
enrico__hello I am Enrico and I am new with juju! I come after have installed a working maas, I would now use juju, I installed juju and configured a cloud in the same maas rack/region controller vm but when I bootstrap the cloud and I have to install a cloud controller I have this error: ERROR failed to bootstrap model: cannot start bootstrap instance in any availability zone (default, juju)     Please can you help me to debug and figure ou13:15
enrico__I tried to follow this guide https://docs.openstack.org/charm-deployment-guide/latest/install-juju.html13:16
enrico__hello I am Enrico and I am new with juju! I come after have installed a working maas, I would now use juju, I installed juju and configured a cloud in the same maas rack/region controller vm but when I bootstrap the cloud and I have to install a cloud controller I have this error: ERROR failed to bootstrap model: cannot start bootstrap instance in any availability zone (default, juju)     Please can you help me to debug and figure ou15:15
rick_h_enrico__: try the bootstrap with --debug on there and then pastebin what it says15:20
enrico__rick-h-   here pls https://pastebin.com/VcfcWpkC15:38
enrico__rick_h_ here pls https://pastebin.com/VcfcWpkC15:38
enrico__@rick_h_: any idea ?16:08
kwmonroeenrico__: do you have a node with 3.5g in your default maas zone?16:19
enrico__kwmonroe_ : no... two 4G but nothing change even if I specify juju bootstrap --constraints mem=4G16:23
kwmonroeeriklonroth: yeah, the mem constraint is a minimum, so a machine with 4 will satisfy the ask for 3.5.  no need to change anything there.16:25
jammanadart: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/177301817:41
mupBug #1773018: ERROR: juju.worker exited: setting up container dependencies on host machine: could not find unused subnet <juju:Incomplete> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1773018>17:41
=== beisner-sick is now known as beisner
thumperbabbageclunk: morning21:07
jambabbageclunk: https://www.mongodb.com/presentations/replication-election-and-consensus-algorithm-refinements-for-mongodb-3-222:10
jambabbageclunk: seems to say "inspired by raft"22:12

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