
novaI installed "qt5ct" so I could change my default qt theme to gtk2.  I was able to run it in a terminal, only after exporting avariable called QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME="qt5ct".  I set my theme successfully and everything works like it should, but there is a new icon in my Xubuntu Settings area called "Qt5 Settings", and when i click on it it says "The QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME variable is not set correctly".06:05
novais there a way to make this Qt5 Settings icon actually launch qt5ct?06:07
Unit193https://sources.debian.org/src/qt5ct/0.35-1/debian/99qt5ct/ that sets the var unless the var already exists, which /etc/X11/Xsession.d/56xubuntu-session does.06:08
novaoh thank you ill take a look06:08
Unit193You could modify one of those two, or just modify something else such that it gets set for your user.06:09
novabut even after i set it, and run it in a terminal with success, the icon in Xubuntu Settings still doesn'06:09
novadoesn't function correctly06:09
novaI know nothing about how those icons are placed there06:10
Unit193I'm presuming that you set it in a terminal using 'export...', but then switch to the menu to launch the application?  If so, yes of course that won't work, you're just updating the var in the terminal.06:12
novaIf this is already set to gtk2 by default on a clean install, why did my qt programs look wrong?06:12
novagtk2 wasn't an option with qt5ct until i installed qt5-style-plugins06:14
Unit193Because you didn't have that installed yet.06:14
novadoes that mean if I had just installed qt5-style-plugins, the default QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=gtk2 variable would have activated it?06:15
novashouldn't it be included in xubuntu by default?06:17
Unit193Not in the slightest.  Xubuntu doesn't ship anything Qt based, and if that were installed it would pull in the whole Qt5 stack.06:18
novaI don't think I installed ALL of qt06:19
novaI don't know...I installed VLC and skypeforlinux and notepadqq, and all were qt based, and they looked pretty fugly06:21
Unit193So, install qt5-style-plugins and they'll be fixed.06:22
novaok i got that, and qt5ct too, should i remove the latter as it is not necessary?06:23
Unit193That'd be up to you, I believe it has more options than just what Xubuntu sets.06:23
novait does06:24
novabut having a broke link in the xubuntu settings is jsut a tiny tiny bit irritating06:24
novai can ignore it...if i had too..lol06:25
Unit193Or could fix that.06:25
novaoh right so setting it in /etc/X11/ will fix that?06:26
novai see you mentioned when i export a variable in a terminal it only applies to that terminal06:26
novaI've only been tinkering with linux for 20 years..can you tell? lol06:26
novastill feel like a noob06:27
novaThank you for the help again sir06:28
novaStill loving my Numix...I need to learn to use diff though06:28
novamake some patches like you did06:28
Unit193I simply modified the source package. :306:29
Unit193diff -u file1.ext file2.ext  basically.06:29
novawill that account for everything in the numic folder recursively or do i need to do that per file?06:29
novaNumix folder**06:30
Unit193You can do it on a folder, recursivly, with -r06:30
novai guess i wouldnt want to do it for every file that would be crazy06:30
novacool ill have to give that a try in case they send out an update06:31
novai neglected to give it a unique name06:31
novai should probably do that too06:31
novaOh and on a totally unrelated note I wanted to tell all the xubuntu team that I reformatted my aunts windows 10 notebook and put Xubuntu on it!06:33
novaIt had a 32GB eMMC that was so full that it couldn't download the 8GB of updates it wanted to install.06:34
pmjdebru1jncommon issue :)06:34
novaproblem solved...its so fast now..and 20GB still free06:35
novaOK that worked great thanks again Unit19306:48
m00n_urnHello! my /etc/fstab file says "/swapfile none swap sw 0 0". Does this mean my swap partition isn't mounted anywhere and thus doesn't work?12:08
diogenes_m00n_urn, it has to be: none swap sw 0 012:11
diogenes_so it's ok12:11
m00n_urnbut usually swap is mounted someplace right?12:11
diogenes_m00n_urn, if you wanna know more about swap then check this out: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/swap12:12
SpassArch Wiki is awesome, but remember that Ubuntu also has a good documentation https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq12:59
Spasswe're on #xubuntu after all12:59
aerozoicwazup peeps! Anybody know how to make the audio work for intel cherry trail chipsets?18:18
aerozoicon 18.04.18:19
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