
cachioniemeyer, I am running with -vv trying to reproduce the error locally03:01
cachiolet's see if it give us more information about the response which is causing that03:01
tismithHi guys - I'm trying to build a rust program using snap craft, and the rust plugin is working ... sort of, but when I do a 'snapcraft clean build' I have trouble with cargo not finding rustc04:39
tismithThe build log is here: https://build.snapcraft.io/user/tismith/device-checkout-rs/23982504:41
tismithit looks like it's a problem with the rust plugin, but if so, I'm wondering why I'm hitting it and seemingly no-one else04:41
tismithI've also posted this to the forum: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/problem-building-rust-based-snap/577604:59
alphawarriorHello everyone. I have some ancient old snapcraft installed on my gentoo and I can't upgrade with (snap install snapcraft) as it fails with Mount snap "snapcraft" (1594) (info failed to parse: invalid confinement type: "classic". How could I upgrade the confinement app?05:26
mupPR snapd#5204 closed: data: add helper that can generate/start/stop the snapd service <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5204>05:57
mupPR snapd#5269 closed: systemd: adjust TestWriteMountUnitForDirs() to use squashfs.MockUseFuse(false) <Simple> <Created by jdstrand> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5269>06:25
mupPR snapd#5267 closed: tests: retry 'restarting into..' match in the snap-confine-from-core test <Created by stolowski> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5267>06:26
mvomborzecki: hey, whats the status of 5030? should this be labeled blocked, i.e. is it waiting for input from e.g. neal?06:28
zygagood morning06:49
* zyga overslept 06:49
=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski
mvohey zyga and pstolowski06:50
mborzeckipstolowski: zyga: hey06:51
mborzeckigitlab continues playing bad-MS card https://about.gitlab.com/2018/06/05/gitlab-ultimate-and-gold-free-for-education-and-open-source/07:11
jameshzyga: hi.  Is there anything more you'd want on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5184 ?07:24
mupPR #5184: interfaces: add {contacts,calendar}-service interfaces <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5184>07:24
zygajamesh: no, it looks good now, I will approve it07:29
jameshzyga: thanks07:29
jameshzyga: it has niemeyer's interface name changes in now, so I don't think it needs to go back to him07:30
zygaI agree07:30
zygaand really, thank you for this work :)07:30
mupPR snapd#5184 closed: interfaces: add {contacts,calendar}-service interfaces <Created by jhenstridge> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5184>07:43
zygahttps://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5268 needs a 2nd review and is marked as critical07:51
mupPR #5268: tests: fix flaky test for hooks undo <Critical> <Simple> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5268>07:51
pstolowski#5268 needs second review, it's a trivial08:02
mupPR #5268: tests: fix flaky test for hooks undo <Critical> <Simple> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5268>08:02
Chipacapstolowski: I'm looking at 526808:03
Chipacapstolowski: I don't understand the change08:03
Chipacapstolowski: (good morning!)08:04
* zyga is not the only one then08:04
zygaChipaca: I think looking at broader context helps08:04
ChipacaI'm looking at the whole file08:04
Chipacastill don't get it :-)08:05
pstolowskiChipaca: see the description. the test was adding things to s.change and s.task, but TestSetup adds configure hook08:05
pstolowskithe test doesn't account for configure hook08:06
pstolowskiit's not linked to other tasks created by the test itself08:06
Chipacapstolowski: you can't get the configure hook task?08:06
zygamborzecki: what is the term that we want to use for snap name with possibly an instance name?08:07
zygamborzecki: surely not snap name08:07
pstolowskiChipaca: i don't need configure, i don't care about it for this test08:07
mborzeckizyga: heh, i'm using InstanceName and StoreName now08:07
mborzeckithe PR i proposed used LocalName and StoreName08:08
zygais that an instance name or a store name?08:08
mborzeckihello-world_foo -> instance/local name08:08
mborzeckihello-world -> store name08:08
zygaand foo?08:08
mborzeckiagain, in the PR i proposed it was LocalKey, now it's InstanceKey08:08
zygawill you adjust the snap-confine PR as well?08:09
zygaI'm happy with instance key08:09
zygastore name08:09
zygaand ... local name (or is that instance)08:09
zygaas long as we are consistent08:09
mborzeckis-c PR is using sc_snap_drop_instance_name (maybe it should be key?)08:09
zygaI made some comments there too, please look08:10
zygaso if you adjust please let's keep the terminology08:10
zygaand before it sinks in, document the terminology in the function description please08:10
mborzeckizyga: can you take a look at https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/parallel-snap-installs/5763 ? it's using 'local name' and 'local key'08:11
mborzeckiand it's based on the notes we took during the sprint08:11
mborzeckii'll be updating the post as we come to agreements on the naming and stuff :)08:11
mborzeckizyga: just to be sure, the paths in apparmor profiles are all mount-ns local right?08:12
zygait's more complicated08:14
zygathey are local to the namespace because we pivot root08:14
Chipacarobert_ancell: morning sir08:14
mborzecki'it's complicated' ;)08:14
zygaso you can think about it as such08:15
zygabut I don't know if this is just apparmor not knowing about pivot root08:15
zygaor apparmor handling pivot root in this specific way08:15
Chipacarobert_ancell: is it Bluefin you're at this week? I can go in _today_08:15
Chipacano afternoon school run, suddenly08:15
mborzeckizyga: i'm asking cause the profiles will be referencing store-name, while we bind mount the local-name on top of it08:15
zygafor this purpose yes, you can think of the paths as those that are visible inside the mount namespace08:16
robert_ancellChipaca, I am in Bluefin!08:17
Chipacarobert_ancell: would me going in make sense? right now, or after lunch?08:17
robert_ancellChipaca, we're in the middle of a design process - so you could come in if you want to be involved08:17
Chipacarobert_ancell: i'm too much of a chicken (in the chicken-and-pigs sense) for that, i suspect08:18
Chipacasounds fun though :-)08:19
mupPR snapd#5268 closed: tests: fix flaky test for hooks undo <Critical> <Created by stolowski> <Merged by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5268>08:24
mvoChipaca: did we ever discuss client/packages.go:Snap.Developer ? the daemon/snaps.go code assigns the publisher to it08:24
mvoChipaca: so now I wonder how to describe what we do in the new l`snap list --format=help`08:25
Chipacamvo: note there isn't a 'publisher' field08:25
mvoChipaca: I wonder if a) I should use something neutral like owner b) remove the help and add Snap.Publisher c) something else08:25
mvoChipaca: yeah, I noticed that too :)08:25
Chipacamvo: it gets more fun08:27
Chipacamvo: because the snap.Info.Publisher is set from the store's Developer08:27
mvoChipaca: meh, I remember trying to untangle this and failing badly08:29
mvoChipaca: I think I go with something neutral then for now08:29
mvoChipaca: I also vaguely remember that once the new api is available things could be untangled(?)08:30
robert_ancellChipaca, you should come in though!08:30
pedronisthey untangled in the server yes, there's is only publisher08:30
mvozyga: The name of a ca\08:30
mvoretake of the snap"08:30
Chipacamvo: in the current details api, 'origin' is the developer username, 'publisher' is the developer's display name, and developer_id is noise08:30
mvopedronis: nice08:30
pedronisChipaca: mvo: we discussed a bit about with Gustavo as well, I think for a while we want both Developer and Publisher in our own API08:31
zygaChipaca: noise owns all the snaps ;)08:31
pedronisChipaca: an to rename the list header in snap list to publisher08:31
pedronisChipaca: mvo: bit of a question, is the timing of this08:31
Chipacamvo: in the next-gen details api :) 'publisher' is an object, with username,  id, and display-name08:32
mvopedronis: so we would have client:Snap.{Developer,Publisher} and both would set to the correct value?08:32
mvoChipaca: oh, ok08:32
pedronismvo: they would be set to the same value for a while08:32
Chipacamvo: let's not touch the client api for a bit please?08:32
pedroniswe really don't have uploaders in the api08:32
pedronisso far08:33
Chipacamvo: i need to move us to the v2 info api08:33
mvopedronis: would it hurt if I add "Publisher" to client now?08:33
mvoChipaca: meh, ok08:33
Chipacamvo: so any change now will need to get reworked08:33
pedronismvo: no, but best to double check again with Gustavo08:33
Chipacaand you risk going in the wrong direction :-)08:33
mvoChipaca: I was thinking if I add "Publisher" and only expose help there things would improve08:33
Chipacamvo: ah, this is for --format?08:33
Chipacahmm hmmmm08:33
mvoChipaca: mostly08:33
Chipacathis is more user-facing than the client api08:33
mvoChipaca: I mean, I think it would be a good idea in general08:33
mvoChipaca: but I am touching it because of --format08:34
pedronisas I said  the column itself s/Developer/Publisher/  afaict08:34
pedronisfrom discussion08:34
Chipacaright, but having the client api have both for compatibility is fine; having both in the user-facing world is ugly08:34
mvoChipaca: i.e. no helper for "Developer" (so its not displayed via format=help) and publisher with help and the right values08:34
Chipacaok, let's do the other thing and change it to be Publisher everywhere that's user-facing?08:34
mvopedronis: s/Developer/Publisher/ in the column is something I can do in the same go08:35
Chipacarobert_ancell: I'll go in, to be there around noon.08:35
mvoChipaca: ok, sounds good. I can prepare a tiny PR for this08:35
Chipacarobert_ancell: the gods of trains willing08:35
Chipacamvo: pedronis: sounds good08:35
Chipacamvo: tag me on the PR, if it's not the format one08:37
mvoChipaca: will do, I will do it as a separate one for easier review08:38
ChipacaI'm off for a while, will bbl08:39
mvoChipaca: see you08:39
mupPR snapd#4917 closed: repo: added repo ConnectionsInfo method (for the new snap connections API) <Created by stolowski> <Closed by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4917>08:41
mupPR snapd#5270 opened: snap,client: Show "publisher" in `snap list` and expose in client API <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5270>08:52
mvopedronis: good morning - do you have an opinion on 5259 at this point? should I work on the "core" config handling as part of this PR or in a followup?08:53
pedronismvo: well, as it is it will use snapd which we said is not what we want initially, so I think it might need a prequel more than a follow up08:59
pedronismvo:  the prequel should make snapd a synonym of core like system for config, and block doing config on bases09:00
pedronismvo: unless I'm confused there's a bit of stuff we don't need if we continue hanging config on "core" in 5259 atm09:01
pedronismvo: not sure it makes sense to land it to remove it again09:02
pedronismvo: it's also relatively small so you could do everything there, but I wouldn't land it as is09:02
mvopedronis: thank you! I will do a prequel then first. was mostly wondering because I'm exploring creating spread images which of course need firstboot support but I agree the order you have in mind makes more sense09:08
mborzeckizyga: pushed changes to #525609:12
mupPR #5256: cmd/libsnap-confine-private: helper for extracting store snap name from local-name <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5256>09:12
zygamvo: failure on #527009:28
mupPR #5270: snap,client: Show "publisher" in `snap list` and expose in client API <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5270>09:28
mvozyga: thank you, looking09:31
mvozyga: aha, I think we have a bunch of spread tests09:32
mupPR snapd#5256 closed: cmd/libsnap-confine-private: helper for extracting store snap name from local-name <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5256>10:06
abeatomvo, hey, I have created https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/denials-when-opening-libraries-appear-after-snapcraft-change/5783 , I would appreciate if you can take a quick look10:16
morphis_zyga, mvo: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/base-snaps-with-defined-applications/578410:23
morphis_I left it pretty generic but can detail my use case if needed10:23
zygacommented on the forum, thanks for starting this10:25
mvoabeato: thank you, I suspect that snapcraft did some patchelf magic to set the rpath in your binary10:35
mvoabeato: this is a regular snap, right? not classic or anything10:35
abeatomvo, yes, a confined one10:35
mvoabeato: iirc there is an option to disable it, let me quickly check10:35
mvoabeato: I mean there is an option to disable patchelf10:35
mvoabeato: please try: parts:\n part-name:\n  build-attributes: [no-patchelf]"10:38
mvoabeato: I will also reply in the forum for reference10:38
abeatomvo, thanks! so, which is the rationale for using patchelf? should not be *not* using it the default?10:39
mvoabeato: I don't know, sorry. thats probablay a question for sergio. can you quickly quick with "objdump -x /path/to/your/binary | grep RPATH?10:41
mborzeckigithub having a hard time?10:41
mvoabeato: or readself -d10:41
mvomborzecki: yeah, for me as well10:41
zygamvo, abeato: the snapcraft team have requested that all questions go to the forum10:41
zygaplease ask your question there abeato10:41
zygait will both allow snapcraft team members to respond when they are around (different timezone) and make the question useful to others that may search for it10:41
mvomborzecki: I will avoid comments about prematurely  moving the servers to windows nt10:42
mborzeckimvo: yeah, just restarted the travis job on master branch :/10:42
zygamvo: windows NT is very efficient if you use less than 10 files10:42
mborzeckimvo: i wouldn't mind winnt, unless they don't use iis to host anything10:42
abeatomvo, https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/zNTbNmg6gn/ there is something called $ORIGIN there10:42
zygaabeato: that's defined by the ELF standard10:43
abeatomvo, zyga sure, will ask in the forum, thanks10:43
mvozyga, abeato I think this is new10:43
zygaabeato: http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man8/ld.so.8.html10:43
* zyga needs to break to take a shower and take the dog out, bbl10:44
mvoabeato: yeah, pretty sure this is snapcrafts patchelf magic10:45
mvoabeato: anyway I replied. sorry that I'm not more helpful, Sergio (sergiusens) hopefully can tell you more about the background, i.e. why this was changed10:46
abeatomvo, thanks a lot, I'll create a new post. As /snap/core was around I asked you first ;)10:46
mvoabeato: heh, sure10:47
mvoabeato: hm,hm, but $ORIGIN/../lib in the rpath still does not quite explain why it picked /snap/core/ - please let me know if disabling patchelf helps or if you still get the same denials10:52
zygaabeato: what's the issue?10:54
mvoniemeyer: is 5234 (support for dynamic list output via user provided templtaes like: snap list --format="{{.ID}}|{{.Name") something you want to review at a high level ? as its very user facing? (probably no need for an in-depth code review, just want to make sure you are happy on the high-level)10:54
mvozyga: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/denials-when-opening-libraries-appear-after-snapcraft-change/5783/10:54
abeatomvo, will let you know10:54
mvoabeato: ta10:54
abeatozyga, https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/denials-when-opening-libraries-appear-after-snapcraft-change/578310:55
mvozyga: ld tries to load stuff from /snap/core/$rev/usr/lib10:55
mvozyga: and its a bit unclear where this comes from10:55
mvozyga: I mean, why this is happening, it was not happening before10:55
zygamvo: in normally confined snaps?10:55
mvozyga: correct10:56
zygaabeato: what's readelf -a ?10:56
zyga(pastebin that please)10:56
mvozyga: https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/zNTbNmg6gn/ is readelf -d10:56
abeatozyga, https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/gW7QXgdynQ/10:57
* abeato has to go, back in a bit10:58
* zyga didn't notice this is in Spanish11:02
zygaI should go back to school one day11:02
zygamvo, abeato: your pastes differ11:04
zygaone has RPATH while the other does not11:04
zygain any case, neither specify /snap/core directly11:04
zygathe use of /snap/core is not allowed11:04
zygaapps must use the rootfs paths like /lib11:05
zygaso I don't know what's causing that yet11:05
zygaanyway -> walk11:05
zygathanks for the pastebins to both of you11:05
mvoppisati: I updated the bionic ppa, sorry for the delay, will reply also to the mail (after lunch). might not be published yet11:14
ppisatimvo: k11:16
mupPR snapd#5271 opened: [WIP] cmd: attempt to start the document portal if running with a session bus <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5271>11:22
* cachio afk11:46
mborzeckijdstrand: travis job in 5250 is currently failing due to eperm/eaccess12:09
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|lunch
jdstrandmborzecki: yes, I know. I'm in the process of looking at it12:09
jdstrand(I saw the PR comments)12:10
zygajdstrand: hey, can you please look at the segment PR again12:18
zygaI think it's ready and it just needs your ack12:18
abeatozyga, ah, silly me, this is the real thing: https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/9tpKb52fqj/ (sorry for the locale, I think they should not translate this sort of stuff :D12:18
zygaI'm still working on validation in two branches down the pipe, while on a walk I found a bug in my previous idea and I think I have (I think) the right thing that will solve all the current constraints (trespassing, tmpfs origin, squashfs, fuse) but I need to code it to try12:19
zygaabeato: no worries, I understand Spanish well enough for that :)12:19
niemeyermvo: Seems reasonable.. one small concern I have is marrying with the language12:19
mvoniemeyer: ok, happy to address that12:20
niemeyermvo: Maybe not so much of a practical concern12:20
niemeyermvo: The text template in Go has a nice feeling to it.. down side is we'd need to reimplement if we ever move elsewhere12:21
Chipacamvo: niemeyer: hello from bluefin12:22
niemeyerChipaca: Hey!12:22
Chipacai'm not going to make the standup today12:22
jdstrandzyga: yes12:22
Chipacabut i'll be syncing with gnome software and in particular robert_ancell12:22
zygajdstrand: thank you :)12:22
niemeyerChipaca: Nice, please let us know12:22
Chipacaniemeyer: mvo: meanwhile I'm working on small branches to make a cross-platform snap-packer12:23
Chipacasmall detour :-)12:23
mvoniemeyer: hm, hm, that is a fair point12:24
niemeyerChipaca: Isn't that "snap pack"?12:27
mvoniemeyer: it is except that "GOOS=windows go build github.com/snapcore/snap/cmd/snap" is unhappy right now because of too much syscall. use. aiui Chipaca  build something that can be cross build more easily12:28
mvoniemeyer: do you think we should limit the use of the template language, i.e. only allow {{.XXX}} as constructs?12:28
niemeyermvo: That's one possibility.. another idea might be to outsource the actual formatting by providing json12:29
niemeyerAbout the packer, should we make a goal to not have syscall in snap itself12:30
niemeyerInstead of having a different tool?12:30
niemeyerThis is the client, after all..12:30
mvoniemeyer: outsource - you mean snap list would just output all json and the user deals with how to format it using something like jq?12:31
niemeyermvo: Yeah12:32
zygamvo: if we go down that path I would suggest that we add a generic way to see the raw output of API requests over CLI12:32
zygathis would make sense to many query-type commands12:32
zygasnap list, snap changes, snap...12:32
zygalots of them could just grow a --raw=json12:33
zyga(or something appropriate)12:33
mvozyga: yeah, I'm not actually sure we need a command, then we can as well document curl --unix-socket etc (just thinking alout)12:33
zygaand then instead of providing their usual output, give the raw json object on stdout12:33
niemeyerzyga: Sort of.. the idea is nice, but commands also do some processing, often with multiple calls.. I wonder if we can get something sensible12:33
zygamvo: a command is more natural IMO12:33
zyganiemeyer: that's true, things that poll/wait12:33
niemeyerzyga: I agree with the principle that we shouldn't have to rethink the output format, though12:34
zygastill, my point is that if we do the raw idea it should not be list specific, it's really nice for integration with other languages as they don't need to use glib bindings if they can just naturally process CLI output without writing a parser12:34
zygaat the same time, yes, we have the socket12:34
zygabut perhaps it is still nice to use a CLI (e.g. when we grow remote calls and more auth)12:34
mvoniemeyer: I might also implement a trivial template engine to avoid our dependency on the (quite rich) golang templating package12:35
niemeyerzyga, mvo: Maybe something in between.. we might offer an additional command that talks to the API, does some basic processing (auth, errors, etc), and otherwise offers the raw API12:35
zyganiemeyer: snap json /v2/snaps/12:35
niemeyerYeah, something along those lines12:36
zygathis is also nice because it's not that suddenly you notice some commands have a --json switch and some don't i12:36
niemeyermvo: What's the use case?12:36
niemeyerzyga: Yeah, literally everything is available from day one12:37
zygainstead you can look at what the json command supports (e.g. via json --help)12:37
niemeyerIt's a nice way to play as well12:37
niemeyer(and learn)12:37
zyganiemeyer: and a day layer you'd have python-snaps packages or snapd-js or whatever people use12:37
zygaand a zoo of things that grow on top, which is nice for ecosystem12:38
niemeyerPerhaps not the zoo part, but otherwise yes :P12:38
mvoniemeyer: the use case is a user request to have something like dpkg-query --format or rpm --whatever-the-option-is-called-there12:38
niemeyerWhat are they trying to do?12:38
mupPR snapcraft#2157 closed: nodejs plugin: update to the latest 6.x LTS point release <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2157>12:39
mvoniemeyer: its for the sos system and it just includes the installed software (debs, snaps) as part of a support request aiui12:39
niemeyerAh, interesting12:39
zygamvo: so presumably they could just as well consume json directly12:39
zygaunless it's written in shell :/12:40
mvoniemeyer: "dpkg-query -W -f='${Package}|${Version}\\n' # debian" is what they are doing today12:40
zyga(is it?)12:40
niemeyerI see12:40
mvozyga: they can, I'm fine either way. to me it feels more user friendly to have --format={{Name}} etc. but I am biased :) learning jq is not hard, ist just one more step12:41
mvozyga: I would not be surprised if written in shell, let me see12:41
zygamvo: for users it is less friendly but for developers that integrate it is more because it unlocks more APIs12:42
mvozyga: sure, its orthogonal to some extend. in any case, I just need a decision, I can also work on the `snap json` thing12:43
* zyga agrees12:44
mvozyga: and I'm biased, I have grown to like the snap list --format=help and so. but thats a poor reason to not go for something better12:45
zygamvo: I think it's not a sin if we do both12:45
zygait's a client side thing anyway12:45
zygaand would help people with ad-hoc scripts in shell12:45
* mvo nods12:46
niemeyermvo: We should at least write down how that would look like with the "snap api" call or whatever it is12:49
niemeyermvo: If it feels like a monster, that's a sign :)12:49
=== pstolowski|lunch is now known as pstolowski
jdstrandmborzecki: ok, I tacked on the time-control bit at the end of last week and forgot to run it through spread. I've fixed it. I'll remove the blocked tag after the tests pass (they do locally)12:53
mborzeckihalfway done, 38 files changed, 456 insertions(+), 293 deletions(-)  <-- that's after introducing InstanceName() & StoreName() instead of info.Name(), hopefully the review will be rather simple (albeit long)12:56
mupPR snapd#4889 closed: cmd/snap-update-ns: don't trespass on host filesystem <Blocked> <Squash-merge> <Created by zyga> <Closed by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4889>12:57
mupPR snapd#4767 opened: interfaces: disconnect hooks <Critical> <Squash-merge> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4767>13:00
mupPR snapd#5254 closed: cmd/snap-update-ns: discard the concept of segments <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5254>13:31
zygajdstrand: thanks, I just opened the 1st batch of error cleanups13:32
mupPR snapd#5272 opened: cmd/snap-update-ns: improve wording in many errors <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5272>13:32
=== tyhicks is now known as Guest86792
zygahttps://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5272 is small, green and could land easily :)14:02
mupPR #5272: cmd/snap-update-ns: improve wording in many errors <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5272>14:03
* zyga cleaned up after lunch now 14:03
mborzeckizyga: we should have 'alien' tag for those, small, green..14:03
zygathey are _grey_14:03
zygadidn't you shoot enough to know ;)14:03
zyga(offtopic, x-com remake was free on GOG yesterday)14:04
mborzeckizyga: yup, got it :P14:04
mborzeckialso bought swos, mk123, crusader and pharaoh :)14:04
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zygaoooh man14:05
zygaI don't have time to play any games anymore14:05
zygaI bought one game actually, I hope to try it this weekend14:05
* zyga checks14:05
zygait's a point-and-click game14:05
zygawith lovely hand-pixelated graphics14:06
zygaI'd love to write a game like that one day14:06
mborzeckizyga: heh, don't have much time to play either, treating it as a reminder how games used to be :P hopefully the kids will pick it up and have as much fun as i had14:09
Chipacapopey: 'snap info sudo'14:12
Chipacarobert_ancell: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/spooling-old-changes/5787?u=chipaca14:14
mupPR snapd#5273 opened: testutil: add test support for Fstatfs <Simple> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5273>14:28
zygapopey: offtopic, could we ship atom as a snap?14:48
zygathe old text mode adom14:48
cachioniemeyer, about removing linode, we need to fix this https://travis-ci.org/snapcore/spread-cron/builds/388108696#L53614:50
cachioniemeyer, currently we trigger from a vm the branches by doing git push14:50
cachioniemeyer, then travis run the tests automatically when a change is pushed to a branch14:51
cachiobut, seems to be missing the google key for this project14:51
cachioniemeyer, if you have the key I could update all the branches14:52
popeyzyga: never heard of it14:57
zygapopey: it's a netback-like game that was very popular in the 90s-00s15:01
zygait's a single elf file that just runs15:02
zygaI wonder if we can package a free but non FOSS game15:02
mupPR snapd#5274 opened: configstate: deny configuration of base snaps <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5274>15:05
mvopedronis: in a meeting right now so maybe I don't get this straight, but I wonder if we can simply disable config on snapd as well maybe? and just use "core" everywhere for the config15:07
niemeyercachio: Ack15:11
niemeyercachio: Let's sit down together at some point to fix it15:11
pedronismvo: that's an option (keep only core/system, prohibit bases/snapd), don't know if niemeyer has opinions on that15:13
* zyga looks at his PR which failed on econreset 15:17
mvopedronis: it might make things easier at least in the short term because the alias/unalias is a bit simple right now15:20
popeyzyga: got a link?15:23
zygasure, one sec15:23
zygahttps://www.adom.de/home/index.html in general15:23
zygabut the specific binary is15:23
zygathere's a 32 bit version (for intel) as well15:23
zygathere's a graphical build as well at around 500MB15:24
cachioniemeyer, ok, just ping me when you want15:24
cachioniemeyer,  I am trying to reproduce the error on spread15:26
cachiobut no luck so far15:26
pedronismvo: it's fine for me, I think on core18 systems people should really do snap set system15:35
mvopedronis: +115:41
mvopedronis: I will disable snapd for now and ask for a review from gustavo on this specifically (and address your points too :)15:41
=== Savicq is now known as Saviq
roadmrhey folks! how can I ask snapd to tell me which architecture the current system uses?15:44
roadmror should I just use uname --hardware-platform for this?15:45
zygaI don't think you can today15:45
zygathere's some translation we do internally15:45
zygae.g. amd64 and not x86_6415:45
roadmrat a high level what I want is to help someone determine whether their system is arm64 from snapd's point of view15:46
zygaperhaps we should add "snap debug architecture"15:46
zygaroadmr: just that?15:46
zygaaarch64 => yes15:46
roadmrhttps://forum.snapcraft.io/t/can-not-install-snap-app/5790 not to be mysterious about it :) I think he's just on arm64 but I asked point blank "what's your arch?" and he didn't seem to parse that15:46
zygaask for name -a15:47
zygauname -a15:47
roadmrzyga: ok, I'll go that way then. Not a problem! thanks!15:47
Chipacamvo: so is --format=... not happening?15:58
zygaChipaca: can you please do a quick pass over https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/527316:00
mupPR #5273: testutil: add test support for Fstatfs <Simple> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5273>16:00
niemeyercachio: The panic should give us a nice clue already.. if you restart the test in Travis, please just make sure to copy the panic elsewhere so we can have a look16:04
mvoChipaca: it looks like there is some resistance, i.e. snap list | awk can archive the use case. I'm a bit biased because I have grown to like it but in general less code is a plus (even though I think this was a particular nice pr)16:05
Saviqcachio: hey, are you planning to provide ubuntu devel (18.10 today) images in the google project for spread? or are they there already?16:05
Chipacazyga: i'll try16:05
Chipacamvo: I like it as well, especially if we implement the current list as just the default format16:05
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cachioSaviq, we are not planning to provide them16:13
cachiobut the ubuntu devel project should have16:13
cachiolet me check16:14
Saviqcachio: thanks, we've been using the latest release and `do-release-upgrade -d`, but that stopped working, was wondering if there's something quicker we may do16:16
cachioSaviq, if you run > gcloud compute images list --project ubuntu-os-cloud-devel16:17
cachioSaviq, daily-ubuntu-1804-bionic-v2018053116:18
cachioI think this is pretty new16:18
Saviqright, so ubuntu-1810 should work16:18
Saviqcachio: how do I reference that in spread.yaml?16:18
cachioyou specify a new system, something like ubuntu-18.04-64-daily16:19
cachioand then image: ubuntu-os-cloud-devel/daily-ubuntu-1804-bionic16:19
cachioor ubuntu-os-cloud-devel/daily-ubuntu-1804-bionic-v2018053116:19
cachioif you don't specify the -vxxxxx16:20
cachioit should take the last one publish16:20
Saviqah was wondering if the FAMILY field would work16:20
SaviqI'll try things out, thanks!16:20
cachioSaviq, yes16:21
cachioI would work16:21
cachioit is better if you use the family16:21
Saviqack, thanks!16:22
cachioSaviq, try this ubuntu-os-cloud-devel/ubuntu-1804-lts16:22
cachioif it does not work, please let me know16:22
Saviqwill do16:23
Saviqcachio: seems good, thanks!16:53
cachioSaviq, great, just make sure the image allocated is the one you want16:54
Saviqcachio: it's cosmic, that's all I need ;)16:54
cachioSaviq, nice16:54
Saviqit also failed to build, as expected16:54
cachiohehe :)16:55
Saviqpopey: you'll probably know, I'm snapping subsurface and missing usb/serial hotplug makes it miss a bunch of functionality - would you say it's a case for classic or devmode until we have hotplug? both have (dis)advantages...16:55
popeySaviq: there's usbraw, which might help?17:00
popeySaviq: i hear usb hotplug is on the list for this cycle - pstolowski|afk  is on it17:01
Saviqpopey: will that give me access to /dev/ttyUSB0 do you know?17:01
Saviqyeah I know about hotplug... can't get there soon enough ;)17:01
popeySerial interface might17:02
Saviqonly gadget17:02
popeySorry, I don't know any more on that.i am channelling chipaca17:03
Saviqnw, thanks!17:03
popeyAs we walk to the pub17:04
cachioniemeyer, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/73CftWjqdz/17:38
cachioniemeyer, spread is receiving a 50017:38
niemeyercachio: Nice, thanks.. should be easy to fix.. should just be a mishandling of the error in our side17:39
kyrofaniemeyer, build VM meeting now if you're available18:04
niemeyerkyrofa: Hoping calls.. omw18:04
jdstrandmvo: hey, it seems like the shared account's email address has changed to snaps@canonical.com. do you know what this is about? (looking at snap usns)18:42
mvojdstrand: mostly because its user visible in snap info core18:44
mvojdstrand: and the old name was a bit long18:44
jdstrandmvo: ok, that's fine. I have some logic to map the shared account email to groups of people depending on the snap name so that, say, the desktop team gets desktop snap usn notifications and the snapd team gets snappy ones18:47
jdstrandmvo: I just need to update that (no biggie, just confirming)18:47
* cachio afk19:06
* zyga woke up19:14
zygamvo: hey, are you still around?19:16
zygajdstrand: or you perhaps19:38
jdstrandzyga: what's up?19:47
zygahey! I was wondering if you could do a small review for error cleanups https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5272/files19:47
mupPR #5272: cmd/snap-update-ns: improve wording in many errors <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5272>19:47
zygathe diff is small but there are also three patches that show what's going on with more detail19:48
jdstrandzyga: sure. you don't have to do it now, but fyi PR 5240 has addressed your comments19:48
mupPR #5240: tests: add test to ensure /dev/input/event* for non-joysticks is denied <Created by jdstrand> <Merged by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5240>19:48
* zyga looks19:48
jdstrandPR 525019:48
mupPR #5250:  interfaces/udev,misc: only trigger udev events on input subsystem as needed <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5250>19:48
jdstrandzyga: ^19:48
zygajdstrand: I did a partial pass over that code now19:59
jdstrandzyga: I'm satisfied for what it aims to do in that it will provide a real benefit to people20:05
jdstrandzyga: I didn't care for having to unconditionally trigger joysticks (it is cheap so not a problem, but don't like it)20:06
jdstrandzyga: for disconnect20:06
jdstrandzyga: not that we should implement it right now, but I was wondering if you had thoughts about callouts to backends on disconnect20:07
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jdstrandzyga: the ensure dir concept means we dont usually have to care. but in this one case, it would be nice20:08
jdstrandzyga: we can chat about that tomorrow. I have another small topic to discuss too20:21
zygajdstrand: mmm, as to the question of callouts to backends on disconnect, no I didn't think about that, currently the code is setup (pun not intended) is that Setup would do the right thing (perhaps at a price). We could arrange it so that a new method Adjust/Amend/Update or similar is available to tweak an existing state. It might (perhaps I'm reading it too shallowly though) also play nicely with composed apparmor profiles later20:25
zygadown the line20:25
zygajdstrand: yeah, let's chat tomorrow morning your time20:25
om26erpopey: hey! is everything ok with the build system now, can we publish axel ?20:28
kjackalHi people, is the output of the hooks stored somewhere? I have a few print messages, plus I need to be some debugging21:28
zygakjackal: AFAIR... no21:28
zygabut please ask pstolowski tomorrow21:28
zygaI'm heading to bed so I won't jump into the code to check now, sorry21:29
kjackalthanks zyga goodnight21:29
zygakjackal: (to be precise, the output is _probably_ stored but discarded unless something errors)21:29
kjackalwe do not know where it stored21:29
zygastored in memory I mean21:30
zygaI doubt it's stored anywhere on disk21:30
Odd_BlokeIs there a way for me to exclude my .tox directory when I `snapcraft cleanbuild`?21:39

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