[14:58] Hi. [14:59] I have been working on a documentation project and have quite a few questions. [14:59] Anyone out there who can help? [15:01] Ask the questions, everyone has different hours, someone may know the answer... [15:04] This is a series of chapters that are being converted into HTML. I have no clue how to upload them. I'm just posting to Google drive and sending that to the doc team discussion forum. [15:05] I didn't get any clear idea on how this will be incorporated into the existing site. So far just "a wiki". Does that mean I would somehow start a wiki? On what server with what account? I think someone suggested putting it on GitHub, which I think is a non-starter. [15:07] It seems there's a fairly large number of people on the documentation team, yet I am not finding a lot of documentation. I wonder where it is? [15:08] Is someone the point person for organizing the documentation? If not, how does it eventually get where it needs to go? [15:10] I am making a bunch of raw HTML files, keeping tagging at a minimum. Is there a style sheet? Can someone help put it into proper shape, make it responsive, etc.? [15:18] Can I use a server-side include statement? [15:54] Must go. Will try again later. [18:49] Anyone else know how to do such conversions? And the other things? If they are here, I can repaste them if preppert shows up again. [18:50] SlidingHorn is on the Ubuntu Wiki Team and would know what to do, but I haven't seen him for a while. [18:50] tsimonq2: Any ideas? [18:51] Wimpress: ? [18:51] if preppert is on the mailing list, an answer there may be worth while. I am not good about keeping track of nick to name things :P [18:52] He's on the mailing list and has posted the PDF to his book there. [18:53] Ok thought so, but I wasn't sure :) [18:56] * ErichEickmeyer adds himself to the documentation team... to see if there's any way to do this [19:02] * ErichEickmeyer was able to edit some outdated JUNK! [19:02] Mostly just a version refresh. Looking into other things. [19:19] Okay, I think I have an answer, and I'll make a specific part of the wiki for the handbook. Right now, I'm out of time, so if he shows up again, OvenWerks, let him know I'm working on it. [20:25] Anyone from the documentation team there? [22:27] New to the service! Havent used IRC in years! [22:30] Wanted to contribute! I am a college grad in Physics (Celestial Mechanics) and am experienced in Computer Repair and programming science. I've ghostwritten many technical papers, and to be honest, I am interested in working with Linux source code. Your distro is the one I love the most, due to the UI and setup for audio, as well as the comnpatibility with FLS and Native/Serrato [22:32] Any instruction in how to contribute to this build and progress it's adaptivenesss and branding would be greatly appreciated. MorpheusAdvocate@hotmail.com