
didrocksgood morning06:36
jibelGood morning06:48
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dufluMorning didrocks, jibel06:50
microwaved_morning y'all06:54
dufluHi microwaved_06:54
microwaved_howdy partner06:54
microwaved_whats on the menu?06:55
dufluBugs. Protein for the future.06:56
didrocksgood morning duflu, salut jibel07:15
duflujibel, it's only you and me. So skip Bluetooth I guess07:58
Laneymy laptop failed to resume08:04
didrocksdoesn't happen that often anymore… (with intel GPU)08:08
Laneylucky for you08:08
Laneyand that's what I have too08:08
didrocksis it often for you?08:09
Laneylike every 2 months or something08:09
Laneysometimes I get one where you get this funky coloured screen08:09
Laneybut this time it was black08:09
didrocksand you never stop your laptop?08:10
Laneyshutdown? nope08:11
didrocks"I never clear my RAM" :p08:11
Laneyyeah, the ram tubes are all clogged up08:16
jibelduflu, yes sorry, I skipped08:16
didrocksLaney: you never end up in a situation like "you don't have enough RAM" even if you have 1GB partionned free?08:18
dufluCosmic rays08:18
Laneydidrocks: nah, linux seems to manage it okay08:18
didrockssweet ;)08:18
didrocksmy life changed since I have more than 8GB of RAM08:19
didrockssounds like 8, with many opened tabs, is just what is needed to start swapping08:19
Laneyit's more CPU for me08:19
Laneylike if I leave Firefox on some tabs I can notice it08:19
didrocksinteresting, bitcoin ads? :p08:19
Laneythe modern web /o\08:20
duflutjaalton, did you hear libinput 1.11.0 was released? ;)08:39
tjaaltonduflu: I did08:44
tjaaltonI'll finish 16.04.5 backports first..08:44
robert_ancellTrevinho, can you give a second opinion on https://code.launchpad.net/~kaihengfeng/unity-settings-daemon/lp1683445/+merge/32383309:37
duflurobert_ancell, in a strange turn of events, he is offline09:39
robert_ancellduflu, say whaaaaaat!?09:39
Trevinhorobert_ancell: mhmh...10:05
Trevinhorobert_ancell: I'm not sure what's the best way to handle that, I can also che check my hw though10:09
robert_ancellTrevinho, I don't want him to block - if he's the expert then I guess he should land it.10:10
robert_ancellIt seems safe to me in that it will be the same behaviour as before on the fallback.10:10
Trevinhorobert_ancell: yeah, it looks reasonable to my eyes too... Not really something I'm expert though10:59
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=== pstolowski|lunch is now known as pstolowski
andyrockhey all13:36
andyrockwillcooke: did you get a notification once you did "touch ..."13:36
willcookeandyrock, no13:39
willcookealso hi andyrock13:39
andyrockwillcooke: what if you manually run "/usr/lib/update-notifier/livepatch-notification"13:40
willcookeandyrock, lemme check, but first....13:40
willcookewill     14475  0.0  0.0      0     0 tty2     Z+   14:02   0:00 [livepatch-notif] <defunct>13:40
andyrockthe defunct thing is ugly but not the problem13:44
willcookeandyrock, ran in, nothing happen13:44
willcookeandyrock, ack13:44
andyrockmmm do you get any notification at all?13:45
willcookeandyrock, no13:45
andyrocklike does send-notify works?13:45
willcookeI dont have that command available.  Expected?13:45
* Laney is helpful13:46
willcookethanks Laney13:46
willcookeandyrock, yeah that works13:46
andyrockwillcooke: mmm not sure what's going on13:51
andyrocklivepatch-notification codce is pretty simple13:52
andyrockit can be that the notification daemon is blocking the request13:52
tkamppeterkenvandine, I found what went wrong with the cups-pk-he;lper bug. I have now attached debdiffs to correct the fixes. Can you please upload them so that a new SRU testing can be done. Thanks.14:34
kenvandinetkamppeter, awesome, thanks14:48
=== CrazyMelon is now known as CrazyLemon
kenvandinetkamppeter, uploaded to both cosmic and bionic-proposed15:32
kenvandinetkamppeter, just need someone to accept it for bionic-proposed15:32
tkamppeterkenvandine, thanks.15:35
tkamppeterkenvandine, now someone of the SRU team has to accept the package into bionic-proposed.15:36
kenvandinetkamppeter, yeah15:36
=== Savicq is now known as Saviq
infinityLaney: Can you subscribe ~desktop-packages to  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hunspell-lv so we can promote it to main?15:49
LaneyShore can15:53
infinityLaney: Ta.15:56
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk

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