no | 02:53 |
kvndy | Well this is interesting, there are superblock backups and I've listed them from some stack overflow question, but I still don't quite know what a superblock is yet | 02:54 |
dabbler1 | kvndy: just realized… the two 1-GB partitions you see… they're /dev/sdb and /dev/mapper/luks…? | 02:55 |
kvndy | dabbler1: yes! 1TB though | 02:55 |
Bashing-om | kvndy: One can spre off the superblock with a backup(s). Is this drive MBR partitioned ? | 02:55 |
dabbler1 | kvndy: the superblock is an internal book-keeping structure in an extN filesystem | 02:56 |
kvndy | not sure if it's MBR partitioned | 02:56 |
Bashing-om | kvndy: pastebin ' sudo parted -l ' . IF MBR I have a good guide to sparing that superblock off . | 02:57 |
dabbler1 | kvndy: just realized. /dev/sdb represents the raw data on your disk. in your case that data is encrypted. the /dev/mapper/luks… device is a virtual device that represents /dev/sdb after it's been decrypted. they have the same size because they are the same size. they're just the same stretch of disk in two different logical states, so to speak | 02:59 |
dabbler1 | kvndy: for access concerned with the physical device (such as looking at SMART status), you'd access /dev/sdb. for access concerned with the filesystem (such as fsck or accessing files), you'd use the LUKS mapped pseudo-device | 03:01 |
kvndy | https://pastebin.com/kbMw3nYv | 03:01 |
kvndy | dabbler1: nice explanation | 03:03 |
dabbler1 | kvndy: LUKS is the driver that handles the full-disk encryption for you | 03:04 |
Bashing-om | kvndy: Yuk , not enough to tell .. and with encrtption and such .. " I know Nothing " . | 03:05 |
kvndy | Bashing-om: Thanks for looking anyway | 03:06 |
Bashing-om | kvndy: :) .. I just "thought" I might be able to help . | 03:07 |
dabbler1 | kvndy: looking at your paste now. a "loop-back device". that's what the LUKS virtual devices are known as in Linux world | 03:08 |
dabbler1 | kvndy: i think because it's looped back into the device tree through a kernel module (driver) | 03:08 |
kvndy | You're talking over my head here. Is a superblock sparing actually a possibility I should pursue? | 03:11 |
dabbler1 | kvndy: can you do a pastebin of the fsck /dev/mapper/luks/… output? | 03:12 |
dabbler1 | kvndy: if the primary/default superblock is damaged, then yes, using the backup superblock is highly relevant for you | 03:14 |
kvndy | FIXED !!! | 03:16 |
Bashing-om | kvndy: Do tell ! | 03:17 |
kvndy | All thanks to dabbler1 (and a little help from Bashing-om), the solution was simply fsck /dev/mapper/luks NOT /dev/sdb, which makes sense given your earlier explanation | 03:17 |
kvndy | HELLYEAH | 03:18 |
kvndy | Time to back this shizz up | 03:18 |
Bashing-om | kvndy: You do good work :) | 03:18 |
kvndy | My excuse for not backing up was I've been using node.js and node_modules is ridiculous | 03:19 |
kvndy | So I'll put that off until tomorrow | 03:19 |
kvndy | Right now it is time to celebrate. | 03:20 |
dabbler1 | kvndy: great! glad you got it figured out. yeah, just keep that role of the two devices firmly in mind. | 03:20 |
kvndy | Thanks again dabbler1 and Bashing-om !!! | 03:20 |
dabbler1 | kvndy: you're welcome. sorry it took me so long to think haha | 03:20 |
kvndy | Party time, excellent, goodnight! | 03:22 |
nikki_s-00 | could someone please help: i pressed control c while installing google chrome. when i try to install a package now, gdebi says "E:the package google-crhome-stable needs to be reinstall, but i can't find an archive for it." | 03:23 |
dabbler1 | kvndy: good night | 03:23 |
Bashing-om | nikki_s-00: Is the source still present in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ ? | 03:29 |
oerheks | or download again from the google site? | 03:31 |
jmadero | nikki_s-00: download chrome package, then run sudo dpkg -i chrome*deb in the folder where you have it downloaded | 03:33 |
swift110 | sup | 03:39 |
oerheks | dns | 03:41 |
oerheks | (upsidedown) | 03:41 |
swift110 | how are you oerheks | 03:41 |
oerheks | just waiting for some reply, that does not always happen | 03:43 |
oerheks | nvm | 03:43 |
guiverc | assume the waited-for-reply was a "hey that works, thanks heaps oerheks" | 03:47 |
oerheks | at least hug Bashing-om | 03:47 |
Bashing-om | :P, with a day such as I have just experienced, hugs are good :) | 03:48 |
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* guiverc hugs Bashing-om (belatedly) | 03:54 | |
nikki_s-00 | thank you :) | 03:54 |
Bashing-om | guiverc: :P All better now . | 03:55 |
kemisten | can some one help me setup remote ssh access? | 04:21 |
jmadero | kemisten: what exactly do you need help with? | 04:21 |
Kamots | kemisten: what are you having trouble with? | 04:21 |
kemisten | dioont ghet port forward to work with ssh | 04:22 |
kemisten | Port 22 | 04:23 |
kemisten | AddressFamily any | 04:23 |
kemisten | ListenAddress | 04:23 |
kemisten | my shhd.conf | 04:23 |
Kamots | so you are saying you don't know how to configure your router/firewall to allow SSH? | 04:24 |
jmadero | kemisten: please don't spam the channel, keep everything in one succinct response not 6 over 60 seconds | 04:25 |
kemisten | i know how to port forwatrd what i dont know is how tto make ssh listen to a specific port | 04:25 |
Kamots | based on your config it is listening on port 22 | 04:26 |
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swift110 | OH OK oerheks | 04:29 |
swift110 | what are you up to oerheks | 04:29 |
swift110 | sup kemisten | 04:30 |
oerheks | sudo ufw allow ssh/tcp && sudo ufw logging on && sudo ufw enable && sudo ufw status | 04:33 |
swift110 | ih | 04:36 |
swift110 | smark guy | 04:36 |
chrisdbarnett | Hi all. Is anyone having problems logging onto the Ubuntu website? Web browser just shuts down as soon as I try to login after entering user id and password. | 05:14 |
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Spookan | chrisdbarnett: User id and password? | 05:16 |
lotuspsychje | chrisdbarnett: wich ubuntu sebsite url are you talking about? | 05:18 |
lotuspsychje | *website | 05:18 |
chrisdbarnett | @Spookan Actually, I now can't get anywhere near login. Window just closes. https://community.ubuntu.com | 05:18 |
chrisdbarnett | It did accuse me of being a bot at one point, so that's most probably something to do with it. | 05:19 |
Spookan | chrisdbarnett: Maybe clean some cookies and so on? | 05:20 |
chrisdbarnett | Yeah. I'll try that thanks. | 05:20 |
microwaved_ | good morning looney tunes and other folks | 05:26 |
lotuspsychje | microwaved_: welcome, how can we help you? | 05:29 |
myrat | what's up) | 05:29 |
microwaved_ | lotuspsychje: you can't i'm usually here to support others unless i bump into some deep technical issue myself | 05:37 |
Edisto | hmm... I actually think this ubuntumate works wonders. I haven't crashed... | 05:45 |
Edisto | I guess there must be something wrong with the gnome3 and my system | 05:46 |
microwaved_ | what are you running on? | 05:50 |
Edisto | microwaved_: intel cpu, with 2 amd gpu's | 05:51 |
Edisto | so a pc i guess =D | 05:51 |
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dabbler1 | I have an installation of Ubuntu 16.04.4 on an armhf SBC (with HDMI out to a TV) that I'm trying to get JWM working on. I've installed jwm, xserver-xorg, xinit, and created a basic /etc/X11/Xorg.conf, but when I run xinit, I get the fatal error "Cannot open /dev/tty0 (Permission denied)" in the Xorg log. I'm guessing I might be able to get around this by doing sudo xinit, but I know you shoudn't just blindly sudo things unless you know i | 06:01 |
dabbler1 | t's appropriate. should I be sudoing xinit or is there some bit of config I'm still missing? | 06:01 |
chrisdbarnett | quit | 06:03 |
lotuspsychje | !arm | dabbler1 | 06:03 |
ubottu | dabbler1: ARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel. | 06:03 |
syb0rg | lotuspsychje, is this really arm specific though? | 06:04 |
syb0rg | seems more like an x configuration deal | 06:04 |
lotuspsychje | syb0rg: im always trying to widen users options, as he's device is arm i also suggest the arm channel | 06:05 |
syb0rg | fair | 06:05 |
syb0rg | dabbler1, there are some tips here that may help you https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2328593&page=2&s=2a0e0fd9aeefa632d3cb43d6b9bae4fa | 06:06 |
syb0rg | but possibly not, since this problem doesn't seem to be exactly the same as yours. | 06:07 |
oracle | anyone here? | 06:07 |
syb0rg | no, we are all asleep or afk | 06:07 |
lotuspsychje | oracle: 1600 users are, do you have an ubuntu support question? | 06:08 |
oracle | Just checking out this software | 06:08 |
oracle | What is everyone's favorite web browser for Ubuntu? | 06:08 |
lotuspsychje | oracle: we dont take polls here, only ubuntu support | 06:09 |
lotuspsychje | !chat | oracle | 06:09 |
ubottu | oracle: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 06:09 |
lotuspsychje | syb0rg: please avoid ironic jokes and !behelpful to users next time | 06:11 |
microwaved_ | i have some ironing to do | 06:12 |
lotuspsychje | microwaved_: offtopic? | 06:12 |
microwaved_ | sorry #ubuntu i thought # ubuntu was discussed here | 06:12 |
Suntop_K | Did Ubuntu change the method of switching to TTY? | 06:14 |
lotuspsychje | !tty | Suntop_K | 06:14 |
ubottu | Suntop_K: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login). To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution | 06:14 |
Suntop_K | Okay F1 and F2 do not work F3 does tho strange | 06:16 |
Suntop_K | I hope that the VMWare is not somehow messing that up | 06:17 |
Suntop_K | Thank you | 06:18 |
lotuspsychje | Suntop_K: there is a vmware channel too if you like | 06:18 |
Suntop_K | lotuspsychje, as long as I can get to 1 tty its fine just F1 and F2 do not work but F3-F6 works fine i do not need more than 1 thank you for the info | 06:26 |
lotuspsychje | Suntop_K: ok great you fixxed it | 06:27 |
dabbler1 | syb0rg: thanks for the link | 06:38 |
dabbler1 | I ended up fixing the permission error by installing the package xserver-xorg-legacy. (not sure why a "legacy" package was needed, but *shrug*) | 06:39 |
syb0rg | cool, glad it works | 06:39 |
goku92 | /whois $me | 06:40 |
goku92 | ^ignore that | 06:40 |
dabbler1 | How can I configure it such that xinit launches into JWM instead of just giving me an xterm window? | 06:41 |
nikolam | I am reporting some problem that killed my machine yesterday, it stopped responding with a large disk usage and become unresponsive (and network and ssh and console). I have seen previously that RAM is fully consumed.and reporting now some systemd problem upon boot. | 06:43 |
nikolam | (systemd-journald crashed with SIGABRT in journal_file_append) | 06:44 |
lotuspsychje | !recovery | nikolam can you still enter recoverymode? | 06:44 |
ubottu | nikolam can you still enter recoverymode?: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode | 06:44 |
nikolam | lotuspsychje, upon reboot, everything semems ok, sounds like some memory storm? | 06:45 |
dabbler1 | aha! nm. the solution was to use startx instead of xinit | 06:46 |
nikolam | lotuspsychje, I reported that automatic report that popped up | 06:47 |
nikolam | It smells like something leaked and filled RAM and the resto of the OS, apps was hit swapping (8G RAM and used up to 50% usually) | 06:48 |
lotuspsychje | nikolam: take a look at your syslog or dmesg, to see whats going on | 06:48 |
nikolam | And I think I even set Kernel to warn if ther eis no RAM and not to kill kernel apps | 06:49 |
nikolam | ok | 06:49 |
nikolam | lotuspsychje, looking at dmesg gives only messages from the current boot, right? | 06:52 |
yaldak | yes | 06:52 |
nikolam | so won't help with figuring out about that memry storm | 06:52 |
yaldak | look at kern.log | 06:53 |
yaldak | it rolls over into .1, .2.gz and so on | 06:53 |
yaldak | gunzip -c kern.log.2.gz | less and so on | 06:54 |
noname90 | Hi I want my ldap users to login to desktop but when I am trying to do I cant see menus and settings how can i configure gui for ldap users | 06:56 |
yaldak | How did you configure ldap | 06:57 |
noname90 | yaldak: I have an ldap server running openldap 2.4 | 06:57 |
noname90 | I can login to remote users I just want gui too | 06:58 |
tomreyn | nikolam: did you say which ubuntu release this is, yet? | 06:58 |
tomreyn | lsb_release -ds | 06:58 |
yaldak | tomreyn: are you saying the logged in users are not getting a GUI? | 06:58 |
tomreyn | yaldak: no, you must be mixing me up with someone else | 06:59 |
noname90 | <yaldak>: I mount home directory from server using autofs | 06:59 |
yaldak | yes, sorry, i meant noname90 :) | 06:59 |
noname90 | No issues | 06:59 |
yaldak | do they have a default shell | 06:59 |
noname90 | yaldak: Yep bash | 07:00 |
yaldak | are you using nscd | 07:01 |
noname90 | yes | 07:01 |
noname90 | 50-ubuntu.conf edited this file to included greeter login also | 07:01 |
noname90 | lightdm.com | 07:01 |
yaldak | does greeter show? | 07:01 |
noname90 | Yes | 07:02 |
yaldak | ok what wm ? | 07:02 |
yaldak | i have seen this before with xfce, where u login and get nothing but grey screen and a cursor | 07:02 |
noname90 | I can login to user desktop but I cant see even a close button | 07:02 |
yaldak | close button to logout or on the user panel? | 07:03 |
yaldak | close button to logout or on an application pane*? | 07:03 |
noname90 | application pane | 07:03 |
noname90 | :) | 07:03 |
yaldak | gnome? | 07:03 |
noname90 | yes | 07:03 |
noname90 | Infact I dont see any menus at all | 07:04 |
noname90 | I want to set default gui | 07:04 |
noname90 | for ldap user | 07:04 |
yaldak | That's weird it should just work, check your greeter config | 07:06 |
yaldak | greeter should let you choose what kind of session its popping the user into | 07:06 |
yaldak | and there are different types for gnome | 07:06 |
yaldak | noname90: Could be something else like dbus failing to start, maybe look at syslog for anything suspicious | 07:08 |
yaldak | Also make sure the user actually owns their home directory gnome cannot write to it when trying to initialize the profile | 07:09 |
noname90 | yaldak: Sorry for delay and my server is running different os will that a problem? | 07:20 |
noname90 | Its running centos | 07:20 |
yaldak | noname90: No it shouldn't matter, I have had ubuntu clients login on Windows AD server | 07:21 |
yaldak | Did you check ownership of the home folders? | 07:22 |
apsknight | I want to create a link between folder /home/user/Documents/extension and /home/user/.ipython/extensions/extension such that if I change any file in first folder it also get changes in second one. What should be the correct command for this ? | 07:28 |
yaldak | man ln | 07:30 |
yaldak | you want a symbolic link, so the -s switch | 07:30 |
yaldak | since you cannot hard link directories | 07:30 |
apsknight | yaldak: But which should come first in ln ? | 07:30 |
apsknight | ln - s /home/user/Documents/extension /home/user/.ipython/extensions/extension | 07:31 |
apsknight | or | 07:31 |
apsknight | ln -s /home/user/.ipython/extensions/extension /home/user/Documents/extension | 07:31 |
yaldak | that is up to you, the format is | 07:31 |
yaldak | ln -s TARGET LINK_NAME | 07:31 |
yaldak | TARGET = the original folder, LINK_NAME = the reference to it | 07:32 |
apsknight | So if I change a file in one it will also reflect in another ? | 07:32 |
apsknight | No matter which is target and which is link. | 07:32 |
yaldak | yea, but u have to be careful | 07:33 |
yaldak | because the behavior of ln as documented is as follows | 07:33 |
yaldak | Suppose I have folder /opt/foo and I want a linked to it at /home/dinosaur/foo | 07:34 |
yaldak | you must not create the folder /home/dinosaur/foo itself, because ln will by default create the symlink file inside of the directory | 07:35 |
yaldak | so you would do | 07:35 |
yaldak | ln -s /opt/foo /home/dinosaur | 07:35 |
yaldak | then it will create the foo symlink node inside of /home/dinosaur | 07:35 |
yaldak | if the second arg is a directory it places a link to the first arg inside it | 07:35 |
apsknight | Okay, thank you. I am beginner, sorry to bother you. | 07:37 |
yaldak | not a bother at all | 07:38 |
yaldak | good luck to you | 07:38 |
yaldak | and test it somewhere first before you destroy data | 07:38 |
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one808 | hello | 08:15 |
sonu_nk | hi " find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; " if i want to give to only one folder then what will chanage ? | 08:37 |
sonu_nk | ,hi " find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; " if i want to give to only one folder then what will change in this command ? | 08:40 |
kemisten | is it possable to send a command to the servers terminal to lets say run a python script | 08:41 |
kemisten | from a webpage | 08:41 |
kemisten | if it spossable i gfuess its wit hphp | 08:41 |
moises_abednego | ##bfu-soft | 08:42 |
yaldak[afk] | kemisten: yes it is possible via ssh or some other historic shell protocol, i would not recommend that if this will be public facing website | 08:43 |
yaldak[afk] | php has ssh facilities | 08:43 |
yaldak[afk] | if its on the local server, exec will work | 08:43 |
adrian_1908 | sonu_nk: what exactly to you want do? your command is made for finding as much as possible, do you want to "find" anything, or do you already know which folder to change? | 08:44 |
yaldak[afk] | again, assess your security model to be sure it is safe for your situation | 08:44 |
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vlt | sonu_nk: Your command will be `chmod 755 your_one_folder` | 08:54 |
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moises_abednego | ##bfu-soft | 08:56 |
tomreyn | moises_abednego: you need to type: /join ##bfu-soft | 08:58 |
tomreyn | and please do it on a different window so you don't spam this channel if it fails. | 08:58 |
moises_abednego | sorry thank you | 08:58 |
microwaved_ | haha | 09:06 |
Zo3l | hello | 09:09 |
Zo3l | hello bruh | 09:10 |
Zo3l | enak enak habis kentotan | 09:10 |
microwaved_ | hello | 09:10 |
Zo3l | hello | 09:10 |
=== Vinylourson is now known as Guest78157 | ||
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bbonefish_ | hi, can someone help me with setting up samba to share files with a windows machine (xubuntu 18.04)? | 09:18 |
bbonefish_ | basically I have a xubuntu machine that serves as a tv box and I want to be able to share its entire home directory with my windows laptop but no matter what I try I either get permission error when trying to copy files over or manage to get files copied but then cannot access them on xubuntu? is there a way to give the same permission for my xubuntu user and windows user for a home directory? | 09:19 |
microwaved_ | people wake up and help the man | 09:21 |
microwaved_ | bbonefish_: its not my specialty so can't help you on that one | 09:21 |
bbonefish_ | microwaved_, as always, I figured it out minutes after asking questions. All it took is setting up a smbpasswd for this user and it somehow works now | 09:27 |
bbonefish_ | thanks anyways haha | 09:27 |
microwaved_ | bbonefish_: it takes one to see and 2 to solve.. | 09:28 |
microwaved_ | bbigras--: sometimes it helps to blurt your info somewhere to create another perspective to conclude that you already have the solution before anyone helped you | 09:28 |
microwaved_ | nvm bbigras-- the guy already disconnected , soz | 09:29 |
CryHard | Hey guys | 09:45 |
CryHard | I have a problem with wget | 09:45 |
CryHard | I've used wget --user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/66.0.3359.139 Safari/537.36" --user=myuser --ask-password --no-check-certificate --recursive --page-requisites --adjust-extension --span-hosts --restrict-file-names=windows --domains wiki.com --no-parent wiki.com --no-clobber --convert-links --wait=0 --quota=inf -P /home/W | 09:46 |
CryHard | to mirror a wiki | 09:46 |
CryHard | problem is, wget seems to also follow links which lead to pushing "buttons" | 09:46 |
CryHard | in the wiki | 09:46 |
CryHard | like putting a page on my watchlist | 09:46 |
CryHard | or reverting wiki changes | 09:46 |
CryHard | which is obviusly what I don't want | 09:47 |
CryHard | Apparently right now I'm watching hundreds of pages | 09:47 |
CryHard | is there a way to avoid wget from doing this? | 09:47 |
geirha | #wget might be able to help | 09:47 |
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confluency | CryHard: you can exclude links. Look at -A/--accept or --accept-regex | 10:15 |
confluency | CryHard: or --ignore-tags | 10:15 |
cp7781 | CryHard: Ask the wiki developers to change their API. Salt? | 10:15 |
confluency | Depending on the eaxiest way to distinguish buttons from not-buttons. | 10:15 |
CryHard | cp7781: yeah, that's not going to happen :) | 10:17 |
CryHard | confluency: I'll look into it, thx | 10:17 |
=== zero is now known as Guest54324 | ||
Guest54324 | hi all | 10:20 |
cp7781 | Guest54324: Hi there! | 10:20 |
cp7781 | Have you read the news about GitHub being aquired by another company? What do you think about it? Will it help GitHub as a platform? Do they really need the money of an investor? | 10:26 |
microwaved_ | i'm not really keen on that news tbh | 10:27 |
cp7781 | microwaved_: Thanks for making that clear to me. :) | 10:28 |
blackflow | cp7781: "another company" being Microsoft. Nothing will change despite all the drama, except GitLab gaining a few thousand of FREE accounts (so no $$ gain for them either). Meanwhile, offtopic :) | 10:29 |
microwaved_ | cp7781: np, i read it and my first reaction was...welp..they gobbled up that one aswell now | 10:29 |
microwaved_ | yeah sorry for offtopic. | 10:30 |
BluesKaj | Hi folks | 10:31 |
pinkos | hi | 10:31 |
cp7781 | blackflow: I don't want to talk about Microsoft. They use Git as a tool. So, it makes kind of sense. | 10:31 |
pinkos | anyone using ubuntu successfully with ryzen 5 2400g? | 10:31 |
cp7781 | microwaved_: It's an investment to infrastructure. | 10:31 |
doug16k | pinkos, I am using it successfully with ryzen 7 2700X, should be equivalent enough | 10:34 |
pinkos | 2700X doesnt have a built in apu though or? | 10:35 |
doug16k | correct, it doesn't | 10:35 |
doug16k | I suppose that's a big difference, nevermind then | 10:35 |
redwalk | After upgrading from 16.04, tmux no longer will clear the screen when I type clear. I compiled the tmux tarball for 2.7 with the same result. Has anyone else experienced this issue? | 10:38 |
doug16k | redwalk, why not `reset`? clear won't clear the scrollback, right? | 10:39 |
blackflow | redwalk: yes when connecting with urxvt, so the TERM string was not recognized. try `export TERM=xterm` and then try clear. | 10:39 |
redwalk | I just tried both ideas, it puts the cursor at the top, but does not clear the screen. | 10:42 |
Toxmi | which one for zsh? prezto or oh-my-zsh? | 10:45 |
Toxmi | neither, plain zsh... | 10:46 |
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pinkos | anyone using ubuntu successfully with ryzen 5 2400g? | 10:53 |
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Rosemary | Hello! | 11:11 |
momomo | I have connected a printer/scanner through wps ... i can print fine ... but I would also like to scan ... how can I do that? | 11:11 |
momomo | normally I use the Simple Scan (with cable) ... now, i am not sure | 11:12 |
vlt | momomo: Does the device have an IP address? | 11:16 |
vlt | momomo: Did you try `sane-find-scanner`? | 11:16 |
momomo | yes, it has | 11:18 |
momomo | i just ran: sane-find-scanner | 11:18 |
momomo | nothing | 11:18 |
momomo | vlt: ^ ^ | 11:21 |
erle- | where does locate store its index? | 11:22 |
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Ool | erle-: in /var/lib/mlocate ? | 11:24 |
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vlt | momomo: I used `hp-makeuri <ip address>` (from hplip) to generate my uris to be used, for example, as --device-name with scanimage. | 11:27 |
netochka | Hey guys. How can i keep 2 screens on top of each other on ubuntu. being able to see and scroll them both at once, horizontally | 11:33 |
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rory | can I use `backticks` in a systemd service file ExecStart to get the output of some command? | 11:42 |
rory | or must I make a bash script which does this, and have systemd run the bash script | 11:43 |
mgedmin | you can do ExecStart=/bin/sh -c 'do stuff $(with full shell|power)' | 11:44 |
rory | OK that will work thanks | 11:45 |
hosenknopf | hi | 11:56 |
hosenknopf | im using sssd, how can i use keyring function for login in with pam/kerberos on a active directory? | 11:57 |
hosenknopf | klist: Credentials cache keyring 'persistent:3434:3434' not found | 11:57 |
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microwaved_ | anyone ever heard of flockport | 12:09 |
microwaved_ | for ubuntu | 12:09 |
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ssamwilliam | 7 | 12:15 |
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B88 | hi | 12:28 |
B88 | ok | 12:28 |
B88 | wanna chat guys | 12:29 |
B88 | i farted | 12:29 |
merskiasa | Why is this error occuring? https://pastebin.com/jSgfuGCb | 12:29 |
B88 | say hi if you see this message | 12:30 |
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tomeaton17 | Whenever I open a text CSV with libreoffice calc and try to save it it comes up with a warning saying to save as ODF. I click save as odf and then my computers hangs and does not do anything. This is an important spreadsheet and I would not like to lose it. I have left my computer for over an hour and nothing has happened. Please help | 12:31 |
merskiasa | Anyone? | 12:31 |
tomeaton17 | merskiasa: you need to link the math library | 12:35 |
tomeaton17 | -lm | 12:35 |
merskiasa | https://sigrok.org/wiki/Linux#PulseView | 12:36 |
merskiasa | which math library? | 12:37 |
merskiasa | tomeaton17, ? | 12:40 |
tomeaton17 | Not sure why its not finding it, I am getting that problem too. I am investigating atm | 12:42 |
tomeaton17 | merskiasa: you need to install libgtkmm-3.0-dev | 12:45 |
merskiasa | tomeaton17, installed same error still :/ | 12:46 |
tomeaton17 | merskiasa: remove the build folder and try again | 12:46 |
merskiasa | CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-3.5/Modules/FindPkgConfig.cmake:367 (message): | 12:48 |
merskiasa | A required package was not found | 12:48 |
merskiasa | Call Stack (most recent call first): | 12:48 |
merskiasa | /usr/share/cmake-3.5/Modules/FindPkgConfig.cmake:532 (_pkg_check_modules_internal) | 12:48 |
merskiasa | CMakeLists.txt:83 (pkg_check_modules) | 12:48 |
tomeaton17 | Is that the whole error message? | 12:48 |
tomeaton17 | I don't have a problem making once I installing that package and reclone the repository. | 12:48 |
merskiasa | i recloned | 12:49 |
merskiasa | and still get error on cmake . | 12:49 |
merskiasa | show me what you did exactly | 12:50 |
merskiasa | and ill replicate | 12:50 |
tomeaton17 | One second | 12:51 |
tomeaton17 | Have you already install libsigrok? | 12:53 |
merskiasa | tomeaton17, yes | 12:56 |
tomeaton17 | merskiasa: Okay assuming you have installed all of the prerequisites correctly this works for me: https://gist.github.com/tomeaton17/6733f63df0e2cf5069e8ac09d7cea0c2 | 12:59 |
tomeaton17 | change the make j flag to whatever suits your hardware | 12:59 |
tomeaton17 | eg -j$(nproc) | 13:00 |
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conjo | any idea why an app image would keep causing my system to crash (Stremiobeta64bit) and how i could see whats actually going wrong when i run it (log) terminal command | 13:13 |
conjo | have made it executable and run as administrator or without priviledges no go both times just freezes up | 13:14 |
conjo | bionic 18.04 fyi | 13:15 |
drunkiys | hello | 13:18 |
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drunkiys | any body ? | 13:19 |
drunkiys | hi | 13:20 |
EriC^^ | !ask | drunkiys | 13:20 |
ubottu | drunkiys: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 13:20 |
T4P4N | Hi, Every | 13:21 |
T4P4N | 😀 | 13:24 |
T4P4N | Hello | 13:24 |
samwilliam | merskiasa, is that the complete output of cmake (https://pastebin.com/jSgfuGCb)? Did you install all required packages? Look for "Installing requirements" in section 2.5 of this page https://sigrok.org/wiki/Linux. I also installed: libglibmm-2.4-dev libsigrokdecode-dev libsigrokcxx-dev, then cmake worked. | 13:26 |
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tomeaton17 | Having a problem with LibreOffice Calc. Whenever I open a text csv file and add a graph, and then press the save as button the program hangs. What do I do | 13:34 |
EriC^^ | tomeaton17: try starting it from the terminal in case it gives any helpful errors | 13:34 |
=== Suntop_ is now known as Suntop_K | ||
tomeaton17 | EriC^^: Difficult to look at the error log as it freezes my whole computer | 13:36 |
yaldak[afk] | tomeaton17: welcome to libreoffice my friend | 13:39 |
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samwilliam | tomeaton17, use "libreoffice 2> ~/libreoffice.log" it will redirect the output to the libreoffice.log in your $HOME. | 13:43 |
EriC^^ | tomeaton17: can you ssh after it freezes? | 13:43 |
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pnwise | Anyone having glitches with 18.04? | 13:49 |
tomeaton17 | EriC^^: Is sshd enabled by default on ubuntu | 13:49 |
tomeaton17 | samwilliam: will do | 13:49 |
pnwise | Gnome keep freezing for 1-2 seconds and then the screen flickers and turn back to normal | 13:49 |
tomeaton17 | samwilliam: Didnt log anything to that file | 13:52 |
T4P4N | (y) | 14:03 |
EriC^^ | tomeaton17: no it's not, you need to install openssh-server | 14:04 |
nav_ | sudo apt-get update throws "E: Type 'wget' is not known on line 1 in source list". What it means? | 14:05 |
Junior | hello! | 14:06 |
mgedmin | nav_: one of your source list files contains incorrect syntax | 14:06 |
samwilliam | tomeaton17, you're right there's no output in terminal. The correct command is "libreoffice --backtrace" with gdb installed. It'll generate a "gdbtrace.log". | 14:06 |
mgedmin | nav_: use grep wget /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list to find out which | 14:07 |
Junior | i have an issue related to pulse audio on a kubuntu 17.10 x64 . I did some upgrade and now my bluetooh headset does not work. From what i read so far this is because in the /etc/pulse/default.pa i have to have load-module module-switch-on-connect | 14:07 |
Junior | but if i have that line pulese audio does not start - | 14:08 |
nav_ | mgedmin: thanks for the clarification | 14:08 |
Junior | pulseaudio[1556]: [pulseaudio] module.c: Module "module-switch-on-connect" should be loaded once at most. Refusing to load. | 14:08 |
transhuman | anyone know what the best way to track down a slow down of entire system when running VM's this machine was built as a hypervisor, I had 10 VM's running in ESXi now that I am running it with a really fancy video card with an 16x pcie to 8x pcie adapter and running a desktop with KVM the VM's slow the thing down. Not sure if it has to do with the meltdown patches | 14:08 |
carlos_ | cant run app image from 18.04 any ideas have changed permision and am running by dble clicking | 14:09 |
carlos_ | tried terminal just opens window then hangs | 14:09 |
transhuman | now I just want to run one desktop and one VM, maybe two a ubuntu and a windows one | 14:09 |
transhuman | it has 24 gig of ram too (ecc ram its 6 years old ) | 14:10 |
yaldak | carlos_: | 14:16 |
yaldak | What app image | 14:16 |
yaldak | If you can share that | 14:16 |
samwilliam | transhuman, Are you heaving virtualization performance issues running a ESXi hypervisor and looking for a way to track those issues? | 14:16 |
=== krisd_ is now known as krisd | ||
ramsub07 | Hi i have an internal hard drive in my system and not able to mount. my OS isn't in that obviously. when i do sudo fdisk -l it shows. /dev/sda. not /dev/sda1. | 14:28 |
ramsub07 | i restarted my system and i'm having the problem since. before, the drive was mounted and i was able to browse | 14:28 |
ikonia | ramsub07: you mount a partition, not a disk | 14:28 |
ikonia | ramsub07: what file system is on the disk, where did it come from (what was it used for/how was it created) | 14:29 |
ramsub07 | filesystem ? I think ntfs | 14:29 |
ikonia | ramsub07: then it will have a partition, not a disk | 14:29 |
ikonia | mount the partition, not the disk | 14:29 |
yaldak | ramsub07: If you have trouble finding the block device, you may run "blkid" or "lsblk" to track it down | 14:30 |
ramsub07 | i am not able to see a partition for the hard drive | 14:30 |
ramsub07 | i think i used exfat maybe? | 14:30 |
yaldak | Make sure the block device is there first | 14:30 |
ikonia | you'd still use a partition, not a disk | 14:30 |
yaldak | Right | 14:30 |
ramsub07 | yaldak: yes, they don't give me /dev/sdaN, they only show /dev/sda | 14:30 |
yaldak | If its exFAT, then you will need a FUSE extension (or a kernel module I've seen floating around) | 14:30 |
ramsub07 | yaldak: yeah i have installed that | 14:31 |
ramsub07 | i have that in the startup script to mount the drive | 14:31 |
yaldak | If its NTFS it should be mountable with ntfs-3g. You should confirm this. if it's a corrupt filesystem, chkdsk on an actual Windows box works best. Last case scenario is testdisk | 14:31 |
ramsub07 | i had used that command before, but on a partition | 14:31 |
ramsub07 | now i am not able to see a partition | 14:31 |
ramsub07 | is it possible to create a partition without deleting data on a drive? | 14:32 |
yaldak | anytime you mess with the partition table on a disk in an unknown state, you risk losing data but more importantly you lose important structural information about the disk | 14:32 |
yaldak | use fdisk, parted, or gparted to see whats goin on in there | 14:32 |
mgedmin | when you said you could see "it" with fdisk -l, did you mean you could see the partition? | 14:32 |
mgedmin | maybe you need to ask the kernel to re-read the partition table? | 14:32 |
yaldak | yes | 14:33 |
ramsub07 | mgedmin: nope, i could only see the drive | 14:33 |
mgedmin | sudo blockdev --rereadpt | 14:33 |
pragmaticenigma | I don't believe exfat is available by default, you might need to install the exfat package, ramsub07 | 14:33 |
yaldak | mgedmin: I didn't even know that was a thing, thank you I am adding it to my notebook | 14:33 |
mgedmin | normally it shouldn't be necessary ... if there's a valid partition table, the kernel would autodetect it etc. | 14:34 |
yaldak | yes ^ | 14:35 |
mgedmin | you need this when you do things like overwrite the partiton table with dd etc. | 14:35 |
yaldak | and ramsub07: If you aren't seeing a partition in fdisk -l, even one it does not recognize | 14:35 |
yaldak | That tells me that there is something funnier going on | 14:35 |
yaldak | because even if it was the exFAT driver, you would still see an entry for it | 14:35 |
yaldak | for MBR/GPT disk the partition type has an identifier | 14:35 |
ramsub07 | mgedmin: what was i supposed to see after that command? | 14:35 |
ramsub07 | i don't see anything, i just see an instruction of available commands upon running it | 14:36 |
mgedmin | ramsub07: ls -l /dev/sda* ought to show sda1/2/3 etc now | 14:36 |
mgedmin | instruction of available commands? maybe you misspelled something | 14:36 |
mgedmin | and the full command is actually sudo blockdev --rereadpt /dev/sda | 14:36 |
yaldak | I gotta jet. Good luck | 14:36 |
=== yaldak is now known as yaldak[afk] | ||
ramsub07 | mgedmin: nope, still it doesn't show sdaN | 14:38 |
ramsub07 | only shows sda | 14:38 |
mgedmin | any errors in dmesg? | 14:38 |
ramsub07 | dmseg? | 14:39 |
yaldak[afk] | dmesg prints kernel log messages since current boot | 14:39 |
yaldak[afk] | ramsub07: I suspect something's borked with your partition table honestly, you should use testdisk to analyze the structure (without doing any writes, be careful in there, there is a specific option just for Analyze) | 14:39 |
ramsub07 | okay so when i run sudo fdisk /dev/sda i get the following.... | 14:40 |
ramsub07 | dpaste.com/3FG636K | 14:40 |
yaldak[afk] | Yea I thought so | 14:40 |
yaldak[afk] | Run testdisk analyze | 14:41 |
yaldak[afk] | See what's up on that block device | 14:41 |
pragmaticenigma | ramsub07: If you are using exFat, you may need to install the exFAT kernel drivers to be able to see the disk properly. | 14:41 |
doug16k | mgedmin, you wouldn't want the numbered one right? That would be a partition itself. wouldn't you want the bare sda to read the disk? | 14:41 |
ramsub07 | yaldak[afk]: as in? | 14:42 |
yaldak[afk] | pragmaticenigma: It should stlil show, the message he sent implied it cannot even read the MBR/GPT table | 14:42 |
ramsub07 | pragmaticenigma: i don't understand, at this point i am not sure | 14:42 |
pragmaticenigma | yaldak[afk]: I had the same problem until I installed them | 14:42 |
yaldak[afk] | Interesting | 14:42 |
pragmaticenigma | ramsub07: try: "sudo apt-get install exfat-fuse exfat-utils" | 14:42 |
doug16k | mgedmin, oh nevermind, I misread | 14:42 |
ramsub07 | pragmaticenigma: have done that | 14:43 |
yaldak[afk] | ramsub07: If that does not work, use "sudo apt-get install testdisk", run the "sudo testdisk" command, in the menu navigate your way to Analyze | 14:43 |
mgedmin | ramsub07: are you 100% sure you have the right drive? this one's apparently formatted as ext4, with no partition table! | 14:43 |
mgedmin | have you tried mounting it as ext4? | 14:43 |
ramsub07 | mgedmin: well this is my internal hard drive,i haven't opened up or has anyone else. everything was intact until the time i restarted my machine | 14:44 |
ramsub07 | mgedmin: how should i do that? | 14:44 |
yaldak[afk] | mount -t ext4 /dev/sdaX /mnt/someFolderInHere | 14:44 |
mgedmin | are you in a livecd session or something currently? | 14:44 |
ramsub07 | yaldak[afk]: well, the problem is there is no X there, only /dev/sda | 14:45 |
ramsub07 | if there was /dev/sdaX then i'd have done the mount | 14:45 |
as2000 | I need to change to a blue theme for icons and everything else. any suggestions? \ | 14:45 |
yaldak[afk] | right | 14:45 |
ramsub07 | so basically i want to have a partition | 14:45 |
mgedmin | sudo mount -r -t ext4 /dev/sda /mnt/mnt | 14:46 |
mgedmin | (-r for readonly, just as a precaution) | 14:46 |
yaldak[afk] | hence why I am insisting a testdisk, unless your whole block device is ext4 without a partition table which is strange | 14:46 |
ramsub07 | perfect ! | 14:46 |
ramsub07 | made my day, thanks | 14:46 |
yaldak[afk] | guess it was :) | 14:46 |
tona | hello everyone , i tried to run mail , to run send one email, how could install it, :) ? | 14:50 |
MrA404 | hi | 14:50 |
MrA404 | woy | 14:50 |
tona | i tried to use apt-get install mailutils, but after i received this error WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated! guile-2.0-libs libntlm0 libgsasl7 libkyotocabinet16v5 mailutils-common libmailutils4 postfix mailutils Install these packages without verification? [y/N] | 14:51 |
tona | could someone guide me | 14:52 |
geoffmcc | ramsub07: Just wanted to point out, because you will see it a lot in docs. When someone or something you are reading says, for example: /dev/sdaX they are saying fill in the X. You may have had /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda2 for example. | 14:52 |
mgedmin | tona: run sudo apt-get update again, looks like the package lists got out of sync with the signature files | 14:52 |
=== DerRaiden is now known as DerRaiden`afk | ||
=== alessandro is now known as Guest79047 | ||
tona | mgedmin , i run it, but i am not able to install :( | 14:58 |
mgedmin | the local mirror could be out of sync at the moment? | 14:59 |
mgedmin | what does apt-cache policy mailutils show? | 14:59 |
RonWhoCares | I upgraded to Ubuntu 18.04 . The default video player isn't working. I have installed "Ubuntu Restricted Extras". Is there a setting that I must check to enable this? Do I need other FFMPEG software? | 15:02 |
mgedmin | RonWhoCares: try an alternative video player perhaps? Like mpv, or vlc | 15:03 |
Ool | RonWhoCares: perhaps check for graphical drivers | 15:03 |
RonWhoCares | Other software works | 15:05 |
RonWhoCares | (Such as VLC) | 15:05 |
RonWhoCares | OK | 15:06 |
LordDragon | hey all | 15:07 |
LordDragon | whats the best way to mount an smb share for command line? | 15:07 |
RonWhoCares | I also noticing when in list form there aren't small thumbnails for my images. Instead a square box with JPG shows. How do I stimulate thumbnails | 15:07 |
yaldak[afk] | LordDragon: cifs-utils and mount -t cifs | 15:08 |
yaldak[afk] | Start google through there | 15:08 |
mgedmin | RonWhoCares: is Totem still the default video player on Ubuntu? possibly you're missing some gstreamer plugin packages | 15:08 |
RonWhoCares | How do I install gstreamer | 15:09 |
mgedmin | I bet gstreamer itself is already installed -- it's the library Totem uses to decode and play videos | 15:10 |
LordDragon | yaldak[afk]: thank you | 15:11 |
mgedmin | but it has plugins for various file formats and codecs and output devices etc | 15:11 |
fitittome | If I boot a clean install 18.04 (desktop amd64) it hangs after loading user manager. If I goto recovery from Grub menu and hit resume it boots OK! | 15:13 |
yaldak[afk] | LordDragon: Np | 15:14 |
yaldak[afk] | fititome: Sounds like you need to peek at syslog and see whats up | 15:15 |
fitittome | yaldak[afk]: thx /var/log/syslog I'll have a look. | 15:16 |
LordDragon | hmm im using this command | 15:18 |
LordDragon | mount -t cifs -o username=USERNAME,password=PASSWD // /mnt/share | 15:18 |
LordDragon | but getting "invalid arqument" | 15:18 |
LordDragon | i dunno if its cuz my password has a comma in it? | 15:18 |
pragmaticenigma | LordDragon: yes, if you aren't escaping the comma, it will interpret it as an option | 15:20 |
yaldak[afk] | LordDragon: I can't help debug right now sadly but you are on the right path | 15:20 |
pragmaticenigma | LordDragon: see this article: https://stackoverflow.com/a/33894045 | 15:23 |
=== gms is now known as Guest17632 | ||
LordDragon | this is weird. im an admin, and i have another user who owns a folder, yet for the group name it's my admin name | 15:30 |
LordDragon | yet i get permissin denied when i try to enter the directory | 15:31 |
LordDragon | and apparently i cant sudo cd /dir | 15:31 |
ikonia | you don't use sudo cd | 15:31 |
ikonia | as the sudo shell will exit after the change | 15:31 |
Squall5668 | there is no 'sudo cd' | 15:31 |
pragmaticenigma | LordDragon: What are the group permissions for the folder? if it does not have "rwx" or at least "r-x" you will not be able to see it | 15:32 |
Squall5668 | ah I'm too late | 15:32 |
LordDragon | i can see it | 15:32 |
LordDragon | i just cant enter it | 15:32 |
LordDragon | drwx------ 3 foscam dragoncams 4096 Aug 15 2017 FI9961EP_00626E6B65EE | 15:32 |
pragmaticenigma | LordDragon: That's what I just said... I'm not talking about seeing the label of the folder, I'm saying you will not be able to see the contents | 15:32 |
Squall5668 | and that's why you can't enter it. The group has no permissions | 15:32 |
LordDragon | ohh | 15:33 |
LordDragon | i see | 15:33 |
pragmaticenigma | LordDragon: Those permissions look deliberate, and unless you have reason to be in that folder, that user doesn't want anyone else in there | 15:33 |
LordDragon | the user is me | 15:33 |
LordDragon | lol | 15:33 |
LordDragon | its my rig. and the secondary user is one i made for my IP cameras to use to connect via ftp | 15:34 |
pragmaticenigma | In that case, hack away | 15:34 |
LordDragon | whats the format of chmod for changing group permissions? | 15:35 |
pragmaticenigma | "sudo chmod 750 /dir" will give you the ability to see into the folder, it will grant you read access | 15:35 |
pragmaticenigma | use 770 for full access... both of those values will still keep non-owner non-group members out | 15:36 |
LordDragon | so in those 3 digits, theres user, group and what else? | 15:36 |
Squall5668 | LordDragon: you can also 'chmod g+rx folder" to add read and list permissions to the group if that's easier to remember | 15:36 |
Squall5668 | user, group, other | 15:36 |
pragmaticenigma | first is user, second is group, third is everyone/other | 15:36 |
LordDragon | oh ok thanks | 15:36 |
LordDragon | is there a command line way to copy a batch of files and get displayed progress of the copy, like a percent or something? | 15:39 |
movah4c | can you give me link to a list where you can see what programms/services are needed for boot/desktop(mate)/network ? Or something where is explained what is really needed to boot and login with network access. | 15:39 |
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pragmaticenigma | LordDragon: the standard cp and mv commands don't have progress indicators, but can bse used with the verbose flag to see what file they are currently working on. An option is to learn how to use rsync which can give you a progress indicator and also helps with restarting interupted copy processes without having to start from the beginning | 15:41 |
LordDragon | ok thanks pragmaticenigma. looking into rsync | 15:42 |
movah4c | is it ok to remove "rsync" from the autostart / service list ? | 15:42 |
pragmaticenigma | movah4c: The items in the Ubuntu-MATE install should be considered required. As they are all installed to work in concert with each other. If you are looking to make a minimal install, there are websites out there with instructions, but your milage may very. | 15:42 |
movah4c | pragmaticenigma: ok thank you | 15:43 |
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mgedmin | LordDragon: \o/ Midnight Commander \o/ | 15:44 |
* mgedmin loves mc | 15:44 | |
movah4c | i tried to make my own with "uck" but i always get erros and can't go on | 15:45 |
pragmaticenigma | movah4c: what are you attempting to do exactly... asking random is this required questions is likely to run you into a bricked machines as others will not be able to connect the impact of one thing may have on others. You could remove rsync from the autostart, but you may find out later that you don't have the ability to use rsync when you really need it. and someone trying to help you, may not know that you did | 15:45 |
pragmaticenigma | that. | 15:45 |
phyte | Hello. I'm having issues with my BT on Ubuntu 18; and i've tried every solution I could find on the net. | 15:46 |
movah4c | i don't understand why i need a remote copy program... that's why i removed it | 15:46 |
indica2018 | I am returning back with an old query that has remained unanswered despite the best of my effort. | 15:46 |
pragmaticenigma | movah4c: Because it is more than a remote copy program. Some services and system routines may leverage rsync's ability to send delta changes of a file, to reduce the time taken to copy a file from one directory to another | 15:47 |
indica2018 | Why Gnome networking manager in Ubuntu 18.04 lacks the option to create a DSL connection ? | 15:47 |
ikonia | indica2018: you where told what to do with this last time | 15:48 |
pragmaticenigma | indica2018: It's not a common setup, less common a setup is, the less likely you will find a handy tool for it. Network manager can probably turn on and off the connection, but the configuration probably requires more settings than a gui can accurately handle | 15:49 |
mgedmin | you need a DSL modem for a DSL connection, and once you have that, all the computer sees is a standard Ethernet connection between your computer and the DSL modem, so why would it be special? | 15:49 |
movah4c | progmaticenigma: ok then i look foreward to something that can occour without rsync | 15:49 |
phyte | https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/mCdDP7g2vH/ | 15:49 |
movah4c | till now, no issues with ftp and usb devices | 15:50 |
indica2018 | sudo pppoecof is not reliable . And sudo pppoeconf disables my network manager completely. I do not have the option to connect to a always on connection anymore | 15:51 |
ikonia | indica2018: yes, you where told not to do this | 15:51 |
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk | ||
ikonia | indica2018: and you where told what to do - DSL is not a really connection, it's just a wired connection | 15:51 |
indica2018 | @mgedmin: I agree with you. Poor countries still run a Dial-up/ ADSL connection with parallel copper wire | 15:52 |
mgedmin | oh, wait, you need to do pppoe? aaaugh I thought those times were gone forever! | 15:52 |
ikonia | indica2018: you said "despite my best efforts I've not been able to solve it" - after you've been told not to use ppoeconf why are you still doing it ? | 15:53 |
ikonia | indica2018: what are your "best efforts" to fix this - you where given the answer a few days ago, what did you do with it | 15:53 |
movah4c | but i have something that i need under linux/mate/caja : How can i create own entries under "right click" -> "open with" (a shell script .sh)? | 15:54 |
mgedmin | https://askubuntu.com/questions/966647/how-to-create-a-dsl-connection-in-network-manager-in-ubuntu-17-10?noredirect=1#comment1570644_966647 | 15:54 |
indica2018 | @Ikonia: I run several P2P software on my PC and for full functionality and to do away with the hassel of port-forwarding I run my ADSL modem in bridge mode. So I have no other option but to use pppoeconf | 15:55 |
ikonia | indica2018: that url that mgedmin is one of the urls that you where given last time | 15:55 |
ikonia | indica2018: you have many options to not use ppoeconf, that URL shows you how | 15:55 |
ikonia | and you where given that last time, | 15:55 |
indica2018 | I know. It does not work | 15:55 |
=== gms is now known as Guest82379 | ||
ikonia | define "does not work" | 15:55 |
ikonia | let me find the other URL you where given so you can explain how it didn't work | 15:56 |
pragmaticenigma | indica2018: that is how all DSL is... it's on copper pairs to all homes in the US as well. Restore the modem to handle the authentication of your connection and look up how to port forward from the modem to your computer, for the ports you need. | 15:56 |
kaypey | Hi there, how can I grep for ASCII and UTF-8 in my results? I tried this and it works for ASCII, but I have no idea how to add UTF-(8to it. git ls-files | xargs file | grep "ASCII" | 15:57 |
ikonia | indica2018: you're stefan right ? | 15:57 |
indica2018 | Why should a common person have to bother about port-forwarding. Ubuntu should be versatile | 15:57 |
ikonia | indica2018: port forwarding is nothing to do with the OS | 15:58 |
pragmaticenigma | kaypey: git ls-files | xargs file | egrep "(ASCII|UTF-8)" | 15:58 |
indica2018 | @ikonia: I am not stefan | 15:58 |
ikonia | indica2018: again - explain why it "doesn't work" | 15:58 |
ikonia | indica2018: thats ok, just checking if you where the same guy posting on askubuntu | 15:58 |
phyte | port forwarding is a router thing. | 15:58 |
indica2018 | But it has to do with modem | 15:58 |
ikonia | indica2018: ubuntu doesn't control your modem | 15:58 |
ikonia | indica2018: could you explain why the link you where given doesn't work please | 15:58 |
indica2018 | The bottom line is that 16.04 had the option and Ubuntu's that came before that had it too. | 15:59 |
ikonia | indica2018: could you explain why the link you where given doesn't work please | 15:59 |
pragmaticenigma | indica2018: you have been given several suggestions, it is difficult to continue helping you if you are unwilling to help us too. You need to provide detailed information of the things you tried, and why you consider them not working. | 15:59 |
kaypey | thx a lot pragmaticenigma it works :) | 16:00 |
indica2018 | @ikonia: Plz date a remote of my system | 16:01 |
ikonia | indica2018: please date a remote of your system ? | 16:01 |
pragmaticenigma | kaypey: you're welcome | 16:01 |
ikonia | indica2018: I don't know what that means | 16:01 |
indica2018 | sorry , I said initiate a remote connection to my system | 16:02 |
ikonia | indica2018: you want me to connect to your system ? | 16:02 |
indica2018 | I have team viewer installed | 16:02 |
indica2018 | ye | 16:02 |
ikonia | indica2018: no | 16:02 |
indica2018 | yes | 16:02 |
pragmaticenigma | indica2018: that isn't something we do here and is not recommended. | 16:02 |
ikonia | indica2018: I want you to tell me why the information / link you where given didn't work | 16:02 |
pragmaticenigma | ikonia: you in -discuss? | 16:03 |
ikonia | pragmaticenigma: don't think so | 16:03 |
indica2018 | @ ikonia: what should I select for different fields on the DSL connection. Also when I select the ensp2 and try to save it does not save | 16:04 |
movah4c | try pressing enter | 16:04 |
indica2018 | I guess ensp2 is the correct option for me isn't it ? | 16:04 |
pragmaticenigma | indica2018: those are settings that your internet provider has, we can't helo you with those | 16:05 |
ikonia | indica2018: I'm not sure what you are saying, do you mean what do you enter to the menu prompts ? | 16:05 |
ikonia | indica2018: you enter the details of your setup/network into the right fields | 16:05 |
kaypey | bye | 16:05 |
indica2018 | The ISP people are fools here | 16:05 |
ikonia | indica2018: no they are not | 16:05 |
ikonia | indica2018: you should know your connection details | 16:05 |
indica2018 | Yes , it's India | 16:06 |
ikonia | indica2018: I'm aware of where you are | 16:06 |
indica2018 | I know my password and user id and I use BSNL , DataOne :-D | 16:06 |
ikonia | indica2018: so what parts do you not know ? | 16:07 |
bstutes | Can anyone tell me whuch channel to use for problems with libreoffice? | 16:07 |
bstutes | whuch=which | 16:08 |
indica2018 | I forgot. Now as I am talking to you I am using pppoeconf and my wired connection shows "unmanaged" now. I tried the option on a fresh install . Now it's no more a fresh install. | 16:09 |
bstutes | I just upgraded to Ubuntu 18.04 and libreoffice will not run. It appears the javaldx executable is missing. | 16:09 |
ikonia | indica2018: we can't help you if you don't give the information | 16:10 |
movah4c | maybe, open xterm or another shell and lokkk at the errors | 16:10 |
indica2018 | @ikonia: Please wait. It's sweletering hot in this part of India. Kolkata , I will return after taking a bath. :-( | 16:11 |
ikonia | indica2018: many people in the channel will help if you provide the info | 16:11 |
indica2018 | @ikonia: I guess you are from India too | 16:12 |
indica2018 | @ikonia: So you will understand my problem better | 16:12 |
ikonia | I think most people understand your problem, more so if you give the link you where given for context | 16:13 |
ikonia | and give actual information on the problem rather than "doesn't work" or make up an excuse why you've not even tried it | 16:13 |
phyte | I clean installed Ubuntu18 last month, everything was fine, yesterday BT stopped working, I've exhausted all solutions that I've found. | 16:13 |
phyte | https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/mCdDP7g2vH/ | 16:14 |
indica2018 | I am going afkb | 16:14 |
phyte | I think it might be atheros related; but I'm not sure how to deal with kernals | 16:15 |
LevierMRQ | Im here for similar reasons. I did follow instructions in order to skip the grub (bug?) then my ubuntu 14 remade grub. An now, after several minutes (or less), it stall. I get the "pointeur" like mouse, without any place where to click. | 16:17 |
retrosenator | how do I run a command at startup? | 16:20 |
retrosenator | I want to run it as early as possible | 16:20 |
retrosenator | rc.local is too late | 16:20 |
LevierMRQ | Are desktops fixed time to time? Also: i heard about the problem with a certain Wordaw, or something like that. So then i have no stuff out of free software in my computer | 16:20 |
pragmaticenigma | LevierMRQ: What do you mean similar reasons? Also, what version of Ubuntu... there is no Ubuntu 14 | 16:20 |
pragmaticenigma | There is Ubuntu 14.04 and 14.10 | 16:20 |
pragmaticenigma | retrosenator: what are you trying to do... rc.local is the first point where the system has the ability to execute commands when all necassary subsystems are up and running | 16:21 |
retrosenator | pragmaticenigma: I only need /dev/spidev1.0 | 16:21 |
oerheks_ | retrosenator, rc local too late? and what is so important to start before all ? | 16:21 |
retrosenator | pragmaticenigma: I am displaying a splash screen on spi lcd | 16:21 |
LevierMRQ | pragmaticenigma: absolutely . im havint 14.04 (i get rid of my 14.10). A very6 functionnal 16.04 too. | 16:21 |
retrosenator | oerheks_: to show that it's working sooner is nice | 16:22 |
retrosenator | I have a small c program that does the work if it can write to /dev/spidev1.0 | 16:22 |
oerheks_ | retrosenator, oh, spidev1.0 is a miner, boring! | 16:22 |
retrosenator | miner? | 16:22 |
pragmaticenigma | retrosenator: digital currency? bitcoin | 16:23 |
retrosenator | hah, no it's a nokia5110 spi cog lcd | 16:23 |
retrosenator | I want it to show it's booting | 16:24 |
retrosenator | I guess I could try to make a kernel module do it... | 16:24 |
retrosenator | but really I just want to run a program really early in boot | 16:24 |
pragmaticenigma | again, retrosenator.... rc.local is the first available slot where that would be possible | 16:24 |
retrosenator | well that is just before the login prompt | 16:25 |
retrosenator | which is a few seconds later than where I want | 16:25 |
pragmaticenigma | retrosenator: then I believe what you are seeking is beyond the scope and knowledge of this channel... you could try #linux to see anywhere there has some suggestions | 16:26 |
pragmaticenigma | s/anywhere/anyone/ | 16:26 |
retrosenator | hm | 16:26 |
retrosenator | hack it into init? | 16:26 |
pragmaticenigma | retrosenator: Again, beyond the scope of this channel | 16:27 |
pragmaticenigma | LevierMRQ: This might be a good time to use a live cd to copy your files somewhere, and consider installing a fresh, and newer version of Ubuntu. | 16:34 |
LevierMRQ | pragmaticenigma: i did it. i mean i created a partition for 18. | 16:36 |
=== aric is now known as aric49 | ||
indica2018 | @ikonia: I am back :-D | 16:42 |
indica2018 | @ikonia: I am unsure what to choose for Parent Interface and Service | 16:43 |
pragmaticenigma | LevierMRQ: after the partition creation you are having issues?? These are all details I don't recall you mentioning. | 16:43 |
designbybeck | if I have an external harddrive, it shows unmounted, but seems to still be spinning or feels like it at least...how do I know I can safely remove it | 16:43 |
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL | ||
designbybeck | It is a WD 3TB USB3 harddrive | 16:44 |
designbybeck | on Ubuntu 18.04 | 16:44 |
pragmaticenigma | designbybeck: how are you "ejecting" or "removing" media? | 16:45 |
designbybeck | pragmaticenigma: just right clicking on it and saying eject | 16:45 |
pragmaticenigma | there is usually a toaster popup on the screen that says it's safe to remove... once you see that... you should be fine | 16:46 |
ledeni | indica2018: can you check 'systemctl status ModemManager' | 16:46 |
designbybeck | i havne't seen that pragmaticenigma. I tried clicking mount and letting it mount, and then ejecting it again, but it seems like it is still spinning | 16:48 |
oerheks_ | type mount to see if it is still mounted ? | 16:49 |
oerheks_ | if not, go wild and jank the cable out | 16:49 |
designbybeck | this is a brand new drive and I just backed stuff up to it, so I'm trying to not mess this up pragmaticenigma | 16:54 |
designbybeck | oerheks_: i typed mount but see a bunch of stuff | 16:54 |
designbybeck | oerheks_: I did an lsusb and see the WD drive there | 16:55 |
designbybeck | https://thepasteb.in/p/zmh8yYXBKz6CZ | 16:56 |
designbybeck | oerhek ^ that was lsblk | 16:56 |
oerheks_ | easy to check if that sdb1/sdc1/sdd1 is present.. | 16:56 |
oerheks_ | so it is sdc1, does that show up in mount? | 16:56 |
=== aric is now known as aric49 | ||
designbybeck | I did mount | grep sdc | 16:57 |
designbybeck | and nothing showd up oerheks_ | 16:57 |
oerheks_ | then you are fine | 16:57 |
oerheks_ | if you are still uncertain, reboot your machine | 16:58 |
designbybeck | thank you for your help oerheks_i just unplugged it | 16:58 |
RedNifre | Hey there. How can I repair snap? I can only run snaps with "snap run X" but neither directly via command line or via the launcher. | 17:05 |
RedNifre | All the snaps I installed have disappeared from the side launcher as well. | 17:06 |
pragmaticenigma | LevierMRQ: I don't know how to help. My suggestion is to back up your data, install just Ubuntu 18.04 fresh on your machine and restore your files from back up | 17:14 |
movah4c | How can i create own entries/files under "right click" -> "open with" (a shell script .sh)? (linux/mate/caja) I need something that is similar to "send to..." under windows | 17:20 |
oerheks_ | movah4c, not sure, under gnome3 it would be nautilus-actions | 17:21 |
SimonNL | isn't other application shown in open with movah4c | 17:22 |
movah4c | there a other progrma but that ones are from the list i get provided | 17:23 |
movah4c | i have no nautilus-actions .. i look if i can use it, but it's caja | 17:24 |
=== gms is now known as Guest7148 | ||
nacc | RedNifre: is /snap/bin in $PATH? | 17:24 |
RedNifre | Hm, it's not! (I did `echo $PATH`) | 17:25 |
nacc | RedNifre: and you're on ubuntu? | 17:25 |
RedNifre | I guess this is caused by fish shell then? I installed fish, then rebooted... | 17:25 |
nacc | RedNifre: are you running bash as your shll? | 17:25 |
nacc | RedNifre: yes, that's why. | 17:25 |
RedNifre | I'm on a quite fresh Ubuntu 18.04 LTS install. | 17:25 |
nacc | RedNifre: i don't know how fish works, sorry, but the relevant file is /etc/profile.d/apps-bin-path.sh | 17:26 |
RedNifre | Thank you, I'll ask the fish people for the best solution to this problem then. | 17:27 |
movah4c | oerheks_: no that is not the right program for it... On windows i made my own program for it, but only usable over a browser protocol | 17:29 |
andrew09 | Is there anyway to sync music to an Iphone 6 using Ubuntu 18.04? | 17:29 |
movah4c | something that adds an entry to the "right click" menu under caja would be usefull.. (on windows you edit the registry for it) | 17:30 |
movah4c | over programm name extenions like : .txt .doc .pdf | 17:32 |
RedNifre | Ubuntu normally just uses bash so I should be able to revert it with `chsh s `which bash``, right? | 17:32 |
movah4c | that is how i can add programs to the list under windows | 17:33 |
movah4c | arg .. that's not right.. i get my own entry | 17:33 |
ioria | movah4c, you edit a .desktop file under .local/share/applications,then select it from open with -> other apps -> view all apss -> select | 17:34 |
movah4c | k i try | 17:35 |
regrd | Hi! I'm installing Kubuntu and have to partition the disk manually. I'm creating a 100GB partition for Kubuntu, and it's asking me what mount point I should set. Normally, I'd set / as the point, but a guide online(specific to my issue) advised me to make a separate /home partition. What're the dis/advantages to making a separate /home partition? | 17:35 |
pragmaticenigma | regrd: a separate home partition means if you do a reinstall, you can keep the old /home and when you first boot, with the same user, you do not have to resetup all your customizations to your DE. Also, your files will not be touched during the reinstall | 17:37 |
regrd | Does that apply across distros? Can I install debian and ubuntu at the same time, and make them use the same home partition? | 17:37 |
nacc | that assumes they are always compatible, which there is no guarantee they would be | 17:38 |
regrd | So just making a root partition(for both separately) would fulfill my needs? | 17:39 |
pragmaticenigma | regrd: you could, but you may run into issues... some programs aren't tolerant to different versions editing their config files. Debian and Ubuntu, while very similar, often have different versions of the programs you use | 17:40 |
Nordo | hello everyone! | 17:40 |
pragmaticenigma | regrd: my comment was for sharing the home directory | 17:40 |
regrd | Thanks, pragmaticenigma. I think I'll go with separate partitions for both. The guide also asks me to make a swap partition which is twice the size of the RAM. Is that correct? | 17:41 |
Nordo | now that i have never used ubuntu (or any linux based system) on a physical machine, i want to ask a few questions, 1-does ubuntu have its own separate bootloader? and 2-does it have Intel HD graphics drivers? i just thought of dual-booting linux with windows 7 | 17:44 |
oerheks_ | Nordo, yes; and yes | 17:44 |
pragmaticenigma | regrd: that is typically the standard practice... how much RAM is avaialable? Side note, you can share the swap partition for the two distributions | 17:45 |
movah4c | @ioria: that's it. but i needed a .sh file that runs the program "geany" with $1... thank you ... | 17:45 |
Nordo | also, about specs, does ubuntu run smoothly with Intel i3 M 370 along with 3GB of ram? | 17:45 |
regrd | Thanks, pragmaticenigma! I have 8GB of RAM on my system. | 17:46 |
movah4c | @ioria: a own entry in that menu would be better because if i right click on a .desktop shortcut i can't see that entry | 17:47 |
pragmaticenigma | with 8 gigs, you probably are okay with creating an 8 gig swap file. There are some different recommendations if you are using an SSD | 17:47 |
pragmaticenigma | regrd: with 8 gigs, you probably are okay with creating an 8 gig swap file. There are some different recommendations if you are using an SSD | 17:47 |
=== LevierMRQ1 is now known as LevierMRQ | ||
regrd | Aaa! I already hit start on the installation process, and I don't think I can go back. Can I format the swap area and make a smaller one on the next installation? | 17:48 |
Nordo | hm, can i get an answer for my question? | 17:49 |
oerheks_ | Nordo, just try and see | 17:49 |
Nordo | hmm alright, sorry for disturbing, thanks for answer | 17:50 |
ioria | movah4c, it works ok with .desktop shortcuts ... i guess i lost you | 17:50 |
Nordo | can i create a dual boot just like when i want to install a windows os along with windows? | 17:50 |
regrd | Nordo: Probably will run pretty well. | 17:51 |
movah4c | yes but if i right click a .desktop shortcut i can't open the shortcut with geany | 17:51 |
oerheks_ | Nordo, you might want to read about all flavors, different desktops, some are light, others more advanced | 17:51 |
oerheks_ | !flavor | 17:51 |
ubottu | Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours | 17:51 |
ioria | movah4c, so your .desktop file in .local/share/applications is not right | 17:51 |
movah4c | i need it for an hex editor/viewer | 17:51 |
pragmaticenigma | regrd: there are ways to resize it later... for now, just continue | 17:52 |
movah4c | mc | 17:52 |
movah4c | hah :) | 17:52 |
Nordo | just one more question, when downloading software that says that it does work with ubuntu, and it didnt say that it works with lubuntu/kubuntu, does that mean its not going to work? | 17:53 |
Nordo | oh and sorry for my bad english, not my native language | 17:53 |
oerheks_ | Nordo, maybe.. maybe not, without proper info we cannot tell | 17:54 |
Nordo | alright. thank you | 17:54 |
jerichowasahoax | in most cases it should work fine however | 17:54 |
regrd | pragmaticenigma, it's installing. Now I play the waiting game. | 17:55 |
oerheks_ | a Kubuntu program on gnome pulls in a lot of Kde dependencies | 17:55 |
Jordan_U | Nordo: Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Lubuntu/ other flavors are all the same "Operating System". They're all the same distribution, and all of the software comes from the same repositories. The difference between flavors is just a difference between which packages are installed by default. | 17:55 |
movah4c | i placed the .sh file in my own directory "/home/bla/links/linux/geany.sh" (geany $1) in it. Then selected it over "right-click"-->"open with" but if i use other file types the entry is not there | 17:56 |
movah4c | onyl "Open" but i don't want to open it i want to be displayed what's in the .desktop file | 17:56 |
Jordan_U | Nordo: There may be an odd piece of software that very tightly integrates into a certain desktop, like a notification applet of some kind, but even notification applets generally work across all desktops. Standalone apps are pretty much guaranteed to work on any flavor. | 17:57 |
RonWhoCares | I just upgraded to Ubuntu 18.04 . Is there a way I can program / set ALT-Print Screen to capture the current window? Right now when I do this a 'Please Type your Command' window opens | 17:57 |
oerheks_ | RonWhoCares, odd, here it does not, and stored the screenshot right away in ~/Pictures | 18:00 |
hggdh | RonWhoCares: you can adjust keyboard combinations under Settings/Devives/Keyboard | 18:00 |
movah4c | @RonWhoCares: look under your window manager settings : keyboard-shortcuts | 18:00 |
movah4c | @RonWhoCares: what windows manager do you use ? | 18:01 |
regrd | movah4c, I don't think you need the @ to ping anyone | 18:02 |
RedNifre | #ircknowledge | 18:02 |
movah4c | did not know that i ping with it. sorry | 18:02 |
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk | ||
RonWhoCares | movah4c: Must I reboot for it to take effect? | 18:04 |
movah4c | for what ? | 18:05 |
movah4c | i don't think so | 18:05 |
movah4c | should be available after you altered the settings | 18:05 |
regrd | Yep, RonWhoCares, this should not require a reboot. Just click OK on the settings panel and it should apply. | 18:06 |
movah4c | or you have another programm runnings that's blocking your "keyboard shortcut" | 18:06 |
movah4c | haveing the same issues with my own media player ;) but it doesn't bother me | 18:08 |
RonWhoCares | movah4c: That didn't work | 18:09 |
movah4c | what do you as your window manager ? | 18:09 |
RonWhoCares | How do I check? | 18:09 |
movah4c | kde, gnome, fluxbox, openbox, .. | 18:09 |
movah4c | alt f2 -> xterm -> ps -u<yourusername> | 18:10 |
jose4141 | hola | 18:12 |
RonWhoCares | Is "Unity" an option | 18:16 |
movah4c | RonWhocares: if you open a terminal then there is a "Edit" --> "Profile Settings" menu where you can change the keyboard shortcuts for the console windows | 18:16 |
regrd | Yes, RonWhoCares. | 18:16 |
RonWhoCares | movah4c: Unity | 18:16 |
movah4c | sorry can't help you there... i never installed unity | 18:16 |
movah4c | but from where do you want to take screenshots? | 18:17 |
RonWhoCares | I have done what you said | 18:17 |
regrd | RonWhoCares, you could install a screenshot program and set its hotkey to whatever you want | 18:17 |
=== gms is now known as Guest65678 | ||
movah4c | but you have other settings/ shortcut settings in an open shell screen | 18:18 |
RonWhoCares | In Keyboard > All Settings > Shortcuts > Custom Shortcuts > "gnome-screenshot Mod2+Alt L" | 18:18 |
movah4c | i use "mate-screenshot" and i have no problems there | 18:19 |
movah4c | this is a german screenshot, but maybe it's that option | 18:31 |
mes_thy | hi | 18:32 |
phyte | https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/mCdDP7g2vH/ | 18:34 |
phyte | BT stopped working two days ago on Ubuntu18 | 18:34 |
phyte | I've tried everything. | 18:34 |
phyte | Yoga 920 using an Qualcomm Atheros QCA6174 | 18:36 |
_mesthy | hi | 18:40 |
mes_thy | hi | 18:42 |
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phyte | hi | 18:49 |
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Guest86867 | Hello, know you how canI set the Ubuntu default editor to geany in place of gedit ? | 18:53 |
fightthewalrus | hi, I'm trying to set my DNS resolution to OpenNIC servers. I've already "shopped" around the server list to get the ones best suited to me and overwrote resolv.conf to point there. A ping or dig test confirms it works | 19:04 |
fightthewalrus | however, whenever I reboot or suspend the computer, resolv.conf gets overwritten and I have to manually write it again | 19:04 |
fightthewalrus | I've read around that NetworkManager takes the opportunity to overwrite that file every time it starts up, and that I can disable it by editing its own .conf file to state dns=none, but that doesn't work either | 19:05 |
fightthewalrus | so my question is: how can I stop NetworkManager or another process from overwriting my resolv.conf file in Ubuntu Bionic? | 19:06 |
pmart | why packages.ubuntu.com lack package descriptions? | 19:06 |
VectorX | [WHOIS] salamanderrake is on #ubuntu. | 19:13 |
VectorX | [WHOIS] yuuki is on #ubuntu. | 19:13 |
VectorX | [WHOIS] harrymm is on #ubuntu. | 19:14 |
VectorX | [WHOIS] Nd-69-m is on #ubuntu ##linux. | 19:15 |
artem_ru | test | 19:16 |
artem_ru | hello. i tried installing ubuntu and linux mint but never had luck on my new laptop | 19:16 |
artem_ru | it just stops from time to time, like freezes and that s it | 19:16 |
artem_ru | what could cause this? | 19:16 |
hggdh | VectorX: are you a bot? | 19:18 |
developer-interf | clear | 19:18 |
VectorX | hggdh no | 19:18 |
developer-interf | hello guys | 19:18 |
hggdh | VectorX: so why are you posting whois here? | 19:18 |
VectorX | hggdh was testing a script, i didndt notice it would post to each channel | 19:19 |
hggdh | VectorX: OK, thank you | 19:19 |
=== shann_ is now known as shannara | ||
developer-interf | Guys, nice to meet you. Am newbe in linux world i want to be an hacker but i dont know where i could begin | 19:20 |
wyseguy | developer-interf like a pen tester? | 19:20 |
developer-interf | yes like a pentester | 19:21 |
wyseguy | search youtube for pen testing tutorials | 19:21 |
developer-interf | i want to be a django developer and pentester | 19:21 |
wyseguy | probably kali linux as a lot of tools are included | 19:21 |
developer-interf | do you know other ircs about these topics? | 19:21 |
wyseguy | um, let me look | 19:21 |
hggdh | developer-interf: you can use alis: /msg alis list *pentest* for example | 19:22 |
wyseguy | you can try #nethunter | 19:22 |
hggdh | developer-interf: but this channel is not the correct one for that. This channel is for support of Ubuntu only | 19:22 |
developer-interf | thanks i know | 19:22 |
developer-interf | but i dont know where i become | 19:23 |
artem_ru | hey, can you support me maybe then | 19:23 |
hggdh | developer-interf: not here, please | 19:23 |
wyseguy | he knows, he is looking where he can | 19:23 |
hggdh | artem_ru: you have provided NO data, just stated your computer freezes. If you want help, you have to give us more data | 19:24 |
wyseguy | developer-interf ya search youtube and other sources, lot of knowledge will come from experience though, not doing what someone else does :) | 19:24 |
artem_ru | hggdh what info you want | 19:24 |
developer-interf | thanks @wyseguy | 19:24 |
developer-interf | thanks | 19:24 |
wyseguy | np | 19:24 |
hggdh | artem_ru: version of Ubuntu, what you were doing when it froze, etc. No Linux Mint, though | 19:25 |
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developer-interf | thanks guys | 19:27 |
developer-interf | good bye | 19:27 |
developer-interf | exit | 19:29 |
ppf | is there a dyndns client with ipv6 support? | 19:31 |
pj_ | uhm, hi everyone? | 19:34 |
webmind | lo | 19:34 |
transhuman | anyone know why kvm only would show 8 gig of ram available for a guest when host has 24 gig? | 19:36 |
ppf | actually, is there a dyndns client that let's me do updates manually? | 19:36 |
transhuman | ppf http://freedns.afraid.org/zc.php?from=L2R5bmFtaWMv this shows a list after you log in of dyndns clients | 19:37 |
pj_ | does anybody know how to make dmesg show the log from the very beginning of the boot-up? Ubuntu 18.04 dual boot with Win 7 here. | 19:38 |
=== Lacroix is now known as Guest21368 | ||
nacc | pj_: it can't if you've overflowed the buffer; otherwise, it does. | 19:40 |
nacc | transhuman: did you define the guest to have 8g of RAM? YOu don't usually give a guest all of host memory (nor can you really) | 19:41 |
pj_ | thanks, nacc. do you by any chance know how can I stop overflowing it? | 19:42 |
William_2 | Hey guys, what do you find about upgrade an old ubuntu version to new ubuntu version since apt | 19:44 |
ppf | transhuman: not sure i get what you mean? | 19:44 |
William_2 | ? | 19:44 |
ppf | i don't have an account on that site | 19:44 |
nacc | pj_: i mean, it depends on what is logging, etc. you might be able to also increase the size of the buffer (log_buf_len kernel parameter) | 19:44 |
ppf | i'm looking for a dyndns client that lets me update a name with an IP | 19:44 |
transhuman | ppf they have a complete list of clients just create an account | 19:45 |
nacc | William_2: that question doesn't parse very well to me. What version of ubuntu are you on and what version do you want to upgrade to? | 19:45 |
ppf | wat, i'm not making a n account there to get a list of ddns clients O.o | 19:45 |
transhuman | nacc I am just trying to figure out why it doesnt have it available but there is something called hugepages that needs to be enabled | 19:45 |
transhuman | someone else told me about | 19:46 |
transhuman | ppf ok then dont I just got my list of dyndns clients from there when I was looking | 19:46 |
transhuman | several scripts too | 19:46 |
transhuman | there is a good one for windows that allows you to manually update | 19:47 |
transhuman | the scripts can be run at any time | 19:47 |
transhuman | or the ones with services can be restarted | 19:47 |
nacc | transhuman: what are you talking about? hugepages is unrelated to how much memory your guest is defined to have. | 19:47 |
pj_ | nacc: okay, am I supposed to enlarge the size of the log in grub.conf? | 19:47 |
ppf | transhuman: so can you recommend one? | 19:48 |
transhuman | oh I see nacc, thats what someone suggested might show a low limit of them. I will look elsewhere | 19:48 |
transhuman | ppf let me log in and get the list | 19:48 |
nacc | pj_: you would edit /etc/default/grub and append log_buf_len=n[KMG] (for KB, MB or GB). n has to be a power of 2. default is 128k, iirc | 19:48 |
nacc | transhuman: what do you mean 'limit'? You're using the wrong terminology. | 19:48 |
ppf | i only need oneshot updates, no daemon, no guessing of an IP, no magic | 19:48 |
gpap | back to unity for me :(. Two installations, one 16.04 and the second 18.04 | 19:49 |
nacc | transhuman: you have a KVM guest, yes? How did you start it? | 19:49 |
transhuman | I am starting it from virt-manager nacc, but it wont let me add more than 8 gig of ram which seems weird | 19:49 |
transhuman | since its the only vm I have | 19:49 |
transhuman | ppf here you go http://paste.debian.net/1028103/ | 19:50 |
nacc | transhuman: can you share a screenshot? it's a -/+ thing, so you're saying that it won't let you +? | 19:51 |
transhuman | exactly, it wont let you add more than that | 19:51 |
transhuman | it only sees 9775 gig for host memory | 19:51 |
ppf | transhuman: thanks! | 19:51 |
nacc | transhuman: does it emit an error? i am able to start a guest with more than 8GB of RAM here just fine | 19:51 |
nacc | transhuman: oh... well that would be the problem | 19:51 |
nacc | transhuman: it helps to describe *fully* your problem from the get-go. | 19:51 |
transhuman | not sure why its not seeing it | 19:51 |
transhuman | maybe my ecc chip outs has detected a problem | 19:52 |
transhuman | I will check the size of memory from a terminal | 19:52 |
pj_ | nacc: ok, I will try that. Thanks a lot, mate! | 19:52 |
transhuman | hmmm, the host doesn't see it either | 19:53 |
ppf | wait, is dyndns2 just REST? | 19:53 |
nacc | transhuman: then that's the problem. | 19:54 |
transhuman | ok thanks for helping me figure it out nacc, I will check the bios and then maybe check edac-utils and bios error logs | 19:59 |
transhuman | thats probably the cause of the slow down | 20:00 |
pj_ | nacc: meh, it didn't help - the size of the log is ~256 kB. Can I see the changed size of the log in grub.cfg file after updating the grub? | 20:00 |
=== caribou_ is now known as caribou | ||
nacc | pj_: you have to reboot, you know that right? | 20:02 |
nacc | pj_: you're changing the size of a kernel buffer allocation | 20:02 |
pj_ | so double reboot then? | 20:02 |
pj_ | nacc: still nope, apparently i don't know how to enlarge the size of the log (i've pasted "log_buf_len=4M" into /etc/default/grub) | 20:12 |
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL | ||
nacc | pj_: what does `cat /proc/cmdline` say? (in a pastebin0 | 20:14 |
pj_ | nacc: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-4.15.0-22-generic root=UUID=58599598-7b78-4e85-8887-ce41f57b0a05 ro quiet splash nouveau.debug=debug,VBIOS=trace vt.handoff=1 | 20:16 |
nacc | pj_: did you run `sudo update-grub` after updating /etc/default/grub? | 20:16 |
pj_ | nacc: sure did | 20:17 |
nacc | pj_: where did you put it in /etc/default/grub? | 20:18 |
pj_ | nacc: log_buf_len=4M is just below GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="" | 20:19 |
nacc | pj_: ah, no. | 20:19 |
nacc | pj_: you want to append it to the existing parameters in GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT | 20:20 |
nacc | pj_: it's not a grub argument, it's an argument to the kernel | 20:20 |
pj_ | nacc: oops, right. correcting | 20:20 |
pj_ | nacc: ok, grub updated, reboot-time! | 20:21 |
ramsub07 | Hi i've mounted an ext4 partition and i'm not able to make it writable using chmod | 20:22 |
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ramsub07 | when i execute chmod command, it says that changing permission of a read only directory. but the permission never seems to change | 20:22 |
ramsub07 | what could be going wrong? | 20:22 |
oerheks_ | ramsub07, maybe the filesystem is unmounted dirty, broken filetable or something, perform a fsck.ext4 | 20:23 |
ikonia | ramsub07: clue is in the error "READ ONLY" | 20:23 |
ikonia | ramsub07: you need to "write" to "change" something] | 20:23 |
ramsub07 | oerheks_, ikonia: how should i make the drive writable? | 20:23 |
ikonia | as oerheks_ suggested for some reason it's been mounted read only, you need to know why | 20:24 |
oerheks_ | unmount the partition and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilesystemTroubleshooting#e2fsprogs_-_ext2.2C_ext3.2C_ext4_filesystems | 20:24 |
pj_ | nacc: success! now i have it all - hopefully that makes me one step closer to knowing what happened to my GPU. You're the man! | 20:25 |
ramsub07 | ikonia: can i change the way it is mounted ? | 20:25 |
zenox | hi | 20:26 |
ikonia | ramsub07: yes, once you understand why it's mounted read only | 20:26 |
zenox | why is there no official ubunut 18 vagrant image? | 20:26 |
ramsub07 | ikonia: how to see the reason? | 20:26 |
ikonia | ramsub07: oerheks_ gave you a link with some info and made some suggestions | 20:26 |
nacc | pj_: cool | 20:29 |
oerheks_ | If your vagrant server does not supply you with 18.04, ask them why, else: one can build its own vagrant image https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/bionic/+package/vagrant .. | 20:29 |
cloudbud | I am trying to execute a script in service file using command exec python app.py -u devops >> app.log 2>&1 but the script is still starting as root user. can anybody help me | 20:31 |
ikonia | cloudbud: what supports the -u devops argument | 20:31 |
cloudbud | ikonia : user I beleive | 20:32 |
ikonia | cloudbud: no, I mean what part of that command string supports the -u argument | 20:32 |
cloudbud | ikonia :I did not get you | 20:32 |
ikonia | cloudbud: in the command " exec python app.py -u devops " what part of that supports -u | 20:33 |
oerheks_ | if only root owns app.py... | 20:33 |
oerheks_ | -u Force stdin, stdout and stderr to be totally unbuffered. | 20:33 |
ikonia | oerheks_: do you understand what supports -u here ? | 20:34 |
cloudbud | ikonia : ideally it should support running app.py | 20:34 |
oerheks_ | i think python | 20:34 |
ikonia | cloudbud: but what part of that string supports -u | 20:34 |
ikonia | oerheks_: I don't see it in the python man page, but I'm not %100 | 20:34 |
oerheks_ | i did, it just ignores buffering | 20:35 |
cloudbud | ikonia : devops is the user | 20:35 |
cloudbud | how to change the statement | 20:35 |
ikonia | cloudbud: I know it's the user, but what "command" supports -u | 20:35 |
ikonia | oerheks_: python 2 or 3 | 20:35 |
cloudbud | ikonia L i relly dont have idea | 20:35 |
ikonia | cloudbud: who is writing this script/service file | 20:36 |
cloudbud | how to modify this | 20:36 |
ikonia | cloudbud: who is writing this script/service file | 20:36 |
cloudbud | I am writing service file | 20:36 |
oerheks_ | good call, ikonia , python3 is a little different | 20:36 |
cloudbud | ikonia | 20:36 |
ikonia | cloudbud: you're writing it, but you are using "-u" but you don't know what command supports -u | 20:36 |
ikonia | that doesn't make sense | 20:36 |
ikonia | if you're writing it and passing "-u" you must know what you're passing it to | 20:37 |
oerheks_ | -u Force the binary I/O layers of stdout and stderr to be unbuffered. stdin is always buffered. The text I/O layer will still be line-buffered. | 20:37 |
cloudbud | i have copied it ikonia from some file the exec file | 20:37 |
ikonia | cloudbud: ok - so you're not writing it, you're just blindly copying it | 20:37 |
cloudbud | ikonia : i thought it will execute like devops user | 20:37 |
ikonia | cloudbud: yes, but you actually have no idea what it does, you're just blindly copying it | 20:38 |
cloudbud | ikonia : can you tell me which switch i should use | 20:38 |
ikonia | cloudbud: no idea, hence why I was asking how you're expecting this to work, oerheks_ has found -u as part of python 2 and the restrictions around it's use | 20:39 |
ikonia | oerheks_: just found it in the python 2 man page, thank you | 20:39 |
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ikonia | nothing to do with user | 20:39 |
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arooni | anyone running 18.04? it works great but i'm supposed to get emojis and apparently i dont see them anywhere | 20:43 |
oerheks_ | arooni, "supposed to get emojis " ? | 20:47 |
arooni | https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/11/ubuntu-finally-long-last-time-support-color-emoji | 20:47 |
oerheks_ | arooni, so what did you install? tons of statements in that post, Cairo, Noto Color Emoji font | 20:54 |
arooni | fonts-noto-color-emoji/bionic,bionic,now 0~20180424-0ubuntu1 all [installed] | 20:56 |
arooni | so i should have the right font already isntalled | 20:56 |
von | hey there. I've recently installed kubuntu for a relative, then installed xubuntu-desktop over it and switched the default session. But now weird things happen. For some reason systemd --user fails to use the proper $DISPLAY value, I get a lot of 'wrong display' messages in the logs for gnome-keyring, xfce4-notifyd and gnome-screensaver. | 21:00 |
memphisto | von: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Systemd/User#DISPLAY_and_XAUTHORITY | 21:03 |
han_ | hello. I'm new.18.04 loaded on its own. Grub still doesn't work. Or is it efi? I suppose there are things I should set up. | 21:04 |
pipegeek | Hi folks. A question. It seems like the thunderbird-next PPA stopped being maintained sometime in december. Is anyone maintaining debian packaging for more recent thunderbird? | 21:06 |
oerheks_ | ubuntu proveds the latest stable thunderbird, and 18.04 is LTS, so it will stick with stable | 21:09 |
oerheks_ | c/provides | 21:09 |
za1b1tsu | Hello, when I boot the Ubuntu Server Live USb, how can I switch virtual consoles? | 21:09 |
von | memphisto, both variables are available within the session. Also the session is started by lightdm, so these variables should be available | 21:09 |
von | oh wow. systemctl --user show-environment reveals that systemd has wrong DISPLAY value | 21:11 |
von | where does it get that? | 21:11 |
memphisto | https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Talk:Systemd/User | 21:20 |
pipegeek | oerheks_: understood! But I was wondering if anyone was maintaining packaging. | 21:28 |
pipegeek | definitely get it that the version number in bionic won't change. | 21:28 |
pipegeek | and also, if the thunderbird-next ppa was likely to come back to life or if it was abandoned. | 21:30 |
sammy | Hello | 21:31 |
nacc | pipegeek: we are not affiliated with PPAs generally | 21:35 |
pipegeek | Got it. Thanks nacc. | 21:37 |
nacc | von: what value are you getting and what is 'wrong' about it? | 21:37 |
von | nacc, I get :20 instead of :0 | 21:37 |
nacc | von: what version of ubuntu? | 21:37 |
blz | Hello, I've just lost a raid10 disk due to a power failure. Upon reeboot, `cat /proc/mdstat` reports the disk missing from the array, but it nonetheless exists as /dev/sdf. `smartctl -t` seems to indicate the disk is runing just fine. How can I re-add it to md1 ? | 21:38 |
von | nacc, the latest 18.04 | 21:38 |
nacc | von: ok, fwiw, it won't be :0 most likely; that's the GDM session now. For instance, my user's session is on :1 | 21:39 |
von | nacc, xubuntu uses lightdm by default | 21:39 |
von | so that's what I use after installing xubuntu-desktop | 21:39 |
nacc | von: ah of course | 21:39 |
station_ | arduino on U18.04 dosent wark | 21:39 |
station_ | found bugg https://bugs.launchpad.net/debian/+source/rxtx/+bug/1770604 | 21:40 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1770604 in rxtx (Ubuntu) "Arduino IDE from repository does not work because of "java.lang.NullPointerException thrown while loading gnu.io.RXTXCommDriver"" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 21:40 |
subone | I'm having some trouble after upgrading to 18.04, my nvidia drivers just get stuck at "Building initial module..." I've tried nvidia-390 and nvidia-driver-396, both just freeze there. How do I access the logs to get more info? | 21:40 |
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han_ | Installed 18.04 and it asked me about server mail or local mail and I'm just putting it on personal laptop so I picked local. There were like four or five options though. Diff? | 21:53 |
BlueProtoman | I'm trying to use the nvidia drivers version 396 on Ubuntu 18.04, with a nVidia GeForce GTX 860M via Optimus. Although `prime-select query` outputs `nvidia`, nvidia-smi fails with "NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn't communicate with the NVIDIA driver. Make sure that the latest NVIDIA driver is installed and running." I can't use CUDA as a result, and my graphics are being drawn with my Intel chip. How can | 21:55 |
BlueProtoman | I fix this? | 21:55 |
stevecoh1 | got an issue with repository enablement in 18.04 https://pastebin.com/ph5yuVb0 | 21:59 |
stevecoh1 | anybody here? All I see are people quitting | 22:01 |
han_ | Stevecoh did it authenticate | 22:02 |
stevecoh1 | Thanks, how would I tell? | 22:03 |
nacc | stevecoh1: uh... did you handcraft your source.list? | 22:06 |
nacc | archive.canonical.com is only for the partner component | 22:06 |
nacc | stevecoh1: iow, you're doing it wrong :) | 22:07 |
stevecoh1 | This is a script that run | 22:07 |
oerheks_ | archive.ubuntu.com would be expected indeed | 22:08 |
oerheks_ | bad script :-P | 22:08 |
stevecoh1 | this is a coming from a script that installs a driver for Epson V-300 scanner. It is running on a recently installed Ubuntu 18.04 and I have not touched repositories yet. | 22:08 |
nacc | stevecoh1: your script is busted and/or your base configuration is | 22:09 |
nacc | stevecoh1: pastebin /etc/apt/source.list | 22:09 |
Nubs | anyone around to help with install issues | 22:10 |
stevecoh1 | The things it's failing to install are dependencies of the things it's trying to install. $ cat /etc/apt/source.list | 22:10 |
stevecoh1 | cat: /etc/apt/source.list: No such file or directory | 22:10 |
oerheks_ | * sources.list | 22:11 |
oerheks_ | = proof that naxcc is human :-D | 22:11 |
oerheks_ | Nubs, ask, wait and see | 22:11 |
nacc | stevecoh1: stop. listen to us first. Your sources are incorrectly configured, full stop. | 22:12 |
compdoc | Nub, just explain the problem | 22:12 |
nacc | oerheks_: bah :) | 22:12 |
Nubs | I am having issue with the install. i get he install screen to run after the boot of my pc, i click on insyall , then it takes me to a black screen with a _ in the top left | 22:12 |
stevecoh1 | https://pastebin.com/YVu7gZaq | 22:13 |
Nubs | ive tried installing from Dvd and flash drives | 22:13 |
nacc | stevecoh1: line 53 and 54 of your file are incorrect. | 22:13 |
stevecoh1 | I'm trying to listen. You asked for sources.list and I put it in a pastebin. | 22:13 |
stevecoh1 | ok, what should I do with them? | 22:14 |
nacc | stevecoh1: replace archive.canonical.com in those lines with us.archive.ubuntu.com | 22:14 |
nacc | stevecoh1: then run `sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get update` | 22:15 |
stevecoh1 | ok, thanks, let me try that. | 22:15 |
oerheks_ | Nubs, when at the point, chooing live/install, hit F6 Nomodeset | 22:16 |
oerheks_ | !nomodeset | 22:16 |
ubottu | A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter | 22:16 |
migrantFour | Hello, is there any way to prevent systemd-resolved from resolving private network addresses (e.g. 10.x.x.x. 192.168) to localhost. This what happens for my vpn connections since update to bionic beaver. | 22:17 |
Nubs | f6 didnt do anything | 22:18 |
Nubs | i can press 'e' to edit commands or 'c' for command line | 22:19 |
stevecoh1 | thank you very much. Actually, after changing those lines, they were duplicates. After removing them altogether the install script worked without errors. | 22:22 |
Nubs | TY Oerherk_ i added the nomodeset edit commands and its working now | 22:23 |
stevecoh1 | I have no idea how this might have happened. I had not touched sources.list, but something might have. | 22:23 |
oerheks_ | Nubs, oke, good job, see after install if this happens still, use nomodeset and install (nvidia) drivers i guess | 22:24 |
Nubs | ok Thanks! | 22:25 |
stevecoh1 | however, that didn't make the scanner work. Back to drawing board. | 22:25 |
stevecoh1 | next question: if sane-find-scanner doesn't find the scanner, but sudo sane-find-scanner does, where do I change permissions necessary so it can work? | 22:27 |
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Guest65489 | hey | 22:29 |
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han_ | Loaded 18.04. Tillx has a strange bar across the top. Can we remove it.? | 23:03 |
leftyfb | !info tilix | 23:07 |
oerheks_ | you mean tilix ? | 23:07 |
ubottu | tilix (source: tilix): Tiling terminal emulator for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.7-1ubuntu2 (bionic), package size 581 kB, installed size 2851 kB | 23:07 |
oerheks_ | this is what i see when it starts.. https://imgur.com/a/eH9JNgT | 23:08 |
oerheks_ | but the top bar is not that weird | 23:08 |
han_ | maybe I can install vim | 23:15 |
han_ | Is there a good on-line linux magazine? | 23:17 |
oerheks_ | http://fridge.ubuntu.com/ is a start, for ubuntu that is | 23:19 |
genii | han_: Linux Journal is online, but only limited articles and reviews without an actual subscription ( something like $35 USD for a year ) | 23:23 |
tona | hi i had installed sudo apt install mailutils, but i selected not setting, is there another way to launch the assistant :) | 23:27 |
Gigabitten | so I replaced my Windows bootloader with grub, since it was booting straight to Windows and boot-repair was no help. It was long and arduous and involved a lot of help from someone here. Then Windows update happened and broke it all over again. | 23:28 |
Gigabitten | Could I please have some help solving this problem, hopefully permanently? | 23:28 |
han_ | Thank you all | 23:39 |
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