
WMRamadanI’m interested in contributing to Packaging and Testing.18:36
WMRamadanDo I just join the mailing list for this or is there another process involved?18:36
OvenWerksWMRamadan: That is a great start. We have also been having meetings on Saturdays. I don't remember the UTC time, but it works out to 1200PDT19:10
WMRamadanOvenWerks: So the meetings are on Saturday 1200PDT here?19:11
WMRamadanGreat so tomorrow at 1200PDT is the meeting!19:15
OvenWerksYes, I haven't heard any notice to cancel19:16
tsimonq2WMRamadan: Do you have any packaging experience?19:16
OvenWerksErichEickmeyer: ^ ?19:16
WMRamadanWhere would you get this notice or info for the meetings?19:16
OvenWerksmailing list19:16
WMRamadanI have joined the mailing list on Ubuntu Studio contributors 19:17
WMRamadanI have experience with System Administration, DevOps work abd Programming in PHP/Python/Javascript19:18
WMRamadanLinux Operating Systems is a primary focus for me19:18
WMRamadantsimonq2: What would you recommend I look at first?19:20
tsimonq2WMRamadan: Try looking through the Debian Policy Manual19:21
WMRamadantsimonq2: Thanks will definitely check it out.19:26
tsimonq2WMRamadan: No problem, let me know.19:27
* OvenWerks has stayed away from packaging because it seems more political than anything else.19:30
tsimonq2Not really.19:36
OvenWerksI guess it depends on the package :)  try Carla.22:03

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