
lotuspsychjegood morning to all02:40
=== eyeoh_ is now known as eyeoh
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Early bird, for the worm ?02:42
lotuspsychjegot attacked by mosquito02:42
Bashing-omthat will do it too :P02:42
lotuspsychjecoffee & idle on sunday mornings zzzz02:46
Bashing-omcoffee is good :)02:47
lotuspsychjehey IcemanV903:37
IcemanV9evening, sir03:39
IcemanV9modal diaglog window is attached to their parent window was enabled by default. it drove me batty today. thanks goodness for the tweak to turn it off! argh03:41
lotuspsychjewindow of what IcemanV9 ?03:42
IcemanV9any application - it moved with the window when i tried to see information behind the dialog.03:48
IcemanV9it wasn't a good idea at all to have it enabled by default. anyway, tweak saved my day (and hair) : )03:50
=== guiverc_t is now known as guiverc
ducassegood morning06:13
ubot516.04.2 is rescheduled to February 16th due to several last minute issues with building and testing the ISOs. You can install the 16.04(.1) ISOs and run the updates if you are in a hurry.07:46
=== NoCode_ is now known as NoCode
blackflowlotuspsychje: solved your problem of long boot? I just found a bug in Bionic and it's been reported since 2016, with a comment that might explain long boot times.08:28
blackflowbug #157958008:28
ubot5bug 1579580 in ureadahead (Ubuntu) "ureadahead reports relative path errors in journalctl output" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157958008:28
blackflowsee comment #11 . Found that thing because I found massive spamming by ureadahead in my logs as well.08:28
blackflownow to figure out why gnome crashed on idle computer that stayed up overnight (no suspend activated). upon restarting the shell (alt+F2+r), the dock would not come up.08:31
lotuspsychjeblackflow: think its not related, as my 16.04 went rocketfast09:03
lotuspsychjeblackflow: only experience this on bionic09:03
lotuspsychjeblackflow: but lemme check anyway in syslog09:04
lotuspsychjeblackflow: hmm found also ureadahead spams09:08
blackflowlotuspsychje: comment #3 fixed it for me09:09
lotuspsychjelemme do that09:09
lotuspsychjeblackflow: i dont have a ureadahead.service.d folder, do you?09:11
blackflowlotuspsychje: no you create it. just run   systemctl edit ureadahead.service  and add those three lines.09:12
blackflowit will open an empty file in the $EDITOR, so you just need to override ExecStart   (twice, exactly like in the comment)09:13
lotuspsychjeblackflow: ok got a quiet.conf now containing [Service]09:20
lotuspsychjeExecStart=/sbin/ureadahead -q09:20
blackflownow reboot and see if that fixes the issue. even if it doesn't, it quiets down the logs, this was waaaay to spammy.09:20
lotuspsychjekk lets c09:21
lotuspsychjeblackflow: doesnt feel too shiny yet :p09:24
lotuspsychjeblackflow: ive been looking up more yesterday09:24
lotuspsychjeblackflow: livepatch is also one of those /dev/loops09:25
blackflowoh you use livepatch? how's that going.09:25
lotuspsychjeblackflow: not real sure yet, just enabled from welcome screen09:25
lotuspsychjeblackflow: been tweaking all things in the book yesterday fstab, swappiness09:26
blackflowunfortunately, gnome is very buggy and log-spammy. plenty of errors on a seemingly working computer so it's very hard to tell what's relevant and what isn't.09:27
lotuspsychjeblackflow: https://hastebin.com/hodozafimo.go if every dev loop takes 1,5 sec we get a long boot right09:28
lotuspsychjemorning EriC^09:29
blackflowlotuspsychje: that depends. you stated long wait times to get to the login prompt, so these would be meaningful causes only if the gdm.service has to wait for them to finish first.09:33
lotuspsychjeblackflow: the other way around, i get long load from login ==> to desktop09:34
blackflowoh. huh.09:35
blackflowhow long is long? I get a second or two.09:35
lotuspsychje25 secs09:35
lotuspsychjehence why im frustrated :p09:36
blackflowwell, I'd try stracing /usr/sbin/gdm3 from the gdm3.service. strace can output to a file so you can inject it in ExecStart of the service (at least in theory). However, gnome is a very complex beast, so who knows which of the ten gazillion processes it spawns, is doing the hogging.09:37
lotuspsychjeyeah must be gnomes fault, as unity did great on my ssd09:38
lotuspsychjecanonical promised faster booting, but not sure where they at yet09:39
lotuspsychjei hope for .109:39
lotuspsychjeif not, alot of unity users will have the shock of their lives transitioning09:40
blackflowchoosing gnome was a strategic mistake of the decade.09:41
lotuspsychjethey should at least tweak gnome for lightweight overall09:42
blackflowUnity was/is the best desktop environment of them all.09:42
lotuspsychjeso i think also09:42
lotuspsychjeinstalled 100's of machines with unity flawlessly09:43
blackflowlotuspsychje: oh lol, good luck with that. that's an impossible task. it _would_ be possible if gnome devs would stop breaking it and try to stabilize, fix bugs, before pushing on. but eh, that's a wet dream. recently even the dev said it's a lost cause and cannot be optimized because of architectural mistakes.09:43
lotuspsychjeand ok..its a gnome fork09:43
blackflowunfortunately time required to find and fix what needs to be fixed, is approximately the lifetime of the LTS. by the time you've stabilized it to some decent level of usage, it's being deprecated and on you move to the next cycle.09:45
lotuspsychjei still dream of a nice vanilla ubuntu desktop that works like a charm09:48
lotuspsychjeand i need it for my customers too09:48
lotuspsychjeso im gonna file bugs till they fix09:48
oerheksblackflow :-o11:25
BluesKajHey folks11:25
EriC^^hey all11:27
BluesKajhey EriC^^11:28
BluesKaj hey oerheks11:28
EriC^^hey BluesKaj11:28
BluesKajI've had good luck with realtek, despite all the negative comments I've seen about it13:25
lotuspsychjenever had firmware issue?13:25
BluesKajnot that i recall, lotuspsychje. Most of my experience with their products has been with  audio drivers, never seen any reltek on my linux machines , just waaay back on my W9813:28
BluesKajthe W98 was an HP , think the nic was a realtek13:29
blackflowbummer, second freeze in less than 24 hours. something involving nvidia, xorg and gnome. methinks nvidia is the real cause and the other two are cascading from that. upgraded to latest 396 from the graphcis PPA. lets see how that works.13:43
lotuspsychjeblackflow: from now we hear good things on nvidia-39013:45
lotuspsychjetomreyn: didnt see alot machines yet in the past that didnt like unity13:52
lotuspsychjeor they needed to be reaaal old13:52
lotuspsychjelike an aspire 1350 of my aunt13:53
lotuspsychjeeven didnt like lubuntu lol13:53
tomreynhmm, well, whatever helps, i guess13:53
tomreyndid they try xubuntu or similar 'simple desktops' on 18.04 ?13:53
lotuspsychjegot an old laptop here i tested minimal bionic on lubuntu13:54
tomreynmight have been easier and a better way forward than reinstalling 16.0413:54
tomreyn(but i guess 16.04 is what they wanted)13:55
lotuspsychjewasnt bad, but in my opinion lubuntu 16.04 rocked13:55
ArturDid you maybe migrate from mac to ubuntu?14:58
ArturI mean change keyboard setup.14:59
ArturI wish I could change my pc keyboard to match keys on macs.14:59
Arturfor example alt+t new tab14:59
Arturnot ctrl + t14:59
ArturI wonder if I could change something in this matter or get used to new layout.15:03
arth7774I must ensure I 'am properly logged into this channel. Could you say smth?15:07
arth7774EriC^^: hi15:21
arth7774EriC^^: Do you set your mind to improving this channel?15:28
arth7774How can I know if someone is actually on this channel. Is his nickname colored and bold then?15:30
=== czesmir_ is now known as czesmir
Bashing-omAll rite ! .... I am ready to have fun now :P18:58

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