
CountryfiedLinuxI'll check that out. Thanks oerheks .00:00
CountryfiedLinuxOh and Hide Top Bar extension doesn't work right with Ubuntu Dock. It covers the top part of it when not hidden.00:01
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NeuhNeuhHello !00:38
NeuhNeuhHello !00:42
NeuhNeuhI have a small question :) I have scripts run into /etc/aliases (process are run as « nobody » user). Its possible to change this user ? (I use postfix)00:43
shachafIs it possible to install Ubuntu with encrypted root, dual-booting with Windows, and using a common UEFI system partition for /boot?00:43
shachafI tried setting it up manually and Ubiquity crashed.00:43
shachafThis seems like it must be a pretty common use case?00:44
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AmaZedi got a machine with a wireless card, and network card. sftp server works while wifi is on, but using hardwire sftp will not connect01:17
zeon98I’m in the incorrect channel I’m sure but I’m failing with irc. Can someone tell me if you can see my messages01:19
zeon98Thank you sonicwind01:20
sonicwindno prob01:20
zeon98It’s taken me the last half hour to get this to connect01:20
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zeon98Is this channel just for Ubuntu os questions01:23
sonicwindwhat operating system do you use?01:24
zeon98Ubuntu mostly01:24
zeon98A little puppy01:25
zeon98But right now I’m using a tablet, hence the fight to connect01:25
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sonicwindUbuntu 16.04 LTS01:26
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pressure679Noob question: Are the files in /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset configurable? (Ubuntu 18.04)01:49
oerhekspressure679, i hope so .. https://codywu2010.wordpress.com/2015/09/27/cpuset-by-example/01:59
boblamontI'm using lubuntu, I installed Konsole because it has an "Open with File Manger" option, but when I use it, it opens SoundConverter, not PCManFM, is there a way to connect konsole to the fm without using kde?02:31
transhumanhi! anyone know if there is a quick way to enable host to VM networking capability in Ubuntu 18.04 with KVM host and guests02:45
transhumanlooking to do this temporarily02:45
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waltmanI'm having trouble printing from my Mac. I just discovered that when CUPS tries to print something it converts it to a PDF and leaves it in /tmp, so I've been able to determine that it's a font problem. But I don't know how to fix it.02:53
waltmanI printed the same simple web page from ubuntu and from the mac. The ubuntu pdf has fonts LiberationSerif and LiberationSerif-Bold. The mac pdf has PFIADN+Times-Roman and PFIADN+Times-Bold.02:54
thedarkanonis it possible to use CUDA while using a prime intel profile?02:55
thedarkanonbecause like I want CUDA but my laptop only lasts 50 minutes battery when I have nvidia card enabled02:55
waltmanIf I open the pdf in xpdf, it uses the liberation fonts and I can print from inside there and it looks fine. But if I just run "lpr bad.pdf" the fonts are all boxes.02:55
waltmanAnyone know if it's possible to get CUPS to use the right fonts? This was all working in 17.10 but broke in 18.04.02:56
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floatsmahgoatIs there an ubuntu related offtopic chat03:04
SporkWitch!offtopic | floatsmahgoat03:05
ubottufloatsmahgoat: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:05
oerheksi think that is what actually happens with cuda, you use the onboard intel *plus* the nvidia for cuda..03:11
pressure679oerheks: I found some webarticles too about this topic (cgroup configuration), but it seems one has to have full code space/time complexity analysis and library dependency analysis, and share memory (if they don't) instead of objects. - I am not sure though.03:13
pressure679objects as in .so files.03:13
pressure679I could be wrong if whether or not software bundles do this by source though.03:14
pressure679- The motive of my question is to optimize Linux/Ubuntu.03:16
pressure679I am not sure how each Linux distro handles .so files, if they do (and not the linux kernel), and how they derive values from the .so files.03:18
pressure679But at least there are .so files for single programs, and after what I read libgnu does not share c types over software bundle if they do not communicate memory.03:19
pressure679But after what I have experienced hardware might as well do this as well as the OS.03:20
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Novus_is unity in 18.04?03:44
Novus_it's been a while since I used ubuntu03:45
lotuspsychjeNovus_: 18.04 has now gnome by default03:47
Novus_\o\ horay!03:47
lotuspsychjeNovus_: with a few tweaks you can install unity desktop on 18.04 aswell03:47
sezydudefuck me03:47
lotuspsychje!ops | sezydude03:47
ubottusezydude: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax03:47
Bashing-omNovus_: Well, yes and no for unity . the default in 18.04 os gnome3 - unity is now maintained ny the community and is available in the universe repo .03:47
Novus_nah,.. I'm good.. I'm super happy gnome :D03:48
Novus_Hell I'd really like to have KDE but is good03:48
Bashing-omNovus_: Have you seen what the wayland DE is like ?03:49
Bashing-omNovus_: wayland is also installed in 18.04 :)03:52
Novus_nah,.. it's been a while really.. I left when unity was brought into ubuntu03:52
Novus_what was that like ver 12?03:52
Novus_installing ubuntu for GNS303:53
Bashing-omNovus_: Hard to recall back that far ,, mabe unity was introduced in 11.10 ?03:54
Novus_I still have my 9.04 disc sent in the mail, lol03:54
guiverc( i recall unity in 11.04 )03:55
IcemanV9"Ubuntu used Unity by default from 11.04 to 17.04."03:55
Bashing-omNovus_: Oh do not get me started .. I still have 6.06 - though I did not go to  the ubuntu desktop use 'til 9.04 .03:56
Novus_9.10* disc03:56
Novus_has steam been helping the linux gaming community?03:57
Bashing-omNovus_: Hugely !03:58
Novus_paying for games is cool again lol03:58
oerheks!info ubuntu-unity-desktop03:58
ubottuubuntu-unity-desktop (source: ubuntu-unity-meta): The Ubuntu Unity desktop system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1 (bionic), package size 2 kB, installed size 8 kB (Only available for amd64; arm64; armhf; i386; ppc64el)03:58
Novus_I kinda figured once something stable and convenient came out it would be a huge plus for linux03:59
Bashing-omMonthrecg: All the market will bear :)03:59
Bashing-omNovus_: ^ sorry for the bad hilight Monthrecg :(04:00
Bashing-om!steam | Novus_04:01
ubottuNovus_: Valve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.04:01
Novus_I'm surprised valve hasn't just used ubuntu for it's OS system04:02
Bashing-om!info steam | Novus_04:03
ubottuNovus_: steam (source: steam): Valve's Steam digital software delivery system. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 1: (bionic), package size 1280 kB, installed size 4010 kB04:03
Novus_no longer surprised :)04:03
Novus_does ubuntu have a global chat program in it?04:25
Novus_like I just thought of something04:25
Novus_If there was a chat program installed by default where all ubuntu users could interact by default through a master chat server04:26
Bashing-om!info pidgin | Novus_04:27
ubottuNovus_: pidgin (source: pidgin): graphical multi-protocol instant messaging client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.12.0-1ubuntu4 (bionic), package size 525 kB, installed size 1959 kB04:27
IcemanV9but pidgin is not default app for chat, right? there is no default app for chat as of now. correct?04:31
Novus_there really should be04:33
Novus_like,.. it should be part of the OS04:34
guivercNovus_, not that long ago, in the lead up to 18.04 a survey was taken as to what should be there - speaking then should would have been more appropriate (https://blog.ubuntu.com/2017/09/19/results-of-the-ubuntu-desktop-applications-survey)04:39
Bashing-omIcemanV9: Novus_ Well - " Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others." . I use irssi for irc chat .04:39
Novus_I just got back into ubuntu04:39
Novus_I go way back04:39
Novus_hell I even have talked to mark directly at one point04:39
IcemanV9Novus_: agreed ... i'm like you. i haven't used ubuntu (before unity) for years since my little girls destroyed my laptop. i finally got a new laptop and installed 18.04. i was awe in how much they have changed since then. : )04:39
Bashing-om!flavors | IcemanV9 Novus_ :04:46
ubottuIcemanV9 Novus_ :: Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours04:46
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happygilmoregentanyone know how to install the nvidia-30405:31
happygilmoregentkeep getting module doesn't exist as a makefile05:33
happygilmoregentis there a newer update to bionic badger05:35
happygilmoregentneed some real help because nvidia-304 having issues05:41
lotuspsychjehappygilmoregent: whats going on?05:56
lotuspsychjehappygilmoregent: ubuntu-drivers list to see wich drivers avalaible in your system05:57
happygilmoregentnouveau but every rendition of nouveau has crashed and nvidia-30405:58
happygilmoregentit's really shady when it tries to load graphics05:59
lotuspsychjehappygilmoregent: we need more details of what you are trying mate, can you hastebin the output?05:59
AmisHello! What is the current alternative to gksudo in 18.x? I want a password prompt when running certain applications and I do not want a terminal window.06:01
lotuspsychjeguiverc_t: one for you ^06:01
happygilmoregentfrom using the nvidia.com drivers06:03
lotuspsychjehappygilmoregent: you dont need to compile drivers, ubuntu has them avalaible for your system06:05
lotuspsychjehappygilmoregent: from a terminal: ubuntu-drivers list06:05
guiverc_tAmis, looking up info now (pkexec)06:05
happygilmoregentbut nvidia-304.137 doesn't seem to work bionic beaver06:07
guiverc_tAmis, i'm searching & find many, but not what i'm looking for (eg. http://www.toontricks.com/2018/05/ubuntu-replacing-gksudo-with-pkexec.html , quite a few on askubuntu - but I'm looking for official blogs/notices & currently haven't found..)06:07
AmisSo there is no official alternative. Bugger06:07
lotuspsychjehappygilmoregent: does nvidia-304 not work?06:08
sgs_I want to change my english server setting to russian. How to do that?06:08
lotuspsychjesgs_: perhaps the #ubuntu-server guys can help?06:08
guiverc_tAmis, the decision was made upstream; & pkexec i recall being the replacement in most use cases06:08
sgs_i cannt found pam_enviroment06:08
happygilmoregentnope let me put that output in it06:09
Bashing-omhappygilmoregent: nvidia dropped support for tje 304 driver back in 2017. See: http://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/3142/~/support-timeframes-for-unix-legacy-gpu-releases .06:09
lotuspsychje!ru | sgs_ see also06:09
ubottusgs_ see also: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.06:09
happygilmoregentwhat is the next update06:09
happygilmoregentshould nvidia-331 work the same?06:10
happygilmoregentwhat's the cheapest nvidia card that's supported06:11
sgs_lotuspsychje: I didnt got..06:12
Amisguiverc_t, I guess then this is gksudo now: 'pkexec --user root "${@}"'06:12
Bashing-omhappygilmoregent: What is the card ? the last ubuntu to support the 304 driver was 16.04 : https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa .06:12
happygilmoregentalready added it06:13
happygilmoregentcan I get 16.04 and then upgrade to bionic beaver and have no issues06:13
guiverc_tAmis, i haven't used it so aren't equipped to answer sorry... i just read the blogs, discussions about it last year...  (long enough ago my memory is vague)06:14
Bashing-omhappygilmoregent: NO. the last release to support the 304 version driver is 16,04 .. again what is the card ? maybe can use a later driver ?06:15
Bashing-omhappygilmoregent: pastebin ' lspci -nnk | grep -iA3 vga ' .06:16
happygilmoregentGEFORCE 6150SE nForce 43006:18
Amispkexec actually requires a policy file for each program I want to run so it's not a replacement for gksudo. Anyone know how can I achieve gksudo functionality in 18.x?06:19
happygilmoregentnvidiafb, nouveau06:20
Bashing-omhappygilmoregent: sorry the 304 version driver is all she wrote . // Time for a new card .. I paid 38 USD for a GT710 card that runs the 384 version driver now .06:22
Bashing-omhateball: Hope I helped :)06:23
guiverc_tAmis, you can still install & run gksudo, but its depreciated & no guarantees on how long it'll work. I've been looking for the gnome/.. discussions on it but not found what i remember... (https://didrocks.fr/2017/08/21/ubuntu-gnome-shell-in-artful-day-6/ talks about pkexec & alternatives indirectly as well known, but without any details..)06:28
guiverc_tAmis, this may help (mentions policykit) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/umit/+bug/174061806:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1740618 in umit (Ubuntu) "Remove gksu from Ubuntu" [Undecided,Fix released]06:30
hateballBashing-om: I am sure you helped happygilmoregent ;p06:34
Bashing-omhateball: sorry bout that ,, did not notice that the poster had left - not paying attention to my tab complete - again :(06:40
hateballBashing-om: Worse things have happened I am sure :)06:41
mohabakshello folks;I have a script in /etc/network/if-up.d/myscript that I want to be executed once the net is up but it fails. Using Ubuntu 18.04 LTS06:44
ducassemohabaks: have you installed ifupdown manually? it's no longer installed by default in 18.04, so /etc/network isn't used06:47
mohabaksducasse: thanks I haven't;Ih have also found out this networkd-dispatcher .06:49
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ducassemohabaks: you might want to migrate your config to netplan/networkd, then set up a systemd service to do what you want06:51
OlofLHow do I use my printer from within a snap app? (Only office app)06:51
oerheksOlofL, is you printer installed? and does the office print menu show your printer?06:53
OlofLoerheks: yes other apps show all printers. onlyoffice only shows print to pdf06:53
ducasseOlofL: have you tried asking in #snappy?06:54
oerhekscontact the maintainer, seems to be paidhttps://www.onlyoffice.com/apps.aspx06:54
mohabaksducasse: thanks ;)06:57
oerheksOlofL, indeed, no printing except to pdf06:58
* oerheks hits 'remove'06:59
OlofLWhats the best office suite for ubuntu?07:00
OlofLlibreoffice or oopenoffice or something else?07:00
oerheksthe one that is already there..07:00
oerheksbut best is an opinion07:00
OlofLwhat do you mean?07:01
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ducassewhat's best for you might not be best for someone else07:04
k_sze[work]Does anybody know why there is a lib64expat1 package when there is already a libexpat1 package (which is already installed on my Xenial 64-bit machine)?07:14
guiverc_tk_sze[work], i don't know, but looking at https://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/lib64expat1 & https://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/libexpat1; the xy64yz one is for arch!=64bit...07:21
guiverc_tmy guess is it's used when host is 32bit, allowing 64bit execution within jails/containers etc.. but this is guess07:22
oerheksjups, and the other seems multiarch07:22
owner__how can i move a file not copy. linux mate07:32
owner__Can't move a file from 1 folder to another07:34
ducassehold shift while you drag and release it07:34
mnr200What package might have this file al.h, I'm getting an error : AL/al.h: No such file or directory07:35
ducassemnr200: libopenal-dev07:36
mnr200ducasse, thanks it's working07:41
owner__new to Linux how to move a file from downloads to  videos using right click on mouse07:46
Spookanowner__: Right click and copy, then paste in the other folder?07:47
zprdowner__: drag and drop07:47
zprdcopy to or move to07:47
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owner__how do i add move to on commands with mouse07:51
zprdsalut AikiZen07:54
zprdaiki? do, jutsu?07:55
AikiZenje cherche un logiciel pour partager mon écran en streaming, un logiciel libre bien évidamment07:55
AikiZenavec certainement une mauvaise orthographe de évidamment07:55
zprdc'est le chan english ici, pour du francais faut aller sur ubuntu-fr07:55
AikiZenà zut m'est trompé07:55
TetsuEnHey, my upgrade from Ubuntu 17.1 to 18.04 is hanging with a locale error. Does anyone have a sec to work through it with me?08:17
TetsuEnGoogle hasn't been terribly helpful and I'm reluctant to touch anything with a dist upgrade going on08:18
Allie`TetsuEn: can you go to https://paste.ubuntu.com/ and paste the contents of the error??08:19
TetsuEnhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Nr9hpTwRPt/ Here's what the terminal is showing08:20
Allie`TetsuEn: thanks, i'll have a look rn08:21
TetsuEnThanks a bunch08:21
Allie`TetsuEn: are you SSH'd into this box by any means?08:22
Allie`by any chance*, even. i need coffee08:22
TetsuEnNope, it's the laptop I'm on right now08:22
TetsuEnNot a server08:22
Allie`hmmm, because i normally see weirdness like this due to locale mismatches between two machines - i'll dig deeper!08:23
TetsuEnMuch appreciated. If you need me to cat any files just let me know08:23
TetsuEnI should also note that the upgrade process hasn't ended, I still have a blinking cursor, but it's hung for at least half an hour already08:25
Allie`TetsuEn: it's okay to hit ctrl+c on this. dist-upgrade is smart08:25
TetsuEnok that's great08:26
Allie`do you know what the locale you're using is?08:27
TetsuEnNot off the top of my head. I'll check08:27
TetsuEnI'm American and use English as the display language but I'm located in China so I'm not sure which it's set to08:28
pocketmonpkg-config --cflags --libs sdl2   <—— what it is?08:28
Allie`TetsuEn: ha, okay. can you paste the output of the `locale` command to the same website i gave you earlier?08:28
Allie`pocketmon: i'll need more information08:29
pocketmon g++ sdl.cpp `pkg-config --cflags --libs sdl2`   Allie`08:30
TetsuEnThe formatting is ugly as sin08:30
TetsuEnbut that's it08:30
Allie`pocketmon: aha, there we go! so, `pkg-config` is a reasonably cross-platform way to provide the correct platform-specific compiler flags to a compiler, in your instance, `g++`. in this case, it's adding the appropriate flags to compile with the `sdl2` library!08:31
Allie`you can actually run `pkg-config --cflags --libs sdl2` and see exactly what flags it's using08:32
Allie`TetsuEn: and, cat your `/etc/environment`?08:33
Allie`TetsuEn: okay, try the solution from this answer: https://askubuntu.com/a/81737108:35
pocketmonAllie`: thanks a lot :)08:35
Allie`pocketmon: no worries!08:35
TetsuEnAllie`: ok, I'll try it and let you know. Once I've done it I should re-run the upgrade yeah?08:36
Allie`yeah, it'll pick up where it left off08:36
zetheroohas anyone experience this? LibreOffice in 18.04 showing files as existing but they don't show up in Nautilus or in the terminal?08:36
guiverc_tzetheroo, do the filenames contain a '.' (fullstop) as first character? by chance?08:39
zetheroo guiverc_t: no, they aren't hidden files08:39
Allie`zetheroo: stupid question, but are you using `ls -a`?08:40
zetherooit's as if LibreOffice is looking in another "Home" ...08:40
zetherooAllie`: in the term I am using ll08:40
TetsuEnAllie`: The command sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales hangs after I enter my sudo password :/08:41
TetsuEnAllie`: It just sits there with a blinking cursor despite my having hit enter08:41
Allie`TetsuEn: give it a little time, it takes a while08:41
TetsuEnah ok08:41
Allie`zetheroo: try creating a file (`touch file.ext`) in the same directory, and see if you can see that in libreoffice08:42
TetsuEnAllie`: So it's ok, that it's still sitting on [sudo] password for <usr>: ?08:42
zetherooanother weird thing is that when wanting to open a file LibreOffice defaults to the /tmp location08:42
zetherooAllie`: already tried that - doesn't show up in LO08:43
zetherooIt's like LO is living in it's own little world :P08:44
guiverc_tzetheroo, i'd check your "tools options paths" for something unusual in libreoffice...08:44
Allie`TetsuEn: if you want more info, you can call `dpkg` with `--debug=10` and you'll see it scrolling :P08:44
guiverc_t(ie. it'll show paths for docs, templates, backups etc..)08:44
zetherooI installed this via the Ubuntu Software tool on a fresh install of 18.04 ... this should not be happening08:45
zetherooI found where LO is working in: /home/$USER/snap/libreoffice/65/08:46
TetsuEnAllie`: That's not the problem. Something about the upgrade messed up my terminal. I just tried sudo apt-get search and can't get past entering my sudo password08:47
zetheroocome on - that broken!08:47
TetsuEnIt's not moving past that08:47
guiverc_tzetheroo, (this is a guess; but `snap list` to view snaps installed; to ensure you installed the deb libreoffice & not a snap packaged version)08:47
TetsuEnAllie`: Could it be because I'm running zsh and something went wonky with the upgrade?08:47
Allie`TetsuEn: run sudo dpkg --configure -a08:47
Allie`that'll tidy up after the dist-upgrade, just in case something IS squiff08:48
zetherooguiverc_t: it's a snap08:48
TetsuEnAllie`: I can't. Anything run with sudo can't move past entering my password08:48
zetherooLO is the number 1 main Office suite for Ubuntu - how was this not tested before going to LTS?08:48
zetheroonow how do I completely rid my system of this?08:49
TetsuEnAllie`: I tried sudo echo "Hi" and it did the same thing. Just acts like I haven't entered a password08:49
TetsuEnAllie`: ok, a new tab can move past it. I'll try those commands again08:50
Allie`yeah, i think something about that terminal session is bork08:50
Allie`it happens :P08:52
guiverc_tzetheroo, you said you installed it using ubuntu software tool; I don't use it, but I've heard it lists snaps & deb packages.  maybe `sudo snap remove libreoffice` (or whatever its called) then `sudo apt install libreoffice`  (https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/libreoffice)08:52
TetsuEnsudo dpkg --configure -a says:   dpkg: error: dpkg status database is locked by another process08:52
TetsuEnI'll pastebin what the locale reconfigure did08:53
TetsuEnAllie`: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/JPTV6zJYYD/08:53
cloudbudwhat I am missing https://pastebin.com/vArqQhwG08:54
cloudbudgetting error error: /etc/logrotate.d/app.conf:15 missing '{' after log files definition08:54
dxtrOkay, so, the isntaller isn't finding my disk even though I can partition it through fdisk. ALTHOUGH the installer finds a disk that it thinks is around 30T large08:54
cloudbudgot it08:54
Allie`TetsuEn: https://askubuntu.com/a/29158408:54
Allie`that'll fix your lock issue08:54
dxtrIs there an alternate route for installation so I can just dump everything on my disk?08:55
zetherooguiverc_t: right, the Ubuntu Software tool is the default go-to tool for installing software, and when you search for LibreOffice the very first hit is this Snap, but there is no way to see that it is a Snap unless you look at the bottom of the description where it says 'Source   Snap Store' - and for the average user that's not going to mean anything. Add to that this this Snap is broken, and it's going to be one of the first things ins08:55
zetherootalled by Ubuntu users. Boggles the mind ... seriously.08:55
dxtrThis is 18.04, by the way08:55
guiverc_tzetheroo, yeah I believe i've heard it mentioned on the ubuntu podcast (uk)08:56
zetherootime to file a bug report :D08:57
Allie`TetsuEn: and `locale-gen en_US.UTF-8 && dpkg-reconfigure locales`_should_ clear up your locale wonk08:57
TetsuEnHope so. dpkg --configure -a ended with "too many errors"08:58
=== guiverc_t is now known as guiverc
Allie`TetsuEn: try an `apt-get autoclean` before `dpkg --configure -a`08:59
TetsuEnAllie`: still ended with too many errors09:01
Allie`okay, that's weird09:01
TetsuEnyeah, almost everything it tried ended with an error09:02
TetsuEnand then it just noped on out of the process09:02
Allie`i may have to defer this to someone who's more adept with broken operating systems than me09:02
TetsuEnI'm going to run the upgrade one more time and keep my fingers crossed. If it's not fixed I need to pack up and head home and will probably just burn a boot disk and do it the old fashioned way09:03
Allie`heh, yeah, that's what I'd do ;)09:04
Allie`sorry i couldn't be of more help!09:04
TetsuEnYou did your best. Thanks a ton!09:04
mohhamadany body?09:07
mohhamadi need help09:07
Allie`hi mohhamad, what's the issue you're facing09:07
mohhamadwhit my loptop graphic09:07
mohhamadafter installing compiz09:08
mohhamadin compiz is good but in gnome-shell not good09:08
mohhamadin gnome-shell is lagy09:08
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fofaleedoes ubuntu run on blobs in the OS, and the kernel...09:31
fofaleeif so which ones are the blobs, - because I used to think ubuntu is full open source, because the drivers like noveau stand as the attestment for it, what other drivers are blobs, and not GNU compatible.09:32
blackflowfofalee: I think you're looking for Triskel and perhaps even Purism hardware. Ubuntu is not (fully) Libre, no.09:33
guivercfofalee, this may help https://askubuntu.com/questions/533661/is-ubuntu-an-open-source-software09:33
blackflowalso note that "GNU compatible" makes a difference between "open source" and "libre" (free) software.09:34
guivercfofalee, myself I like debian terminology (free, nonfree), since a ton of Ubuntu is from debian (upstream) you know that is free...  but ubuntu doesn't hide its non-free09:34
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guivercfofalee, https://www.ubuntu.com/licensing09:39
microwaved_hi all09:41
AnticomHey guys. Still on 16.04. I've got a win10 machine with a network share in my network and i'm trying to get access to it09:49
AnticomIs there a somewhat complete guide on how to configure samba client to work? for example in some articles I've read about creating mount points, in others i didn't.09:49
blackflowAnticom: did you try the most simple of them, typing smb://<server-address-here> in the Location bar of Nautilus?09:51
blackflow(the file manager)09:51
Anticomblackflow: of course09:51
blackflowdoesn't work?09:52
AnticomAnd smb://ip/share and smb://hostname/share and so on and so on09:52
Anticomi tried every possible combination09:52
denis__q all09:52
blackflowAnticom: I used smb very little, but that always worked for me. Are you sure the Windows side is properly configured?09:53
Anticomblackflow: i'm at office currently and there are like 20 windows machines and 10 macs having access to that very share09:53
Anticomso unless there's special config for linux needed i think it's properly set up09:54
blackflowAnticom: sorry, "just works via file manager" is where my experience with Samba ends.09:55
Anticomblackflow: well there are currently 1674 ppl in this channel... i suppose one of them will be able to help me out so don't worry ;)09:56
blackflowAnticom: maybe these few command line tips might help:  https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/samba#Discovering_network_shares09:56
Allie`Anticom: I echo blackflow, that *should* just work. what's the error its' giving you09:57
blackflowAnticom: most are bots :)09:57
Allie`beep boop am bot09:59
guivercAnticom, the command must match the 'server' defaults, sec=ntlm,charset=utf8,vers=1.0 etc or whatever version matches the windoze setup used  (dir_mod=...file_mode=...)  ya sure you tried em all?10:01
Anticomguiverc: don't quite get what you mean with that10:02
AnticomLike where do i have to put that? is it part of the URI?10:02
guiverc(I found i had to add some of those on 16.04.. to mount nas shares that predate 14.04 so my server (nas) wasn't changed)  -o (options on `mount` command)10:02
Anticomdo i need to create a mount point now or not? Was asking for a somewhat complete guide originally10:03
guivercAnticom, do you have a mount point you can use??  I create my own as I want it to use a specific place (that I'll remember & always be the same).. but the choice is yours?10:05
Anticomno i haven't10:05
Anticomi never before tried setting up smb client10:05
Anticomthis is all new to me10:05
Allie`Anticom: anyway, this is the canonical(!) guide: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently10:06
KartagisI just spun a droplet on digitalocean. I want to install php-fpm but no luck10:06
Allie`(canonical as in accurate, not as in endorsed by canonical)10:06
guivercyour mount command needs a directory to 'mount' to; use `sudo mkdir /somewhere` and use that... (or a more appropriate place; but I'd suggest not in the $USER or /home/* folder to avoid issues...)10:07
Kartagisoh, is it php-cgi?10:07
Anticomguiverc: is it safe to mount cifs permanently? I just want to make sure this isn't causing any trouble when i'm not in this network10:08
guivercAnticom, i used to long ago, now only use cifs/samba for backups; so script mounts them (but I used to mount via /etc/fstab (file system table) on boot)10:09
UbuntivityHello. I'm using Ubuntu 16.04, I used to have 4 power choices in cpufreq on Ubuntu 12.04, now I have only two. I think the cause is a change in power management software. The question is: how do I use the old power management on 16.04?10:14
EriC^^Ubuntivity: the hibernation and suspend are gone?10:15
guivercAnticom my command used in script is `mount // /mountpt -o username=blah,password=blah,sec=ntlm,charset=utf8,vers=1.0,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0777`  with vers=1.0 not needed before 17.10, and I can't recall if 16.04 needed or was just better for my use-case with dir_mode=..,file_mode..  (12.04 & 14.04 didn't need sec=ntlm either looking now - play until it works for you..)10:15
EriC^^oh nevermind10:15
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Anticomguiverc: okay cheers10:17
Anticomcurrently i'm getting no dialect specified on mount10:17
UbuntivityEriC^^: I could re-activate the hibernation, but it is buggy and works about 50% of times10:17
Anticomi suppose that's what vers= is refering to guiverc10:17
UbuntivityEriC^^: The main thing I need this for is the previous "PowerSave" option. The current PowerSave works like the previous "OnDemand"10:18
guivercAnticom, i think it relates to the directory you need to provide (/mountpt in my example) which it 'mounts' to... ie. run `sudo mkdir /mountpt` before you attempt mount command10:18
guivercAnticom, i didn't need to add vers= before 17.10; but I don't have w10 machines & know it was needed because of changes related to w10.malware ....10:19
guivercAnticom, (fyi: wannacry was the reason vers=1.0 became required...)10:21
Anticomthis is nuts10:21
sjwhi guys - i'm having some trouble with dd utility - I'm trying to dd to an sd card mounted at /dev/sdd with numerous partitions, and a lot of the time, the dd command is just producing a file in /dev called, for example, sdd13, instead of writing to the partition. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong and I've never seen this issue before10:27
EriC^^sjw: what's the command you're running?10:28
sjwEriC^^: dd if=image.bin of=/dev/sdd13 bs=1024 count=153600010:29
sjwEriC^^: as root10:29
sjwvia sudo10:29
EriC^^sjw: can you pastebin 'sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdd' ?10:30
dfchwrong channel, sorry10:31
sjwEriC^^: https://pastebin.com/5BJF8aw910:32
blackflowsjw: for starters, how big is image.bin? when "if" is a file, you don't need "count". and by the above command it seems you're sending 1.5GB to a 256MB partition.10:33
EriC^^sjw: what blackflow said10:33
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Guest57922how are you10:35
blackflowsjw: second, is anything actuall "mounted"? you used that word, but that's not what it means. please pastebin   `mount | grep /sdd`10:35
sjwimage.bin is 15MB, it's not an ubuntu image. Is this the channel for discussing help with using ubuntu, or installing it? And no, sorry, it's not mounted10:36
blackflowsjw: well, bs=1024 (1 kB).   count = 1.536.000 of bs (1kB) blocks.10:39
blackflowsjw: so now the part I don't understand is what do you mean by "producing a file in /dev called sdd13"? Well yeah, when you instert a stick with all those partitions, those would appear as devices under /dev.10:40
sjwblackflow: I mean when i insert the disk, the partitions show up as block devices#10:40
blackflowwhich is kinda expected, no?10:41
sjwAnd after the dd, they are in /dev/ as files10:41
sjwthey remain when I remove the disk10:41
blackflowsjw: can you paste `file /dev/sdd13`10:41
blackflow(it's one line, can paste it here)10:42
sjwblackflow: /dev/sdd13: data10:45
blackflowsjw: and other sdd* are "block special"?10:45
blackflow(the ones you didn't dd to)10:45
sjwThey are indeed10:46
EriC^^sjw: maybe you ran the command inverted earlier and now the files there and the block device is failing to get created?10:46
sjwI've checked and made sure to remove the files10:46
blackflowwhat EriC^^ said :)10:46
blackflowsjw: can you also please pastebin  `dmesg | grep sdd`10:47
sjwEriC^^: blackflow10:48
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blackflowsjw: okay so the only thing that comes to mind is what EriC^^ said, that you dd'd somehow befor the kernel created those devices and thus created a file under /dev. I can't think of a valid situation, unless some serious bug in the kernel, where an existing /dev/ device can be exchanged for a local file like that.10:50
blackflowso yeah, eject the card, rm any /dev/sdd* that's not block special, and try again.10:51
blackflowalso try cp instead of dd.    cp image.bin /dev/sdd1310:51
sjwOk ,the same thing has happened10:52
blackflowsjw: actually, try this (aftre you clean up and re-insert the card)      [ -b /dev/sdd13 ] && cp image.bin /dev/sdd1310:52
blackflowsjw: are you sure the sdd* are appearing when you insert the card?10:53
sjwblackflow: yes I am10:53
sjwJust trying your second suggestion10:54
sjwok blackflow, your second suggestion seems to work. The dd commands that are not working are part of a script, run as root. Sometimes I see this problem outside the script, but not as often. Let me keep having a look and come back10:56
blackflowsjw: technically, both dd and cp (to a block device) should have the same effect. the [] test is "proceed only if this is a block device". So, check if it actually copied. Or can debug like this   [ -b /dev/sdd13 ] && echo "Ok, copying" && cp ....10:57
sjwblackflow: it took some time and worked that time10:58
blackflowand now that you mention a "script". I'm curious to what else does the script do... it's not just dd-ing?10:58
blackflowsjw: and of course verify after copying that sdd13 is still a block special with `file /dev/sdd13`10:59
Kartagiswhy can't I install php-fpm?11:00
blackflowKartagis: what error do you get?11:00
Kartagisblackflow: no php-fpm in apt-cache search output11:01
blackflowKartagis: which ubuntu, what's your apt sources list like11:01
Kartagiswhen I do apt-cache search fpm, php-cgi comes up11:01
Kartagisubuntu 18.04 and https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/rkZ4tzwVG5/ blackflow11:03
blackflowKartagis: php-fpm is in universe, so you'll have to enable it11:03
Kartagisall universe lines are uncommented11:05
blackflowindeed they are, it's a bit hard to read.... of course you ran `apt update`  (or apt-get)   first?11:06
xuhuisudo apt-get install php-fpm11:08
MacroManUsing gdb to try and find out what went wrong from a SIGABRT, but I need some guidance: https://paste.ngx.cc/fc3eb3e36a42c52811:27
MacroManIt's generated by php-fpm7.0 (##php no one can help me there)11:27
wxy_nick /xyh]11:28
wxy_nick /xyh11:28
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MacroManI can see the error is with Imagick, but using the suggested debug code (from php help) to get more info give me an error: https://paste.ngx.cc/05e0504a7c74b8da11:30
foulMETHODSif i run a checksum on an archive and it reports as failed what does that tell?11:32
trupheenixCan anyone here tell me how to setup postfix with user password authentication?11:32
trupheenixI want to do this without using any additional database server.11:32
blackflowfoulMETHODS: run checksum how?11:34
leftyfbtrupheenix: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/postfix.html.en11:34
blackflowtrupheenix: in addition to leftyfb's link, you need to set up SASL then the SASL daemon must be configured for whatever auth policy you want.11:35
foulMETHODSi ran md5sum on a bunch of software sources i downloaded and a couple say failed?11:35
blackflowfoulMETHODS:  so you used -c for md5sum, with a file of checksums?11:36
trupheenixleftyfb, blackflow thing is I have it setup right now with TLS. I am able to send email to my GApps server but it lands up in spam because host username field is blank. I wanted to know what needs to be done to prevent this. At the moment there is no user authentication when I am sending locally.11:37
blackflowfoulMETHODS: do those that failed exist? often checksum files list a bunch of different ones, so eg. you download only one, and don't have the others, it'll show error for them because they're not there.11:37
leftyfbtrupheenix: you should try #ubuntu-server. Setting up a public email server should not be taken lightly.11:38
trupheenixleftyfb, thanks11:38
blackflowfoulMETHODS: for example this:  http://releases.ubuntu.com/bionic/SHA256SUMS   it lists both the desktop and live server ISOs. and if you downloaded, say, just the desktop one, then of course, using -c with this file will show failure on the live-server, being that it's not present.11:38
pete4242Hi. I recently upgraded to Ubuntu 18.04 and think there's a problem with OpenGL now. Whenever I want to start something that needs hardware accelerated graphics I get some GLX error. Can someone help me with that?11:55
pete4242I suspect there's a package missing, because in the upgrade process some needed to be removed.11:56
blackflowpete4242: what GLX error11:58
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pete4242something like this https://pastebin.com/raw/Hx3cyK4p11:59
blackflowpete4242: which GPU, nvidia?12:01
pete4242with CUDA I believe12:01
blackflowpete4242: the nvidia driver package changed name in Bionic. For starters you could purge and reinstall the proper driver, nvidia-driver-39012:01
blackflowit should've been handled by the upgrade via transitional packages, but just incase, I'd reinstall12:02
blackflow(so purge whatevre nvidia package is there, and properly install nvidia-driver-390, is what I mean)12:02
pete4242Okay. Installing the nvidia-driver-390 package apparently removes some nvidia packages automatically12:05
pete4242Btw, is there a news channel or something where I could have gotten that info before upgrading?12:06
pete4242Thanks a lot, it works fine now!12:07
blackflowno idea. I found it "the hard way" too :)   not mentioned in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes12:07
blackflowmight be good to file a bug report on this, before the next wave of LTS upgrades to 18.04.112:08
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hollusionhaving problems with the keymap in remmina; connected to a server via xrdp; öäü work fine in here (xchat) but arrow keys dont, down arrow = enter, and in other apps, like discord, the öäü keys dont work (german keymap)12:33
Compui just use chrome remote desktop12:34
hollusiondo i have to set that up on thge server side?12:35
hollusionor is it just a client connecting to xrdp?12:35
Compuhollusion: no, u set up chrome remote desktop on the server computer and the client computer, it links r ur google account, u then click enable remote connections on the server side and then u can access the server from anywhere u can access google chrome, theres also a chrome remote desktop client app for android12:39
hollusioni see12:39
hollusionthank you for the suggestion but id rather use a non google solution12:40
hollusionfor this case12:40
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hollusion"At the console (no xrdp connection but locally on the system), type the following command to dump the keyboard layout" is there a way to do this via a remote rdp connection?12:40
sdfgsdhi, can you switch between VGA and HDMI from keyboard12:41
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sdfgsdcan you switch between VGA and HDMI from keyboard ? or is this possible only from monitor button12:42
hollusionmonitor only i believe12:43
foulMETHODSturns out the archives which failed the checksum were corrupted12:55
hollusionerdem@server:/etc/xrdp$ setxkbmap -layout km-0407.ini --- response:Error loading new keyboard description13:11
hollusionwhy? :(13:11
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tzanologood morning to everyone. Can someone help me how to solve a lib dependencie... its installed on system, but binarie cant find it.13:26
tzanolothe software is cisco packet tracer 613:27
tzanolohere is the error:13:27
tzanolotzanolo@lisa:/opt/pt/bin$ ./PacketTracer613:27
tzanolo./PacketTracer6: error while loading shared libraries: libcrypto.so.1.0.0: cannot open shared object file: Error 4013:27
tzanolobut this librarie exsists in my system:13:28
tzanolotzanolo@lisa:/opt/pt/bin$ locate libcrypto13:28
guiverctzanolo, please don't spam the channel; if you have multiple lines please pastebin them. please try & avoid using as many lines (it's harder to read/find)13:30
leftyfbtzanolo: you'll have to contact Cisco for support with their software.13:32
ezfoxhow can i force NM to use the DNS from my VPN ? lots of articles in the web about this but not one of the proposed solutions has any effect.13:38
ezfoxopenvpn btw.13:38
hollusioni managed to fix the keymap in xrdp13:50
hollusionbut within the remote connection the special keys still wont work in the discord app13:50
hollusionvery strange behavior13:50
asanson nxj jbjbb cn bnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeejkfffffffffffffffffffffffffffff13:53
asansofhjfjnjbnjndjbjbdjbj dmxbjekskbnsjdzbjdibzks13:53
JerryGood morning world13:58
adas0496Good evening13:59
compdocits 8am, where are your children?!13:59
Jerrywhat's going on13:59
Jerryhave none14:00
blehmeh98It's morning where I am, but I can see some users here are in the EU14:00
compdocthats sort of soemthing they used to say on TV at night14:00
blehmeh98"It's 10PM, do you know where your children are?"14:01
Jerryhave no kids14:02
Jerryall is well in ubuntu14:03
blehmeh98yeah. All is well in linux in general14:03
baakohi guys i have just install ubuntu on my pc and i am having a major issue whereby I am unable to click some area unless i close all open applications and the only it seems to let me close it is if i using alt + F4. what do i do please14:04
compdocmine does that sometimes, but mine is ubuntu mate14:04
blehmeh98Is your problem that you can click on the desktop but not inside windowed areas?14:05
BluesKajHowdy folks14:06
blehmeh98Also, which version of Ubuntu are you using, baako?14:06
baakoblehmeh98: are you speaking to me?14:06
compdocwell, sometimes I cant click on windows that are in front of the window thats locking them all14:06
baakoblehmeh98: i was about to find out using terminal but i cant even click on it14:07
compdocI have to close that window to release the others14:07
baakoor click on show application14:07
blehmeh98oh crap14:07
baakoi have to close firefox which is what i am using to run this chat before it let me open anything else14:07
blehmeh98I googled your problem and the last posts about this are for fairly old versions of Ubuntu.14:08
compdocmines 16.0414:08
blehmeh98Plus, recently, Ubuntu moved to Gnome 3 as the desktop environment instead of Unity14:08
baakothis is unbutu 1814:08
ZamakaziHello here !14:08
baakodont know what 18 it is14:08
blehmeh98That means that two people have the "can't click on certain parts" problem on two different Ubuntu versions with two different desktop environments14:09
Allie`baako: you're not using compiz are you?14:10
baakomaybe it doesnt like wireless keyboard and mouse from logitech14:10
baakoAllie`: nope i just install ubuntu via usb14:10
baakoi have disconnect the wireless keyboard and mouse and its working okay but i want to use my wireless keyboard and mouse14:11
blehmeh98baako: so it works and allows you to click everything when you don't use the wireless keyboard and mouse?14:12
baakoblehmeh98: yes14:12
blehmeh98baako: do you have any different wireless keyboards and mice?14:14
baakoi have logitech wireless keyboard and mouse which is all connected using a single usb dongle14:14
baakoblehmeh98: wireless?14:14
blehmeh98baako: I hate to ask, but is there any particular reason you need a wireless setup?14:16
baakoblehmeh98: dont like wire ply smy wireless keyboard is very quiet when typing14:17
blehmeh98baako: have you tried searching and installing linux drivers for your keyboard and mouse? Usually they're built in and work perfectly, but this isn't the case now.14:18
baakoblehmeh98: I am using a logitech k800 keyboard and performance mx mouse14:18
ezfoxhollusion, i had same issue with tightvncserver and qt-apps. in the end i used tigervnc instead14:19
hollusionezfox, hmmm thats a bummer14:22
hollusionthank you for letting me know14:22
blehmeh98baako: does this keyboard work on any other computer?14:22
kemistenanyone know a webbased torrent downloader for ubuntu server?14:25
blehmeh98baako: people have said that for them, the unifying receiver along with your keyboard and mouse work out of the box.14:29
blehmeh98baako: There's a program people usually install to get it working even better with all sorts of features and stuff. It might fix your problem.14:29
blehmeh98baako: You can read more about it here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/113984/is-logitechs-unifying-receiver-supported?utm_medium=organic&utm_source=google_rich_qa&utm_campaign=google_rich_qa14:30
baakoblehmeh98: thanks will check it out14:38
blehmeh98baako: alright, I have to go.Good luck Baako. If IRC support doesn't work out, try asking on the ubuntu forums or on reddit.14:39
oniowhat is the best IRC client for Ubuntu?14:39
leftyfbonio: the one that fits your personal needs the best14:40
leftyfbonio: try #ubuntu-offtopic for non-support questions14:40
onioleftyfb: Thanks for that14:41
kemistenanyone know a webbased torrent downloader for ubuntu server?14:51
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
srulihow do i restart network service in 18.04 server? netplan apply does not restart it, i need to reboot for effect15:06
leftyfbsruli: sudo systemctl restart networking.service15:09
srulileftyfb: not found15:10
leftyfbsruli: what's not found?15:10
ioriasruli, first check  the renderer ... if NM , just restart NM,if networkd, try    systemctl restart systemd-networkd.service15:12
leftyfbsruli: networking.service most certainly should exist15:13
elmcresthey everybody. I've just installed 18.04 desktop and I try to add my user to the group `docker` ... but for some reason `sudo usermod -aG docker $USER` isn't working, already logged out and in again. any Ideas?15:13
srulileftyfb: now it did work, i tried before and it didnt15:13
leftyfbsruli: then there was a typo15:13
srulileftyfb: i notice that on 18.04 tabbing for auto completion takes very long.. had to type it in as tab did not auto complete.. maybe there was a typo15:14
leftyfbsruli: you shouldn't automatically assume if autocomplete doesn't complete what you're looking for, that it doesn't exist. There might be other reasons at play.15:16
DigbyMWapparmor has an error whenever my system starts up. 'systemctl status apparmor.service' tells me that /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.surf can't open 'abstractions/gstreamer'. is this some library i need to install? i'm running ubuntu server btw15:16
DigbyMWthe line in /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.surf that takes issue is trying to include abstractions/gstreamer so thats why i'm guessing its some missing library15:17
StrugglingPrograHi, I have just installed Ubuntu 18.04. The first thing I tried to do was install cuda, which appears to have broken my apt. I am unable to install anything or remove anything with apt now. Is there a way to refresh my apt without reinstalling the entire OS?15:19
StrugglingPrograI have posted to AskUbuntu as well (with more details there)15:19
msqHello there15:20
StrugglingPrograHere's the post: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1044817/how-to-resolve-unmet-dependencies-error15:21
StrugglingPrograNot a great first experience with Ubuntu :/15:21
elmcrestok wow, I needed to reboot to update my groups ... weird15:22
srulileftyfb: i cant get my nic bond to work, any ideas? config paste.ubuntu.com/p/jsdrhhMcjc/15:24
leftyfbsruli: sorry, I'm not yet familiar with netplan15:24
srulileftyfb: thanks15:24
srulii cant get my nic bond to work, any ideas? config paste.ubuntu.com/p/jsdrhhMcjc/15:24
anton__I like Ubuntu15:33
anton__It ist nice15:33
compdocI worked hard on it15:33
StrugglingProgracompdoc, do you have any suggestions for doing a fresh restart of apt?15:35
StrugglingProgracontext: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1044817/how-to-resolve-unmet-dependencies-error15:35
piotrgood job!15:35
srulicompdoc: thanks15:36
compdocStrugglingProgra, thee are apt commands to clean out apt, but I dont know them offhand15:36
StrugglingPrograremove and purge do not work currently15:37
StrugglingPrograIt baffles me that installing a package can completely break the package manager....15:37
leftyfbStrugglingProgra: please use pastebin to paste the commands you're trying and their output/errors15:37
StrugglingPrograOK, give me a moment15:38
wklmhi :)15:40
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StrugglingPrograleftyfb && compdoc : https://www.pastery.net/about+xtvsvs/#xtvsvs15:44
compdocdid you run 'apt --fix-broken install'15:45
compdocjust that15:45
leftyfbStrugglingProgra: what version of ubuntu?15:45
StrugglingPrograThat got cut off the paste. I will update with that output15:46
StrugglingProgra18.04 - I will include system info in next paste15:46
StrugglingPrograoh wait, that output is already there on line 17:15:47
leftyfbStrugglingProgra: sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia*15:47
srulianyone know nic bonding in netplan? cant get it to work in 18.0415:47
StrugglingPrograleftyfb: I still get the same error:15:47
StrugglingPrograE: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt --fix-broken install' with no packages (or specify a solution).15:47
leftyfb!patience | sruli15:47
ubottusruli: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/15:47
leftyfbStrugglingProgra: please pastebin ONLY the command and output of the command I just gave you15:48
StrugglingPrograYou got it!15:48
tomreynsruli: i assume you already looked at https://netplan.io/examples#bonding ?15:48
StrugglingPrograleftyfb: https://www.pastery.net/about+xtvsvs+xpfsyv/#xpfsyv15:49
leftyfbStrugglingProgra: sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia* cuda-drivers libcuda1-39615:49
srulitomreyn: yes, i am not sure if i missed a step elsewhere, i installed ifenslave and bridge-utils, made the config file as per example i am not getting an ip from dhcp415:50
StrugglingPrograleftyfb: https://www.pastery.net/about+xtvsvs+xpfsyv+wnxntc/#wnxntc15:50
compdocsruli, i havent tried bonding, but I found that defining nics in netplan wasnt hard, but creating bridges for KVM in netplan doesnt work. Its best to define the nics in netplan, but to define the bridges in /etc/network/interfaces15:50
compdocmaybe bonding works better there too15:50
leftyfbStrugglingProgra: sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia* cuda-drivers libcuda1-396 cuda-runtime-9-215:50
leftyfbStrugglingProgra: see a pattern? :)15:51
StrugglingPrograCan I just give you ssh access to my machine? :)15:51
leftyfbStrugglingProgra: never ask for that on IRC15:51
StrugglingPrograYes, let me see if I can follow this loose thread further15:51
StrugglingProgra(I was totally joking)15:51
srulicompdoc: i havent defined bridges yet, but good to know that i will need to create it in interfaces for kvm15:52
leftyfbStrugglingProgra: be careful. If you question whether a package you want to add to the list isn't associated with the video drivers, ask here15:52
compdocsruli, by 'kvm' I mean virt-manager wont see bridges defined in netplan15:55
StrugglingPrograleftyfb: resolved! Thanks ! https://askubuntu.com/questions/1044817/failed-installation-of-package-breaks-apt-get15:55
srulicompdoc: i got that, so i will need to create the bridge in interfaces, while the rest of the config is in netplan?15:56
StrugglingPrograleftyfb: Feel free to post the solution there if you'd like to receive payment for your services in internet points (I can't accept my own answer for 2 days)15:56
compdocthat works for mine15:58
srulicompdoc: ^ referring to netplan+interfaces question?15:59
spinningCatt/join #service.d16:00
spinningCatwahat is wrong with that cıde root@ns1AEEB6244A8EA:~/SMSUtility/SMSUtility# systemctl daemon reload16:01
spinningCatUnknown operation daemon.16:01
tomreynspinningCat: wrong order. reload daemon16:02
spinningCatfucking tutorial https://www.ubuntudoc.com/how-to-create-new-service-with-systemd/16:03
spinningCatman this is ubuntu doc :/16:03
tomreynuse the man page ;)16:03
tomreynthis is not official documentation16:03
spinningCatsystemctl reload daemon16:04
spinningCatFailed to reload daemon.service: Unit daemon.service not found.16:04
tomreyn<tomreyn> this is not official documentation16:04
leftyfbspinningCat: if you read the documentation on systemctl, you'll find your answer.16:05
tomreynspinningCat: it's not the wrong order, just wrong spelling in this case.16:05
spinningCatsystemctl daemon-reload16:07
srulicompdoc: i want to try using interfaces for my bond to se if netplan is the issue, what do i need to put in netplan to tell it to use interfaces?16:14
compdocthere's usually lots of examples for netplan if you search16:16
srulicompdoc: i tried more than 20 of the examples, cant get it to work, need to see for sure if netplan is the issue so want to try it in interfaces instead16:17
compdocsame difference. I dont use bonding16:17
srulicompdoc: my question is how to not use netplan... if i set up in interfaces do i need to do something in netplan config to tell it to use interfaces?16:18
compdocyes, I got it. still need to search it, or maybe ask in ##netowrking16:19
compdocjust spell it better16:19
sruli^ ;-)16:20
sonicwindI don't know the answer, but I know netplans website is pretty good with many examples. Have you looked there?16:21
merpnderpWhat's the drawbacks to using the ubuntu repo to install MySql versus using the MySql apt repo?16:21
blackflowsruli: remove all config from /etc/netplan/*   and it won't be used.16:21
naccmerpnderp: it depends on who you want to support you16:21
sruliblackflow: thanks16:21
merpnderpnacc: that's really all it comes down to? Do I want Ubuntu to be in charge, or MySql? So if I wanted to work with MySQL 8, it's an easy choice?16:22
blackflowsruli: I don' thave the backlog, is this a server or desktop?16:22
yaldakmerpnderp: No, it depends on features you need too16:22
yaldakSupport is an important part of it but you also need to consider features. If you're doing advanced / GTID replication then you will want mysql 5.7 for example16:22
sruliblackflow: server16:23
merpnderpyaldak: 8 doesn't support GTID replication?16:23
yaldakmerpnderp: it probably does, i was just using an example16:23
yaldakyou need to consider what version of mysql is shipped with the distro16:24
tomreynalso upgrade / patching strategy needs to be considered. many upstream repositories provide rolling upgrades. which may not be what you had in mind when you installed some lower package version from this repo years ago.16:24
yaldakand that leads into who supports you16:24
merpnderpyaldak: I'm really just wanting to familiarize myself with mysql 8 on a personal project.16:24
tomreynand some dont provide security support at all.16:24
sruliblackflow: i cant get bonding to work, my config is http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jsdrhhMcjc/16:24
merpnderpyaldak: but was curious about the possible drawbacks.16:24
naccmerpnderp: I mean, you asked about repos, not versions.16:24
merpnderpnacc: right, the ubuntu repo has 5.7, the mysql repo has 8.16:25
naccmerpnderp: which is not a 'drawback' of using one repo over the other, IMO.16:25
merpnderpI assumed the ubuntu repo would be better managed, I just didn't know how.16:25
naccsruli: you may want to ask in #ubuntu-server16:25
compdocthe unbuntu repos are solid, tested and made for this os.16:26
naccsruli: or in #netplan?16:26
blackflowsruli: if that's server, then make sure, aftre you disable netplan, that you have a valid networkd configuration, and that systemd-networkd is enabled (it's not by default, netplan starts it run-time)16:26
naccmerpnderp: if you want mysql 8, then that's what you want16:26
naccsruli: uh, you're bonding eno1 and eno116:26
naccsruli: that's nonsenes16:27
jcduttonmerpnderp, Why do you want mysql, why not try Elastic Search or something like that?16:27
srulinacc: typo, i have already changed that16:27
merpnderpjcdutton: mysql can scale up as large as I'll ever need.16:27
naccsruli: there is no way for any of us to know that.16:28
merpnderpjcdutton: because I like working with SQL and stored procedures.16:28
srulinacc: i didnt notice its in the paste, sorry ;-)16:28
jcduttonmerpnderp, ok, With ES you would need to do all that sort of think with json16:29
merpnderpjcdutton: yeah, and mysql 8 has great support for json if I wanted to go that route.16:29
hidwhen I open a video with mpv --vid=no (from a script), I can't seek forwards/backwards with arrows16:29
hidso one did tell me my terminal should be able to do this16:30
hidone did tell me the problem comes from terminfo16:30
hidmy arrow keys work perfectly in ncurse/CLI tools16:30
someguyyhi, i was wondering which is recommended for nvidia cards on 18.04 w/ gnome3/wayland, nouveu or nvidia drivers?16:31
jcduttonmerpnderp, what is the application doing?16:31
merpnderpjcdutton: job running, web mining, nlp, blogging, wiki.16:33
merpnderpjcdutton: to scratch a bunch of my own itches and make a public portfolio since my current job doesn't let me publish anything I do.16:33
naccmerpnderp: and to be clear, mysql 8 is not supported here, as it's not an ubuntu package (it might be in the future)16:35
merpnderpnacc: cool, thanks16:37
jcduttonmerpnderp, Would that be the MERN stack?16:39
=== sylvain is now known as Guest1593
DeathTickle1I'm trying out finch as an IRC client from the kernel console16:44
DeathTickle1anyone using finch regularly ? what are your impressions16:46
naccDeathTickle1: not a topic for this channel, perhaps you want #ubuntu-offtopic or #linux16:47
rfis anyone talking about anything ?17:03
ezfoxany pihole users here ? i have issues with blocking facebook.com. Its redirected to "edge-star-mini-shv-02-frt3.facebook.com", even if i block this URL sepcifically. nslookup facebook.com is resolving to 127.1 how it shoul be, but ping facebook.com gives: "64 bytes from edge-star-mini-shv-02-frt3.facebook.com ( icmp_seq=1" and calling facebook.com in the browser opens the website. cant find the rootcause for this behaviour17:09
spinningCathey what am i doing here https://hastebin.com/oqifavisev.ini17:10
=== stoopkid is now known as HMCb
=== HMCb is now known as stoopkid
naccspinningCat: why are you asking what you are doing? it's a file presumably you wrote17:12
spinningCatservice doesnt work17:13
spinningCatthis is what i got https://hastebin.com/huyohiyuye.pas17:14
naccspinningCat: yes, and you provided the output in #ubuntu-server, you should show it with `systemctl status -l ...`17:14
naccspinningCat: so it doesn't shorten the lines17:14
spinningCatsure sec17:14
spinningCatis that okey https://hastebin.com/situxovise.rb17:16
naccspinningCat: it would appear /usr/bin/dotnet run --project /home/ceiba/SMSUtility/SMSUtility/ failed17:18
spinningCatit worked when i execute that on shall17:18
spinningCati mean that command worked17:18
naccspinningCat: did it work as the www-data user?17:19
spinningCatyes that command worked17:19
naccspinningCat: how did you test it?17:19
spinningCati am not sure about that17:19
spinningCathow can i check it with www-data17:19
spinningCatsudo is counted as user right17:20
naccspinningCat: maybe something like `sudo -u www-data /usr/bin/dotnet run --project /home/ceiba/SMSUtility/SMSUtility` ?17:20
naccspinningCat: i don't know what your last question means17:21
spinningCatit worked now17:21
spinningCatlet me check17:22
slizardhi folks. I'm seeing some funny stuff in dmesg about apparmor denying the Telegram app do do "mknod". Not too familiar with the internals of snaps, but this is somewhat unexpected. Thoughts?17:24
lotuspsychjeslizard: can you paste in a hastebin for us please?17:25
naccslizard: this is specifically the telegram snap? you will want to ask in #snappy17:25
IntelCore# /etc/fstab: static file system information.17:27
IntelCore# Use 'blkid' to print the universally unique identifier for a17:27
IntelCore# device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices17:27
IntelCore# that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).17:27
lotuspsychjeIntelCore: use a hastebin mate, its not the first time you ask questions here17:28
IntelCoreFailed to mount /mnt/wwn-0x5001480000000000.17:28
mzl0anyone have a recommendation for a simple Postgres/sql client?17:29
mzl0something in the vein of Postico for macOS.. i just need to be able to look through and filter tables quickly, not all the bells and whistles that clients like DBeaver have17:29
naccmzl0: install postgresql-client ?17:30
mzl0nacc the commandline interface?17:30
slizardlotuspsychje: http://termbin.com/i7eb I've only seen it for Telegram, but I'll check17:30
naccmzl0: right17:30
mzl0sigh yeah i guess17:30
naccmzl0: do you want a GUI? I don't know what postico is17:30
slizardnacc: yes, I use the Telegram snap17:30
mzl0i've been trying to avoid that in favor of a gui17:30
naccslizard: i would ask in #snappy if those are expected, or ask the telegram owner (snap info telegram)17:31
mzl0nacc https://eggerapps.at/postico/17:31
lotuspsychjeslizard: i had good experiences with telegram-serguiens snap17:31
naccmzl0: let me rephrase, "I don't care to know what postico is"17:31
mzl0lol ok i forgot a few of IRC folk are assholes sometimes17:32
slizard<lotuspsychje>: I've been using the "telegram-desktop" app, what's the difference?17:33
naccslizard: telegram-sergiusens is not official from upstream, iirc17:33
slizard<nacc>: OK, otherwise no difference in theory?17:34
naccslizard: i mean, no, they could be completely different17:34
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lotuspsychjeslizard: i didnt test others to be able to compare sorry17:35
slizard<nacc>: hahha. Allright, I'll try later.17:35
slizardlotuspsychje: thanks for the tip anyway17:36
lotuspsychjeslizard: you can search snaps in categorys from terminal now, have a look?17:37
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lotuspsychjeGuest74541: can we help you?17:40
leftyfb!es | Guest7454117:41
ubottuGuest74541: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.17:41
leftyfb!es | marcos_17:41
ubottumarcos_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.17:41
usr123Has anyone used unity-tweak-tool?17:42
leftyfbusr123: that isn't your question17:42
usr123leftyfb: I am trying to understand the source of it. I want to know what API to use if I want to minimise applications.17:43
edu1704Hi. Howto change to the intel driver from the modesetting one ? Ubuntu 17 here, intel HD 4600 graphics .17:43
spartan29is anybody home?17:44
spartan29i need some help17:44
spartan29i have a RT5372 wireless adapter. It can show clients attached to any BSSIDs in kernel version 3.13 but not on kernel version 4.417:45
merpnderpjcdutton: lol, what's MERN?17:45
spartan29I tried to compile the source code of the corresponding drivers for kernel version 4.4 but the code doesnt compile and keeps repeating coding errors17:45
spartan29Any help would be greatly appreciated17:46
=== anonymous is now known as Guest88636
=== Guest88636 is now known as AUTHackz
AUTHackzwhats up17:47
lotuspsychje!support | AUTHackz is up17:47
spartan29need some help man17:47
ubottuAUTHackz is up: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com17:47
IntelCoresystemctl daemon-reload17:48
IntelCore (did this already)17:48
=== sylvain is now known as Guest35272
leftyfbIntelCore: do you have a support question?17:51
kemistenanyone know a webbased torrent downloader for ubuntu server?17:52
lucidguykemisten: transmission17:53
lotuspsychjekemisten: or deluge17:53
kemistenive tried to install it17:53
kemistenbut nothing happens when  i go to localhost:909117:54
lucidguytransmission is bare bones, deluge is more advanced, nicer.17:54
leftyfbkemisten: did you read the documentation?17:54
kemistenive chage setting in the java config17:55
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IntelCoreLeftyfb>> did you see paste?18:00
leftyfbIntelCore: what version of Ubuntu and how are you trying to mount your drive?18:01
IntelCore16.04 is . I put 18.04 on usb stick, opened it to see, live. then quit it, and removed the stick. Also VLc is not sometimes seeing my disk.. auto mount dvd was on before18:03
leftyfbIntelCore: lets not talk about booting the 18.04 live usb since that has nothing to do with you trying to mount a windows drive on boot with a 16.04 installation18:04
IntelCoreI am not trying to mount. It supposed to auto mount. or, was. now it fails18:04
leftyfbIntelCore: Ubuntu will not automatically mount a drive/partition outside of it's root filesystem unless you configure it to do so18:05
leftyfbIntelCore: how did you configure Ubuntu to mount the drive on boot?18:05
IntelCoreleftyfb > yah, mounting usb, an other dev.. can do this on an upstart18:05
slizard<lotuspsychje>: not sure what you mean about searching. "snap search telegram" gives plenty results. BTW, asked on the #snappy channel and seems to be a known issue -- snap was updated in the bg, a restart eliminated the apparmor warnings.18:05
IntelCoresystemd, wreck the boot?18:05
leftyfbIntelCore: how did you configure Ubuntu to mount the drive on boot?18:06
lotuspsychjeslizard: glad you found it, you can search snaps like this too: snap find --section=social-networking18:06
IntelCoreleftyfb> conf to boot uses grub2, and common install had list in /etc/fstab18:06
slizard<lotuspsychje>: thanks18:07
leftyfbIntelCore: ok, what is the fstab entry for the drive you're having difficulty mounting on boot?18:08
edu1704 /msg nickserv register toyota1981 mileaedu@gmail.com18:09
IntelCoreleftyfb> I paste it up, hang 5sec.18:09
IntelCoreleftyfb > it a gpt, uefi.18:11
leftyfbIntelCore: can you mount it manually?18:11
IntelCoreleftyfb > nautilus will open :Windows in graphical user.18:12
leftyfbIntelCore: can you umount and then mount it manually using the commandline?18:12
IntelCoreleftyfb, but before upstart was used, the mount was always there.18:12
leftyfbIntelCore: that doesn't help us troubleshoot18:13
leftyfbIntelCore: can you umount and then mount it manually using the commandline?18:13
IntelCore? C:drive?18:13
leftyfbIntelCore: Only Windows uses "C" as a storage identifier18:13
leftyfbIntelCore: linux doesn't use "C:"18:14
leftyfbIntelCore: can you use the mount command on the command line to mount the drive?18:14
IntelCoreAhaha. No attempt to manually mount it, no leftyfb18:14
leftyfbIntelCore: please try18:14
leftyfbIntelCore: you'll need to unmount it first (with unmount)18:14
leftyfbif it's mounted currently18:14
IntelCoreleftyfb, will it kill windows?18:15
leftyfbIntelCore: You're asking for help mounting a "windows" drive and insist it used to work. But when asked to mount it, you're asking if it'll "kill windows"?18:16
IntelCore>> leftyfb, I think tha laptop shutdown in 'hybrid/hibernated' when power went off. Would that do this?18:16
leftyfbIntelCore: what are you talking about?18:16
IntelCoreleftyfb > I have read on this, days long.  if hiber.sys is on Windows, then it can affect power state, and so I turned off fastboot, and stopped using sleep, and hibernate in Windows.18:18
leftyfbIntelCore: does Windows boot?18:18
IntelCorelefty fb > Of course, after the power failure, and it was on 6/5/18.  So, since then I have tried to figure this and resolve it.18:19
pressure679Ok, my old startup files, whether they were in /etc/rc.d, /etc/environment, or /etc/init.d, are are not compatible no more. Neither is /etc/default/keyboard remapping when the OS switches from a GUI like Budgie to a TTY (The TTY's have a separate)18:19
IntelCoreleftyfb > and I did not have google, just manpages18:20
leftyfbIntelCore: on Windows, run chkdsk /f and reboot into Windows TWICE. Notice I said TWICE. run chkdsk /f within Windows from a command prompt and then reboot into Windows TWICE.18:20
ComnenusIs there a way to automatically regenerate keys if /etc/ssh_host_* are missing?  I am trying to seal a template, but I have to start it up and manually run dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server.  Not the end of the world, but if it's not difficult to get rid of that step I would like to.18:25
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leftyfbComnenus: yes18:26
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leftyfbComnenus: also, there are ways to ignore the keychecking. Though not recommended.18:27
Comnenusleftyfb: I can't find any information on how to get it to regenerate automatically.  I'm coming from CentOS where it just does it.18:27
leftyfbComnenus: the proper way is to dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server18:29
leftyfbComnenus: what do you mean you're "trying to seal a template"?18:29
IntelCoreleftyfb >  Yes, I did look at chkdsk. (not Twice) < I can do this yes. > Updated 'mount' used < > paste.ubuntu.com/p/ddC5mBXRkc/18:29
leftyfbIntelCore: I never told you to only type "mount".18:30
Comnenusleftyfb: It's a VM template that will be cloned.  I delete the ssh host keys, but after a clone, ubuntu does not automatically regenerate them, so ssh won't work.  I have to bring up a console and manually do it.18:30
IntelCoreNo leftyfb, but that is what is mounted18:30
leftyfbIntelCore: also, constantly tacking on data to the same paste over and over only adds confusion.18:30
IntelCoreleftyfb, so try to mount windows, and or, first rund the chkdsk twice>18:32
leftyfbIntelCore: chkdsk18:32
leftyfbIntelCore: I never said you run chkdsk twice18:32
IntelCorekool.. i was did that. already, just 1x18:33
leftyfbIntelCore: on Windows, run chkdsk /f and reboot into Windows TWICE. Notice I said TWICE. run chkdsk /f within Windows from a command prompt and then reboot into Windows TWICE.18:33
IntelCoreOhhh, reboot twice18:33
IntelCorebbl ian a while leftyfb18:33
=== BlackJack|2 is now known as lamechence
lighthunterHello folks. My laptop stopped booting when I upgraded from Ubuntu 17.10 to 18.04. I have an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 graphics card. I am able to boot when I uninstall the NVIDIA drivers or when I delete /etc/X11/xorg.conf per #72 (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-390/+bug/1752053/+index?comments=all). However, when I delete xorg.conf, I can no longer use external18:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1752053 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-390 (Ubuntu) "nvidia-390 fails to boot graphical display" [Critical,Fix released]18:48
lighthuntermonitors. Does anyone happen to have any suggestions on how to get external monitors working again? I have already tried upgrading to the 4.16.4 and 4.17 kernels to no avail.18:49
pressure679./msg alis list X1118:50
pressure679Try xorg-devel18:51
compdoclighthunter, is it a laptop?18:51
pressure679or #xorg18:51
lotuspsychjepressure679: can we help you?18:52
pressure679Xorg used to depend on xorg.conf, but since either 14.04 or 16.04 it started mingling with handling it's own configuration.18:52
pressure679lotuspsychje: I am sure you can.18:52
pressure679lighthunter: are you asking for one of our xorg.conf's?18:53
pressure679There is no xorg.conf.18:54
pressure679Are you sure the configuration was not from 17.10?18:55
* SporkWitch can't even remember the last time he had to do something with xorg.conf...19:00
iorialighthunter, why don't we try with lightdm ?19:03
lighthuntercompdoc: yes, it is a laptop.19:07
jaltHi, I would like to run a short script at boot, but I don't want to make a systemd service (nor use upstart). I know I could add an entry to it in rc.local but I would prefer to simply drop my script into a folder (like /etc/init.d). Is this feasible on a default install of the latest 16.04.4? Any other suggestions? The reason I don't want to write a systemd unit is because this is to be a runonce script, that will delete itself on success (which is why rc.local i19:07
compdoclighthunter, there isnt a special funtion key or a physical button that turns off external monitors?19:08
lotuspsychje!cron | jalt19:08
ubottujalt: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto19:08
lighthunterpressure679: ah, that is interesting. i wonder why the NVIDIA driver would crash when xorg.conf is present though?19:08
jaltyes, i thought of cron, but I don't want to schedule it at any particular time19:09
jaltoh, @reboot is a thing19:10
seerejalt: execute it only if it exists like [ -x /path/to/script ] && /path/to/script19:11
memphistojalt: https://askubuntu.com/questions/156771/run-a-script-only-at-the-very-first-boot?utm_medium=organic&utm_source=google_rich_qa&utm_campaign=google_rich_qa19:12
lighthuntercompdoc: it looks like F4 should have something to do with displays, but pushing it or Fn + F4 doesn't seem to do anything whether or not an external monitor is connected.19:12
jaltmemphisto, that's unlikely to work with systemd19:12
jaltseere, good tip, thanks. and thanks lotuspsychje.19:13
leftyfbjalt: it does work with systemd19:15
leftyfbjalt: the script could disable the systemd unit, delete the unit and delete itself19:15
leftyfband also be runonce19:15
lighthunterioria: thank you for the suggestion. i am rebooting now to test lightdm. brb.19:15
jaltleftyfb, i meant in recent-ish versions of ubuntu where systemd is the default init system and sysv may or may not be enabled19:16
jaltand i don't want to create (nor delete) any systemd unit19:17
leftyfbjalt: again, you could add such a script to systemd that will do exactly as you are asking19:17
ioriawonder why19:17
jaltadding a script to systemd = writing a systemd service unit, which is overkill19:17
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leftyfbjalt: creating a new framework around dumping a file into a "folder" and have it run on boot is overkill when there's already mechanisms in place to do this sort of thing19:18
lighthunterthank you, ioria! sudo apt install lightdm resolved my issue. i can now use my external monitor again with the NVIDIA driver installed.19:19
leftyfbjalt: why exactly do you need to do this?19:19
iorialighthunter, good job19:19
jaltrunonce script19:19
Blondie101010I have a dozend different systems and only on Ubuntu do I face problems with internal DNS resolution...  the weird part is that only my internal DNS servers are specified in my Ubuntu configuration...  the problem is not related to the local search (in /etc/resolv.conf) as the problem is the same with the FQDN...  any ideas on troubleshooting this intermittent issue?19:19
leftyfbjalt: you said, that. What does the script do?19:19
lighthunteris it safe to sudo apt purge gdm3? apparently ubuntu-desktop would be removed, which sounds bad.19:19
jaltand sysv worked that way, you just dump the script into the right folder and it get executed. no other config is needed19:19
jaltthe script will call another script with certain parameters (this second script is a deployment script)19:20
jaltbasically the deployment script needs a reboot and then it resumes19:20
SporkWitchlighthunter: gdm is a dep for the default DE; you should be able to install an alternative DM, disable gdm3 via systemd, and enable the new one19:20
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jaltthe little stub script will pass a parameter saying that the reboot was done and the main script can now resume19:21
leftyfbjalt: I use rc.local for exactly this sort of thing without issue19:21
jaltyes, but it is hard to remove it aftrerwards19:21
lighthunterSporkWitch: i have a feeling sudo apt install lightdm would have done those steps automatically. does that sound right, or am i off base here?19:21
leftyfbjalt: not at all19:21
SporkWitchlighthunter: i wouldn't venture to guess19:22
blackflowBlondie101010: "internal DNS"?19:22
leftyfbjalt: echo "exit 0" > /etc/rc.local # removed19:22
jaltleftyb: you are making assumptions about what rc.local might contain19:22
lighthuntercool; i will just leave gdm3 installed; it probably doesn't use all that much space anyways.19:22
leftyfbjalt: it shouldn't contact that much really. If anything in there is of any importance in a production environment, rc.local isn't the proper place for them.19:23
Blondie101010blackflow:  I have two internal DNS servers for my internal domain and that zone is the only one affected by this weird issue....  `dig` on each DNS server returns the right values but I get a "Temporary failure in name resolution" when trying to ping it19:23
lighthunterout of curiosity i am going to reboot with xorg.conf replaced and see what happens now that i am using lightdm.19:23
ioriajalt, you know that even /etc/rc.local has been dropped in 18.04 ?19:23
leftyfbjalt: you could echo a template or make a backup or use sed to remove the line containing the script name19:23
blackflowBlondie101010: how is the resolver configured? Or is the resolver the one being authoritative for the internal domain, and forwarding/caching for all else?19:24
ioriajalt, in one 'rude' word : forget about run levels19:24
Blondie101010blackflow:  it is authoritative for my internal zone and does indeed cache recursive requests19:25
leftyfbBlondie101010: nmcli device show|grep DNS19:25
jaltleftyb: yes, i would have to use sed or tr19:25
Blondie101010leftyfb:  I'm apparently not using network-manager as it asks me to install it19:25
KaedennI'm trying to apt-get upgrade but am unable to connect to the upgrades server for about a week now: 0% [Connecting to (]19:26
blackflowBlondie101010: is this a server or a desktop?19:26
KaedennUbuntu 14.04 LTS19:26
Blondie101010blackflow:  server with the latest build19:26
leftyfbBlondie101010: What version of ubuntu?19:26
blackflowBlondie101010: then I would recommend you completely mask out systemd-resolved. Use a static resolv.conf or have it set up by dhcp, if your network setup is dhcp.19:27
pressure679Kaedenn: afaik Ubuntu LTS only gets updates for 4 years.19:27
blackflowyou don't really need a local/stub resolver on the machine.19:27
Kaedennpressure679: The upgrades are being distributed but I'm unable to download them19:27
leftyfbpressure679: 519:27
Blondie101010blackflow:  no DHCP in this setup...  my machines all have static IPs...  perhaps your solution would work as it would make it similar to my other machines19:27
pressure679Kardenn: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_version_history#Version_timeline19:28
leftyfbKaedenn: try a different mirror for your sources19:28
leftyfbpressure679: 14.04 is still supported19:28
pressure679Oh, yeah. My bad.19:28
Blondie101010blackflow:  can you hint me on disabling systemd-resolved to do a quick test?19:28
blackflowBlondie101010: one of frist things I do post install is to remove systemd-resolved.19:28
Kaedennwait, I think the problem would be the local University network19:28
Kaedennleftyfb: How do I configure a different mirror?19:28
blackflowBlondie101010: systemctl mask systemd-resolved; unlink /etc/resolv.conf; echo -e "#\nnameserver\nsearch example.com" > /etc/resolv.conf   (use proper values)19:29
IntelCoreleftyfb ?19:29
blackflowBlondie101010: oh also, systemctl stop systemd-resolved   after masking19:29
leftyfbKaedenn: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Ubuntu_Software_Tab19:29
KaedennI think the University network is attempting to resolve that IP address locally19:29
Kaedennleftyfb: thank you19:29
leftyfbBlondie101010: dig <HOST> | grep SERVER19:30
Blondie101010leftyfb:  `dig` always worked fine19:30
IntelCoreleftyfb ? seems that .. c: was clean, ran chkdsk /F , anyway. had to boot it twice. AND ubuntu had no fail mounting.  I will however, watch this19:30
leftyfbIntelCore: it wasn't "clean" if it fixed the issue19:31
leftyfbBlondie101010: notice the grep. Looking for what servers you're using to resolve19:31
IntelCoreleftyfb, it said no errors.. but I then used chkdsk /F and rebooted again after that19:31
Blondie101010leftyfb:  I specify each with @server19:31
Blondie101010leftyfb:  I know `dig`19:32
leftyfbIntelCore: ok, problem solved19:32
IntelCoreyes. thanks to you. leftyfb19:32
leftyfbBlondie101010: I'm saying to use dig without specifying a server to do the lookup to see what server(s) your system is actually using19:32
ioriaBlondie101010, why your repo is set to University of Alaska  ?19:33
Blondie101010leftyfb:  oh it's a bit late, but your solution solved it...  things got back to normal once I `systemctl mask systemd-resolved; unlink /etc/resolv.conf` and redid my /etc/resolv.conf19:33
leftyfbioria: wrong person19:33
leftyfbBlondie101010: that wasn't my solution19:33
Blondie101010ioria:  I don't know what you're refering to19:33
blackflowBlondie101010: that's.... that's... that's mine!   :)19:33
leftyfbmy solution was to track down the problem, not mask it19:33
Blondie101010blackflow does deserve the credit +++19:33
KaedennI'm now getting "Err http://mirrors.cat.pdx.edu trusty/universe i386 Packages" and "Bad header line [IP: 80]"19:34
blackflowsystemd-resolved is a steaming pile. fact. remove when possible. I have no idea why Ubuntu opted to default to it. Riddled with bugs, CVEs and opinions.19:34
Blondie101010I don't need a local DNS cache anyways as I have 2 servers that deal with it internally19:34
leftyfbKaedenn: what mirror are you using?19:34
blackflowBlondie101010: and if you did, unbound is the key. Or bind if oyu need a mix of authoritative and recursive with advanced features. I use Bind everywhere.19:34
KaedennUh, a kernel.org one. I don't recall offhand; I selected the "best" one from the automatic test19:35
Kaedennleftyfb: one moment19:35
leftyfbKaedenn: you should try us.archive.ubuntu.com19:35
ioriaKaedenn, system-settings-> software&updates19:36
Kaedennleftyfb: I'm now using that one19:36
Blondie101010leftyfb:  it returns `SERVER:` which is one of the two servers I digged with19:36
IntelCore< Will be back, when ubuntu freaks me out again. Thanks.19:36
leftyfbBlondie101010: doesn't matter now.19:36
Blondie101010blackflow:  I use bind too19:37
Kaedennleftyfb: ...I'm now getting the same problem where "0% [Connecting to (]" times out19:37
Kaedenn(for apt-get upgrade)19:37
Kaedenn(and yes, I did apt-get update)19:37
lotuspsychjeKaedenn: for known mirror issues you can also check #ubuntu-mirrors19:38
Kaedennlotuspsychje: I'll try that, thank you19:38
ioriaKaedenn, did you change the server  in software&updates ?19:39
Kaedennioria: Yes19:39
ioriaKaedenn, then you should have not that19:41
KaedennHow do I verify what mirror apt-get is using?19:41
Kaedennvia the command-line19:41
ioriaKaedenn, just cat /etc/apt/sources.list19:42
leftyfbKaedenn: you'll also see it when you run apt-get update19:42
oerheksKaedenn, i wonder why you ask that..19:42
KaedennBecause 137.229.?.? is a local IP address to the university I'm work at.19:43
KaedennSo I have no idea why it's trying to connect to th--OH. VPN. >_<19:43
ioriaKaedenn, that ip is dead19:43
KaedennDisconnecting from the VPN fixed the problem/19:43
lighthunterlooks like lightdm gets further than gdm3 with /etc/X11/xorg.conf and NVIDIA drivers present on Ubuntu 18.04. it gets to the login screen, but you get stuck in an endless login loop. i removed /etc/X11/xorg.conf for good and stuck with lightdm, and am able to reliably use my external monitor. thanks again for the help.20:07
Dal1980Hey guys20:08
Dal1980does anyone know the location of tty1.conf on ubuntu 18.04? Tried `/etc/event.d/` and `/etc/init/` from what I keep reading they should be there but no tty1.conf at them locations (or any tty related names)20:10
twocarlo_anybody using ECS A68M-C4DL motherboard on ubuntu20:11
oerheksDal1980,   the tty conf file is unique now: /lib/systemd/system/getty@.service20:13
oerheks* since systemD20:13
Dal1980Thanks oerheks. Will that allow me to edit the same way for auto login (turned DM off so now I just drop straight to CLI login)20:14
oerheksDal1980, err, no, you set systemctrl to multy-user. target20:16
oerhekssudo systemctl set-default multi-user.target20:17
oerheksand back to gui login: sudo systemctl set-default graphical.target20:17
Dal1980Sorry seems so much I've learnt is talking about a previous version of ubuntu lol20:18
Dal1980Yeah I ran that systemctrl set-default multi-user.target to stop gnome from loading20:19
Dal1980I just need this to autologin in cli, I don't want or need gnome desktop environment, any ideas?20:22
Dal1980Think I found something to read http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/bionic/man8/agetty.8.html thanks20:26
oerheksmaybe this page example is a help http://linuxaleph.blogspot.com/2017/05/commandline-auto-login-in-ubuntu-1604.html20:27
=== Vic is now known as Guest56878
=== Guest56878 is now known as Vic2
Pencil2Hello  My ubuntu on my sony dual boot has been so successful I use it every day .  I decided to dual boot my wife's HP.  Completely different.  Not happy20:34
syborghi Pencil2, so what happened exactly?20:35
Pencil2Both 18.04.  The hp wont offer me the windows or ubuntu when i boot it.20:35
Pencil2The screen that comes up is totally different.   I spend too much time trying to find things.20:36
syborgso what screen does come up, exactly? Are you able to boot into windows or linux after selecting some option, or you can't boot either at all?20:37
crobertsi wonder if its uefi20:37
crobertsif you make it boot legacy bios do you see the windows/ubuntu20:37
Pencil2When  I power up the HP I have to hold the f9 to get ubuntu.  Otherewise I get windows20:37
oerhekssounds indeed lika an UEFI issue vs legacy bios20:39
leftyfbPencil2: what comes up when you hold f9?20:40
leftyfbPencil2: are there multiple hard drives?20:40
Pencil2I don't have a clue how to fix this.   I went to windows and disk manager I deleted the linux side and started over.  No help20:40
Pencil2I deleted the linux side and started over with a different distro I got from a magazine.  No help20:41
leftyfbPencil2: if you deleted the linux side, then there's nothing to be done here until you reinstall ubuntu20:41
Pencil2I still have to start with power up and f920:42
leftyfbPencil2: do you have ubuntu installed?20:42
Dal1980oerheks> maybe this page example is a help http://linuxaleph.blogspot.com/2017/05/commandline-auto-login-in-ubuntu-1604.html <- thanks. I ended up using that but rebooting just lands me at a blank screen with a flashing cursor at the top left now.... hmm20:42
Pencil2Yes.  That's how I know the second and third install didn't help20:42
leftyfbPencil2: What comes up when you press F9 at boot?20:43
Pencil2The desktop comes up.20:43
leftyfbPencil2: which desktop?20:44
Pencil2I'm sorry.  The options come up and I select ubutu (ST2000LX00120:44
Pencil2Then theres a list and i select ubuntu.20:45
leftyfbok, then this is definitely a UEFI thing. Which I know only enough to disable immediately upon acquiring a machine20:45
leftyfbthat's not to say someone else here can't help you. Or you can't research how to set UEFI to boot ubuntu by default or maybe even how to install ubuntu properly so UEFI gets setup properly20:47
Pencil2Finally I get a login .  From there  it works sorta ok20:47
Pencil2You;ve helped.  Thanks20:48
Pencil2I'll google that20:48
xocolatlhi. ever since upgrading to 18.04, my external hdmi isn't recognized any more20:49
xocolatlI don't know where to look20:49
xocolatlit's a lenovo carbon x1 with dongle20:50
xocolatlbut 16.04 had no problem with it20:51
xocolatlrebooting, brb20:53
xocolatlfully upgraded, still doesn't work20:55
pressure679The day before yesterday I complimented the graphical rendering and processing, but that was in comparison to Xubuntu 16.04 and Ubuntu Budgie 18.04, which might not be entirely fair to xorg.20:55
xocolatlany ideas?20:56
Dal1980Guys how to I get into 18.04 safe mode? Tried holding shift after rebooting - that didn't work, tried pressing esc key repeatedly after rebooting that didn't work either.20:57
pressure679iirc press ctrl a few times during the time between the bios and linux boot screen, Dal198020:59
leftyfbDal1980: why do you need to get into "safe mode"?20:59
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pressure679That should bring up a menu of choice of kernels, where one of them are "safe-mode"20:59
xocolatlhas anyone else experienced problems with 18.04 and an external monitor?20:59
Dal1980thanks pressure679 - unfortunately that didn't work either21:00
pressure679xocolatl: Do you mean with a desktop or a laptop?21:01
xocolatllenovo carbon x1 with hdmi dongle21:01
Dal1980leftyfb: because I went to this link http://linuxaleph.blogspot.com/2017/05/commandline-auto-login-in-ubuntu-1604.html <- thanks. I ended up using that but rebooting just lands me at a blank screen with a flashing cursor at the top left now.... hmm21:01
xocolatl16.04 worked just fine21:01
u0m3hi. anyone here could help me with an update/upgrade issue? I ran "apt update && apt full-upgrade --auto-remove -y" and it hung on update-initramfs... before that, dkms complained about some missing kernel headers21:02
leftyfbu0m3: it more than likely didn't hang up on update-initramfs , it just takes a while21:03
leftyfbu0m3: run it again21:03
yaldaku0m3: Couldn't tell you but my advice is, when updating packages, go slow and dont try to cram it all in one command21:03
yaldakYou never know21:03
yaldakI've caught garbage that shouldn't be installed, be installed21:03
yaldak-y is danger21:03
u0m3leftyfb, it's a bit more than 'it takes a while'... it's been like this for almost 48h21:04
yaldakwhat does dkms say21:04
yaldakput in pastebin21:04
xocolatleverything I'm seeing online is about nvidia but I don't have nvidia21:05
yaldakonline and real world are two different universes21:06
yaldakeveryone has different setups21:06
xocolatlthat's why I'm asking for help21:07
pressure679Maybe it needs electricity... jk21:08
xocolatlokay, so I guess no one presently in here can actually help21:08
leftyfb!patience | xocolatl21:08
ubottuxocolatl: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/21:08
pressure679Umm, the xorg server relies partly on config files, but if they are non-existent xorg does not create a new xorg.conf file.21:08
naccxocolatl: i have 18.04 on two machines, and both work fine with their external monitor21:09
naccpressure679: it does not 'rely' on it, to be clear. It will parse them if present, but they are not present by default.21:09
xocolatlI didn't have to make any config files for 16.04, why do I have to with 18.04?21:09
pressure679nacc: yeah, sorry for my bad interpretation.21:09
xocolatlwhat are they and what should I put in them?21:09
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jcduttonxocolatl, what does xrandr output21:11
naccxocolatl: you don't need any config files21:12
xocolatlnacc: I need something!21:12
naccxocolatl: your system is not reported any connected displays21:12
naccxocolatl: what dongle is this?21:12
xocolatlstartech.  came with the laptop, never had any problem until 18.0421:13
naccxocolatl: when you plug it in, do you see any messages in `dmesg`?21:13
oerheksmaybe the FN + display key ..21:13
naccoerheks: also a possibility, yeah; in theory the same feature is accessible from "Displays"21:13
xocolatl"displays" as been so dumbed down since 16.04 it's pretty much useless21:14
leftyfbI don't think the Fn display key affects interacting with usb display dongles21:14
xocolatlit's not usb21:14
xocolatlI don't know what it is21:14
leftyfbxocolatl: what sort of dongle is it then?21:14
naccxocolatl: it works great here, not sure what you mean21:14
leftyfbwhat type of port does it plug into?21:14
xocolatlI don't recognize it21:14
naccxocolatl: is it a thunderbolt adapter (small rectangle)21:15
jcduttonxocolatl, does it have anything written on it?21:15
pressure679I think you mean firewire nacc21:15
leftyfbxocolatl: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/47/Mini_DisplayPort_on_Apple_MacBook.jpg/1024px-Mini_DisplayPort_on_Apple_MacBook.jpg21:15
naccpressure679: no.21:15
xocolatlleftyfb: yes, that21:15
naccthere's usb-c, thunderbolt, mini-dp, etc.21:16
leftyfbmini display port21:16
pressure679Ooh, thunderbolt adapter, nice.21:16
leftyfbit's not thunderbolt21:16
naccleftyfb: right.21:16
u0m3yaldak, sorry for the delay, had to figure out how to paste from tmux http://termbin.com/pr6b21:16
naccxocolatl: iirc,  you can tail -f ~/.local/share/xorg/Xorg.0.log when you unplug and plug in your mini-dp dongle. see if anything is logged21:17
leftyfbdmesg -w21:18
jcduttonxocolatl, tail -f /var/log/kern.log     and see if you get any output when you plug and unplug it21:18
oerheksu0m3, Please install the linux-headers-4.4.0-116-generic package ..21:18
naccleftyfb: i'm not 100% kernel messages will be emitted21:18
oerhekslinux errors are so much fun21:19
naccleftyfb: the display side is weird, the events are like standard ones, iirc21:19
u0m3oerheks, well yes, but the question is, should I force-cancel the current running apt?21:19
xocolatlnone of those three did anything when I unplugged/plugged it :(21:19
xocolatlso I guess the system itself isn't recognizing it?21:20
naccxocolatl: that would be my initial guess, but i'm not sure21:20
oerheksu0m3, if this is going on for hours, yes, ctrl + c21:20
xocolatl16.04 recognized it just fine :(21:21
xocolatlI guess I'll have to reinstall that :(21:21
leftyfbxocolatl: slow down cowboy21:21
jcduttonxocolatl,   lspci -v    what does that output?21:21
naccoerheks: some odd output in there (about stdin) and then it's weird the postinst is runing at all since it's a remove21:22
xocolatljcdutton: http://dpaste.com/2PYBFCP21:22
oerheksnacc, might be the cuda cuda-drivers thingy that gives this issue.. remember something before that looks like this21:23
jcduttonxocolatl, did you maybe disable something in the bios?21:24
xocolatlnot on purpose21:24
naccoerheks: yeah could be21:24
xocolatldon't remember last time I was in the bios21:24
jcduttonxrandr --auto21:31
jcduttonthen     xrandr     what does it output?21:31
oerheksxocolatl, check for bios updates too21:32
jcduttonoerheks, he left21:33
oerhekssorry, i am slow on fridays21:33
jcduttonleftyfb, he had a Lenovo laptop, not an Apple21:33
leftyfbjcdutton: and?21:34
jcduttonit does not have a thunderbolt port. So he would have been plugging into a normal HDMI or mini-HDMI port21:34
jcduttonor VGA port21:35
leftyfbjcdutton: I never said it was a thunderbolt port. In fact, I confirmed it was a mini display port.21:35
xocolatljcdutton: nothing seems amiss in the bios21:35
dannye456789So I installed ubuntu on my Acer Aspire Cloudbook 14. I had to add the UEFI so that I was able to boot into Ubuntu. I messed something up so I reinstalled it and now I can't get ubuntu to boot up at all I just get a error saying no boot media found. When I try to readd the UEFI file it says that it already exists. I don't know what to do to fix this problem. I can install windows and it boots without and issue.21:35
jcduttonxocolatl, xrandr --auto21:37
jcduttonxocolatl, then     xrandr     what does it output?21:37
xocolatlsame output as before21:37
jcduttonDid you power on the laptop with the new display connected?   Sometimes it will not work if you connect it after21:37
Danny_So I installed ubuntu on my Acer Aspire Cloudbook 14. I had to add the UEFI so that I was able to boot into Ubuntu. I messed something up so I reinstalled it and now I can't get ubuntu to boot up at all I just get a error saying no boot media found. When I try to readd the UEFI file it says that it already exists. I don't know what to do to fix this problem. I can install windows and it boots without and issue.21:38
xocolatljcdutton: good news for you, bad news for me.  I switched to the vga dongle and it worked21:39
XenegaDanny_, do you have the same error if you boot without secure boot ?21:39
jcduttonxocolatl, great, so it is working fine now?21:39
johnjelinekhi all21:39
xocolatljcdutton: hdmi is not working.  I guess I need to find out if it's my dongle or my cable21:40
leftyfbxocolatl: I've had multiple mini display adapters just go bad ... especially the cheap no-name ones21:40
Danny_Xenega: Yes ive tried disabling secure boot and activing Legacy Boot21:40
johnjelinekI'm trying to go from Ubuntu Server, install Ubuntu Desktop on it, and enable the gnome VNC server (vino) all from the terminal21:40
johnjelinekany ideas how to do that last part?21:40
Danny_Xenega: Stiil get the same output every time21:40
XenegaDanny_, do not work ?21:40
jcduttonxocolatl, when it works, does xrandr see it?21:40
Danny_Xenega: Still doesn't work. So I don't know what the issue is21:41
johnjelinekI thought this might work: `gsettings set org.gnome.Vino enabled true` but it doesn't: `No such key “enabled”`21:41
XenegaDanny_, https://itsfoss.com/no-bootable-device-found-ubuntu/ <<< have you tried that ?21:41
xocolatljcdutton: when I plug vga in, I get some lines for DP-1, yes  (do you want to see them?)21:41
jcduttonno, it is ok, anything instead of disconnected is good21:41
leftyfbxocolatl: if you get nothing when plugging in the mDP, then my guess is the adapter is bad. Could try fiddling with it a bit after it's plugged in and watch logs/dmesg21:42
Danny_Xenega: That's what I got after I installed ubuntu the first time. I added the UEFI file and ubuntu worked. I reinstalled ubuntu and now I get just a text screen saying no bootable media found and when I try to add the UEFI file it continues to give me the same error21:42
xocolatlI'm going to just buy a new one.  hopefully they'll have them at the airport21:42
xocolatl(I'm giving a presentation monday)21:43
XenegaDanny_, when you choose the EFI file, the name is shimx64, right ?21:43
jcduttonxocolatl, Which Lenovo laptop do you have?21:44
xocolatlcarbon x121:44
Danny_Xenega: Correct21:44
xocolatltoo bad svga doesn't carry sound21:45
XenegaDanny_, when have I got a problem with my UEFI, I have used Boot-Repair. Avoid to type a lot of command.21:47
Danny_Xenega: what is boot-repair?21:48
jcduttonxocolatl, could you use HDMI port instead?21:48
xocolatlthat's what we just determined I couldn't do21:49
XenegaDanny_, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair21:50
jcduttonxocolatl, did you try powering off, plugging in the HDMI, then powering on again?21:52
xocolatlwell, no, but I rebooted with the thing plugged in21:52
jcduttonIs it plugging into a TV?21:52
jcduttonDo you have any other HDMI cables you could try?21:53
xocolatlnot on me, no21:53
jcduttonCan you test the HDMI cable you have into a different machine?  blueray player, xbox anything?21:55
xocolatlI'm at a hotel21:55
xocolatland it's midnight :)21:56
sla3kThey should have a dish/set-top-box etc etc. and a TV...21:56
xocolatljust a tv21:56
sla3kand probably hdmi cables connecting it21:56
jcduttonxocolatl, you could try reception. They might have one they use for conferences.21:57
xocolatlI doubt they get many conferences at this place :)  it's a tiny hotel out in the countryside21:57
jcduttonThere is still a possibility, although slight, that it is a software problem.21:58
xocolatlthat would allow the vga dongle to work but not the hdmi one?21:58
jcduttonwas the vga dongle plugged into the HDMI port?21:59
xocolatlI only have a mini display port21:59
xocolatlvga, hdmi, and dvi dongles plug into that22:00
xocolatlI don't have a dvi cable so I can't test that22:00
jcduttonxocolatl, you have a normal sized hdmi cable?22:02
jcduttonplug that into the HDMI port on the laptop. It has one22:02
xocolatlit does not have one22:02
jcduttonxocolatl, is this your laptop: https://www.cnet.com/products/lenovo-thinkpad-x1-carbon-3rd-generation-intel-core-i7-5600u-2-60ghz-1600mhz-4mb/specs/22:03
jcduttonxocolatl, it is vary rare to not have a HDMI22:05
xocolatlsee "cons"22:05
jcduttonxocolatl, Ah!22:07
sla3kSo from the previous messages, you have mDP to HDMI cable, mDP on laptop side and HDMI on tv side.22:08
sla3kGod it took some reading before figuring that out22:08
jcduttonxocolatl, so if the VGA pluged into the DP port and worked, but the HDMI one did not, it is most likely the dongle22:09
sla3kAnd from lsusb output, I don't see anything apart from VGAlspci -v22:10
xocolatlthat's the conclusion I've come to.  now I need to find a store that sells one tomorrow.  not easy where I am.  or if they have them at the airport on monday morning, that will do22:10
SimonNLxocolatl: anything you could change in the source settings of the TV?22:10
sla3kSorry for that, lspci -v doesn't seems to list anything apart from few USB and a VGA22:10
xocolatltv has two hdmi ports and neither of them work22:11
xocolatlI think the problem is on my side22:11
MalteaHey, i have trouble with ubuntu 18.04 with dns being ignored from my dhcp and also on manual config and on resolv.conf can anyone help? Im kinda at lost how to solve this issue as i can ping just fine.22:22
xocolatljcdutton: thank you for your help22:23
jcduttonxocolatl, take your laptop along to the shop and make sure the mDP adapter works before you leave22:24
glasshaushow can i install a additional firmware, is it enough to copy the firmware in the diretory /lib/firmware and restart the pc?22:26
jcduttonglasshaus, depends what the firmware is for22:26
glasshausdvb usb adapter22:27
jcduttonyes, simply copying the firmware to /lib/firmware and removing the USB device and plugging it in again should work22:27
jcduttonglasshaus, some devices only load the DVB firmware when you go to try and tune to a channel22:28
glasshausjcdutton my dvb adapter isen't  official supported and a firmware is not present in the kernel. that's why i ask. i found a firmware on a website for the usb device ( DVB )22:30
MalteaHey, i have trouble with ubuntu 18.04 lts with dns being ignored from my dhcp and also on static setup and on resolv.conf can anyone help? Im kinda at loss how to solve this issue as i can ping just fine. I have also simplifed my network setup to be as generic as possible. I have also tried alternate dns servers and i can ping them.22:36
HalianI'm having a problem where one of my hard drives, a 3 TB Seagate model, isn't showing up in Ubuntu 18.04 x64 in any way, shape, or form, and I don't see any error messages when running `dmesg | grep ata`. What can I do to coax it out of hiding?22:40
MalteaHalian, can you confirm that the drive is detected in bios?22:41
HalianMaltea: the drive is indeed detected in UEFI, as well as my other two OSes, Mac OS X* and Windows (* this computer is a hackintosh)22:42
HalianD: *pours ice water on sparklyballs2*22:42
MalteaHalian: perfect do you get a linux device id such as sdf etc?22:43
oerheks if that drive is exfat, you need 2 utils: sudo apt-get install exfat-fuse exfat-utils22:43
HalianMaltea: no22:43
Halianoerheks: thanks; the other partition is HFS+22:43
Halian(and that dovetails into my other question: how, if at all, can you read HFS+ and APFS on Ubuntu?)22:44
oerheksoh, good to mention afterwards...22:44
Halianoerheks: Sorry, I was worried the problem was something greater, since I'm not even getting device IDs or recognition in e.g. gparted.22:44
santost12are there any alternatives to this(https://github.com/kriswebdev/cryptsetup-deluks) that someone could recommend?22:59
santost12anyone here use that?22:59
oerheksHalian, maybe worth checking your windows to see if fastboot is enabled23:01
oerhekselse hfsprogs are needed ofcourse23:01
oerheks!info hfsprogs23:02
ubottuhfsprogs (source: hfsprogs): mkfs and fsck for HFS and HFS+ file systems. In component universe, is optional. Version 332.25-11build1 (bionic), package size 132 kB, installed size 336 kB23:02
HalianI have hfsprogs installed, I'm just waiting for an opportune lull in my umpteen zillion chat channels to reboot23:02
Dexx1_How do I fix when my terminal is stuck at update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-4.13.0-41-generic after doing a 'sudo apt-get upgrade'?23:22
Bashing-omDexx1_: How long have you waited ? A lot of old kernels still installed. will take a while to crunch .23:27
oerhekswhen the caps lock light switching works, just wait23:28
oerheksand hdd led activity23:28
sonicwindthis post might help?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/1667512/comments/723:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1667512 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu) "update-initramfs hangs on upgrade, dpkg unusable, unbootable system" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:31
Dexx1_Bashing-om: 25 mins23:32
Dexx1_also, killed it with CTRL C a while back, and this is the second attempt23:32
Dexx1_I am just trying to upgrade jekyll and this happened23:32
Dexx1_While trying to do: sudo apt-get upgrade jekyll23:32
Dexx1_^ Bashing-om23:33
Bashing-omDexx1_: I agree, should have completed by now .. what shows ' ps -e | grep apt ' ?23:34
Dexx1_Bashing-om: ps -e | grep apt shows nothing23:34
Dexx1_(in a new tab)23:34
Bashing-omDexx1_: Good - I guess - as the package manager is no longer running . Let's see what we can find out . What results now with ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt -f install ; sudo dpkg -C ' . See that the pckage manger is in a consustent state .. then we look at installed kernels .23:37
t3kg33kGreetings all23:37
t3kg33kCan anyone recommend a good wifi monitoring tool that I can use to test for traffic and congestion, specifically on my 2.4 GHz band?23:38
Dexx1_Bashing-om: it's doing neo in the matrix style scrolling :p23:39
Dexx1_Bashing-om: you want me to kill the other tab where it's stuck? (CTRL C)?23:39
Dexx1_Bashing-om: output: https://pastebin.com/raw/sN9UEiAs23:40
Bashing-omDexx1_: Looking .23:41
sonicwindis that the output of the dpkg -C?23:42
Bashing-omDexx1_: Yeah, seems apt is still running on the system. try to shut down apt-get gracefully.23:43
Bashing-om' sudo pkill -1 apt-get' .23:44
Dexx1_Bashing-om: You want me to CTRL+C the other tab where it's stuck at intra...?23:44
Dexx1_(on update-initramfs:)23:44
Bashing-omDexx1_: You are in deep enough with broke configs - try the gracefull way please .23:46
Dexx1_Bashing-om: ps -e | grep apt shows nothing -- but tab is closed X_X23:47
Bashing-omDexx1_: IF you ran the update as 'apt' then try as ' sudo pkill -1 apt-get' .23:47
Bashing-omDexx1_: IF you ran the update as 'apt' then try as ' sudo pkill -1 apt' !!23:48
Dexx1_k retrying previous command23:48
mottehow to set display to turn off automatically after a period of inactivty on a 18.04 ubuntu server without X?23:49
Dexx1_Bashing-om: now stuck at: Hit:12 https://packagecloud.io/slacktechnologies/slack/debian jessie InRelease 0% [Waiting for headers]23:50
Dexx1_k, nvm it's moving23:50
Bashing-omDexx1_: Whoa .. what has the "jessie" source have to do with ubuntu ?23:51
Dexx1_Bashing-om: not sure if it's the same, but here: https://pastebin.com/raw/z84Mq6N923:51
Dexx1_Bashing-om: this is elementaryOS, which is built on Ubuntu AFAIK23:52
Bashing-omDexx1_: Sorry - not - but based on is not ubuntu .. things in EOS are changed we know nothing about .23:53
Bashing-om!eos | Dexx1_23:53
=== user____ is now known as zany
Bashing-om!elementary | Dexx1_23:54
ubottuDexx1_: Elementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on irc.freenode.net - http://elementaryos.org/ for more information on this distribution.23:54
oerhekspanteon desktop has its own issues indeed23:55
=== Tin__man is now known as Tin_man

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