
mupBug #1775490 opened: [2.5, 2.4, UI] Error as a notification in machine actions <ui> <MAAS:New for blr> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1775490>01:56
=== _scotti_ is now known as scotti
sikander_Can we add existing installed OS nodes to MAAS?12:11
mupBug #1773117 opened: MAAS temporarily reporting no instance while bringing up a new instance. <enable-ha> <kvm> <maas> <maas-provider> <network> <juju:Triaged> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1773117>16:25
mupBug #1744072 changed: [MIR] Chrony in 18.04 <NTP Charm:In Progress by paulgear> <Ubuntu Server Guide:Fix Released> <ceph (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <chrony (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <cloud-init (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <maas (Ubuntu):Fix Released by andreserl> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1744072>19:09
mupBug #1775715 opened: Deployment of Bionic fails after curtin errors during install of grub <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1775715>21:50
mupBug #1775715 changed: Deployment of Bionic fails after curtin errors during install of grub <cdo-qa> <foundations-engine> <MAAS:Opinion> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1775715>22:32
mupBug #1775715 opened: Deployment of Bionic fails after curtin errors during install of grub <cdo-qa> <foundations-engine> <MAAS:Opinion> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1775715>22:41
mupBug #1775715 changed: Investigate if MAAS can automatically tell the machine to boot EFI when power_boot_type is 'auto' without impacting backwards compatibility/behavior on older firmwares. <cdo-qa> <foundations-engine> <MAAS:Opinion> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1775715>22:47

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