
UbuntuMY<najmiep> pm address kedai ikan bakar mersing03:09
UbuntuMY<kubis lumut> @akuk4ya, noted tuan  dah install  . tq213:36
UbuntuMY<kubis lumut> skrg saya pakai linux mint.. ade laju skit..13:36
UbuntuMY<applemacisee> @kubis lumut, Sikit je lah.. hehe gurau bro13:57
UbuntuMY<kubis lumut> hehe.. bereh bos... skrg install kodi... fenin. haha... tapi takpe.. belajo.. 😂13:58
UbuntuMY<applemacisee> @kubis lumut, Kodi saya letak kat Android Box saja13:59
UbuntuMY<applemacisee> Android box jadi home server13:59
UbuntuMY<applemacisee> Ftp, dlna13:59
UbuntuMY<kubis lumut> terbaek.. nanti try hehe... ni saje try kat mint... ok gak.. laju gak..14:17
UbuntuMY<myfenris> Deploying #Canonical Distribution of #Kubernetes (CDK) on #Azure with conjure-up bundle with #prometheous #graylog #grafana #filebeat #helm #rancher #elasticsearch #easyrsa #telegraf #flannel20:20
UbuntuMY<rizalm> 👍21:30

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