
bluesabreHappy to see this finally fixed, lp 177483801:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1774838 in Launchpad itself "Launchpad issue watching bugs from the Linux Kernel Bug Tracker" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/177483801:31
Unit193...I did the panel package but forgotted to puuuush.01:49
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ATTN: Xubuntu Core 18.10 - i386 - i386 built.02:06
Unit193Backported dh-autoreconf to 'experimental' for bionic too. :P02:07
Unit193now xfce4-panel is PPA'd.02:15
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ATTN: Xubuntu Core 18.10 - amd64 - amd64 built.02:30
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ATTN: Xubuntu Core 18.10 - amd64 - amd64 built.03:08
flocculantUnit193: updgrading - see new panel, seems a bunch of plugins are going to be removed - https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/6sxpxb4rGk/06:21
flocculantnot done it yet though - slipping out for a while06:21
Unit193xfce4-panel (>= 4.11), xfce4-panel (<< 4.13)06:26
Unit193flocculant: Looking into it now.08:02
Unit193...Well this is fun, so there's a few: grep-dctrl -n -FDepends -sPackage "xfce4-panel (<< 4.13)" /var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_bionic*amd64_Packages08:03
Unit193Uploading all for a rebuild...08:03
Unit193So to sum up: xfce4-panel will cause a transition, thunar will cause a smaller transition, and xfconf will cause a transition.08:04
Unit193I think one of you guys must really hate me or something. >_>08:04
Unit193flocculant: Upgrades should all go smoothly, and you should be able to get rid of the old libxfconf library, well except for ristretto.09:32
albinardJust installed Xubuntu Core 18.10 first alpha (complete with warning), it installed and runs perfectly!18:18
albinardSent my test report to the QA18:19
k3dARhi, question about "Xubuntu QA Experimental" PPA, today set of updates packages is only for 18.10 and with use this PPA on 18.04 and do full-upgrade is missed many packages and apt try remove many xfce packages... will be this "fixed"? or 18.04 is from now not supported in this PPA? thx20:25
Unit193I haven't pushed a rebuild for the panel plugins to Bionic, and some depend on xfce4-panel (<< 4.13)20:27
k3dARthanks :-) and is please posible do it? or is any technical problem?20:37
Unit193I wasn't planning on it, since testing should likely be done more on Cosmic, but should be doable.20:42
Unit193k3dAR: Starting the upload now...20:44
Unit193Also, since this is development builds, they have a chance to break.  We're also evaluating whether we want to ship everything in Cosmic, so if you run into any problems we'd love to hear them.20:45
k3dARmany thanks :-) I would understand if the support of 18.04 was stopped(complete remove 18.04 or remove today libxfce4panel-2.0-4  and xfce4-panel and keep set of previous non removable set), but it would be a pity when it is the last lts20:49
k3dARof course, if i have any problem, i report it... i use xubuntu 18.04 + xubuntu-dev ppa as primary system/nb...20:50
Unit193Bionic is only getting them because it is $current_release, not because it's LTS.20:50
k3dARis any actual bug report page on another place that launchpad where is look like unused? or report it here on irc channel? or any mailing list?20:51
k3dARunderstand, then after release 18.10, will be ppa for 18.04 stoped? i think from history that support yours dev ppa for 16.04 will be until 18.04 relases or not?20:52
k3dARbtw: sorry for me bad english :-)20:53
Unit193https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/+archive/ubuntu/experimental/+packages?field.name_filter=&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=bionic they're all buildin'.  While usually it's recommended to report them to launchpad or Xfce's bugzilla, since these are in a PPA and we're evaluating whether to ship them or not I'd say we'd be specifically interested so IRC or the devel mailing list 20:54
Unit193would be good.  And, well thses aren't really *backports*, they're more development releases.  I don't personally like trying to backport to the last LTS as it gets considerably more difficult as time moves on, but I'm not the only dev in the Xubuntu team. :)20:54
Unit193GTK3 version requirements get bumped higher than the LTS has, and libraries change (eg, we'll likely switch xfce4-indicator-plugin to use Ayatana indicators in cosmic, this would break on Bionic.)20:56
k3dARbuild finished, published and i have succesfully all upgraded, i do restart lighdm session now...21:03
k3dARUnit193: at first glance it's not any problem :-) thanks21:06
Unit193You're welcome.21:07
k3dARand i see that in xfce panel settings is now localised "Backup and Restore" button, nice, i reported this before :-)21:11
Unit193flocculant: Can I get some QA buy-in on this, btw?21:20
k3dARUnit193: i try all updates plugins (cpugraph mailwatch notes panel places quicklauncher sensors timer verve weather), add to panel and configure it, all work... only new plugin messenger i don't know if work, in panel settings not have icon and not posibility to configure21:37
Unit193k3dAR: To be clear, while some of these are new plugins, most are just rebuilt against the new xfce4-panel.  The messanger plugin is a very old plugin, and as far as I know doesn't even really have a home.  I'd be surprised if that one worked.21:39
Unit193xfce4-linelight-plugin xfce4-radio-plugin xfce4-hdaps are all oooold.21:40
k3dARwhen talking about old plugins, is any chance of resurection of thunar-shares-plugin? :-)21:55
k3dARugh, 9year about 0.2 in git now see 0.3 version from 3 month ago21:58
Unit193https://git.xfce.org/thunar-plugins/thunar-shares-plugin/commit/?id=9f9d2429217838b3b8375e41ab3675412cf1d0ed but seems it was only ported..21:59
k3dARyes, already downloaded and try compile, but thunarx is new for me :-)22:04
k3dARok, needed package libthunarx-3-dev22:11
Unit193(RFP - #672539) http://bugs.debian.org/672539 thunar-shares-plugin22:12
ubottuDebian bug 672539 in wnpp "RFP: thunar-shares-plugin -- samba usershare support for thunar filemanager (XFCE)" [Wishlist,Open]22:12
k3dAR_Unit193: thunar-shares-plugin compiled&installed ok, but in folder properties not present :-) (user is in sambashare group, lightdm restarted) anyway good is after many years somebody work on it :-)22:24
Unit193k3dAR_: I don't think it's really being worked on, just ported to the new thunar and gtk3. And you have to set the prefix to use it with system panel.22:29
k3dAR_understand, i just want try it ;-) prefix set using autogen parameter as in README, that find where is thunarx prefix, /usr... also i look in README where is some usershare parameters for smb.conf, though mentioned is not need by user set from 8.04, but who know :-)22:34
k3dAR_Unit193: modify smb.conf not help, but youre right, i have some problem with prefix, autoget show /usr, but install is to / ;-)22:41
k3dAR_my bad, autogen show /usr before when i try with thunarx-3 parameter, but after i install correct dev package, then i use thunarx-1 as is in README and this not set preffix... anyway with right prefix /usr and really installed to /usr not show in folder properties22:46
k3dAR_Unit193: ok, now in folder properties is shared tab, set share using it add to usershare ("net usershare list" show it) and via network is accessed :-) only problem was (as you say) with prefix, command from README set prefix to /usr, install put plugin in path /usr/lib/thunarx-3, but i look that real path for plugins (where i have already other installed thunar plugins) is /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/thunarx-3, and if manualy 22:58
Unit193So the plugin actually works?23:16
k3dAR_in source is only need fix detection of plugin path(try find here but not sure where) and in README for configure+autogen s/thunarx-1/thunarx-3/23:26
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