
novaWhat is everyone's favorite icon theme?00:05
Unit193elementary-xfce-icon-theme :P00:05
nova: P00:06
Unit193But, others favorites aren't likely to be the same as yours, so perhaps you should rather look around and see what strikes your fancy instead of asking others what they like?00:06
novaWell I have looked around some, but I thought I would try to get some up to date input as there are alot of sets out there that aren't very well supported00:07
novaI've always been a fan of Faenza, when you can find a working link, but there has been nothing added for over 5 years00:08
Unit193Numix has icon themes.00:09
novayeah they look ok, a little flat.  I think what I'm most concerned about are not just the app icons but the panel and actions icons too.00:13
novaand places...cant forget places00:13
novaI'm thinking to be truly happy I need to draw from a few different themes00:17
novawhaaaat?  Faenza is in the repo?00:36
ballI think I might be building my daughter a new Xubuntu box.03:50
xubuntu08whi guys06:59
xubuntu08wIm wondering, is it possible to edit the rightclick menu in the xubuntu desktop?07:21
xubuntu08wSince im building a thin client os based on Xubuntu07:21
xubuntu08wi want to permit the users experience as much as possible07:21
fietxubuntu08w: IS this what you're looking for? https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=110516207:29
xubuntu08wThank you very much07:30
xubuntu08wI have googled much, but haven't found that link yet, lool. Im sorry!07:30
fietyou're welcome07:31
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ppokojowczykhi everyone17:09
Spasshello ppokojowczyk17:10
ppokojowczykI've just discovered that on my 20gb root partition there's only ~3GB left17:10
ppokojowczyk- and what's weird about that /var/lib/app-info/icons/ubuntu-xenial-universe has 8 GB of .png icons.17:10
Spass8 GB of icons? wow17:12
Spasshow many files is that?17:12
ppokojowczykI have my /home on separate partition, I don't have that much of packages (or do I?) ...17:12
ppokojowczyk1554 files17:12
ppokojowczykI've always read from linux guys - they brag about having approx from 5-10 GB for root partitions --- maybe that's because they don't have so many icons? :D17:13
ppokojowczykbut really, any reason why there's so much data in that dir ?17:14
SpassI have 1715 elements in my "ubuntu-artful-universe" folder and the size is only 8 MB (megabytes)17:15
Spassso clearly something is wrong17:15
Spassyou can use a simple GUI tool - Disk Usage Analyzer to investigate disk space (sudo apt-get install baobab)17:16
ppokojowczykyeah, what's interesting - it looks like there are even icons for applications which I do NOT have installed on my system17:17
Spassthat's normal17:17
Spassbut the size of it is not, but I still recommend you to use that tool and check that partition17:19
ppokojowczykok, thanks, will use that17:19
Spassand run it from the terminal with "sudo baobab", it's better to check "/" with root privileges17:21
ppokojowczykthx Spass :)17:24
flocculantppokojowczyk: or just run this in a command to see the size of folders in app-info and tell us the url it gives you > sudo du -h --max-depth=1 /var/lib/app-info/ | pastebinit17:32
flocculantif you have 8Gb in there something is very wrong :p17:33

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