
pocketmonhow can i know that some program is installed that i use apt-get00:09
Fire-Dragon-DoLis there anything I can do to give user permission to install a specific deb package, without opening a big security hole?00:10
pocketmonhow can i know that some program is installed or not that i use apt-get?00:11
Fire-Dragon-DoLI was thinking of giving the user capability to `sudo` without password to install a package, but then the package has full access to the system and can do anything...00:11
oerheksapt-cache show or dpkg -s https://askubuntu.com/questions/180996/what-is-apt-cache-used-for00:12
pavlospocketmon: apt policy <package> will repo in the fist line Installed: or none00:12
massproghi, why there is not dsl/pppoe connection setting in ubuntu 18.04 ?00:12
pocketmonpavlos: apt policy nasm it is ok?00:13
pavlospocketmon: sure ... is the first line Installed: (none) ?00:14
pocketmonInstalled: 2.11.08-100:14
pocketmonthanks pavlos :)00:14
pavlospocketmon: np00:14
mIk3_08pocketmon: sudo apt list --installed00:16
pocketmonsudo apt nasm --installed. E: Command line option --installed is not understood in combination with the other options. mIk3_0800:17
massprogI don't have internet, is there anyone know why there is no dsl/pppoe connection settings in ubuntu 18.04 and how can I fix it ?00:19
mIk3_08use list to view all install apps on your machine00:19
mIk3_08pocketmon:i mean installed apps on your machine00:20
pocketmoni will try it again00:20
pocketmonthanks mIk3_08 but it give me amazing information size00:22
EdistoI can't seem to get rid of alt+drag in movnig windows. I've changed it to super in ccsm, dconf, and marco windows management.00:23
mIk3_08pocketmon: great.00:23
oerheksmassprog, i helped you yesterday, no?00:23
oerheksmassprog, sudo pppoeconf in terminal, to set it up, after that you can select dsl in your network manager00:24
massprogthat wouldn't worked00:24
massprogsorry for asking again00:24
oerhekswhy not, where do you get stuck?00:25
massprogI did all steps but at the end didn't work00:26
oerheksthat machine needs to be directly connected to the modem, right00:26
pavloswhen I type cd, I get bash: cd: HOME not set00:26
massprogI used nm-connection-editor on mint 18.3 it worked00:27
massprogbut I did the same on ubuntu and it created dsl/pppoe connection but it was no where that I can connect to it00:28
Edistoanyone know how to get rid of alt+drag when dconf is not working?00:34
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Apt514Hi There00:36
Apt514Anyone using Xeniel00:36
SporkWitchApt514: If you have a question, just ask! For example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian version ___. When I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, if anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask. We're all volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get an answer try a few hours later.00:37
Apt514Okay Thank Spork00:37
max3how do i get network manager to work with iwlwifi driver?00:39
max3wifi doesn't show up when doing rfkill list all but does show up under ifconfig00:42
mIk3_08pocketmon: Welcome to Open Source. Good Luck.00:47
max3can someone help me get my wifi working? i have an intel card. lspci -nnk | grep 0280 -A3 shows the right thing but the interface (or whatever) doesn't appear in rfkill list all00:58
mIk3_08max3: is your machine a desktop or laptop?01:02
mIk3_08max3: try using your function keys...01:02
max3mIk3_08, it turned my dongle on and off01:03
mIk3_08max3: turn it on.01:04
max3mIk3_08, but didn't change the output of rfkill01:04
max3mIk3_08, i did in order to be back online and chatting here :)01:04
mIk3_08max3: try $ sudo rfkill list all01:06
max3phy0 is my dongle01:07
max3i think?01:07
max3here's lshw http://dpaste.com/19CBK1A01:08
mIk3_08max3: 0: phy0: Wireless LAN01:08
mIk3_08Max3: Welcome to open source. Good Luck.01:09
mIk3_08:-D B-)01:10
max3dmesg | grep iwl gives me nothing01:10
plex_davehey errrbody. I have a weird device that has a 32bit uefi or efi even though it can run a 64bit os01:13
plex_daveI found a known working 32-bit efi file but for the life of me, I cannot figure out how to write that file to /EFI/BOOT on my flash installer01:14
plex_daveMind you, a different workaround would be fine if folks in here think that I am going about this the wrong way01:15
plex_daveoh, the device is a dell venue pro 11 model 513001:28
oerheksfor 32 bit uefi machines: my advise is disable secure boot and have fun. do check the vendor website if the provide a 64 bit upgrade bios.01:30
plex_daveThere is no 64 bit uefi. I have the most current bios.01:30
plex_daveShould I just grab a 16.04 32bit installer?01:31
plex_daveThis device does not have a legacy bios mode. If it did, I wouldn't be in here askin for help01:32
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oerheksoh a tablet01:34
plex_daveyeah, it's an atom, not arm.01:34
plex_davecpu is 64bit. it's the strangest thing.01:35
oerheksIntel Atom Z3770, 4 core i see01:35
plex_daveYes. I need to replace both the grub and uefi with 32 bit versions right?01:35
plex_daveWe got about 150 of these in at work and I decided to snag one for myself just to goof around on.01:37
oerhekssome guides talk about making a bootia32.efi, our wiki is also incomplete.. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI01:40
plex_daveyeah I saw that... I must have done osmething wrong01:41
plex_davethis looks like it's designed to fix this issue. I am giving it a go :)01:55
baalkyoI need some help about apt-mirror02:35
baalkyoI want install ubuntu on my local http server02:35
baalkyoby using apt-mirror can get deb or deb-src package except installer02:37
baalkyoso the question is how to config apt-mirror download installer package02:38
baalkyoI check my local server  and cn.archive.ubuntu.com files ,02:39
baalkyoinstaller package is abcent02:39
baalkyoso someone can help me ?02:40
krytarikbaalkyo: What do you mean by that?  ubiquity?02:41
baalkyoI want to install ubuntu 18.04 or 16.04 using my own repo02:42
krytarik!info ubiquity02:43
ubottuubiquity (source: ubiquity): Ubuntu live CD installer. In component main, is optional. Version (bionic), package size 3175 kB, installed size 17174 kB02:43
baalkyothe site cn.archive.ubuntu.cn ,sometime wait long time during network installing02:43
baalkyonot live cd02:43
baalkyojust mirror the site cn.archive.ubuntu.cn02:44
baalkyoand let my compute can install package or  ubuntu system locally02:45
baalkyochinese network is aweful except 0-802:46
baalkyoI can let the server update the files during this time02:46
baalkyoapt-mirror , can setup  resource, but can not include the installer package02:47
baalkyoI use network installer02:48
oerheksoh, you want PXE server, to install the iso from a server locally, plús the whole repository??02:48
baalkyopxe is another way02:51
baalkyoI have using apt-mirror get 400GB 18.04 and 16.04 files02:51
baalkyojust have no installer package02:52
baalkyo############# config ##################02:53
baalkyoset base_path    /var/sda/ftp/ftp/apt-mirror02:53
baalkyoset mirror_path  $base_path/mirror02:53
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:53
baalkyoabove is my apt-mirror config file02:53
oerheksand what installer package exactly? the installer is on the iso that the client loads..02:54
baalkyojust for 16.04 and 18.0402:54
oerheksyeah, you got kicked out before you could flood the servers02:54
oerheksso we don't know yet02:55
baalkyo [PARENTDIR]Parent Directory -02:55
baalkyo[DIR]dists/2018-05-01 18:56 -02:55
baalkyo[DIR]indices/2018-06-07 02:07 -02:55
baalkyo[ ]ls-lR.gz2018-06-07 02:38 15M02:55
baalkyo[DIR]pool/2010-02-27 06:30 -02:55
baalkyo[DIR]project/2013-06-28 11:52 -02:55
oerheksread obuttu: paste02:56
weilancyshi, I've just installed ubuntu 18.04 LTS and compared with previous versions that I used, the desktop doesn't seem to be as smooth, is 18.04 using a new desktop component that requires more resource or it's just that my computer is old? I'm using 18.04 alongside windows 10 which runs perfectly fast.02:58
baalkyoweilancys: how old your compute ?03:01
lotuspsychjegood morning to all03:25
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ffejjweilancys: i had that experience too so i use the new ubuntu-mate instead03:53
granttrecis there any way to resize gnome boxes so that it fits the screen03:53
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ToxmiThere is a feature in zsh which you type a command (first world) and then space and then when you press Up key you cycle back through history of all commands with the same beginning.04:49
ToxmiI don't know the exact term for this feature04:49
ToxmiDoes anyone know relevent info on zsh?04:49
Toxmiup-line-or-beginning-search didn't work04:49
guivercToxmi, this may help http://zsh.sourceforge.net/Doc/  (zsh doco)04:57
happygilmoregentI need some help installing nvidia-30405:10
happygilmoregentit keeps telling me gvfs depends on libgtk-3-0 and xorg-video-abi-*05:11
Toxmiguiverc: Thanks05:12
happygilmoregentcan I find source for dkms?05:12
pavlosToxmi: something like Reverse Search ?05:13
Toxmipavlos: for example I type `apt-get` and when press Up it don't simply go back in historgy, it go back on the same cammands just those which have begin with 'apt-get'05:15
happygilmoregentgah nvidia-30405:15
ToxmiI've found it. https://ptpb.pw/LBoQ, this should work. But the problem is the keymap.05:15
pavlosToxmi: in bash I hit ctrl R type apt-get and keep hitting ctrl R and keeps going back to all my apt-get commands05:16
ToxmiI can also figure '%[[A' for up key in urxvt but if set this in zsh then, this wont work in gnome-terminal. I don't know how to get consistent i.e. make one configuration in zsh and every terminal emulator knows accordingly05:16
Toxmipavlos: I have fzf for my zsh as wel, when I press C-R a fzf command comes and I search through whole history. It's cool. But I want to set this up as another mechanism05:17
pavlosToxmi: see this https://coderwall.com/p/-jvcag/zsh-reverse-history-search-with-regex05:18
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Toxmipavlos: thanks05:20
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ZaZaQRhello nurse05:32
funkyanyone happen to have problems tethering an android phone to Ubuntu 16.04 LTS05:40
ZaZaQRi use 18.04 LTS05:40
ZaZaQRwhy not upgrade?05:40
funkyI tried 17 and had a lot of problems so I went back to 16.0405:41
funkyStill having problems with my printer on both systems.05:42
funkydo you think 18 is a lot better than 17 ZaZaOR05:43
funkyoops ZaZaQR05:43
lotuspsychjeZaZaQR: please dont suggest another ubuntu version, on issues that could be solved on their current version05:55
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digi_quakeHi!! I'm trying to connect to my lubuntu(guest machine) from my host machine through putty using ssh and I have the root account. But I'm unable to login as root. It says "Permission Denied". What could be the cause?06:34
digi_quakeSorry, its actually "Access Denied"06:35
zetheroo2 systems in the local network - sshing into an offsite-hosted server - local system 1 can ssh into said offsite server instantly, while local system 2 timesout - suggestions? (All systems are Ubuntu Linux)06:37
SwedeMikezetheroo: run ssh -v and see where the problem occurs, if it's at TCP connect stage, or something else.06:38
SwedeMikezetheroo: if it's tcp related, run "tcptraceroute <server> 22" and see where the problem occurs.06:39
zetherooSwedeMike: Ok, trying that06:39
zetherooit seems stuck at debug1: Connecting to server.domain.com [xxx.xxx.xx.xxx] port 22.06:41
zetheroocursor just blinking06:41
SwedeMikezetheroo: then it's TCP/22 not working, probably.06:41
zetheroojust now ended with ssh: connect to host server.domain.com port 22: Connection timed out06:41
zetherootrying the traceroute06:42
zetheroo27th line of ***06:45
zetheroostill going06:45
zetherooDestination not reached06:46
zetherooSwedeMike: anything else I could try?06:46
zetheroothe last line that wasn't *** was:  6  ex9k2.dc8.fsn1.hetzner.com (  14.260 ms  15.118 ms  13.294 ms06:47
zetherooam back06:49
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BlueSharkHi, whenever I run apt-get install something, I get the following:07:19
BlueSharkcajarename 17.3.28 requires caja, which is not installed.07:19
BlueSharkcajarename 17.3.28 requires gir1.2-gtk-3.0, which is not installed.07:19
BlueSharkcajarename 17.3.28 requires python-caja, which is not installed.07:19
BlueSharkcajarename 17.3.28 requires python-gi, which is not installed.07:19
BlueShark(sorry about the paste)07:19
BlueSharkSo how to fix this issue?07:22
microwaved_what issue?07:24
jinkmicrowaved_: Every time BlueShark does an apt-get install, it complains about: cajarename 17.3.28 requires ..., which is not installed (repeated x times, for all missing packages).07:25
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microwaved_is that the exact response, could you pastebin the systems response fully please?07:26
=== energizer_ is now known as energizer
=== energizer is now known as energize
microwaved_above all, which version of ubuntu is it07:27
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microwaved_and which kernel are you running BlueShark07:27
microwaved_uname -a07:28
BlueSharkmicrowaved_, Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, MATE edition.07:28
microwaved_ok thnx07:28
BlueSharkLinux mystic 4.15.0-22-generic #24-Ubuntu SMP Wed May 16 12:15:17 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux07:28
microwaved_ok can you paste the exact error from the system if you would be so kind sir07:28
BlueSharkmicrowaved_, yes, sure - https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DZVQGKzDrv/07:30
BlueSharkai_, hello.07:31
=== energizer123 is now known as energizer
microwaved_BlueShark: first of all there are also other problems you need to fix what i can see in the message ( permissions etc. )07:33
BlueSharkmicrowaved_, okay, how to fix those?07:33
BlueShark`sudo -H` would not show that message, though.07:34
microwaved_BlueShark: set the file permissions right with chown and chmod07:34
microwaved_it also looks like something wants to use that package called caja-rename07:34
ai_Artificial intelligents started07:35
microwaved_An extension for the Caja file browser allowing users to rename multiple07:35
microwaved_ files/folders in a single pass.07:35
BlueSharkmicrowaved_, permissions of what folder / file?07:35
ai_finding target machine...07:35
microwaved_The directory '/home/user/.cache/pip/http' or its parent directory is not owned by the current user and the cache has been disabled. Please check the permissions and owner of that directory. If executing pip with sudo, you may want sudo's -H flag.07:35
microwaved_The directory '/home/user/.cache/pip' or its parent directory is not owned by the current user and caching wheels has been disabled. check the permissions and owner of that directory. If executing pip with sudo, you may want sudo's -H flag.07:35
microwaved_what is this ai_ doing?07:36
ai_scanning finished07:36
oerhekssudo pip install ipython .. really? pip en sudo .. besides, try ipython3 as ubuntu dropped python2 in 18.0407:37
microwaved_morning oerheks07:37
microwaved_you might want to try a query on google you'll find loads07:37
BlueSharkoerheks, I'm still stuck with Python 2.07:38
BlueSharkWhat's the best way to install ipython globally?07:38
oerheksoh,  mate is still on 2.707:38
BlueSharkPython 2.7.15rc107:39
oerheksbionic has the latest 5.5 ... https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/ipython07:40
BlueSharkwell, I can' really reinstall because of this one issue :/07:40
microwaved_depends if you're running production or not07:42
microwaved_if not then you can try if so then you'll have to find out what effect it has when you do07:43
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oerhekswell,i think you can, apt install ipython07:47
jinkThat always confuses me: do you want to use apt, or the "native" package manager, like pip / cpan / npm / ... ?07:50
oerhekspip is not native, as in standard installed07:51
jinkpip is the native package manager for python, I mean.07:51
microwaved_pip is optional07:53
oerheksso back to my 1st frown, drop sudo pip, try pip etc instead07:58
oerheksor read some basics about python and environment07:58
jinkoerheks: What's wrong about my first sentence to microwaved_ 34 minutes ago?  It somehow tripped Sigyn?07:59
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jinkoerheks: 24 minutes, but you get the idea.07:59
oerhekseh, you said " apt-get install " but he is using pip08:01
jinkLike Sigyn would care.08:01
oerheksand pip with sudo does things that makes the home folder unaccessable,..08:01
jinkoerheks: Also, that wasn't known at the time.08:01
oerheksso that error is normal, i would say08:01
jinkBut I'm wondering why Sigyn reacted to that sentence.08:02
oerheksindeed, he misguided you, jink08:02
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baalkyoabout openvpn client config08:03
oerheksand i wonder what ppa is added, ipython 5.7.0 as in that pastebin is not from our repos i guess08:03
jink!cn | U6955308:03
ubottuU69553: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw08:03
baalkyoI make a client.conf in /etc/openvpn/ dirs08:03
baalkyowhy the service can not load it?08:04
baalkyoservice openvpn restart08:04
baalkyoit's done nothing08:04
TonyWonderDid somebody say 'Wonder?'08:07
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pocketmon while ((optc = getopt(argc, argv, "f:s:STA")) > 0)   <— what it means?08:25
EriC^^pocketmon: what programming language is that? c?08:27
pocketmonc++ or c08:27
EriC^^ask in ##c or ##c++08:28
pocketmongetopt(argc, argv, "f:s:STA")  <—— this is linux command?08:28
EriC^^no it would be a c function08:29
pocketmonit is linux builtin something08:29
EriC^^this would be better suited for ##c08:30
pocketmonbetter suited for #ubuntu08:30
pocketmoni belive it08:30
Allie`pocketmon: that's not how that works :P this is a programming question, not a linux-specific question08:31
EriC^^hey man i get it, ##c sucks08:31
Allie`EriC^^: so does C, so it's understandable ;)08:31
EriC^^nah C is the language of the gods :P08:32
Allie`C is the language of the memory-related security issues, but now *I'm* getting offtopic. :P08:32
pocketmongetopt(argc, argv, "f:s:STA")  <— ok then what it means?08:34
ducassepocketmon: it's not a question for this channel, as several others have told you08:35
EriC^^pocketmon: type in a terminal "man 3 getopt"08:42
pocketmonthanks but why i add 3?08:43
EriC^^it's the man section08:43
pocketmonman section?08:43
pocketmonwhat you mean?08:43
EriC^^section 1 is user commands, section 3 linux programming stuff08:44
EriC^^if you do man getopt, it'll open the command getopt, not the function for c08:44
pocketmonman getopt <— section 1?08:45
pocketmonah thanks :)08:46
pocketmoni will go to #c08:46
EriC^^no problem, see ya08:46
pocketmonor #c++08:46
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twocarlo_what motherboard (brand) do you guys use?08:49
BluesKaj'Morning folks08:49
twocarlo_i bought gigabyte and msi and it wont run ubuntu08:50
Allie`twocarlo_: I'm running ubuntu bionic on a gigabyte board fine, so it's probably something else in your setup. what's the problem you're running into?08:53
twocarlo_i created an ubuntu usb stick on a 4gb kingston flash drive but the installer wont continue booting i have GIGABYTE H110M-DS208:57
zotyahello yall ... newbie ubuntu user here with a minor issue ... when i try to print a .pdf file, i cant find the option for black and white printing, it automatically prints in colors ... any suggestion how to fix it ?08:57
EriC^^twocarlo_: what happens when you try booting it?08:57
Allie`twocarlo_: Have you configured the motherboard to boot off USB in the BIOS? additionally, is it a USB-2 or USB-3 stick08:57
EriC^^zotya: what program are you using?08:57
zotyathe basic .pdf viewer08:58
cloudbud_how to run supercisor for a app with a different user08:58
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cloudbud_my app.ini08:58
twocarlo_and the other MOBO is MSI A68HME3308:58
* Allie` has found the Kingston SE9 is the most reliable USB drive to boot off08:59
zipperhello, is pyenv not in the official?08:59
Allie`(original, not USB-3)08:59
zipperfor ubuntu 16:0408:59
zipperWhat's the recommended way to get it?08:59
twocarlo_Allie: i use 4gb kingston data traveller 10109:01
Allie`haven't tried one of those09:01
Allie`but it should work - is the motherboard set to boot off USB?09:01
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twocarlo_and the ubuntu iso i use is 16.04 mate09:02
twocarlo_on the bios i have no option to disable the secureboot09:04
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI09:21
twocarlo_thanks guys for the help , ill be back once im done creating my ubuntu stick09:35
gt8ost4lcan anybody help me when i start krita at the start instance it opens twice?09:49
oerhekskrita .. wasn; tthat a mint-mate-desktop issue ... https://bugs.launchpad.net/linuxmint/+bug/167581609:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1675816 in Linux Mint "Krita shows multiple times in "open with" dialog (mint/mate 18 x64)" [Undecided,New]09:55
oerheksjups https://github.com/mate-desktop/caja/issues/69709:56
gt8ost4loerheks:is there a solution?09:56
oerheksyeah, tell the mint guys to package properly, we don't support mint you know09:56
gt8ost4loerheks:im not in mint!09:57
gt8ost4li just upgraded to ubuntu 18.04 and still the same issue with it!09:57
rud0lfi need to launch "service bluetooth restart" as regular user without sudo privileges09:58
rud0lfis there a way to set it up?09:58
rud0lfmaybe something with sudoers file?09:58
rud0lfto be precise, make it an executable bound to keyboard shortcut09:58
gt8ost4loerheks:i went to the krita channel and they said the issue was with the desktop!10:00
gt8ost4lare they wrong?10:00
arefbodhibodi linux is the best light weight disto10:01
oerheksarefbodhi, this is ubuntu support.10:01
arefbodhiruning on pantium 4 with 768 mb of ram ASUS DESKTOP10:02
gabbomanHi everyone, I need a hand. I can't configure php xdebug with visual studio. I have no idea on how to start this10:02
gabbomanhow could I do it?10:02
oerheksgt8ost4l, tht weird bug comes from mint/mate-desktop, so they are not wrong10:03
oerheksarefbodhi, nice, but totally offtopic here, join #ubuntu-offtopic or ##linux for bodhi talk10:03
oerheks!caps > arefbodhi10:04
manosHi, i have been working with linux ubuntu for almost a decade but never tried programming in c language. I was wondering what to look for if i wish to run graphics outside x-server. Is that possible?10:04
arefbodhiNOW I am runing bodi linux 4.5 legacy10:05
arefbodhion ASUS PANTUM 410:05
oerheksignore arefbodhi please.10:06
gt8ost4loerheks: can you link me to the bug?10:07
oerheksalready gave 2 urls ..10:08
arefbodhiIGNORE OK BYBE10:09
grr12314hey all. why is the default editor on ubuntu something so obscure and unusable? why are tehre both update-alternatives and select-editor commands and the second doesnt actually work?10:10
grr12314and why update-alternatives needs sudo?10:11
grr12314why is this mess of a distro so popular ?10:12
Allie`grr12314: alright, if you're here to just complain you can take that elsewhere10:12
Allie`i'll humour you, though. the default editor is `nano`, which is neither obscure nor unusable - if you're used to vi/vim-like editors, it's a bit of a learning curve, but for most people coming from more visual editors it's a good middle-ground10:13
grr12314nothing will get improved if noone ever complains. but yea i guess this isnt the right place... is there a more official place where i should complain?10:14
grr12314no the default is not nano unfortunately.10:14
grr12314its some "joe" thing10:14
oerheks... some "joe" thing10:15
Tin_mansudo joe10:15
Allie`oerheks: `joe` wasn't the default editor last time i checked, is this a fresh install?10:15
oerheksi have no clue what 'joe' should look like10:16
grr12314yes, fresh ubuntu 1610:16
Allie`grr12314*, sorrry10:16
Tin_manmaybe gedit??10:16
grr12314to be clearer. the default is "auto" and "auto" seems to pick "joe's own editor"10:17
mgedminthe default default editor might be nano, but if peope sudo apt install other command-line editors, those often assume they were installed for a reason and change the default to themselves10:17
grr12314idk why that was even pre-installed10:17
Allie`... hang on i'm second-guessing myself, i'm gonna install a fresh 16.04 because it's definitely been nano as long as i can remember... are you sure this is a completely fresh install?10:17
Allie`it shouldn't be preinstalled10:17
mgedmin("default default" -- what you get in a fresh install with no extra packages)10:17
ducassegrr12314: what kind of install is this? 'joe' is not even installed on any of the three systems i just tested10:18
hadifarnoudI live in Iran. access to many sites are blocked by govnt. I found out port 53 is mostly open and having shadowsocks on that port probably going to work for long time without detection. this port is in use by Ubuntu DNS service. how can I change that?10:18
Tin_manare you talking of the command line editor, or the gui editor?10:18
sa_Hi All, we are using the ubuntu platform for our hardware\drivers project. Currently we started using 16.04 LTS v4.4 kernel. But we are not decided whether to use HWE or GA kernels, which one should be the best choice?10:18
oerheksjoe's own editor is not standard..10:18
oerheks!info joe10:18
ubottujoe (source: joe): user friendly full screen text editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.6-1 (bionic), package size 526 kB, installed size 2160 kB10:18
Allie`(it's actually a pretty alright editor :P)10:18
oerheksso, be more accurate, Joe is not default10:18
Tin_manlearn something new everyday, never heard of joe, and I've been using ubuntu for several years.10:19
grr12314ok. it *should* be a fresh install, but wasn't done by me but by the IT dept. i'll take my complaints with them then.10:20
guivercsa_, GA (or general avail..) kernels are the most stable, most well tested so are the safest choice. use HWE kernels if you have very modern hardware (that needs needs a later kernel) & need to.10:22
tomreynsa_: it's not clear what your requirements are, so answering this will be difficult. If you'll develop against GA kernels you'll have long term ABI stability. If you want to make users happy (accepting possibly increased support overhead), support both GA *and* the HWE stack whenever it gets updates.10:23
Tin_manwell if you wouldn't of complained I've wouldn't of heard of Joe today. or may several months.10:23
guivercsa_, bug fixes are made to both GA & HWE kernels, however because GA kernels are older, have been used by loads more people - obviously they've had better & more testing (in prod'n even if dev testing was ~similar)10:24
grr12314what about the "select-editor" vs "update-alternatives" mess?10:24
ducassegrr12314: select-editor is part of sensible-utils, update-alternatives is part of the debian alternatives system10:26
sa_Guiverc: tomreyn: Actually we need to write device drivers and tools for testing Bluetooth , Wifi , NFC etc.. Right now we started using v4.4. kernel, if in feature customer request for a new kernel support we need to port all our drivers to new kernel.10:27
guivercsa_, HWE kernels are obviously the future; but the 16.04 GA kernel has a life of 5 years, HWE kernel lives are much shorter (though the 18.04 kernel which would be current on 16.04 now will be supported for 5 years on 18.04, even if not that long under 16.04).  You'll have to decide what's best for you.10:29
sa_Guiverc: Ok, what is the HWE kernel span? What kind of support the users will get?10:34
tomreynsa_: take a look at the graphs on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack (these are actually frames, you can open them seperately to get a larger display size) to get a better idea.10:34
tomreyni would think that while a HWE kernel is supported, users receive the same level of support for it as they will receive for a GA kernel during the entire support period of the LTS release.10:40
sa_Guiverc: Suppose if we choose now to use 16.04 LTS with v4.4 kernel, after one year if we need to port our stack for latest kernel version can we still use 16.04 LTS by just upgrading the linux kernel version to latest?10:40
guivercsa_, the only way I'd see your last question (Tom answered the one before that) is by switching from GA to HWE. I don't see switching to any 'later' (non-Ubuntu) kernel as a good idea.10:41
guivercsa_, even if you switched from 16.04's 4.4 kernel to say 17.10's [ubuntu] kernel, the 17.10 kernel will soon be EOL...10:43
tomreynif you're going to support new products on ubuntu, i guess you should consider introducing support for 18.04, though, not focus on 16.04 primarily. ideally you'd do both (and then thiunk about whether or not to also support HWE in addition to GA)10:43
guiverc(i didn't pick 17.10 for any reason - it could have been 16.10, 17.04 or any non-LTS)10:44
tomreynif you're wondering which release are currently supported (and their lifespans), take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases10:46
tomreynso i'd first decide which releases to support (i guess i'd go for the latest two or three LTS release and the latest non LTS release), then decide whether, for LTS releases, you want to only support GA or also HWE kernels.10:48
sa_Guiverc: tomreyn: Thank you so much for your inputs.10:51
guivercsa_, you're most welcome :)10:51
tomreynsa_: welcome. i bet you could get even better input via official business channels if you have the time to establish them.10:52
guiverc(& latest two LTS only - 14.04LTS is too near EOL unless you're thinking ESM [& servers maybe]...)10:53
sa_tomreyn: okay, what is contact point for official business channels?10:53
tomreynsa_: the html form on canonical website, i guess ;)10:54
tomreynsa_: fwiw, you usually have a good chance of raising the attention of ubuntu developers in #ubuntu-server or #ubuntu-devel on business days as well.10:56
tomreyni, for one, am just a lousy user10:56
guivercme too  (just a user)10:57
apwsa_, the default kernel for desktop users is the HWE kernel from the second point release in an LTS series; server i believe gives you the option of either at install11:06
grr12314does anyone know why "vim.tiny" if invoked as just "vi" (it links to the same executable) turns off some "improvements" like multiple undo steps etc? is there a way to configure that, other than aliasing vi to vim.tiny (which feels weird to me given that its already symlinked)11:26
Allie`grr12314: when vim.tiny is called as `vi`, it drops back to be perfectly `vi`-compatible11:27
Allie`try calling straight vim11:27
leftyfbgrr12314: sudo update-alternatives --config editor11:29
leftyfbgrr12314: pick vim basic11:29
grr12314yes calling it as "vim.tiny" (it didnt install "vim" symlink) works fine. just wondering if i can keep it from "dropping back" with a config of sorts instead of having to make bash alias11:29
mgedmindoes putting 'set nocompatible' in your .vimrc help?11:30
leftyfbsetting vim.basic as default will help11:31
grr12314leftyfb: i guess you meant `sudo update-alternatives --config vi` and that only seems to apply if i install multiple "vi" packages. i'd prefer to stick to just one installed. the vim.tiny was pre-installed (or was this my IT guys' doing again?)11:31
grr12314i'll try the vimrc thanks11:32
leftyfbgrr12314: no, I meant editor11:32
leftyfbgrr12314: install vim if it isn't already and then configure the editor like I posted above11:32
grr12314editor config will have no effect on what happens when i invoke "vi"...11:32
leftyfbgrr12314: it most certainly will11:32
grr12314anyway, i'm off to test11:33
leftyfbgrr12314: you want vim installed. Not just vim-tiny11:36
leftyfbgrr12314: https://askubuntu.com/questions/104138/what-features-does-vim-tiny-have11:37
leftyfbgrr12314: vim-tiny = vim-basic - features11:37
leftyfbgrr12314: and yeah, you're right. It was --config vi, not editor. Sorry11:38
leftyfbgrr12314: if you want vim features missing in vim-tiny, you need to install vim which includes vim-basic.11:38
grr12314ok thanks. not for this particular thing, but i guess sooner or later i'll bump into some feature that's missing in vim.tiny so you're probably right11:38
plasmoduckhow do I fix this?11:39
plasmoduckPreparing to unpack .../la-capitaine-icon-theme_20180606-8-0ubuntu1~xenial1_all.deb ...11:39
plasmoduckprerm called with unknown argument $1'11:39
plasmoduckdpkg: warning: subprocess old pre-removal script returned error exit status 111:39
plasmoduckdpkg: trying script from the new package instead ...11:39
plasmoduckdpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/la-capitaine-icon-theme_20180606-8-0ubuntu1~xenial1_all.deb (--unpack):11:39
leftyfb!paste | plasmoduck11:39
ubottuplasmoduck: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:39
plasmoduckoops sorry I didn't mean to paste to many lines11:41
plasmoduckHow can I fix that so I can update?11:41
plasmoduckit happens during apt upgrade11:41
compdocuse pastebin.com11:41
p21kapt --fix-broken-install11:42
plasmoduckNext time I will11:42
plasmoduckp21k, E: Command line option --fix-broken-install is not understood in combination with the other options11:43
p21kplasmoduck, apt --fix-broken install11:44
p21kplasmoduck, my bad11:44
grr12314if i messed up a package's config in /etc, can i get it back to default? seems even uninstall/reinstall didnt restore those files for some reason11:45
p21kgrr12314, try apt-get remove --purge --auto-remove11:46
p21kgrr12314, and run apt-get autoclean after that11:47
grr12314yes, purge was it. thanks11:48
MicroWaving!pastebinit test12:09
=== AdamDay65 is now known as AdamDay66
pznmy computer "crashed" today because of disk full. already cleaned some big files and rebooted. now when I ssh to somewhere, the password to unlock the key ~/.ssh/id-rsa does not match. I'm sure that I know the password. what should I recover from backups?12:35
hdddasYou should recover from backups everything you need I guess.12:37
mgedminis it asking for the ssh key passphrase, or your gnome-keyring password?12:39
pznmgedmin, it is the "agent" popup asking for the passphrase of key "pzn@mycomputer"12:42
pznmgedmin, but since there were lots of passphrase windows tries, I don't remember if the first ones were about gnome-keyring12:42
=== jeffrey_ is now known as kyentei
gartralhas anyone ever lost a folder? or rather, the *contents* of a folder? I'm mussing about 80gb of music from a vm on my server12:49
=== carlos_ is now known as Carlos____
gartralit's an ubuntu 18.04 server vm btw12:50
tomreyngartral: unomunt the file system,. run a file system check.12:50
blackflowgartral: which filesystem?12:50
gartraltomreyn: did12:50
gartralblackflow: etx412:51
gartralext4* I can't keyboard today XD12:51
blackflowgartral: then chances are the problems are on the host side.12:52
gartraltomreyn blackflow the weird part is the music's still there, I can access it from the NFS i set up for it12:52
tomreyngartral: what did the fsck say? check syslog about file system and (s)ata / storage related issues. think about who has access to this system.12:52
tomreyngartral: maybe you're just looking in the wrong place then? or you mounted some other file system on top of it12:53
gartraltomreyn: it's a vm and the storage is on a raid array, I checked the hypervisor host and no errors were reported there12:53
gartraltomreyn: kinda hard to accidentally /home/music me thinks.. lol12:53
tomreyngartral: none of what i said befre is relevant now you say that you can still access the data via NFS from this same system.12:53
tomreynif the nfs server can still make it available (not just list it, but actually deliver the data), then it's still there and you're just not able to access it for some reason you will have caused yourself. ;)12:55
tomreynyou or someoene else managing this system, that is12:55
gartraltomreyn: the ONLY thing I can think of was that I suffered a power failure.. this is my homelab server so the only one with the keys and passwords is me.12:56
tomreyngartral: so can you still download a file via NFS?12:56
gartralit's also not that huge of a deal if the data's gone, I have it all on a local disk and on my phone, this was just for MPDing the music around the house12:56
tomreynand does this file contains the correct data, too?12:57
gartraltomreyn: checking now12:57
gartraltomreyn: yes12:57
gartraldata's good12:57
tomreynthen find out where your nfs server serves it from, and then become root and run ls on that location12:58
tomreynalso check the output of the "mount" command and make sure nothing is mounted on top12:59
tomreyn"ls -al" actually13:00
gartraltomreyn: I... found it... I musta been REALLY f-ed up when I set it up, there's a broken symlink /export/music -> /home/music in red.. ok mystery solved13:01
plasmoduckHow do I format a drive to ext4 and allow read/write to user level?13:02
gartralplasmoduck: just... allow anyone to read/write?13:02
tomreynplasmoduck: mkfs.ext4 DEVICEPATH13:03
plasmoduckyes I tried that, but I can't write to it as my user13:03
tomreynplasmoduck: then mount it with the 'user' option13:03
plasmoduckLike, I tried to copy+paste something and paste is greyed out13:03
plasmoduckI want this all automatic13:04
tomreynactually "users"13:04
plasmoduckso it's automatically handed at boot13:04
tomreynadd it to fstab13:04
plasmoduckIt's /dev/sdb so what line should I put in fstab?13:05
tomreynget the UUID from "blkid /dev/sdb"13:07
plasmoduckwill this work? /dev/sdb /media/l   ext4  defaults       0  013:07
tomreynthen create a directory where you want to mount it13:07
plasmoduckUID="a0cda0c9-8a16-4ca6-8042-a42cba9f4ba9" TYPE="ext4"13:07
tomreynthen add this to fstab: UUID=a0cda0c9-8a16-4ca6-8042-a42cba9f4ba9 /media/l ext4  defaults       0  013:08
tomreynoptionally add user(s) to 'defaults, seperated by comma, not space, if you want to allow the user to mount it13:08
tomreynall of this has no impact on whether you user will be able to access or modify the data on the file system13:09
mgedminyou'll also need to chown/chmod the directory after mounting so people who are not root can write in it13:09
plasmoduckso what? defaults,user ?13:09
tomreynplasmoduck: do you need the ordinary user to be able to mount and unmount it, or is it sufficient for this file system to be automatically mounted on boot?13:10
plasmoduckautomatically mounted on boot13:11
plasmoduckim just using it for extra storage13:11
tomreynthen just "defaults" is fine13:11
plasmoduckthanks, brb13:11
tomreyn+ what mgedm1n said, to ensure the ordinary user can access it.13:12
plasmoduckhow do I make my mounted drive show up in "Devices"? It's only showing the root drive there, I have to cd to /storage thn bookmark it13:26
plasmoduckBut I'd prefer it to show as an actual device in "Devices".13:26
=== carlos_ is now known as carlos____
carlos____wsup yall time appropriate greetings-can anyone tell me if bionic beaver 18.04 Mate has ffmpeg and  ffsplit installed (i have vlc installed so assumed yes)13:33
carlos____or how i can check if they are13:33
cfhowlett!info ffmpeg13:33
ubottuffmpeg (source: ffmpeg): Tools for transcoding, streaming and playing of multimedia files. In component universe, is optional. Version 7:3.4.2-2 (bionic), package size 1567 kB, installed size 2266 kB13:33
carlos____how to  install from terminal please bot or anyone reading13:34
cfhowlettcarlos____, sudo apt install ffmpeg13:34
carlos____<cfhowlett> same again for the ffsplit or is that part of the same package13:35
cfhowlett!info ffsplit > carlos____13:36
plasmoduckhow do I make my mounted drive show up in "Devices"? It's only showing the root drive there, I have to cd to /storage thn bookmark it. But I'd prefer it to show as an actual device in "Devices".13:40
blackflowplasmoduck: for starters by not crossposting between #ubuntu and #debian at the same time.13:41
plasmoduckwell no one answered me here, so I might get some help in the other room?13:41
plasmoduckwhen in doubt, cross post13:41
cfhowlettplasmoduck,that is not how it works.  in any case: for debian support, ask the debian channels.  or install ubuntu and ask for ubuntu support here.13:42
carlos____!info ffsplit > carlos____13:42
plasmoduckSo how do I fix my problem?13:43
leftyfbplasmoduck: what distribution are you running?13:43
hggdhplasmoduck: version?13:43
plasmoduckIt shouldn't matter13:43
hggdhOK, then13:44
carlos____<cfhowlett> what did you mean by above (google it not sure what im looking for can you past link of what your alluding to please13:44
leftyfbplasmoduck: please run this: hostnamectl status|grep Oper13:44
cfhowlettcarlos____, ffsplit is not in bionic13:44
leftyfbplasmoduck: what's the output of the above command?13:44
plasmoduckProblem is, my newly mounted drive isnt showing in "Devices" in my file manager13:44
carlos____can it be put there13:44
cfhowlett!info ffsplit | carlos____13:44
ubottucarlos____: Package ffsplit does not exist in bionic13:44
pragmaticenigmaplasmoduck: I does matter, as different versions use different tools to manage devices, and how they interact with the GUI. So knowing the version of Ubuntu you are running is important13:44
leftyfbplasmoduck: please run this: hostnamectl status|grep Oper13:45
carlos____i need it to make an app image work any idea13:45
carlos____ideas to solve prob13:45
plasmoduckUbuntu 16.04.3 LTS13:45
pragmaticenigmacarlos____: ffsplit was discontinued by the ffmpeg project team13:45
carlos____<plasmoduck> lol13:45
carlos____gud call13:46
leftyfbplasmoduck: any idea why you haven't run updates in 3 months?13:46
plasmoduckI'm happy with my version.13:46
carlos____thanks <pragmaticenigma> soz if typo(name) far from tv cant see13:46
leftyfbplasmoduck: as in, regular updates.13:46
plasmoduckIf it ain't broke, I don't fix it.13:47
plasmoduckI have updates13:47
leftyfbplasmoduck: if you had all your updates, you wouldn't be running "Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS"13:47
plasmoducknevermind, Ill google it13:47
carlos____feeling that way atm13:47
carlos____had a couple of hickups13:47
leftyfbplasmoduck: which kernel are you running? :  uname -a13:47
plasmoduckLinux ElementaryOS 4.13.0-43-generic #48~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu May 17 12:56:46 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux13:48
blackflow"if it ain't broke don't fix it" --- lol but existence of updates means it's broken...... wth.13:48
* blackflow facepalms and goes away.13:48
carlos____i love you all thanks for helping13:48
leftyfbplasmoduck: next time, don't lie about the distro you are running13:48
cfhowlettthis!! ^^^^^13:48
plasmoduckI'm told it is just Ubuntu13:49
leftyfbplasmoduck: You are running ElementaryOS, not Ubuntu.13:49
plasmoduckwith some different name and GUI13:49
leftyfbplasmoduck: seek support from ElementaryOS.13:49
Allie`leftyfb: eOS’ marketing would have you believe it’s vanilla ubuntu ;)13:49
plasmoduckIt says it's built on Ubuntu13:49
cfhowlettplasmoduck, dude.  it's simple.  it's NOT UBUNTU13:49
plasmoduckso the main system is Ubuntu problem?13:49
cfhowlett!flavors | plasmoduck if it's not on this list, we don't support it.13:50
ubottuplasmoduck if it's not on this list, we don't support it.: Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours13:50
leftyfbplasmoduck: if it's running a different GUI then Ubuntu, then why would you ask for support from Ubuntu when you're having issues with the GUI?13:50
jmgb4Has anybody had any luck getting Armitage installed on Ubuntu? Most the guides Ive ran into are old or broken13:50
kavinskiHi. I followed instructions on ubuntu.com to make a bootable Ubuntu 18.04 USB key from the desktop ISO. Can I somehow make this Live USB a persistent distro that is also encrypted?13:51
cfhowlett!persistence | kavinski13:51
ubottukavinski: To have some persistent storage when using a Live CD, follow the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDPersistence13:51
kavinskicfhowlett: I don't want to add storage on another drive, I want to run the full Ubuntu off the USB13:53
kavinskiand only that USB13:53
cfhowlettkavinski, which is what the link explains13:53
hggdhkavinski: please read that link13:53
kavinskicfhowlett: sorry, I just read the intro and it said "other drive". I see they tell you how to partition.13:53
kavinskicfhowlett: what about encryption? The link says it's an "outstanding question"13:55
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cfhowlettkavinski, I suggest you first configure the persistent USB then attempt the post-install encryptoin13:56
kavinskicfhowlett: OK, thanks13:56
=== abc is now known as Guest48172
newbeHello Dear14:02
newbeI need install ubuntu in my macbook pro 14.1, but suspend & resume not work in it, Are here any body have any idea about how i can fix this problem14:03
cfhowlettnewbe, easy solution; mac OS + virtualbox + ubuntu to a virtualbox14:04
carlos____I need some help understanding errors in an output can anyone suggest a channel where i can post pertains to understanding error output not ubuntu specifically14:04
newbecfhowlett: that's very bad idea :-(14:05
cfhowlettsayz you.  works perfectly for me.  YMMV14:05
carlos____trying to run an appimage and it jst crashes14:06
tomreyncarlos____: seek support from whoever is willing to support the software (and version) you use. for software in non !eol ubuntu releases, this channel is an option.14:07
pragmaticenigmajmgb4: You might want to look into the Kali-Linux community for help with those tools.14:13
carlos____<tomreyn> cheers14:14
carlos____can anyone help me understand what this paste means please https://pastebin.com/n6d98qD214:14
_kim_I have Ubuntu 18 installed on a system with an AMD E350 APU with Radeon 6310 graphics. Booting with "nomodeset" in the grub config will allow it to boot without hardware acceleration, but I get black screen without this option. Worked well on ubuntu14. I expect this is because of an issue with RadeonDriver but this is as far as I have got with it.14:15
zipperHey know how I can get openjdk-9-jre-headless on 18.04?14:16
zipperor what the new name is?14:16
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=== carlos____ is now known as rickyricardo
jmgb4pragmaticenigma, Yeah I was asking in there too, they mainly deal with just kali14:19
puxavidazipper, apt-cache search openjdk*14:19
tomreynzipper: 18.04 only offer openjdk 8 and 11 packages. i think 8 is some sort of long term release upstream, and 11 is the latest.14:19
zippertomreyn: thanks14:20
pragmaticenigmajmgb4: Please be mindful of cross posting. This channel isn't really geared for SecOps type applications and the like. Kali is going to be the best resource. given the lack of informmation on the internet, I'm guessing the exploits leveraged by Armitage have been fixed, and therefor development on that project has discontinued or efforts are currently focused elsewhere14:21
adroit_machineHi, I am using Ubuntu 16.04.02 LTS KDE, but I'm not getting video thumbnails in dolphin. It used to work fine before in ubuntu 14.04. Need help please14:22
Jerry_what's up14:23
jmgb4pragmaticenigma, What are you talking about? I havent seen anything that hints at Armitage being discontinued (Not saying that you are wrong, getting at I may have missed it)14:26
cfhowlettthe last stable release was in 2013.  seems rather moribund14:29
=== DerRaiden`afk is now known as DerRaiden
jmgb4cfhowlett, Ah. I somehow missed that14:31
leftyfbjmgb4: http://www.fastandeasyhacking.com/changelog14:32
cfhowlettOW!  I get the google DANGER! ahead warning14:32
jmgb4Yeah tha tscreen is bright lol14:32
jmgb4leftyfb, I have -chat question for you. Kind of about our discussion the other day about NAT14:33
leftyfbjmgb4: ?14:33
jmgb4leftyfb, Actually nevermind I take that back. Its something I should figure out on my own14:34
tomreynleftyfb: https://transparencyreport.google.com/safe-browsing/search?url=http:%2F%2Fwww.fastandeasyhacking.com%2F14:34
nixenanybody run the latest salt-minion on ubuntu 16.04 LTS (all patched up) ?  i have it working fine on ubuntu 18.04 (and centos 7, and freebsd 10.4/11.1), but on ubuntu 16.04 the salt-minion script dumps on me with "UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xff in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)"14:34
nixenif i change the encoding with "sys.setdefaultencoding('utf8')" i just get a different error, specifically - "return systemd.daemon.notify('READY=1')\n TypeError: notify() argument 1 must be string without null bytes, not unicode"14:35
leftyfbtomreyn: I understand the error messages. There's nothing malicious about the site. But the tools the site advertises CAN be used maliciously which is the reason for the alert.14:35
tomreynthen that's an overly drastic measure they took.14:36
tomreyni think they don't usuallly add "PUA" (possibly unwanted applications, i.e. dual use utilities) on that list.14:36
vitm2100quien tiene el nuevo modelo de vit mini pc14:54
pavlos!es | vitm210014:56
ubottuvitm2100: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.14:56
transhumananyone know how to assign permssions to kvm to a second hard drive (which is an old hard drive with qcow disks on it?15:16
adroit_machineHi, I am using Ubuntu 16.04.02 LTS KDE, but I'm not getting video thumbnails in dolphin. It used to work fine before in ubuntu 14.04. Need help please15:17
compdocwhen you create vm files to store your os, kvm sets the permissions. or at least virt-manager does15:17
transhumanyes but these are on a second drive and already exist15:17
transhumanit gives permissions denied trying to add them15:18
blackflowtranshuman: wait, are you talking about files or block devices? If files, iirc you need to make them in kvm group, and also rw to that group.15:20
mattflywhere is the command vino-preferences on ubuntu bionic15:49
mattflybecause vino package doesnt come with it15:49
mattflyi dont even have a vino command15:49
transhumanI am sad to know I don't know the answer to this, can linux groups contain other groups or only users?15:53
blackflowtranshuman: only users. for anything more complex permission-wise, there's ACLs and MAC15:54
transhumanyeah I just found it thanks blackflow ,should have googled first15:54
transhumanyeah I have never worked with ACLs and MAC I guess maybe I should start15:55
hydrianWhat is the best way to installed non-packages perl modules in ubuntu 16.0416:17
Aleksandar86I have Mikrotik and DHCP and DNS on Windows server. I have problem only Ubuntu users cant get IP from DHCP16:22
Aleksandar86on same port windows works good16:22
Aleksandar86I try set static ip on Ubuntu but not working16:22
Aleksandar86I try 3 laptops with ubuntu and same problem16:22
ht_hi, which time stamp should I use to get indicator of oldest modification or create16:23
ht_Im using stat on my file, there is birth section, but its void16:23
hydrianAleksandar86: Is the DHCP server on the Windows server?16:23
Aleksandar86no, on mikrotik16:23
Aleksandar86DNS is Windows16:23
ht_all the other time stamps read, mod, change seem to be equivalent16:24
ht_perhaps its file system dependent16:24
hydrianht_: ctime will always be the oldest.16:24
hydrianIt can't be modified before it is created.16:25
Aleksandar86On this mikrotik I have 4 VLANs with diferrent subnet and gateway16:25
Aleksandar86Mikrotik is connected on smart switch16:25
Aleksandar86and Ubuntu is connected on Access switch16:25
Aleksandar86with PVID 10 or VLAN 1016:25
hydrianAleksandar86: Typically DHCP only lists on the port's native VLAN to get DHCP.16:26
Aleksandar86but ACCESS swithc convert tagget to untagged?16:26
Aleksandar86On mikrotik LAN out i have tagged VLANs16:27
FManTropyxI can no longer update my Xenial16:27
Aleksandar86and this port comming in smart switch - TRUNK16:27
Aleksandar86from smart switch I have Access switches16:27
Aleksandar86and on Access switch I contol VLAN16:27
Aleksandar86all windows works good on same port of switch16:28
Aleksandar86only Ubuntu not working16:28
hydrianSo the ubuntu boxes are need to be on the same VLAN and untagged as the Mikrotik DHCP's VLAN16:28
Aleksandar86yes, he is on same VLAN16:29
Aleksandar86I get IP from mikrotik with windows16:29
Aleksandar86some idea?16:29
hydrianIs the mikrotik doing 'Secure' DHCP?16:30
Aleksandar86all by default DHCP16:30
hydrianThis is 'Microsoft' standard of authenticating a server before giving out an IP. Most non-windows devices don't support it.16:31
Aleksandar86Only DNS is on Microsoft16:31
Aleksandar86on WIFI everythig works good16:32
Aleksandar86same DNS, same DHCP, same VLAN16:32
Aleksandar86WiFi is UNIFI and also have VLANs16:33
Aleksandar86any idea?16:36
Aleksandar86How can I track problem on Ubuntu16:37
Aleksandar86some guy tell me use command DHCPCLEINT -v16:37
hydrianAleksandar86: What version of Ubuntu?16:39
Aleksandar86I try different version16:40
yuukihello lovely IRC folks16:43
yuukihow's everyone doing?16:43
RE_DUP_MAXmy ubuntu install was installed on a single partition and now i resized the partition to free up some space to make another partition. when i boot up linux the logo shows and then it stops to show an (initramfs) prompt, im not sure whats going on here.16:44
yuukiugh. that's so annoying16:44
yuukimy Windows gaming partition did the same thing, ish16:44
yuukimy Windows gaming partition did the same thing, ish16:44
qoxncyhai have a cron entry that looks like this: `0 */12 * * * root test -x /usr/bin/certbot -a \! -d /run/systemd/system && perl -e 'sleep int(rand(3600))' && certbot -q renew`16:45
qoxncyhawhat is the `root` part? where is it documented?16:45
ioriaRE_DUP_MAX, how did you do resize the root partition ?16:46
naccqoxncyha: is that /etc/crontab ?16:47
qoxncyhanacc: it's in /etc/cron.d/certbot16:47
RE_DUP_MAXi ran gparted in live environment ioria16:47
naccqoxncyha: see `man 5 crontab` if so, it's syntax is different than per-user crontab16:47
naccqoxncyha: ah those are also the same, as they are system-wide16:47
ioriaRE_DUP_MAX, sounds ok ... maybe you need to fsck it16:48
naccRE_DUP_MAX: just to be clear, did you resize the partition without resizing the filesystem?16:49
test_hi there16:51
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aroonifor instance it could track a given date with a count that could be incremented by one with a command?   i'm trying to track how many pomodoros i get done in a day16:52
aroonianything like that16:52
t7hey, im trying to diagnose random restarts, last reboot shoes still running for more than one entry. whats my next move?16:52
test_I've got a problem with resolutions on Lubuntu 18.04. When I try to swich users, all the users apart for the first logged in have resolution 640x480. When I log out every session, I can access any account and set the proper resolution using randr.16:53
test_I tried switching lightdm for other session managers, but the problem is still there. Windows manager changing also doesn't change anything.16:54
test_I thought about creating a topic on some forum, but I hope it's easy to solve and I'm just being stupid and doing something wrong ;-)16:55
bkz81I ran apt-get install ubuntu-desktop then apt-get update and rebooted.  However my resolution is at 800x600 not sure what to do next.16:57
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RE_DUP_MAXioria yeah i ran fsck like you said and that fixed it thanks.17:00
ioriaRE_DUP_MAX, good job17:00
pressure679Umm, I think a echo -n -e "\x1b[\x32 q" made emacs write qq on cursor movement in the tty.17:01
pressure679It is weird, quite weird.17:02
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pressure679Is there are way without reinstalling that will make emacs not write qq on cursor movement in the tty?17:02
test_pressure679: dpkg-reconfigure emacs, or remove its config directory17:05
test_bkz81: type in terminal: xrandr17:06
YvesLevierHi, i need help installing 18.04 with Gnome Desktop.  Is there a room special for 18.04?17:07
test_YvesLevier: what do you need to know? Have you read the instruction online?17:08
test_YvesLevier: it's really easy. The biggest problem you can encounter is the lack of appropriate drivers17:09
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jmgb4Great.. I hit super+p and it switched my monitors to mirror, cant get it to go back to extended now17:11
zanycaperbkz81: if you cant change the resolution using xrandr -s 1368x768, then try installing drivers: ubuntu-drivers devices17:12
zanycaperjmgb4: extended?17:13
bkz81using vnc not sure how to get to command line from here now.  It boots up at gui.17:16
zanycaperbkz81: you see the desktop now?17:16
bkz81yes but small still  800x600 4:317:17
bkz81i haven't tried those commands yet17:17
zanycaperbkz81: look for the terminal in "menu start"17:17
zanycaperbkz81: or alt+f2 and try running xterm/gnome-terminal/lxterminal/rxvt17:18
phcti need to pack / compress / compact all folders that have MB ( megabytes) as size in a given directory, how do i accomplish this?17:18
zanycaperphct: https://www.cyberciti.biz/howto/question/general/compress-file-unix-linux-cheat-sheet.php17:19
zanycaperbkz81: are you there, man? ;-D17:20
naccphct: is this homework? seems like homework.17:20
phcthey zanycaper17:20
phctwho r u? :)17:20
naccphct: you won't learn anything if you just ask for the answer.17:20
phctnacc: ye its homewoark17:20
zanycaperpl :P17:20
phctim not in a mood to google17:20
phctzanycaper: poland ?17:20
phctdo u know me? :)17:21
naccphct: we are volunteers focusing on ubuntu support, not a proxy for google.17:21
phctwhere can i ask nacc  ?17:21
zanycaperI don't think so. I know just a couple of russians ;-D17:21
cloudbudI have an app in supervisorctl that is running with root. I want to run it with least prevelige user, My app.ini is https://pastebin.com/GV3ph2kJ17:21
EriC^^_dobre viecha17:21
naccphct: your question has nothing to do with ubuntu support, afaict. You could ask in ##linux, or just do some basic searching.17:21
phctkak dyela?17:22
phctyo gabaru horosho17:22
zanycaperja nie poniemaju17:22
naccsigh, english please, in this channel.17:22
naccthere are language-specific channels, if you want them17:22
zanycapernacc: nacc oh, don't be so stiff. Nobody's writing anyway.17:22
zanycaperwe're just proxing for google here xD17:23
nacczanycaper: if you want to chitchat, go to #ubuntu-offtopic.17:23
bkz81zanycaper:  yeah i am here just trying to figure this out now.  About to try xrandr17:23
zanycaperbkz81: you may want to install arandr, if you prefer graphic interface17:24
zanycapernacc: I have troubles forcing appropriate resolution on lightdm. Any thoughts?17:24
cloudbudnacc : have tries lot of options nothing is working17:25
zanycapercloudbud: what's your trouble?17:25
cloudbudzanycaper  I have an app in supervisorctl that is running with root. I want to run it with least prevelige user, My app.ini is https://pastebin.com/GV3ph2kJ17:26
klemaxwhats the reason of freezing after logout or suspend? version 18.04 here17:26
nacczanycaper: what do you mean? "appropriate"? does X see the resolution you want17:26
cloudbudThe app is again always starting with root17:26
nacccloudbud: why are you asking me specifically?17:26
EriC^^_klemax: take a look at /var/log/kern.log17:26
cloudbudI want to start it with some specific user17:26
zanycapernacc, retext: I've got a problem with resolutions on Lubuntu 18.04. When I try to swich users, all the users apart for the first logged in have resolution 640x480. When I log out every session, I can access any account and set the proper resolution using randr.17:27
zanycapernacc: if there alredy is a user logged in, when I log in using another account I'm stuck with 640x48017:27
klemaxEriC^^_: what about if the problem is related to Xorg?17:27
zanycaperI have no idea what to do with that, I wasted several hors ;/17:28
nacczanycaper: no idea, sorry. You could check the lightdm logs i guess17:28
bkz81zanycaper: no luck so far17:29
aroonihow do i get the checkmark icon inserted to a text editor on ubuntu 18.04 ?17:29
aroonilike when you're making a list and you check off an item ; that kinda thing17:30
zanycaperbkz81: what do you get when you run xrandr?17:30
EriC^^_klemax: hmm /var/log/Xorg.0.log might have something or ~/.xsession-errors17:30
klemaxlet me check it17:30
bkz81zanycaper: Failed to get size of gamma for output default screen 0: minium 800 x 600, current 800 x 600, maxium 800 x 600 default connected primary 800x600+0+017:32
zanycaperbkz81: try ubuntu-drivers devices17:32
bkz81where is that located?17:33
zanycaperbkz81: type it in terminal17:33
nujrzydvldoes ubuntu current include the 'wl' driver out of the box17:33
zanycaperbkz81: it will show if there are any drivers you should install17:34
nujrzydvli want to install linux on a macbook but it's broadcom driver support is screwy17:34
zanycaperbkz81: or just run ubuntu-drivers autoinstall and hope for the best17:34
nujrzydvldont want to plug this into ethernet for install17:34
naccnujrzydvl: afaict, no17:34
pavlosarooni: you can open the characters app, in symbols there is grey checkmark, copy/paste to your editor17:34
bkz81zanycaper: tried both nothing happened.17:36
zanycaperbkz81: what do you mean by "nothing"?17:37
bkz81zanycaper: I entered the auto command and got back "No drivers found for automatic installation"   then tried the other command hit enter and nothing.17:38
zanycaperbkz81: in terminal: lpci | grep -i controller17:40
zanycaperbkz81: google the for "ubuntu <your-graphic-card-model>". Some devices just have problem with drivers :317:41
zanycaper* :S17:41
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bkz81zanycaper: vga compatible controller: Device 1234:1111 (rev 02)17:54
bkz81zanycaper: does it matter it's on a vps?17:57
zanycaperbkz81: ?17:57
bkz81the ubuntu server install17:57
zanycaperbkz81: I think it does. It may lack some desktop-y stuff.17:58
zanycaperbkz81: why would you user grahics on the web server anyway? If its your desktop computer then get some desktop stuff using: tasksel install lubuntu-desktop18:00
zanycaperI'll be back later18:03
bkz81zanycaper: I just want to adjust the resolution.  It's stuck at 800x60018:07
zanycaperbkz81: I use the vpn in txt mode, so there's no "resolution" per se.18:09
bkz81zanycaper: not that confortable using cli at the moment.  I like to have the option of both.18:10
zanycaperbkz81: how do you connect to the server? Using what, ssh?18:10
bkz81ssh tunnel via putty then tight vnc18:10
zanycaperbkz81: I'm afraid I won't be able to help you. I just never used graphics on servers.18:11
bkz81zanycaper: no problem you have been very helpful.  Thank you for taking the time18:12
SporkWitchbkz81: if you _must_ have a GUI for a server, look into something like webmin, and know that when you _are_ ready to learn to do things properly you're basically going to be starting from scratch, because those tools absolutely mangle the crap out of config files18:12
zanycaperbkz81: but if there's no resolution to change to in the output of xrandr I'd say they don't want you to change it.18:12
zanycaperbkz81: SporkWitch suggest a good thing: webadmin is a good solution, if you're not comfortable in text mode. But better learn it asap.18:13
zanycaperbkz81: you may want try this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/377937/how-to-set-a-custom-resolution18:14
zanycaperbut again, I don't think it will do.18:15
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caverinhao por18:47
xyz_hi @ all ;)18:47
Johnjaycan I backup my ubuntu partition by just using rsync? or do i need to image the entire partition with gparted?18:51
memphistowhat filesystem ?18:52
memphistoyou could use dump utility, but its much easier to just image the partition/disk18:53
Johnjaythe file system I just installed on /dev/sda2 with my ubuntu 16 LTS 64 bit cd18:54
Johnjayi'm thinking something like a system restore being to wipe the partition, use ext4 to format it, then unpack the backup from rsync18:54
Johnjayare there any potential problems with that?18:54
memphistothis one is maybe easier to follow19:00
Johnjaymemphisto: that guide is more geared toward cloning a drive it looks like19:05
Johnjayit looks like dump uses compression though, so that's good19:06
leftyfbJohnjay: you are better off using dump or dd as opposed to rsync19:07
memphistowell, when you restore you are actually cloning19:07
memphistocloning to the same system, same disk19:07
Johnjayleftyfb: that's what i'm trying to figure out19:10
leftyfbJohnjay: use dd19:10
leftyfbJohnjay: btw, you don't do this with the system running/mounted19:10
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Johnjayi can just use dd to backup a partition?19:10
Johnjaythat's handy19:11
Johnjay"You can only do this kind of backup securely if the partition is not mounted, or mounted read-only. "19:12
memphistoplease read through the previous pasted links before doing anything; compare dd and dump19:12
Johnjayi looked at the man pages19:12
Johnjaybut i'm not clear exactly how dump is different. it just says it backs up ext2/3 file systems and uses restore(8) to restore it19:13
leftyfbmemphisto: dd is pretty universal and always available19:13
memphistothats true, but what tools you will be using depends of your situation and needs19:14
lotuspsychjeerry_: welcome, what can we do for you?19:27
seffyroffHi folks!  I'm working on a debian installer preseed script, and am wrestling a little with partman-auto-lvm syntax.  It may be that waht I want to do isn't possible with partman-auto however.  Basically I want to setup my regular system partitions (to keep it simple, just / and swap) but leave a bunch of free space after those volumes on the single physical disk I'm targetting.   what actually seems to happen is the lvm vg fills19:31
seffyroffthe physical disk, then the logical volumes are defined correctly19:31
sillysausagehas anyone installed virtualbox lately? the package seems to be stuck for me on Building initial module for 4.15.0-22-generic19:32
lotuspsychjesillysausage: can you hastebin the full output of your install please19:33
sillysausageit was like that for over an hour, so i think it hung19:33
sillysausageunfortunately there was no output just the blinking cursor19:33
sillysausageand if i try to use apt-get it tells me to run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a'19:33
sillysausagebut then doesn't appear to be doing anything19:33
lotuspsychjesillysausage: show the output of apt yes19:34
lotuspsychjeseffyroff: your not on ubuntu?19:36
sillysausageit seems to have failed here lotuspsychje https://dpaste.de/4GCf19:37
sillysausagebut it doesn't really give any information19:37
memphistoseffyroff: have you checked this https://github.com/xobs/debian-installer/blob/master/doc/devel/partman-auto-recipe.txt19:37
seffyrofflotuspsychje, i'm using it to install ubuntu, but as I understand it the d-i syntax is identical for partman-auto.  Also most of the existing information I've found has cited #debian as a source :)19:37
sillysausagehttps://dpaste.de/vF71 that's what got installed19:38
seffyroffmemphisto, checking now, thanks19:38
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sillysausageand lotuspsychje this is what happens https://dpaste.de/3Yuy still waiting nothing happening19:38
n-iCecan't open pulseaudio, says establishing connection, any idea? was working till today, already rebooted19:39
sillysausagelotuspsychje: should i kill dpkg it seems to be doing nothing19:39
lotuspsychjesillysausage: are you compiling virtualbox?19:39
sillysausageinstalling from the ubuntu repositories19:40
sillysausagebut it does have to compile a kernel module19:40
seffyroffmemphisto, this looks like the existing docs I've read, but I'll read it again now anyway :)19:40
sillysausagedpkg does that automatically usually19:40
memphistoyou want LVM19:40
memphistocan you describe a bit closer what you want to make19:40
seffyroffsure.  simply a smallish root volume, a small swap volume, then the rest of the disk left as free space.19:42
sillysausagelotuspsychje: i just killed dpkg19:42
memphistoand how does it look like...can you paste your code19:42
memphistowhy smallish root, you are going to install stuff there ..aren't you19:43
memphistoat least 15G19:43
seffyroffyep, that would be smallish :)19:43
memphistobut i'd go bigger19:43
memphistoif you install a game or two....19:43
lotuspsychjesillysausage: did you have old leftovers of previous virtualbox version perhaps?19:44
naccseffyroff: when you say 'free space', do you mean unused?19:44
seffyroff...it's a server19:44
sillysausageit's a fresh install19:44
seffyroffnacc, yes19:44
sillysausagei was able to dpkg purge19:44
sillysausageand remove virtualbox i will now purge virtualbox with apt-get and try again19:44
n-iCecan't open pulseaudio, says establishing connection, any idea? was working till today, already rebooted19:45
seffyroffas in if I go into parted and type print free, it'd show me a bunch of free space at the end of the disk19:45
sillysausagelotuspsychje: hmmm damn19:45
sillysausageit wants to https://dpaste.de/5KP819:46
naccseffyroff: did you pastebin your preseed yet?19:46
sillysausagebut it just hangs.19:46
sillysausagei wonder lotuspsychje if this is why19:47
sillysausagelotuspsychje: when i do ps aux i see:19:47
sillysausagelotuspsychje: it wants to enrol a key i think19:48
sillysausagemaybe i should turn secureboot off19:48
sillysausageand remove it19:48
sillysausagei hadn't thought secureboot might actually be causing this19:49
memphistoseffyroff: Due to limitation of the algorithms in partman-auto, there must be at19:49
memphistoleast one partition with high maximal size so that the whole free19:49
memphistospace can be used.  Usually you can give the partition containing19:49
memphisto/home a maximal size 1000000000 which is high enough for the present19:49
memphistostorage devices. If the large /home is not an option for you, you can19:49
memphistoalso define in the recipe one additional partition with size19:49
memphisto1000000000, method "keep" and leave it unmounted.  When the19:49
seffyroffnacc, one moment19:50
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lotuspsychjesillysausage: system up to date?19:51
sillysausageyes it is19:51
sillysausagebut for now i need to abort this installation19:52
sillysausagebecause of secureboot and do the signing later19:52
seffyroffnacc, http://termbin.com/v1yo19:53
lotuspsychjesillysausage: alot of things i read about kernel headers19:53
sillysausagei wonder how i clean it all off19:55
sillysausageso dpkg stops trying to configure19:55
lotuspsychjesillysausage: check this https://www.digitalocean.com/community/questions/get-this-error-when-i-m-tryng-to-setup-dkms19:55
lotuspsychjesillysausage: nvm the ubuntu version, just to show it might be related to headers19:55
sillysausagei think those are installed19:56
sillysausageyeah they are19:57
lotuspsychjesillysausage: you getting errors on: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade ?19:58
lotuspsychjesillysausage: hastebin plz19:58
sillysausagebecause it is partly installed virtualbox19:58
sillysausagelotuspsychje: https://dpaste.de/pQA7 grrr19:59
sillysausagei might delete /var/lib/dpkg/availible/*20:00
lotuspsychjesillysausage: you have external ppa added20:01
sillysausageno, i'm using the virtualbox copy from the ubuntu repos20:01
DirtyCajun+anyone with tgtd experience that can help me with tuning? my tgtd is using all 16 threads and causing serious iowait 20:01
lotuspsychjesillysausage: i mean noack and phoerius ppa20:02
lotuspsychjesillysausage: external ppa's can scramble system, hence why we dont support them20:03
sillysausagelotuspsychje: those are for other applications unrelated to this issue20:03
sillysausageive managed to purge virtualbox now so i can try again20:03
lotuspsychjesillysausage: i'd reccomend a ppapurge, clean to the original sources, then apt update again20:03
memphistoseffyroff: and when you install how does the parition scheme look like20:03
seffyroffmemphisto, I'm just running another test with the large allocation suggestion.  I'll come back shortly20:06
sillysausageyeah it's hung again on the same thing20:07
sillysausagei will have to do more research on how to install virtualbox with secureboot i think20:07
transhumanok, so I have a real weird problem I have the following in my fstab /dev/cl/home /<my home>/VM-Storage   xfs rw 0 0 and yet i have to issue a mount /dev/cl/home VM-Storage/ in order to see the files, anyone know why it wont do it from the fstab?20:07
RoadRunnerdoes .txt format support multi-colored highlighting?20:09
leftyfbRoadRunner: .txt isn't a format. It's a file extension which in the grand scheme of things means nothing20:09
lotuspsychjesillysausage: i dont think secureboot is related to a dpkg interrupt20:09
rbosch13just successfully installed ubuntu 18.04 on Virtualbox...my first linux experience!20:10
leftyfbRoadRunner: You're thinking of syntax highlighting which should work in any editor which supports it and on any file extension/type that your editors syntax highlighting recognizes (bash, python, html, yaml, etc)20:11
transhumancongrads rbosch1320:11
RoadRunnerleftyfb: I know what you are saying but no, I am just trying to see if I can highlight plain text and save it20:12
rbosch13thanks @transhuman20:12
leftyfbRoadRunner: in what editor/context?20:12
transhumanguess as a work around I can put the link in my .bashrc20:12
leftyfbRoadRunner: if you mean colored text in a terminal, copying it will not copy the colors if that's what you're asking20:13
JimBuntuRoadRunner, TXT files aren't generally in a format. They are just the chars. So there is no "highlight" feature. You can get fancy with UTF-8/16 chars depending on how portable it needs to be20:13
transhumanseems kinda of odd almost like a race condition20:13
leftyfbRoadRunner: and in an editor like vim, syntax highlighting is something the editor is doing, not the content of the file20:13
JimBuntuRoadRunner, If you only want to cat your files back in a terminal, then you can add color formatting that the terminal will recognize.20:13
transhumanbbl rebooting to see if at least that works20:13
lotuspsychjeRoadRunner: some cool stuff: a solarized terminal, or colortail20:14
leftyfblotuspsychje: that won't copy the colors20:14
oherroI am having an issue with Prime profile in nvidia-settings20:15
oherroI want to disable discrete GPU and use the intel integrated one20:16
oherrobut nvidia-settings won't work, it breaks x20:16
oherroI need CUDA functionality in-tact so I can't use a stub driver20:16
rbosch13anyone know if there's an issue with audio starting to crackle using ubuntu 18.04 on virtualbox20:16
oherroany suggestions?20:16
rbosch13not sure if it's a VB issue, maybe?20:16
RoadRunnerleftyfb: I am not talking about code or terminal; I am just talking about plain text in either a text editor or word processor; I can't do highlighting in mousepad, but can in LO Writer but only in .rtf not .txt20:16
leftyfbRoadRunner: so what is the question exactly again?20:17
JimBuntuRoadRunner, correct... RTF stands for Rich Text Format.20:17
RoadRunnerhow to save highting in preferably a small text editor other than mousepad if it can be done in a .txt at all?20:18
confluencyAre you asking if it's possible to save a plain text file in which some of the text has a different style, like a background colour?20:20
confluencyNo. That is not how plain text works.20:20
skyl4rk[m]txt can't contain hilighting data20:20
JimBuntuRoadRunner, you may want to check out "markdown"20:21
oherroahh linux command in grub, nouveau.blacklist=1 after uninstalling proprietary drivers20:21
oherrobut that doesn't allow me to use CUDA... I guess I'll make a seperate install for CUDA, because this laptop gets like 55 minutes of battery life with nvidia gpu, intel gpu it gets 2.1520:21
confluencyRoadRunner: it sounds like you want a word processor.20:22
oherroI need CUDA but not all the time, and my secure linux install with FDE shouldn't need to be the one I use CUDA on because I don't care if someone steals or sees my tensorflow models20:22
RoadRunner<skyl4rk[m]> "txt can't contain hilighting data" thank you, that's the confirmation I wanted :)20:22
confluencyRoadRunner: look at Libreoffice, or something lighter, like AbiWord. I suggest using the .odt format; it's an open format.20:23
RoadRunnerconfluency: how is .odt supperior to .rtf?20:24
Sbur3Brother MFC 6490 CW multi purpose printer, scanner, etc.  Will no longer scan.  It scanned in the past.  Anyone wanna help me "recover" the scan function?20:25
confluency.rtf is a proprietary format, and .odt is more recently developed. I don't particularly care either way; I don't use word processors.20:26
confluencyBut .odt seems to be preferred as a standard.20:26
Sbur3Anyone out there to help?20:28
Sbur3Brother told me to run the driver installation tool on their web site.  Didn't change anything20:28
transhumannope didn't work20:29
RoadRunnerconfluency: I thought .rtf was an open standard... you sure its isn't? also, tried to save the same file from .txt to .rtf and to .odt: it grew 10X from .txt to .rtf and 3X more from .rtf to .odt20:29
transhumanstill have to issue a manual mount to get it to mount the directory20:29
transhumanerr. mount the lvm volume on the directory20:29
confluencyRoadRunner: well, that's the disadvantage of saving style information. It needs more space.20:29
=== cyb0rg is now known as syb0rg
confluencyRoadRunner: rtf is certainly supported as a format by multiple tools, but according to Wikipedia it's proprietary.20:30
confluencyUse whatever format you want. It probably doesn't really matter.20:30
confluencyIf you used markdown it would take up less space, but I assume that you want WYSIWYG tools, not a markup language.20:31
RoadRunnerconfluency: just as an observating of the experiment I just ran: .odt takes 3X more space than .rtf for the same formating info20:31
confluencyi.e. that you want to see this highlighting at the same time as you're editing the text.20:31
confluencyWell, .odt is a zipped directory of XML files and .rtf is some kind of markup-like text format, so this doesn't really surprise me.20:32
CharaterWho likes Ubuntu 18.04 MATE?20:34
RoadRunnerdoes "markdown" not allow to see highlighting at the same time as you're editing text?20:34
helodoes the 'script' session logger record passwords typed when echo is off?20:34
confluencyNo. Markdown is a language you use to add formatting "code" to plain text. Then you use some kind of tool to transform that into actual formatting when you want to look at it.20:34
confluencyIt's like typing comments on forums that allow formatting -- when you save the comment the formatting is applied, but while you're writing it's all *italic*, **bold** and that kind of thing.20:35
confluencyRoadRunner: what is your actual use case here?20:35
confluencyRoadRunner: because that really affects what solutions we should be suggesting.20:36
confluencyIf you want to maintain some kind of interlinked collection of notes, for example, you might want to try http://zim-wiki.org/20:37
RoadRunnerconfluency: my use is editing plain text but applying preliminary hilighting to it helps to do so20:37
confluencyI wonder if there's an editor that can store style metadata for a text file in a different file.20:39
confluencyProbably a bit of a niche product.20:39
RoadRunnerfrom what I've just heard, prob the simplest thing to do is just to use a larger tool like Libreoffice or AbiWord ...20:40
RoadRunnergiven that Abi is falling out of favour, is there any advantage to it now over LO Writer?20:41
DirtyCajunmy tgtd instance is causing high io on a 16-core server. SSDs, 10Gbps nics and its seriously bottlenecking because of iowait... any thoughts?20:42
confluencyYeah, I would probably just use a word processor for this (and export everything back to plain text at the end when you don't need the highlighting anymore).20:42
confluencyHow is Abi "falling out of favour"?20:42
leftyfbRoadRunner: which both save in formats like odt and rtf. The editor matters little compared to the file format which is your main concern20:42
confluencyIt has never been a direct competitor to Open/Libreoffice; it's something people use because it's more lightweight.20:42
confluencyIf you don't need Libreoffice's extensive feature list, which includes things like better compatibility with MS Office, you can probably just use AbiWord.20:44
confluencyBut if weight is not a concern, Libreoffice is fine. It doesn't matter. Use whichever one you prefer.20:44
confluencyThere are also some other, more obscure word processors -- like KWord, which is the KDE equivalent.20:45
confluencyI really like Kate, the KDE text editor, so KWord may also be nice.20:45
confluencyBut I've never tried it.20:45
RoadRunnermy Abi is 3.0.1 (not .2 I know...) but its not very stable... and the latest - .2 isn't even in ubuntu's sofware center, so I guess not as much attention/resources are allocated to it20:46
naccRoadRunner: 3.0.2 is in 17.10 and on20:47
RoadRunnerok, a diff queston: how to change viewing themes (like light text on dark background in Mousepad) in Libreoffice or AbiWord without changing document's formating for print?20:47
naccRoadRunner: unless there is a specific bugfix, 3.0.2 won't be fully backported to 16.0420:47
naccRoadRunner: specific bugfixes might get cherry-picked, as well, so the version reported by AbiWord and apt aren't necessarily accurate for the content of the binary20:48
confluencyRoadRunner: https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11414720:48
ubottubugs.documentfoundation.org bug 114147 in LibreOffice "Better support for DE themes to support Night mode/Inverted colors in the LO GUI" [Enhancement,Resolved: wontfix]20:48
confluencyApparently doable in Libreoffice.20:49
gartralhey all, got a small issue, I have a hdd from my desktop that's encrypted, I slapped it into my father's desktop but I can't access it, I mount it and it gives me a password prompt, I enter *MY* boot password there and the promt, and drive icon, go poof... how am I supposed to access this without it going stupid?20:57
=== uplime is now known as nchambers
rypervenchegartral: Try doing it from the command line and see if there are any errors. Are you also using LVM?21:03
rypervenchegartral: Perhaps the VGs are named the same, if so.21:03
gartralrypervenche: I erm... don't know the commands for this >.>21:04
rypervenchegartral: But we do :) Are you on your father's machine right now?21:04
gartralrypervenche: yes21:04
rypervenchegartral: Check your private messages please.21:07
srulii added a cronjob for root, the script executes fine manually and when calling it with a systemd unit, but fails from cron with almost all commands "command not found" in the crontab i set "SHELL=/bin/bash", still not working, what can this be?21:14
geirhasruli: you probably need to set PATH21:15
geirhait only contains /usr/bin:/bin by default21:15
sruligeirha: path to what?21:15
geirhato all the commands your script uses21:15
geirhaall the external ones, anyway21:15
sruligeirha: hmmm, just got it to work by adding "sudo -u root" in crontab, would that mean its missing the path to the commands?21:16
geirhasruli: could be, yes. sudo likes to set its own PATH21:17
sruligeirha: got it, will change to full paths and see21:17
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geirhaset PATH instead21:17
sruliwhere should i set that path?21:18
geirhaat the start of the script, or in the crontab line, or as a crontab variable21:18
geirhaE.g.    0 * * * * PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin; yourscript21:19
sruligeirha: will find out in 30 seconds if it worked21:21
geirhaIf you start hardcoding the full paths, you'll regret it the day you migate to a new system and commands are located differently than the old system. With PATH, that's one place to change, with hardcoded full paths, you have to go through the script and check each one21:22
sruligeirha: i was gonna set a var COMMAND=/path/to/command and call the command with $COMMAND21:22
geirhastill, you have to check each of those unnecessary COMMAND variables, instead of just adjusting PATH (which may not even be necessary, since the commands could be just be in different locations within the same PATH dirs)21:24
sruligeirha: now its not executing at all, "26 22 * * * PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin; /scripts/main.sh cronRun >> /var/log/cronRun.log 2>&1"21:28
naccI don't think you want PATH=...;21:29
naccI would expect no ;21:29
srulinacc: removed it, still does not execute21:30
geirhawhether you pass it as temporary environment or just set it globally (with the ;) doesn't matter. So it doesn't write anything to cronRun.log?21:33
sruligeirha: no it doesnt write anything21:33
RoadRunnerconfluency: after studying your link carefully, it became clear that they decided NOT to resolve this issue; however, since my use is diff than the guy in the bug discussion, through further experimentation, I found out that creating a dark theme and using hilighting in LO Writer does not get saved in .rtf but does get saved in .odt21:34
geirhasruli: and this is root's crontab (sudo crontab -e)?21:34
sruligeirha: ~# crontab -e21:34
geirhadoesn't make sense for it to not run. It should've at least appended an error message to cronRun.log21:35
geirhayou made sure to set the time at least 2 minutes in the future, right? could take a full minute for cron to react to the new crontab21:37
sruligeirha: useually can set it 2 seconds before due, will try now with 2 minutes21:38
egyptianhi - .. whenever i run dpkg -l linux-{image,headers}-* it gives me lots of output .. however when i stick it into a script .. it says nothing found .. help pls21:42
hggdhegyptian: try escaping the * at the end: dpkg -l linux-{image,headers}-\*21:43
egyptiandidnt work hggdh :(21:44
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geirhaegyptian: the {x,y} works in bash, but not sh, so make sure you run the script with bash and not sh21:46
sruligeirha: not working, no entry in log file either21:46
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geirhasruli: not even cron's own log?21:46
sruligeirha: let me check that21:46
sruligeirha: would that be in syslog?21:47
egyptiani have ..and it doesnt work ..21:47
egyptiandoes it work on your machine?21:47
baalkyowho can tell me about openvpn client21:49
baalkyowhere is the default configure file's location?21:50
geirhasruli: should end up in /var/log/syslog with default config, yes. Look for CRON in all caps21:50
baalkyoI put it at /etc/openvpn/client.conf21:50
baalkyobut no use21:51
sm0ruxAnyone knows when Firefox will be updated in the Ubuntu repos? https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/security/advisories/mfsa2018-14/21:51
sruligeirha: in syslog all i get it "CRON[29168]: (root) CMD (PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin /scripts/main.sh cronRun >> /var/log/cronRun.log 2>&1)"21:52
geirhasruli: so it did run. Does it have any output when it succeeds?21:52
sruligeirha: dont get mad at me, i forgot that i removed "set -x" before.... will add a echo to the script now to make sure it runs, lol21:53
sruligeirha: work :-) . i made the path for the whole crontab file by just putting a line in "PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin" (not on same line as the job)21:59
RoadRunnerany idea when a dark theme may be developed for 18.04 now that moding Gtk2 is out?22:06
confluencySurely there are GTK3 themes?22:11
siixhttps://sowhatisthesolution.wordpress.com/tag/systemd/   when i stop and disable dovecot.socket (status shows as disabled and inactive), why does it get started again by "service dovecot start" ?22:16
siixeven with it stopped and disabled i still get the "systemd listens on port .." errors in the dovecot log22:17
Two_Dogssiix: i would go next step and 'mask' service22:22
siixmask -> delete dovecot.socket ?22:23
siixhonestly i have no idea what it's for... seems like a pita to me22:23
siixwhy guarantee that some service is going to use certain ports when that service can be configured to use different ones ?22:23
mefistai have aintx22:25
RoadRunnerconfluency: I didn't look around but no dark themes were in the default instal22:25
RoadRunnerperhaps I should have mentioned, I am running xubuntu...22:29
confluencyThen search for XFCE themes.22:31
waveslavejoin #ubuntuforums22:34
RoadRunnerI hope they've improved documentation  for GTK3 theming since last time I looked22:35
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skink@find kaskade22:53
genii!info kaskade22:55
ubottuPackage kaskade does not exist in bionic22:55
oerheks!find kaskade22:56
ubottuFile kaskade found in selfhtml22:56
ginsengi set up an encrypted home when i first installed ubuntu 16.04 a while ago, but i now discover that *any* input (even no input) to the encrypted home prompt will give me access to the home directory. i mounted my home from a live usb and see it has the .Private and .ecryptfs directories and that my data appears to be encrypted. i wasnt able to decrypt it this way with ecryptfs-mount-private because of the way Ubuntu hardcodes the paths, but i can23:38
ginsengstill verify when i use it as a bootable medium that any password works23:38
CountryfiedLinuxI replaced Ubuntu Dock with the Dash-to-Dock extension. Now how do I remove Ubuntu Dock from the login screen?23:53
oerheksCountryfiedLinux, i read his page on github, there seems to be "Optional features are available in the extension settings"23:57
oerheksnot sure why it would be on the loginscreen, if it has all icons, i guess that would be unwanted behaviour23:58

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