
billybigriggercan someone tell me which nvidia driver i should be using for a laptop?04:48
alkisgbillybigrigger: run `software-properties-gtk` and go to the drivers tab, and see05:17
billybigriggeris that the gui window for proprietary drivers?05:36
billybigriggerwhere you pick software sources and update/upgrade options? alkisg05:36
alkisgbillybigrigger: yes05:36
billybigriggerif so, there's 2 nvidia options05:37
alkisgAnd which one says "recommended"?05:37
billybigriggeri installed 18.04 on a buddies laptop, and he just called and said he can't switch to hdmi audio output, i assume its because i never installed nvidia drivers...but i do remember seeing 2 options05:37
billybigriggerthey were both the same release version...i can't remember the difference...but i remember being confused about the descriptions, and left it with the default drivers05:38
alkisgThat's why it says "recommended" there, to know which one to use05:39
billybigriggeri dont think there was a recommended, that's why i was confused05:39
billybigriggeri was looking for recommended05:39
billybigriggerthat looks familiar05:41
alkisgOK, you'd need to check again, and if indeed there isn't, to send the output of lspci -nn -k and the output of ubuntu-drivers list05:41
billybigriggerclosedsource tested and closed source05:41
billybigriggerexcept they were both driver version 39005:41
billybigriggerthat post is why i was confused, whats the difference between meta pkg and binary? is the binary just a straight download from nvidia.com? because i thought that method was deprecated long ago05:43
billybigriggersorry, i don't run ubuntu as a daily driver on my machines, it's either arch or freebsd for me...05:44
billybigriggerthe only answer on that post doesn't make sense to me, because if both options are pulling from the same source, why is there a need for 2 options? and yes i'm positive both driver versions were 390.xxxx05:45
billybigriggeri remember back when i ran ubuntu that gui driver selection page always gave me hell, hence why i stuck with noveau and then did a face palm when he called asking why he had no hdmi audio options05:46
billybigriggerif they are both the same binary driver, pulled from the same source, but one is labeled tested...then why in the hell list the 2 "untested" option?05:47
billybigriggerbasically what is the difference in the two05:47
alkisgnvidia-340/bionic 340.106-0ubuntu3 amd64  NVIDIA binary driver - version 340.10605:49
alkisgxserver-xorg-video-nvidia-390/bionic 390.48-0ubuntu3 amd64  NVIDIA binary Xorg driver05:49
alkisgThese is what I see in apt, I don't have nvidia to see with software-properties-gtk05:49
alkisgThey're not the same version05:50
billybigriggerwell i swear they were both the same version or i wouldnt have been confused...i would have picked 390.xx over 340.xx and not thought twice about it05:51
alkisgPersonally I'd need input from you being there and showing output/screenshots/specific names then05:52
alkisgCan't help without specific input05:52
alkisgYou could also wait and see if anyone has nvidia to test05:52
gnugrbillybigrigger: there's a package in debian which helps to find what nvidia driver is needed 'nvidia-legacy-check', also as for 390xx, a new pkg exists in debian/sid https://ftp-master.debian.org/new/nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-390xx_390.48-4.html06:44
arwenvdI am here to seek assistance07:33
diogenes_!ask | arwenvd07:33
ubottuarwenvd: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:33
arwenvdI cannot find the Screen Share option anywhere in ubuntu mate 18.04, also cannot launch vino-preferences, like previous versions. Once installing Gnome, in it I found the settings for Screen Share, but in Mate it is not available.\07:35
alkisgarwenvd: did you install vino?07:53
alkisgDifferent desktop environment use different programs; afaik mate doesn't have vino preinstalled, but of course you can install it07:53
arwenvdi have installed vino, then after not working i have purged it, and installed it again08:04
arwenvdno vino and no vino-preferences in terminal08:04
alkisgarwenvd: https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=vino-preferences&mode=exactfilename&suite=bionic&arch=any08:13
alkisgvino-preferences doesn't exist in any package in 18.0408:13
alkisgIt does exist in 16.04: https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=xenial&arch=any&mode=exactfilename&searchon=contents&keywords=vino-preferences08:13
arwenvdYes i know. I wonder how can i use vino with 18.04?08:14
alkisgThe vino package has these: https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/amd64/vino/filelist08:14
arwenvdI can configure it in Gnome, but in mate there is no configuration08:14
alkisgarwenvd: which command configures it in gnome?08:14
alkisgOpen the configuration, and run ps aux in the terminal, to find out the command08:15
arwenvdIt is in System Settings panel08:15
alkisgThe vino package contents are: https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/amd64/vino/filelist08:15
alkisgThat doesn't help. What about the command?08:15
alkisgAlso, there are other servers that you can use, like x11vnc, tigervncserver etc08:16
alkisgarwenvd: here it says you can also edit its settings through dconf-editor: https://forums.bunsenlabs.org/viewtopic.php?id=141108:19
alkisgIt sounds like gnome doesn't want vino to be easily reusable in other desktop environments :)08:19
arwenvdi am going to try and find out the command in 5 minutes. I would like to use vino, because i already have 600 pcs running different ubuntu installations and all are with vino. It would be inconvenient for us to use two different remote connect servers on that ammount of computers.08:19
alkisgEeeh, have you seen epoptes.org?08:20
alkisgFor that amount of workstations, it would be waaaay easier to manage them with epoptes08:20
arwenvdI have made my network very understandable with bind configuration, so if i want to connect to someone, i just type vncviewer 101 and i go there. I just need to make it work with 18.0408:34
arwenvdOkay, so, the settings for the screen share on gnome are in gnome-control-center --overview09:03
alkisgarwenvd: the options I see for you are (1) apt install --no-install-recommends gnome-control-center => nah, don't do that on MATE, (2) use dconf-editor to change vino settings as mentioned in the URL I pasted above, or (3) use another server like epoptes09:08
alkisgepoptes is much easier than "vncviewer 101". It's: I see all client thumbnails, and I click "monitor" or "assist" user to get access09:09
alkisgAnd of course logoff, shutdown, right click properties, right click open terminal and a lot others09:09
alkisgAnd it needs less than 1 MB RAM on the clients, it's extremely light09:09
gnugralkisg: might 'dconf-tools' could help for remote access, but no idea if it's candidate (exists in d/sid)09:10
alkisggnugr: dconf-tools is the package that provides dconf-editor, what I proposed, yes09:11
gnugrdconf-tools don't ship with dconf-editor09:14
gnugrbut sure it allows remote access for everything09:14
alkisggnugr: check this: https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/dconf-tools09:16
alkisgOr just run `apt show dconf-tools`09:16
alkisgYou'll see that dconf-tools is a transitional package that installs dconf-editor09:16
alkisgDon't confuse the users please09:16
gnugraaahh OK difers in ubuntu09:18
alkisgThis is the #ubuntu-mate channel :)09:18
gnugrdiffers* even09:18
alkisgIt's the same in debian though, https://packages.debian.org/stretch/dconf-tools09:19
alkisgAgain a transitional package that install dconf-editor09:19
gnugralkisg: ah yes, dconf-tools not exists in d/testing, that was my mistake09:32
mate|40118hi all11:51
mate|75205Hey I am Russell in Salem Oregon trying the chat feature out15:19
mate|1499Russell here trying this chat feature out15:24
mate|9399018.04 LTS, button on the panel to log out/restart/shut down has stopped working; how to log out or restart?19:20
sixwheeledbeast^shutdown now in a terminal would work. but i would investigate why your panel has an issue too.19:21
vkarehmate|93990: Ctrl+Alt+BackSpace to get the logout menu, Ctrl+Alt+Delete to get the shutdown/restart menu19:22
mate|93990vkareh: Ctrl+Alt+BackSpace doesn't do anything; Ctrl+Alt+Delete OK19:27
vkarehmate|93990: ah, okay maybe I have a custom shortcut on my side :P19:27
mate|93990vkareh: thanks19:29
vkarehyou're welcome!19:29
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