
=== Nikos is now known as Guest2885
LemonFoxis there a way for automatic translation in Konversation?02:22
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coolAyanamiOfficial support?04:23
valoriecoolAyanami: do you have a question?04:25
valorieunsure what you mean by "official"04:25
coolAyanamiI'm just asking. I notice the server name says this is official support lol04:27
valorieif you have a question, comment or problem, this is one place to say it04:27
coolAyanamiI do, but it's irc related lmao04:27
coolAyanamiI'm new to both IRC and Kubuntu, see. I mainly used Linux Lite before I made the switch to Kubuntu04:28
valoriehow are you faring so far?04:28
valorienot familiar with linux lite04:28
coolAyanamiI like this version. The first one I tried about a year ago (I think 16.04.02) had a buggy interface.04:30
valorieglad to hear it04:30
coolAyanamiSo I notice the default IRC client for Kubuntu is Konversation. How do you get a channel list on this client?04:32
coconutcoolAyanami:  /list04:33
ubottuAlis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"04:34
valoriealis is better for freenode, since there are such a massive number of channels04:34
valoriemost of FOSSy projects are here04:34
valorieusing /list will work very well on smaller servers, for sure04:35
coolAyanamiI've noticed in HexChat you can search for servers. Can you do that in Konversation?04:37
valorienot that I know of04:41
valorieof course all you would be "searching" is a database they include04:41
coolAyanamiOK, I tried that command. I've joined another channel. Thanks both of you!04:41
valorienice to meet ya04:41
coolAyanamiHow do you @mention someone in IRC? Can that even happen?04:42
coconutcoolAyanami: never use that "at" symbol, it will wake people up.04:57
coconutcoolAyanami: you can just write my nickname and i will be notified in my client. (use tab for auto completing)04:58
coolAyanamicoconut: Like this?04:59
coconutcoolAyanami: there is quassel irc client too under KDE. Though i don't use that.04:59
coconutyes like that04:59
coolAyanamiAnd it notifies you the way I wrote it?04:59
coconutand then there is away mode, which you can see whether i am away of my computer or not. (although not everyone use that)05:00
Unit193coconut: irc.netsplit.de is likely the best option of finding other networks, fwiw.05:01
Unit193Err, coolAyanami*05:01
coolAyanamiOK. Thanks again! I'm going to try irc.netsplit.de next.05:04
Unit193coolAyanami: It's just a website to browse, not connect to.05:07
coolAyanamiOh. I feel dumb. I have quite some learning to do.05:08
coolAyanamiYou're right Unit193! It's better this way. (Did this notify you?)05:09
Unit193coolAyanami: Yes, I have highlights hooked up to system notifications so I get a little bubble.05:10
Unit193(Also, scoll lock LED blinks in case something is full screen and blocking such notifications.)05:10
coolAyanamiWhat? You can do that?!05:10
coolAyanamiDo you have to modify the firmware or something on your keyboard to do that Unit193?05:15
Unit193Nooo, not at all.05:15
Unit193xset led 3;sleep 3;xset -led 3  to blink it.05:15
coolAyanamiOn terminal?05:17
coolAyanamiThis is odd. Terminal aint popping up05:20
valorieare you using konsole or the actual term?05:23
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coolAyanamiHow do I copy-and-paste the channels I want to auto-join?05:50
KuteKetxfce is shit05:52
coolAyanamilol what? Linux Lite is great, and it's based off of XFCE05:52
valoriecoolAyanami: you can add that under the server tab in konvi05:55
coolAyanamiI don't know how to do that.05:59
valorieor: https://userbase.kde.org/Konversation#Auto-join_channels06:01
valoriejust right-click and choose that06:01
valorieI didn't know about that06:01
coolAyanamiNice! Thanks once again06:04
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coolAyanamiYo, how do you use an IME for Japanese in Kubuntu?07:08
coolAyanamivalorie: All the guides for installing a Japanese IME are around 4 years old now.07:11
valoriethe Plasma team is making huge strides on japanese, chinese and korean input stuff, if that's your question07:13
valoriein a few hours that channel (#plasma) will come alive - european working hours07:14
valoriealthough it is the weekend07:14
valoriewe work closely with all our "upstreams" -- KDE, Ubuntu and Debian07:15
coolAyanamiYes, Japanese and Korean input07:15
valorieI know there is a Korean student working all this summer on improvements for Google Summer of Code07:16
valorieI mean, it will improve things for all languages, but since those seem to be the most difficult, that's where the effort is focussed07:16
coolAyanamiSo no way to input in Japanese in Kubuntu rn? Without installing stuff?07:22
coolAyanamivalorie: I made it confusing. My question was if there was a way to type Japanese characters in this regular keyboard (e.g. by IME).07:33
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unprss078__im new with all of this and seriously dont know what im doing sometimes. Cause of xtreme situations im living in , im forced to start learning about the freedom called Internet, Computing and Developing10:45
unprss078__please tell me if i do or say something wrong. I will directly work on it. Fast learner10:46
unprss078__ its all about the orange10:48
Aasifcan i know a good ide for c++ dev11:02
The_SeekerAasif: kdevelop11:03
Aasifgood for production?11:03
Aasiflike for not just hobby projects11:04
Aasifthanks ill check it out11:05
Aasifwierdly its already on my machine.. never tried it11:05
Aasifi usually use codelite11:05
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BluesKajHiyas all11:30
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instoogentallcan anyone help with the power management on Plasma? I enjoy the fact that some programs are able to suppress it, but is it possible to still make the screen lock and turn off after some time, even if ktorrent for example is running?16:58
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hangar18hey guys i'm trying to get latte dock started and i've forgotten how. i've had it once before and i can't get it back up and running. i've installed the backports for it and now i just need some help with getting it onto my desktop17:21
CamiloveskyHello, can someone tell me what do I need in requirments for kubuntu 18.04?18:04
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coolAyanamiCamilovesky: requirements?18:05
Camiloveskyhow many ram memory etc ;)18:06
coolAyanamiCamilovesky: Here are the system requirements: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements18:11
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Aasifinstalled it19:03
Aasifand now after i reboot can only see a mouse pointer19:03
Aasifit froze before getting to the login screen19:03
phoenix_firebrdAasif: can a dev package cause suck a think?19:04
Aasifi donno19:04
Aasifdev packages have drivers too right?19:04
phoenix_firebrdAasif: have tried after removing that package?19:04
Aasifdint work19:05
Aasifwas i right?19:05
Aasifsuppose there are two packages aPackage and aPackage-dev19:05
phoenix_firebrdAasif: I dont know, may be it might have pulled a driver as a dependency19:05
Aasifif i install aPackage-dev it will also install aPackage right19:05
Aasifyea that might be the case19:05
Aasifbut i dont have any dedicated gpu19:06
Aasifits just INTEL HD 62019:06
phoenix_firebrdAasif: let me check the dependency of the libgl1-mesa-dev package19:07
Aasifcool thanks19:08
Aasifi also lost the window manager when i ran sdl demo program19:10
Aasifafter a fresh install of kubuntu19:10
AasifSDL 2.019:10
Aasifbut other projects that were built on top of sdl like pygame worked fine19:10
phoenix_firebrdAasif: I see no package other than dev package as a dependency. Do you see any error message during boot?19:11
Aasifunfortunately no19:11
phoenix_firebrdAasif: also can you see the login screen?19:11
Aasifthe kubuntu logo appeared , then black screen came up and all i can see is mouse19:11
phoenix_firebrdAasif: can you open a tty?19:13
phoenix_firebrdAasif: can you try deleting the .xauthority file in your home and then restart your system?19:14
phoenix_firebrdhome folder I mean19:14
Aasifhome folder?19:15
Aasifyou mean ~/.xauthority19:15
phoenix_firebrdAasif: ya19:15
Aasifcan i know what that library is used for?19:16
phoenix_firebrdAasif: graphics19:16
phoenix_firebrdAasif: which one?19:16
phoenix_firebrdAasif: graphics library for development19:17
Aasifphoenix_firebrd, doesnt seem to work..19:18
Aasifdo you know how to reconfigure packages19:18
Aasifdpkg --reconfigure not working19:19
phoenix_firebrdAasif: can you paste the output of sudo journalctl -n 100 using any paste service?19:19
Aasifi purged the package19:20
Aasifnow its working19:20
phoenix_firebrdAasif: strange19:20
Aasifwhat does journalctl  do?19:20
phoenix_firebrdAasif: show you system logs19:20
Aasifis there no way i can use that package now?19:21
phoenix_firebrdAasif: wont you need the libgl1-mesa-dev for development?19:21
Aasifyea.. thats the point.. should i try to reinstall it?19:21
Aasifor maybe change prefix and compile again.. wierd tho19:22
phoenix_firebrdAasif: since now you know how to go back to normal if something happens, you should install the package restart the system and see if it boots normally. If it does not boot properly, you should open a tty, run the command "sudo journalctl -n 100" too see for any relevant error messages19:23
phoenix_firebrdtry to see if you can get a hint of whats wrong from the log19:24
Aasifim not good with dealing those errors.. ill just paste it here19:24
Aasifor maybe ill try19:24
Aasifphoenix_firebrd, can you suggest a good c++ ide?19:24
Aasifsomeone else here said. kdevelop but i find codelite more easier19:24
Aasifsomething that just works and good enough for production19:25
phoenix_firebrdAasif: have you tried, kdevelop? if that not you want then try Qt creator and eclipse. I love qt creator and next to that is kdevelop19:28
Aasifisnt qt creator focused on qt19:28
Aasifi have this student license copy of clion but its just too slow.. always busy working its own stuff out19:29
phoenix_firebrdAasif: then try kdevelop or eclipse19:30
Aasifcan i pick it up easily?19:30
Aasifi dont know cmake tho19:30
Aasifeclipse was nice.. but clion is better than that.. ill try to learn kdevelop then19:31
Aasifone thing.. why do u prefer qt creator over kdevelop19:32
phoenix_firebrdAasif: I develop application using QT framework and Qt creator is the best one for that20:02
phoenix_firebrdAasif: for developing kde applications kdevelop is the best20:02
Aasiffor something out of kde like games?20:03
Aasifi cant even figure out how to change the color scheme for kdevelop20:03
phoenix_firebrdAasif: Other than the ones I told you, I have only used visual studio. But many of the people like eclipse.20:04
Aasifi have VS but i like to develop on linux.. as far as eclipse goes clion is bettter but they both run on jvm..20:05
Aasifill just stick to kdevelop then20:06
Aasifif i cant keep up then fall back to codelite20:06
dimitris_hello guys20:25
dimitris_I'm on kubuntu 18.04 and lately I'm not able to shutdown my pc20:25
dimitris_It always reboots20:25
dimitris_I know this a reported bug(kernel issue actually) but what can I do to power it off?20:26
dimitris_I can't keep it on all day long20:26
valoriehow are you shutting it down, dimitris_?20:28
valorieyou can set it so that the power button doesn't shut it down (for some reason) -- perhaps that is set by mistake?20:29
valorieeasy way to check: alt+space will bring up krunner, then type power and choose power management20:30
dimitris_I have tried both from the application launcher and the terminal20:34
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dimitris_I think the only solution is to suspend20:36
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valoriedimitris_: did you read what I wrote above?20:41
valorieit might be a setting which you can change20:42
phoenix_firebrdvalorie: that setting affects this command too? "sudo shutdown -h now" ?20:45
valoriehmmm, I wouldn't think so, but I don't know for sure20:46
phoenix_firebrddimitris_: is that kernel bug related to acpi?20:46
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dimitris_phoenix_firebrd: I don't know21:37
phoenix_firebrddimitris_: you could always use a kernel version that does not have this bug21:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1760110 in linux (Ubuntu) "Kernel 4.15.0-13.14 reboots instead of powering off (when on battery) on HP Spectre x360 ae-000x" [Medium,Confirmed]21:40
phoenix_firebrddimitris_: so why not use 4.15?21:41
phoenix_firebrddimitris_: until the bug gets fixed21:42
dimitris_phoenix_firebrd: but the 4.15 is the one with the problem21:42
dimitris_and I read somewhere else that 4.16 is affected too21:42
phoenix_firebrddimitris_: but comment #7 says otherwise21:43
dimitris_Ubuntu kernel 4.15.0-12 HAS this problem21:43
dimitris_I'm on a different minor version but I have it too21:44
phoenix_firebrddimitris_: whats your kernel version?21:44
phoenix_firebrddimitris_: can you try 4.15.0-10.1121:46
phoenix_firebrddimitris_: or any minor build previous of 4.15.0-10.1121:47
Roeyhello!  My dmesg output is full of messages of the form "[2396418.770521] hpet1: lost 478 rtc interrupts"  How do I fix this??21:54

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