[01:59] FWIW: https://bugreports.qt.io/projects/QTCREATORBUG/issues/QTCREATORBUG-19469?filter=allissues [01:59] seems ubuntu-only [07:25] LocutusOfBorg: nope. that fails [07:32] acheronuk, why? [07:35] acheronuk, why? [07:37] LocutusOfBorg: tried in a ppa, and it failed to build [07:38] LocutusOfBorg: same error [07:40] LocutusOfBorg: which I guess you just discovered with your ubuntu2 upload :P [07:41] yep, let me fixup it [07:57] LocutusOfBorg: export DEB_CXXFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND := $(shell pkg-config --cflags glib-2.0) in rules seems to work [08:10] acheronuk, interestingly it doesn't ftbfs with pbuilder [08:10] let me debug a little bit before pushing a fix [08:10] oh picking up old momdemmanager [08:12] yeah, I tried in pbuilder against proposed and it failed [08:12] with that line in rules, it built. same in a ppa [08:13] we are going to do debian merges with frameworks 5.47 anyway [08:15] I hope to see it somewhat in sync soon :)