
mate|76642does this channel offer tech support for ubuntu?02:04
mate|56973Hi.. I am on Ubuntu mate 18.04 with bcm43142 as WiFi card03:45
mate|56973Have bcmwl-kernel-source installed03:45
mate|56973But WiFi is not detected, there is no list of WiFi connections03:46
mate|56973Antony ?03:47
mate|56973Anyone ?*03:47
yannisgkhello guys&girls...do you know how i can contribute to the "wine" application???09:31
conHi ,I have been having a problem down loading updates...it tells me "failed to load repository information...how can I fix this problem...Thanks...09:36
diogenes_yannisgk, type in this chat: /j #winehq09:36
tazemt76Greetings, all.13:19
tazemt76Is there any protocol that I need to observe here before I can ask a questions or may I just jump right in?13:20
alkisgtazemt76: you ask13:23
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:23
alkisgtazemt76: some time an answer comes in a few mins, sometimes in a few hours, sometimes... it doesn't :)13:23
tazemt76Thank you for the heads up!  Greatly appreciated!13:24
alkisgSo, shoot!13:24
tazemt76The starwars screensaver in Mate doesn't scroll any text for me, except the info that it hasn't any text.  Where would one begin looking to figure out a fix for that?13:25
tazemt76I am currently reading up on XML and the xscreensaver site but I am finding that X11 is throwing a monkey wrench in the whole works.13:26
alkisgstarwars screensaver? i don't see that in my mate 18.04, is it an additional package you've installed?13:27
tazemt76And just to give you some background on me, I have no background in computers, but I am reading and learning.13:27
tazemt76It is.  The "extra screensaver" option in Welcome.13:27
alkisgAh ok, I don't use welcome because it's in "snap"13:28
alkisgI purge snapd right after the installation,  Idon't like it :)13:28
tazemt76<----- (adds to To Do List:  Read up on snaps.)13:29
tazemt76I thought I'd heard the good thing about snaps are that they update automatically.13:30
tazemt76Gotta run.  Take care, everybody!13:35
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