
SaviqMatthew-S: yes, Ubuntu package names today00:18
Matthew-Sokay, thanks. Another question, if that's the case, how can I go about debugging why an executable behaves differently inside the snap than it does when apt-get installing it?00:21
Matthew-SSpecifically, I'm trying to get `git` to work inside the snap, but it's complaining with `fatal: Unable to find remote helper for 'https'100:34
SaviqMatthew-S: https://git-scm.com/docs/git-remote-helpers01:03
Saviqlooks like git doesn't know where to find those01:03
Lin-Buo-Ren-alt1Just reproduced this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapcraft/+bug/169588203:07
mupBug #1695882: cleanbuild loses scripted version <cleanbuild> <Snapcraft:Triaged by kalikiana> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1695882>03:07
mborzeckizyga: hey05:03
mborzecki2nd time in a row i saw google:ubuntu-core-16-64:tests/main/snap-repair fail on master, looking into it05:03
zygareal failure or logging issue?05:05
mborzeckilooked like real failure, the test lists the timers and one it's looking for was not there05:05
mborzeckizyga: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/8GYQR6z49D/05:06
zygalooks like it is really broken05:17
mborzeckibut it doesn't reproduce :/05:22
zygagood, it won't spread ;)05:22
zygalike all races05:23
zygait's a whack-a-mole05:23
zygamy son stays at home today05:25
zygait's so good not to have to wake him05:25
zygaand drag him off to school05:26
zygamborzecki: can you please look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/528105:26
zygait's 7 lines and has +1 from jamie05:27
mupPR #5281: snap: reject more layout locations <Simple> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5281>05:27
zygamborzecki: can I restart the PR where snap-repair failed?05:31
mborzeckiwhich one is it?05:33
mborzeckizyga: yeha, go ahead and restart it05:34
mborzeckiwonder if it has something to do with sequence of jobs05:35
zygaprobably yes05:36
zyga+ systemctl is-active snapd.snap-repair.timer05:37
zygaon unrelated branch05:37
zygamore of the log https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/3hQc0OMj/05:37
mupPR snapd#5281 closed: snap: reject more layout locations <Simple> <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5281>05:41
zygagood morning mvo05:59
mvozyga: good morning06:04
mvozyga: 5274 should have some answers for you :)06:05
zygalooking :")06:05
mupPR snapd#5282 closed: interfaces/raw-usb: also allow usb serial devices <Created by jdstrand> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5282>06:06
zygamvo: approved06:06
mvozyga: \o/06:06
zygafor clarity about canConfigure06:06
zygaI recently wrote functions like this: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5278/files#diff-4480ffd44957efa3395867c929f88014R9906:06
mupPR #5278: cmd/snap-update-ns: add IsTrustedTmpfs and tests <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5278>06:07
mupPR snapd#5274 closed: configstate: deny configuration of base snaps and for the "snapd" snap <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5274>06:07
zygaand it made me think about giving a yes-or-no answer06:07
mvozyga: looking, I need to do a followup anyway06:07
zygaand being able to say "error" as a third option06:07
zygaI'm not saying you need to do the same06:07
zygabut I just wanted to show how encoding "no" in a an error may or may not be natural, depending on context06:07
zyga(and my PR needs changes too, I'm on that now)06:07
mvozyga: right, in this func its just two states: configuration is ok or there is some error that needs reporting06:07
* mvo gets breakfast06:09
mborzeckimvo: hey06:10
jameshzyga: thanks for the extra review feedback on my PR.  The SUSE failure is due to package naming (I checked the website for the most recent version, which differs from what we're running in Spread). I'm doing some tests to see why it is failing on 14.0406:18
zygajamesh: as for suse, I will open a PR to see if we can use tumbleweed06:18
zygatumbleweed is a better indication of things working or not working in upcoming releases of leap so it will be very useful for testing06:19
jameshzyga: I was looking at OpenSUSE Leap 15 (which is newer than Leap 42.3)06:19
zygayeah :-)06:19
zygaif you want to test on one machine, use tumbleweed06:19
zygait's still close to leap and it stays current06:19
mvojdstrand: just fyi, I cherry picked "interfaces/raw-usb: also allow usb serial devices"06:25
mvojdstrand: I think its a really nice fix06:25
mupPR snapd#5283 opened: snapstate: get rid of needsMaybeCore <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5283>06:28
mborzeckisuggestions on how to pass a name for parallel installation when installing with `snap install --dangerous foo.snap` ?06:28
zygasnap install --dangerous foo.snap --as foo_prod06:29
zyga--instance prod06:29
zygabut also foo_prod.snap06:30
mborzeckihm afaict we ignore the name of the *.snap file and only look at the contents06:30
zygawe should be careful in case someone builds a snap like foo-2_amd64.snap06:30
mborzeckisnap install --dangerous foo.snap:foo_prod maybe? slightly unintuitive06:31
mborzecki--as sounds nice06:31
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mborzeckizyga: btw. that snap-repair.timer did not reproduce when running with the same seed as travis, so maybe it's not the order of tests after all06:33
zygabut if we ignore the filename and use meta/snap.yaml name06:33
zygathen --instance feels more appropriate06:33
mborzecki--dangerous foo.snap --instance foo_bar?06:33
zygaI'd just say --instance prod06:34
zygaas we would ignore the foo_ part anyway06:34
mborzeckiwe do enforce single snap installation when using *.snap file, so --instance/--as might be ok06:37
zygamborzecki: then the only remaining issue is that "snap install foo bar --instance ..." is perhaps confusing06:40
zygaand should be disallowed06:40
=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski
zygahej pawel06:58
mvohey pstolowski and mborzecki06:58
OlofLI use ubuntu and onlyoffice. But i can not use local printers. only print2pdf is available. any suggestions?06:59
zygaOlofL: it _may_ be unsupported07:01
zygaOlofL: can you please open a terminal and run "snap interfaces | grep cups" and paste that here07:05
OlofL:cups-control                              - -                                          notepad-plus-plus:cups-control -                                          onlyoffice-desktopeditors:cups-control07:06
zygasorry, can you please paste that to pastebin.ubuntu.com07:11
zygathe newlines matter and I cannot see them clearly here07:11
mborzeckipedronis: thank you for your review on 525307:12
OlofLzyga:  https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/TPrkrb8JF9/07:16
zygathank you07:16
zygathis says that the snap is _not_ connected to cups-control interface07:16
zygaI would suggest you do07:16
zygasudo snap connect onlyoffice-desktopeditors:cups-control07:16
zygaand restart the application07:17
zygathis should give it access to your printers07:17
pedronismborzecki: hi, I have not finished though as I wrote, I will list some of the areas I mentioned also in the topic07:21
* pedronis breakfast07:21
mborzeckipedronis: thanks!07:21
jameshzyga: is google:ubuntu-core-16-64:tests/main/ubuntu-core-services known to be flaky, or is that likely to be something from my PR?07:27
zygajamesh: perhaps flaky, mborzecki is investigating a failure today07:27
jameshzyga: okay.  That's the only one failing on my PR, and I can't think of how it'd be related.07:28
jameshthat said, changing "snap run" has the potential for unintended side effects ...07:28
mborzeckiheh, ran the whole ubuntu-core test suite twice now, not reproduced :/07:30
OlofLzyga: it worked. Only to discover onlyoffice print options just suck. it ended up printing 1 A4 page to 6 pages!07:47
zygawell, little by little, there's some progress :)07:47
OlofLmeh. :P Installed libreoffice instead. CBA with all the issues07:47
mupPR snapd#5284 opened: data/systemd/snapd.run-from-snap: ensure snapd tooling is available <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5284>07:50
mupPR snapd#5285 opened: tests/main/{snap-repair,ubuntu-core-services}: add debug information <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5285>07:51
mborzeckilet's see if it reproduces in this one ^^07:52
mborzeckipedronis: do you think it would be helpful if i shove the changes that make use if instance key in snapsup into the current PR?07:54
pedronismborzecki: yes, it would be definitely more consistent  (given that is using the original fields atm)08:01
pstolowskiall, please let me know if you see econnreset test failure again; the PR that adds extra debug was merged yesterday so we might see some more info08:15
pedronismborzecki: I added the notes I had in mind to the topic, let me know if you have questions, I'm not sure you are familiar with some of things I mention there08:16
mborzeckipedronis: thanks, well i will have questions :)08:19
pedronismborzecki: :),  I suspect working on this is a bit of a crash course in all things snapd,  I mean *all* things08:20
mborzeckipedronis: yup, but it's fun08:21
zygamborzecki: then you hit a kernel bug and the fun continues on level 208:39
mupPR snapd#5286 opened: snapstate: fix assumptions about core in setup phase2 <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5286>08:48
* zyga -> short walk09:16
mvo5176 needs a second review09:16
mvoshould be (hopefully) simple09:16
newbeeHi guys, I have a java program that list the Serial-port in my Ubuntu 16.4 LTS system, its working fine, listing all the serial ports in my system . Then I created the snap of the same project as per the snapcraft instruction, after install the snap in my Ubuntu 16.4 LTS system , its not list the serial ports. As per the documentation I also create custom gadget snap. But when iI install the gadget. snap it shows error,"cannot insta09:22
newbeePlease someone help me to solve this...09:22
zygaway too hot todaty09:32
zyganewbee: you cannot install gadget snaps on normal systems09:32
zyganewbee: since you ask this question over and over I will respond clearly: you cannot make this work on a regular (laptop/desktop) system yet09:33
zyganewbee: you must run unconfined for now (use --devmode)09:33
zyganewbee: eventually it will work but the work on hot plug devices is just beginning09:33
zyganewbee: your snap would work on a dell edge gateway for example09:34
zyganewbee: where it would get serial port definitions from the gadget09:34
zyganewbee: because that system is a "core" system (unlike a classic system that most people run)09:34
zygaand as a core system it has a gadget snap pre-installed09:34
zygamborzecki: https://api.travis-ci.org/v3/job/389629553/log.txt09:38
zygapstolowski: ^09:38
zygaeconreset failed09:38
zygaas well as ubuntu-core-services09:38
pstolowskivery nices, DEBUG: Not retrying: &net.OpError{Op:"dial", Net:"tcp", Source:net.Addr(nil), Addr:(*net.TCPAddr)(0xc8203b8e70), Err:(*os.SyscallError)(0xc82042cb80)}09:40
mvowoah, syscall error09:40
newbee@Zyga : Ok, Thanks...09:40
zygathat syscall error is ... probably.. EINTR09:41
zygabut hard to know09:41
zygais there something more that shows it?09:41
pedronisI woudl expect the go runtime to handle EINTR09:42
pedronisseems we need more debugging code, to extract those things09:43
pstolowskior just retry if on op error = dial, there is no harm in retrying is it?09:45
mvozyga: could you please set the series to "xenial" forhttps://code.launchpad.net/~canonical-foundations/+snap/pc-i386  ?09:53
mvozyga: and the same for pc-amd64 ?09:53
mvozyga: and rebuild both?09:53
* zyga looks for any edit controls09:54
zygaI cannot09:55
zygamvo: I gave this up to foundations and no longer control it09:55
zygaslangasek: ^09:55
mvozyga: oh, you no longer own that - ok09:55
mvosil2100, slangasek could you please set https://code.launchpad.net/~canonical-foundations/+snap/pc-i386 and (-amd64) to series "xenial" and build again? we landedhttps://github.com/snapcore/pc-i386-gadget/pull/5  and would like to update the gadget with that in the store09:56
mupPR pc-i386-gadget#5: grub.cfg: allow customizing the menuentry via a new "snap_menuentry" <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/pc-i386-gadget/pull/5>09:56
sil2100mvo: I'll be on it in a few!09:58
mvosil2100: thank you09:59
mvosil2100: but no rush, its not OMGnow priority :)09:59
newbee@Zyga Once again thanks.. Now I am able read the serial-port in ubuntu 16.04 LTS system using snap application.10:06
zyganewbee: I understand this is frustrating, I suspect you will be able to use fully confined application with serial ports on 16.04 in 2-3 months from now10:06
mvoa second review for 5176 would be great, that would unblock a new 2.33 upload10:08
zygamvo: is the nack from gustavo fixed?10:09
zygamvo: asked one wrench-in-the-gear question10:11
zygamvo: or in other words, reboot your router and run the connectivity check10:12
pstolowskicaution to anyone doing self-review... browser session in the tool times-out in very annoying manner, if you hit save after a long period of inactivity on the page, it logs you out and whatever you typed is lost! best to prepare it in a text editor first...10:17
zygathanks pawel10:18
zygaI haven't done mine yet so I will use this for sure10:18
mvozyga: I think the gustavo nack is resolved10:39
mvozyga: and answered the question :)10:41
zygamvo: ping is not a good example as it is a synchronous process doing the test10:43
zygaI can approve this but my gut feeling says it should be async10:43
zygaand AFAIK we cannot change the API later because users10:43
mvozyga: maybe I'm not understanding, but what is the concern about this being sync? that the user waits for some seconds on a reply?10:44
zygait can take very long to respond10:45
mvozyga: for a consumer script an async interface is more work, it would be "snap debug connectivity; snap changes --last=debug; snap list etc"10:45
zygaand we don't do long things in a sync way10:45
zyganot quite, the command could poll10:45
zygathe UX could stay the same10:45
zyga(though it could get smarter as well, e.g. by reporting progress in real time)10:45
mvozyga: is the concern about the server side that its sync there?10:46
zygabut my main gripe is with the call me and wait for unbound amount of time for a response10:46
zygathis feels the same like install10:46
zygaand I fear that changing it later would suck10:46
zyga(for complexity)10:46
mvozyga: don't we run this inside a goroutine? the request handling? and we unlock the state while doing this10:46
zygaperhaps but the client may just time out waiting10:47
zygaperhaps pedronis should decide10:47
zygaas I said, if you feel strongly about it I can approve10:47
zygathe code looks okay otherwise10:48
mvozyga: its fine, I am just trying to understand the concern10:48
mvozyga: a bit of a shame that chipaca is not around today, he knows this probably best10:49
mvozyga: I just checked the code, we don't do a timeout in the client for sync methods. and I added a 30s delay (just to test things) and snapd is fine, both responsive and no observable issue on the client side10:53
mvozyga: but maybe pedronis has an opinion about whether "debug connectivity" should be a sync or async reply - just to ensure that we carefully looked at this10:54
mvozyga: or we can talk during the standup. thanks for your review in any case :)10:54
mborzeckipedronis: is it intentional that when store.SnapAction.Action == "refres" the Name field is not used?11:09
pedronismborzecki: yes11:09
pedronisrefreshes are purely instance-key and snap-id based11:10
mborzeckipedronis: is it ok if i pass name nonetheless? i need to construct unique instance keys, snap-id is the same, so appending name would give me the unique part11:12
pedronismborzecki: pass where?11:12
mborzeckidown to store.SnapAction()11:12
pedronismborzecki: as I wrote we have two options with the store interface11:12
pedroniseither we make all the store apis take instance names11:12
pedronisor we tweak SnapAction to take instance keys explicitly11:13
pedronisand deal with things one level up11:13
mborzeckii'm tweaking SnapAction :)11:13
pedronismborzecki: I think tweaking SnapAction is less magic so probably easier, but both are ok, as long as we consistent11:14
pedronismborzecki: but as I said if you tweak SnapAction is not a matter of passing name11:14
mborzeckipedronis: so basically suggesting is to extend store.CurrentSnap with InstanceKey explicitly?11:14
pedronismborzecki: yes11:14
pedronisand action too11:14
mborzeckipedronis: right11:14
pedronismborzecki: if we start passing down instance keys, we need to do the same with the info stuff11:15
pedronisbut I can see pros and cons for both11:15
pedronisyou need to see a bit11:15
pedronismborzecki: btw probably a good time to kill a couple of left overs apis that are not used11:16
mborzeckipedronis: i'm doing the changes right now, so we'll see in a bit whether this feels ok or not11:16
mborzeckipedronis: which ones?11:17
pedronisListRefresh and LookupRefresh11:17
pedronisthey should be unused now11:17
pedronis(SnapAction took over)11:17
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
mborzeckipedronis: ok, let me note that down and i'll look into it11:18
pedronismborzecki: probably best done on its own branch, but especially if you decide to pass in instance names11:18
pedronisthen you don't want to have to fix those11:18
pedronismborzecki: to be clear they are still there because the switch to SnapAction happened late in 2.32, and there was a chance to have to revert it, also it would have a lot more late churn to remove them11:21
pedronismborzecki: but 2.33/2.34 is a good time to remove them, now that we known happy with SnapAction11:21
mborzeckii'm off for a while, bbl, will miss the standup today, see the note in the forum11:23
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|lunch
niemeyermvo: Heya11:39
niemeyermvo: Haven't seen the updated PR, but as a minor, if you implemented a restricted language, I suggest just sticking to the field names we use in the API11:40
niemeyermvo: So we have a single set of those to keep promises on11:40
mupPR snapd#5287 opened: testutil: syscall sequence checker <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5287>11:43
jdstrandmvo: thanks! I wasn't sure if it could make it into 2.33 :)11:44
zygajdstrand: hey, could you please look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/527811:47
zygathis would unblock the next chunk11:47
mupPR #5278: cmd/snap-update-ns: add IsTrustedTmpfs and tests <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5278>11:47
zygaone new function with tests and docs11:47
zygajdstrand: also (though not security sensitive so no need to use your time) 5287 will aid in writing tests11:48
zygabut it's Friday so .. maybe :)11:49
* cachio afk11:51
jdstrandzyga: I started looking at 5278 yesterday and I was trying to imagine who the consumers of the API will be11:56
zygathis is the trespassing issue again11:57
zygawith a richer fix that works in containers11:57
jdstrandzyga: I guess I'm slightly uncomfortable with the word 'trusted'11:57
zygathe rule is that we allow writing to read-only filesystems (mounted ro or squashfs)11:57
zygaand the tmpfs'es that we have mounted ourselves11:57
zygaand since none of the tmpfses that we mount are visible outside, we trust that they don't show up in the host11:57
zygaI can rename it, sure no11:58
zyga*no problem11:58
zygaeven better11:58
jdstrandlet's see how many words we can cram into the variable :P11:58
zygaany, but they must fit in 8 characters ;)11:59
jdstrandis cape town?11:59
jdstrandanyhoo, I'll trust you on a rename. trusted is perhaps unsurprisingly a loaded word for me12:00
zygaunderstood :)12:00
jdstrandI'll add 5287 too12:01
pedronisafaik so far we use it only in the contest of assertions for the root keys/accounts12:08
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
zygaa fire extinguisher just exploded downstairs12:26
mupPR snapd#5288 opened: tests: econnreset/retry tweaks <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5288>12:27
pstolowski|lunchzyga: woah, i thought it was only possible in duke nukem when you shot them ;)12:27
zygawe are just as surprised12:27
mvojdstrand: heh, today is the day for final tweaks for 2.33, this one was just too nice to pass up12:28
cwaynemvo: aha, so should I be expecting some test results soon then?12:31
=== pstolowski|lunch is now known as pstolowski
mvopedronis: do you happen to have an opinion about the sync/async reply (zyga question in 5176). I would love to do something about this one as its the last piece misisng for 2.3312:32
mvocwayne: yeah, hopefully a new beta later today, one open PR though that has some discussion right now :)12:32
pstolowskimvo: thanks for the review! i wonder if it would be better to log %#v instead of "Retrying because of: %s" for all retried errors12:32
mvocwayne: but I hope it can go all the way from beta->candidate today (if not Monday is fine as well)12:32
pedronismvo: we don't have set a timeout on daemon response right? given that is a debug command I think sync is fine, unless it would break, we are not keeping the lock12:33
mvopedronis: yeah, no timeout for sync responses. great, I think we are in agreement.12:33
mvozyga: ^- thanks again for raising/discussing this! if the PR is otherwise ok I would love to move forward with it12:33
zygamvo: +1 then12:34
cwaynemvo: sounds good, I'll make sure we're on the lookout for results12:34
mvozyga: ta12:36
mvocwayne: ta to you as well :)12:36
mupPR snapd#5176 closed: many: add `snap connectivity-check` command <Squash-merge> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5176>12:41
zygathe dust is so irrating12:49
zygathe air filter has gone crazy12:49
zyga269 PM2.512:49
zygalike in the suburbs in the winter ;)12:49
niemeyerHey there13:01
niemeyerStopped for a cuppa13:02
niemeyercachio: How's Travis?13:02
niemeyermvo: All good on the front of the format thing? Not sure if you saw the earlier note13:02
niemeyerHappy standup :)13:03
mupPR snapd#5289 opened: cmd/snap-update-ns: fix a leaking file descriptor in MkSymlink <Critical> <Simple> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5289>13:22
zygajdstrand: ^ trivial leak fix13:24
mupPR snapd#5290 opened: packaging: use official bolt in the errtracker <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5290>13:24
zygajdstrand: also interesting that unit tests that mock the system call level help to find issues like that13:26
pstolowskimvo: the PR I talked about when we started the standup - #521513:29
mupPR #5215: ifacestate: improved conflict and error handling when creating autoconnect tasks <Created by stolowski> <Merged by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5215>13:29
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
cachiomvo, about the symliinks test13:42
cachioit is needed a fix for that yet13:42
cachiocould you reproduce it?13:43
mvocachio: I couldn't but let me try again. what was the link to your script again ? the one you use to build the image?13:46
mvocachio: I will try to reproduce in a clean VM this time13:46
mvocachio: to ensure no contamination :)13:47
cachiomvo, https://github.com/sergiocazzolato/validator/blob/master/create.sh13:54
mvocachio: ta13:54
sil2100mvo: kicked the builds now (sorry for the wait!)13:55
* zyga goes out until the dust is filtered/vented13:55
zygamvo: I'm always available on telegram/irc and I can return earlier if needed13:56
mvozyga: thanks, should be fine. see you13:56
mvocachio: channel is beta, right?13:57
zygamore errors with snap-repair13:57
cachiomvo, yes13:57
mvocachio: ok, on it (in a fresh vm)13:58
cachiomvo, great, thanks13:59
mvocachio: I tried in a clean vm, installed ubuntu-image using apt, installed snap via snap install --beta core and the created image has symlinks14:02
sil2100huh, store authorization failure for the pc-* snaps14:02
ogra_token needs refresh most likely14:03
ogra_there is a LP UI for that14:03
sil2100Doing that, was surprised as I didn't see that before14:03
sil2100Maybe I'm not using LP to build snaps enough14:03
ogra_yeah, happens very rarely (but happens)14:03
cachiomvo, I don't do that14:04
cachiomvo, I create the beta image with this script14:04
cachiothe I create a vm with this image14:04
cachiothen I login and I dont see the symlinks14:04
cachiokvm -snapshot -smp 2 -m 2000 -redir tcp:8022::22 -nographic -serial mon:stdio <PATH-TO-IMG>14:05
mvocachio: if you run "which ubuntu-image" - what do you get?14:05
cachioI create the vm with this command14:05
cachiothis /usr/bin/ubuntu-image14:06
mvocachio: ok, this looks fine. and snap version?14:06
mvocachio: how big is the image file? ls -lh for the amd64 image?14:06
cachiomvo, 3,0G may 29 14:49 pc.img14:07
cjwatsonsil2100: there's (unfortunately, out of LP's control) a hard one-year expiry on store macaroons14:08
cjwatsonsil2100: so that can make you have to reauth even if you use it frequently14:08
mvocachio: hm, I just downloaded the image I created in the vm, booted it and still see the symlinks in /var/lib/snapd/snaps. confusing14:09
cachiomvo, I create the image in my pc14:10
cachiomvo, did you try that14:11
cachiothen create the vm in your pc as well14:11
cachiothat's what I am doing14:11
mvocachio: I create the image in a clean 16.04 VM to make sure its not my local environment that changes things. I can also try that in a bionic VM if that is useful.14:15
sil2100cjwatson: ah, so that's why, thanks for the info14:17
cachiomvo, I'll try the same14:21
mvocachio: thank you, I try bionic now14:21
mvo5290 needs a review (should be trivial)14:21
mvocachio: same in my bionic vm with ubuntu-image from the deb and core from beta I get the "small" image iwth the symlinks. sorry :/14:30
cachiomvo, still creating the image here14:31
mvocachio: ok, good luck14:31
cachioI'll let you know once it is finished14:31
mvomborzecki: thanks for your review14:31
mvocachio: fingers crossed, really curious that we get different results14:32
pedronismvo: do you have a sense of which snapd version will be in 18.04.01,  2.33,  .34 ?14:38
mvopedronis: should be .3414:42
mvopedronis: worst case we can do a point release of 2.33 - do you need anything specific in it?14:42
cachiomvo, sale issue14:42
cachiosergio-j-cazzolato@localhost:~$ readlink -f /var/lib/snapd/snaps/core_4734.snap14:43
cachio-> /var/lib/snapd/snaps/core_4734.snap14:43
mvocachio: oh, symlinks. that looks good, no?14:43
cachiomvo, based on the test it should point to /var/lib/snapd/seed/snaps/core_4734.snap14:44
cachioI tested that in a vm on google and it works fine14:44
cachioin a core 1614:44
pedronismvo: I think we want the switch to /v2/info and download action by it14:47
pedronismvo: I'll talk with John on monday and see if he wants to work on that or it's on me14:47
mvopedronis: ok14:49
mvocachio: oh, sorry, misread. so no symlinks in (ls -al /var/lib/snapd/snaps)?14:51
cachiomvo, snap-core-symlinks test failing14:52
mvocachio: what is output of "snap version" and "apt list ubuntu-image" where the image was created? could you please pastebin that?14:54
cachiosnap    2.33~rc114:55
cachiosnapd   2.33~rc114:55
cachioseries  1614:55
cachiokernel  4.4.0-128-generic14:55
mvocachio: and "apt list ubuntu-image"?14:56
cachiothis is in the vm which I used to create the image14:56
cachioubuntu-image/xenial-updates,xenial-updates,now 1.3+16.04ubuntu2 all [installed]14:56
cachioubuntu@vm-16:~/src/validator$ snap version14:56
cachiosnap    2.32.914:56
cachiosnapd   2.32.914:56
cachioseries  1614:56
cachioubuntu  16.0414:56
cachiokernel  4.13.0-32-generic14:56
mvocachio: the first version looks fine, the second "snap version" output is a version that does not have the new functionatlity for the symlink creation yet14:57
mvocachio: could you please try to "snap refresh --beta core" in this machine with the second output and create the image again?14:58
mvocachio: the machine should have output like the first (i.e. snap version 2.33~rc1)14:58
cachiomvo, sure14:58
mvocachio: thank you14:58
mupPR snapd#5290 closed: packaging: use official bolt in the errtracker on fedora <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5290>15:09
cachiomvo, working now15:24
cachiowith beta core on the machine where I built the image15:24
mvocachio: great!15:30
* cachio lunch15:34
kyrofaHey zyga, any chance you've made some progress experimenting with CUDA? https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/nvidia-cuda-on-ubuntu-core/292/416:03
pstolowskimvo, zyga Retrying because of: &net.OpError{Op:"dial", Net:"tcp", Source:net.Addr(nil), Addr:(*net.TCPAddr)(0xc420509080), Err:(*os.SyscallError)(0xc42044f1c0)} (syscall error: 0x6f); it's ECONNREFUSED16:03
pstolowskimvo: zyga however, my PR just failed on econnreset test (bummer)16:04
zygakyrofa: no, not at all actually :-(16:04
zygakyrofa: mborzecki has the hardware now16:05
mupPR snapd#5291 opened: release: 2.33 <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5291>16:05
zygapstolowski: connection refused, curious16:05
zygaIs that taking to the real store or to the fake store?16:06
mvopstolowski: interessting16:07
pstolowskithere is something more going on when this happens... i see my changes kick in with assertions (the above error), but the actual download attempt that we match on in the test is attempted with attempt=1 only (but multiple times)16:08
pstolowskii save the log and will look at it with fresh mind on monday16:09
pstolowskihave a good weekend!16:09
cachiomvo, are you creating a new beta today?16:14
jdstrandroadmr: hi! can you pull r1089 of the review-tools. not urgent16:14
roadmrjdstrand: totally!16:15
jdstrandgreyback: that has the override fixes we discussed ^16:15
greybackjdstrand: awesome, thanks!16:15
jdstrandroadmr: curious on the status of the requash enablement? I see r1086 is deployed16:16
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
cachiozyga, quick question https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/WRyvxWqXFj/16:22
cachiozyga, quick question https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/WRyvxWqXFj/16:22
cachiothere is a problem with apparmor parser executing the test interfaces-calendar-service16:22
zygaUname -a?16:22
cachioshould we consider this error?16:22
cachioLinux jun081014-974428 4.4.104-39-default #1 SMP Thu Jan 4 08:11:03 UTC 2018 (7db1912) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux16:23
zygaMost likely yes16:23
cachioit is opensuse-42.3-6416:23
zygaLooks like a bug16:23
mvocachio: yes, 2.33 is in the beta channel now (cc cwayne)17:02
mupPR snapd#5289 closed: cmd/snap-update-ns: fix a leaking file descriptor in MkSymlink <Critical> <Simple> <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5289>17:16
slizardhi folks. I'm seeing some funny stuff in dmesg about apparmor denying the Telegram app do do "mknod" (http://termbin.com/i7eb). Not too familiar with the internals of snaps, but this is somewhat unexpected. Thoughts?17:35
zygaslizard: looking17:38
zygamost likely harmless17:39
zygaideally we'd look at telegram source code to see what's the impact though17:41
mupPR snapd#5287 closed: testutil: syscall sequence checker <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5287>17:44
mupPR snapd#5291 closed: release: 2.33 <Created by mvo5> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5291>17:45
mvozyga: \o/ thanks for the merge17:45
zygathank you for the release17:46
zygabtw, the tooling PR17:46
mvomy pleasure17:46
zygaI asked for a mount unit instead but if you feel strongly or it is just important to land quickly I can also ack that as-si17:46
zygamvo: some build failures in the ppa17:52
slizard<zyga>: thanks for checking.17:52
mvozyga: oh, do you have a link?17:53
mvozyga: hm, hm, FAIL: devicestate_test.go:488: deviceMgrSuite.TestFullDeviceRegistrationHappyClassicFallback17:54
jdstrandslizard: I think that the telegram snap may have been updated underneath your running telegram. if you stop and restart, that should go away17:54
mvozyga: might be a racy test17:54
slizard<zyga>: let me check/17:54
jdstrandslizard: it is a known issue that will be addressed17:55
jdstrandroadmr: not sure you saw my question re turning resquashfs back to enforce. I see r1086 is in the store (thanks!). let's wait til Monday to flip the switch, that way we'll be around if needed17:55
zygajdstrand: mmm, same refresh problem as always?17:56
jdstrandzyga: yes17:56
roadmrjdstrand: right, best to wait for monday, and apologies, I missed the question earlier :(17:56
jdstrandzyga: the snap has write access to that directory. the only thing it could be was the revision changed from under the running snap17:56
jdstrandroadmr: I'll be starting my holiday on friday (through all of the following week), so I think 4 days of burn in would be a fine indicator17:57
jdstrandit worked really well last time except for electron, which is now fixed upstream and the tools tell people which electron to get, etc, etc, etc17:58
roadmrjdstrand: agreed and we can always flip it off if in doubt and you're not around or somethiing17:58
jdstrandroadmr: I don't know if we'll have something quite like this again, but it is a nice mechanism17:59
roadmryep :)17:59
mupPR snapcraft#2128 opened: project_loader: stop setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2128>18:02
slizard<jdstrand>: thanks! Restart indeed showed update message and warning is gone.18:03
jdstrandslizard: cool. sorry for the issue; it's on the roadmap to get cleaned up18:04
slizard<jdstrand>: no worries. just wanted to check whether there is an issue that requires attention.18:06
* jdstrand nods18:06
jdstrandthere is ;)18:06
=== CodeMouse92__ is now known as CodeMouse92
* cachio afk19:07
* zyga prepares a monster patch19:18
mborzeckizyga: challenge? :) is it larger than 5253?19:53
zygamborzecki: we shall see :>19:53
zygaprobably not though :)19:54
mborzecki5258 finally failed the way i wanted it to, apparently snapd.snap-repair.timer is stopped right before the test (?) https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/tD7xrcqPb2/19:57
mborzeckiFri Jun  8 17:33:49 UTC 2018 is when debug section is entered, while InactiveEnterTimestamp=Fri 2018-06-08 17:32:22 UTC19:58
mupPR snapd#5292 opened: Update docker-support interface for 18.05 <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5292>20:37
mupPR snapd#5293 opened: tests: add retry until the xdg dir can be removed on interfaces-calendar <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5293>20:59

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