
=== negronjl_ is now known as negronjl
lamontpjdc: doko: +102:07
cpaelzerdoko: hi, one question about tracking syncs05:34
cpaelzerdoko: I saw you asked jbicha about brotli - I always wondered how one could/would track who did a sync05:35
cpaelzerdid you derive that from the changes file that was generated on the sync?05:35
cpaelzeror what are your usual steps to determine who has done a particular sync?05:35
Unit193cpaelzer: Eg, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/brotli/1.0.4-1/+publishinghistory expand the proposed one.05:41
cpaelzerUnit193: yeah, thanks06:02
cpaelzerI was expecting to see it anywhere on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/brotli/1.0.4-1 as well06:02
cpaelzerbut from publishing history is fine, this isn't an info you need very often anyway06:02
Unit193Can be useful though.06:02
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GunnarHjwgrant: Can you please look at bug #1758684. LP fails to import some (randomly determined?) strings over and over again. Manual uploads work.09:33
ubottubug 1758684 in Ubuntu Translations "LP only imported a fraction of the snappy translation template" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175868409:33
wgrantGunnarHj: Hm, where did you get the POT that you manaully uploaded?10:05
wgrantGunnarHj: Pretty sure LP is in the right here; compare the sizes of the top six tarballs on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/bionic/+queue?queue_state=3&queue_text=snapd10:05
wgrantsnapd seems to product different POTs depending on the arch it's built on, which is certainly innovative.10:06
wgrantwgrant@lamuella:/tmp$ diff -u {arm64,i386}/source/po/snappy.pot | diffstat10:07
wgrant snappy.pot | 1622 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-10:07
wgrant 1 file changed, 1620 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)10:07
wgrantNever seen anything quite like that.10:08
GunnarHjwgrant: Hmm.. That's an aspect I haven't even noticed. Always looked at the amd64 tarballs.10:10
GunnarHjwgrant: But I'm aware of the fact that the snapd template generating is fragile. That's a separate snapd issue. But it would be good if we could make LP behave as expected given the templates which are generated.10:12
wgrantGunnarHj: Yeah, I only thought to check because it made literally no sense at all otherwise.10:12
wgrantGunnarHj: LP is behaving as expected. The most recently uploaded template wins.10:12
wgrantUnioning the templates isn't sensible.10:12
wgrantLP's doing all it can.10:12
GunnarHjwgrant: Ah, is that it. That may explain it then. Thanks for valuable input!10:14
wgrantGunnarHj: Thanks for looking at this.10:14
wgrantHopefully snapd people have some idea on this bug.10:14
wgranti'll certainly be following it just because the bug has to be pretty entertaining to have this result...10:14
GunnarHjwgrant: Wouldn't use the word "entertaining" ... :(10:16
GunnarHjwgrant: The are using something called xgettext-go:10:20
wgrantGunnarHj: Hm, that uses "go install" so it's probably not the thing that's run during the build on LP10:21
wgrantUnless something weird is going on10:21
wgrantOh though xgettext-go is from snapd itself10:22
wgrantbecause of course it is10:22
wgrantThough I can't see what runs update-pot10:23
wgranti18n/i18n.go://go:generate update-pot10:23
wgrantunless it's that10:23
cjwatsonYes, that comment isn't a comment10:23
wgrantDo I want to know10:25
GunnarHjwgrant, cjwatson: If you see something weird there, I'm sure the snapd team would appreciate a hint.10:25
cjwatsonI'm just remarking on the ridiculous Go overloading of comments; I have nothing particularly useful to contribute10:26
* wgrant is firing up a VM to run update-pot and see what happens10:26
SkuggenDoes anyone have an overview of the configuration of autopkgtest used in Ubuntu? I'm working on some MySQL 8.0 packaging, and get some dep8 failures because the test suite need more ram and test timeout than the default setting10:37
sil2100Laney: I just accepted all your gstreamer packages for bionic - just make sure that the few 1.14.1 packages that are still stuck in cosmic-proposed migrate15:44
sil2100Since there were a few that were still sitting there15:45
Laneysil2100: thanks!15:45
Laneythey're stuck in the migration of hell15:45
Laneywhich I saw people were working on; so, hopefully when that moves on a bit they'll go in15:46
Laneyor at least we'll see if there's anothe rproblem15:46
dokocpaelzer_: usually I get this from the changes emails (I'm subscribed to these)15:46
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xnoxslangasek, when upstart chroot sessions are disabled; initctl version still responds inside a chroot, when the host system has upstart. Do you think that is correct symantics? or a bug, which we should have fixed...?!16:49
xnoxsladen, balint and I discovered this yesterday, in the context of building trusty images16:49
slangasekxnox: seems like correct semantics to me16:52
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