
tomreynthis looks rather old, do you still support this repository for 16.04 (the text states you do): https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa?field.series_filter=xenial01:44
tomreynone person in #ubuntu were asking about how to get newer nouveau on 16.04)01:46
tjaaltontomreyn: ricotz isn't here atm04:04
tomreyngood morning, ricotz. do you still provide updates on this PPA for 16.04? https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa?field.series_filter=xenial - some of these packages seem a little aged.09:29
tomreyn(but maybe that's how it should be since 16.04 is, too? i could not really tell.)09:30
ricotztomreyn, hi, there were some glvnd decisions I was waiting for, so there will be updates again09:31
ricotzofficial mesa 18.0.5 backports are already available iirc09:32
tomreynnot on this repository for xenial, but maybe elsewhere?09:33
tomreynthanks for the heads up.09:34
tomreyni meant to say 'thanks for your reply and the info you provided' there ;-).09:42
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