[14:33] hi WaVeR :) [14:33] hi all [14:34] Hello tribaal [14:34] Hi All ツ [14:35] How are doing tribaal ? ^^ [14:35] WaVeR: pretty well thanks! [14:35] WaVeR: how about you? [14:35] we need to get an "ubuntu beer evening" going as well [14:35] would be nice to meet more than every 6 months :P [14:36] I'm ok, just finished my last week of picket ^^ [14:36] What about the next first friday of July ? [14:36] 6 july [14:37] https://www.firstfriday.ch/ [14:37] think about ツ [14:43] hehe [14:44] 6th of July sounds liek a great idea :) [14:45] WaVeR: should we suggest this as a LoCo "networking" event? [14:47] Yeah, why not ツ sounds good [14:51] WaVeR: do you have contacts in Biel to eventually make a private part with i.e. short presentations before people go out and mingle in the area? [14:53] I can check for that [14:54] It's a good idea as basically during firstfriday there's events everywhere [14:55] right [14:56] we could offer a meetup and then let people have fun anywhere [14:56] even "families welcome" instead of the usual, that could be fun [14:57] https://www.firstfriday.ch/fr/programme/ [14:57] of course, families are welcome on this kind of event