=== Ionic is now known as Guest80154 === Ionic is now known as Guest41158 [16:34] is it possible to alter source build recipe substitution variables? e.g. I have a latest-tag that starts with a letter (v) that i'd like to strip out to leave just the following version number (v1 -> 1) === oanson_ is now known as oanson === JanC_ is now known as JanC [19:10] i can't see a way of doing it. ideally it would allow e.g. {latest-tag[1:]} as it's python-based, but that's not a valid input for the function === lifeless_ is now known as lifeless [19:44] bzr-builder does support `run` which might have helped, but running arbitrary stuff in a shell isn't enabled on Launchpad for obvious reasons [21:10] meh... workaround is to add a hard-coded prefix then add the tag later in the version number, e.g. 1.0+{latest-tag}-0 -> 1.0+v1.0.67-0 . It's not ideal but it will do === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun