
Unit193ochosi: Did your panel.01:06
Unit193Urgh, it's got that stupid m4/ thing too..01:10
Unit193Though, if I didn't have vala or gir stuff:01:34
Unit193libxfce4panel/Makefile.am:193: error: HAVE_INTROSPECTION does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL01:34
Unit193libxfce4panel/Makefile.am:222: error: ENABLE_VAPIGEN does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL01:34
bluesabreUnit193: will try to get my patch in03:10
bluesabremight have ochosi upgrade my xfce powers03:10
Unit193Thanks! \o/03:10
ochosiUnit193: thanks, awesome! there are a gazillion typos like that in the panel, i'll one day try to fix them all in one go08:06
ochosibluesabre: what powers would you want/need?08:06
ochosicurrently travelling, but can take care next week08:07
Unit193ochosi: Well, that is.  if the gobject-introspection and valac aren't installed, autoreconf fails.  Expected?08:48
Unit193As far as the spelling fix, lintian has quite a few corrections at this point, so automatically finds a few.08:59
bluesabre!info gcc cosmic09:23
ubottugcc (source: gcc-defaults (1.176ubuntu3)): GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:7.3.0-3ubuntu3 (cosmic), package size 5 kB, installed size 64 kB09:23
Unit193!info gcc-8 cosmic09:33
ubottugcc-8 (source: gcc-8): GNU C compiler. In component universe, is optional. Version 8.1.0-5ubuntu1 (cosmic), package size 8101 kB, installed size 29119 kB09:33
Unit193!info gcc-8 bionic09:41
ubottugcc-8 (source: gcc-8): GNU C compiler. In component universe, is optional. Version 8-20180414-1ubuntu2 (bionic), package size 8085 kB, installed size 29082 kB09:41
bluesabreno escuses anymore then09:42

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