
=== hehehe is now known as Guest66112
=== Guest66112 is now known as hehehe
Newbe-helpHey all, I have just one question. I have installed a russian version of opensuse with LXDE. When trying to connet to a wifi network, i was asked to enter a chiffre prior to enter the WPA2 key. What is this chiffre?10:45
Newbe-helpCan I change it afterwards? If yes, how? Thank You all10:46
randomdude999I have figured out how to show/hide drives in pcmanfm's sidebar. Is it also possible to hide the "unmount" button for some drives?17:05
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest9866
Guest9866anyone alive?18:36
Guest9866Iǘe installed some themes but they dont change the start menu button. is this normal?18:39
Guest9866themes dont come with a start button?18:58
diogenes_Guest9866, afaik, themes don't affect start buttons19:16
Guest9866yeah, it hasnt changed, so I have installed a dark green theme and its odd to see the lubuntu bird logo in blue!19:18
Guest9866I was wondering if themes normally do install them too or not19:19
diogenes_Guest9866, nope, maybe if you right click on the button you will find the path to the icon and there you can change it19:21
diogenes_soory i use a different distro so i don't know for sure19:21
Guest9866although the screenshots I see from people with new themes they install, the start button seems always matching that theme... so Im not sure19:21
Guest9866yes, I can locate the button and downloaded a few ones, but when I pass the mouse over it, the original blue color appears19:22
Guest9866these downloaded buttons from the net were just a single png file. I thot the should be more cos of the change in color needed when it is pressed or depressed, you know19:25

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