
mupBug #1771885 changed: bionic: static maas missing search domain in systemd-resolve configuration <bionic> <network> <cloud-init:Won't Fix> <juju:Fix Committed by ecjones> <juju 2.3:Fix Released by ecjones> <MAAS:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1771885>00:29
enrico_hello, please hope you can help, I have deployed a maas cluster, I am able to manage power control of a node that I added manually on maas15:46
enrico_the node is well commissioned15:46
enrico_I want do deploy ubuntu on top15:46
enrico_it seems stucked at: curtin: Installation started15:47
enrico_cloud-init third party drivers not installed or necessary15:47
enrico_and nothing more15:47
enrico_maybe it does not arrive to use maas images ?15:47
enrico_can you help to debug and figure out the problem please?15:48
mupBug #1775424 opened: CentOS 6 deployment fails with AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'groups' <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1775424>16:07
roaksoaxenrico_: can you share the rsyslog for the machine ? /var/log/maas/rsyslog/<machine-name>/<date>/messages16:07
xygnal_only tried in dev so far16:31
enrico_roaksoax https://pastebin.com/kExGTtS216:41
enrico_these are tail -100 messages16:41
roaksoaxxygnal_: k, let me know how it goes16:41
mupBug #1775430 opened: Make gw optional for static routes <canonical-bootstack> <networking> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1775430>16:43
roaksoaxenrico_: uhmm there's no real error surfaced at all16:44
roaksoaxenrico_: what's the status of the machine while you see this? 'Deploying'?16:45
enrico_yes Deploying... and isntallation output still System is booting...16:45
roaksoaxenrico_: yeah that's because it never failed, and what happens if you leave it ?16:48
enrico_if I dont touch it is seems to be in a stuck state forever ( I waited for more than 30min )16:48
enrico_If I release the node.. the result is failed deployment16:49
roaksoaxenrico_: looks to me like curtin gets stuck16:49
enrico_trying to redeploy again to generate new log16:50
enrico_yes it could be but dont know why16:50
enrico_you have any idea?16:50
roaksoaxenrico_: ssh into the machine while dpeloying16:51
roaksoaxtouch /tmp/block-reboot16:51
roaksoaxenrico_: and tail /var/log/cloud-init.log16:52
roaksoaxand see if there are any errors16:52
enrico_2018-06-06 16:49:22,334 - handlers.py[DEBUG]: finish: modules-final/config-scripts-per-instance: SUCCESS: config-scripts-per-instance ran successfully 2018-06-06 16:49:22,335 - url_helper.py[DEBUG]: [0/1] open '' with {'method': 'POST', 'allow_redirects': True, 'url': '', 'headers': {'Authorization': 'OAuth oauth_nonce="174615460773030016:53
roaksoaxseems likes running just fine16:54
roaksoaxenrico_: dpkg -l | grep cloud-init16:54
roaksoaxto get the version16:54
enrico_ii  cloud-init                       18.2-4-g05926e48-0ubuntu1~16.04.2          all          Init scripts for cloud instances16:54
enrico_ii  cloud-initramfs-copymods         0.27ubuntu1.5                              all          copy initramfs modules into root filesystem for later use16:54
enrico_ii  cloud-initramfs-dyn-netconf      0.27ubuntu1.5                              all          write a network interface file in /run for BOOTIF16:54
roaksoaxenrico_: can you try to refresh your maas images and see if it downloads updated images16:55
roaksoaxseems a new version of cloud-init is already released16:55
roaksoaxon may 16th, which should be on the latest images16:55
enrico_I have installed maas after may 16th16:56
enrico_I use play maas over ubuntu 1616:56
enrico_cloud-init should be installed on maas rack/region controller right?16:59
roaksoaxenrico_: no, it comes from the maas images themselve17:00
roaksoaxenrico_: so go to the images tab and click 'Update selection' on the ubuntu section17:01
enrico_when you say: maas images... you refer to ubuntu ISO that includes maas ?17:02
roaksoaxenrico_: In the 'Images' tab17:02
roaksoaxenrico_: the images maas downloads17:02
enrico_yes updated17:02
roaksoaxenrico_: ok, so try agian and check the cloud-init version to see if that has changed17:05
enrico_yes done.. it is the same17:06
roaksoaxuhmm strange, so i winder if its a cloud-init issue17:07
roaksoaxi'll dig and ask around17:07
enrico_Thanks you for your time.. I appreciate :)17:07
enrico_If you discover something please contact me on enricodhd@gmail.com17:08
enrico_anyway I'll ping you in a while here17:08
xygnal_roaksoax:  whats the max latency/distance between rack controllers and region controllers, and how might it impact maas if we had a region controller in another country than a rack controller.17:13
roaksoaxxygnal_: well in most cases should be just fine, depending how many machines you may want to deploy at the same time17:14
roaksoaxxygnal_: i guess the major bottleneck is tftp because tftp sucks, which could mean if you deploying several machines at the same time they would take a long time to donwload the initrd/kernel17:15
roaksoaxbut other than that everything should be ok, since its http17:15
xygnal_we have two rack we want to deploy to India but them to test and play in, but it would not see a great deal of builds itself17:15
xygnal_how would it handle the delays in check in?17:15
xygnal_this would be literally across the globe17:15
roaksoaxxygnal_: 2 racks, say 10 machines? 20 machines ?17:17
xygnal_about 16 maciens17:21
roaksoaxxygnal_: yeah so the only "bottleneck" i could see if if you deploy the 16 machines at once, whether they would be able to download the initrd/kernel over tftp fast enough17:23
roaksoaxxygnal_: but technically, shouldn't really be a problem17:23
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xygnal_tftp would be coming from the region?17:28
xygnal_not the rack?17:28
roaksoaxxygnal_: rack17:30
xygnal_rack would be in same place at those 16 blades, its region that would be far away.17:33
xygnal_why would tftp be slow?17:33
roaksoaxxygnal_: you should be fine then17:34
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bdxroaksoax: could you advise on how I might get out of this debacle with the stuck controller?18:54
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xygnal_roaksoax: I can't seem to find evidence of a CentOS 7 package for Cloud-init newer then 0.7.x :/  ever done a custom build/install of it?19:20
xygnal_roaksoax: 0.7.9-24 is the latest in theirs repos19:21
mupBug #1775461 opened: manual node inaccessible after commissioning  <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1775461>20:07
mupBug #1770201 changed: DNS resolution issues during enlistment with Bionic ephemeral environment. <cdo-qa> <cdo-release-blocker> <foundations-engine> <MAAS:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1770201>22:13
mupBug #1774666 changed: Bond interfaces stuck at 1500 MTU on Bionic <cdo-qa> <foundations-engine> <mtu> <netplan> <cloud-init:New> <MAAS:Invalid> <cloud-init (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <netplan.io (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1774666>23:47

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