
cantmountHello. I recently installed Xubuntu core 18.04. My android device won't mount. What do I need to do for the device to be mountable?00:09
cantmountIs it not mountable because I used the minimal iso (need a driver)?00:10
Unit193Do you have gvfs-backends installed?00:12
cantmounthow do i check00:12
Unit193apt-cache policy gvfs-backends00:13
cantmountUnit193 says: "installed: none"00:13
Unit193See also https://docs.xubuntu.org/1804/user/C/appendix-packages.html#background00:14
Unit193cantmount: I'd install that.00:14
cantmountshould that fix my problem?00:14
Unit193Contains mtp, so should.  Might need gvfs-fuse if you don't already have it.00:15
cantmountSo this is the "Git Virtual File System"00:16
Unit193Git?  No.  GNOME.00:16
cantmountwouldn't it be easier to just install mtp directly?00:18
cantmountdoesn't seem to have worked after installing gvf-backends00:18
cantmountnothing is popping up in thunar00:20
Unit193Did you install the -fuse extension too?  And you'll want to quit the thunar daemon too.00:25
cantmountunit193: yes I did00:31
Unit193cantmount: So after quitting the daemon, opening thunar again, then plugging in your phone it doesn't pop up?00:32
cantmountunit193: yeah no luck. I have my device set to MIDI too00:32
Spassbtw, this should be updated - https://docs.xubuntu.org/1804/user/C/appendix-packages.html (Document Viewer, Calculator, Theme Configuration)00:33
Unit193Spass: Correct.00:33
cantmountunit193: any other suggestions?00:38
Unit193cantmount: gvfs-backends+gvfs-fuse is what allows one to mount mtp devices via fuse, sooo..00:38
cantmountI guess I'll try rebooting00:39
cantmountthanks for help anyway though, appreciate it00:41
jaltHi, how can I script (bash) adding and configuring the xfce4-genmon-plugin to the panel? A manual setup revealed that it gets assigned a (sequential?) id, such that xfconf-query -c xfce4-panel -p /plugins -lv shows "/plugins/plugin-9 genmon", and I can find its (genmon) config in ~/.config/xfce4/config/genmon-9.rc. I am unsure how to use xfce4-panel --add= because it always returns 0 (success) regardless of what name I pass, including gibberish. What I specifical02:22
xubuntu12iwoah this usb stick be very hot05:08
* xubuntu12i licks the stick05:08
xubuntu12i17983 root      20   0   25864  18440  10248 D  12.9  0.5   0:23.54 install.py  <----- OMG A VIRUS!05:10
xubuntu12i 538 root       0 -20       0      0      0 S   0.3  0.0   0:02.68 loop0   <---- caught in a loooppppp anyone?05:12
* xubuntu12i dies05:12
AndrioAs long as it's not a USB bomb.05:12
Unit193What an odd fella.05:12
jaltHi, can anyone confirm that running "xfce4-panel --add=foobar" (where foobar is anything but a valid plugin name) results in no output and exit status 0? Because that is what I get on latest Xubuntu
Unit193jalt: Confirmed.06:02
jaltThanks Unit193. I will file a bug tomorrow, too tired to write coherently right now...06:03
Unit193I'm running the 4.12 series though, not 4.1306:04
jaltright, 4.12 is what comes with xenial06:05
Unit193I'm on Bionic, jalt.  FWIW.06:08
Unit193uselessnoob: Howdy.06:08
uselessnoob i have installed ubuntu on a usb disk (not live usb) it worked fine last night but when i want to use on my desktop pc after selecting ubuntu in gru it says cannot find boot partition06:09
uselessnoob<nicholasBPM> guiverc, i run latest ubuntu06:09
uselessnoobbut when i connect it to my laptop its just shows me an error and after i click on a key it boots into xubuntu normally06:09
uselessnoobso grub tries to look for another OSs like when i connect my usb stick into another pc grub thinks there is windows 10 installed in there but in fact there is no windows 1006:10
uselessnoobUnit193, can u help me?06:11
uselessnoobClient: HexChat 2.14.1 • OS: Ubuntu "bionic" 18.04 • CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6500U CPU @ 2.50GHz (500MHz) • Memory: Physical: 7.5 GiB Total (6.9 GiB Free) Swap: 675.0 MiB Total (675.0 MiB Free) • Storage: 5.8 GB / 28.6 GB (22.7 GB Free) • VGA: Intel Corporation HD Graphics 520 @ Intel Corporation Skylake Host Bridge/DRAM Registers • Uptime: 35m 58s06:11
Unit193I see you're currently getting help in #ubuntu.  I'll leave that there so as to not confuse the matters.06:12
uselessnoobnope they say they cant help me06:13
uselessnooband i dont wanna use hacking methods06:13
uselessnoobi thought since ive installed xubuntu and not ubuntu maybe its better to ask in here06:14
Unit193It's not Xfce specific, so either there or here would do.  At this time of night you're not the most likely to find someone active, so perhaps the larger channel would be better.06:15
uselessnooboh well its not night in here06:16
uselessnoobits 10:45 am in my country lol06:16
uselessnoobUnit193, i just wanna make sure that there is a way to fix this problem (not hacking)06:17
Unit193USB installs are usually a bit finicky, I only have done live or persistent USBs.06:18
uselessnoobthis isnt live.06:19
gnarlfoxi'm having an issue getting sel4 to run on qemu08:25
gnarlfoxi haven't messed around with linux in a long time so i'm just following directions from the l4 website08:26
gnarlfoxthis link in particular: https://docs.sel4.systems/Hardware/Qemu/08:28
well_laid_lawnwhat is seL4 ?08:28
gnarlfoxi can't get past the "make part"08:28
gnarlfoxseL4 is an os with a microkernel08:28
well_laid_lawnwhat make issue are you experiencing ?08:29
gnarlfoxroot@doc-desktop:/home/doc/test_default/test_default/test_default/camkes_vm/build_vm# make clean08:31
gnarlfoxmake: *** No rule to make target 'clean'.  Stop.08:31
gnarlfoxroot@doc-desktop:/home/doc/test_default/test_default/test_default/camkes_vm/build_vm# cd test_default08:31
gnarlfoxbash: cd: test_default: No such file or directory08:31
well_laid_lawnfrom that link it seems you missed a few steps08:32
gnarlfoxrepo sync seems to work08:33
gnarlfoxbut i'm not sure what to do next08:33
gnarlfoxmake clean seems like the next step08:33
gnarlfoxbut i'm not sure what that means08:33
well_laid_lawnyou didn't make a dir and change to it before the repo sync it seems08:33
well_laid_lawnthe first box in the compilation section08:34
gnarlfoxi just checked, and it looks like i have test_default inside test_default08:35
gnarlfoxthink that could be an issue?08:35
well_laid_lawnI'd remove those and start again08:35
gnarlfoxokay, i'll give it a try08:36
gnarlfoxdo you think it's fine do delete test_default08:36
gnarlfoxi've got a few things in it08:36
gnarlfoxseems like it wouldn't since it's labeled as test, but i'm not ure08:37
well_laid_lawnyou can make a dir with a different name08:37
well_laid_lawnthe directory name shouldn't be important08:37
gnarlfoxanything seem wrong with this?08:59
gnarlfoxroot@doc-desktop:~/test_default# cd images08:59
gnarlfoxroot@doc-desktop:~/test_default/images# qemu-system-x86_64 -m 10000 -kernel-ia32-pc99 -initrd capd1-loader-experimental-image-ia32-pc99 --enable-kvm -smp 3 -cpu Nehalem,+vmx -nographic08:59
gnarlfoxqemu-system-x86_64: -kernel-ia32-pc99: invalid option08:59
gnarlfox-smp 3 is how many cpu's i'm giving09:00
gnarlfoxi have a 4 core i509:00
gnarlfoxand i've got 16gb of ram for -m 1000009:00
gnarlfoxmaybe i should check if Vt-x is enabled in my UEFI09:04
gnarlfoxlooks like i just needed a absolute ton of dependencies, then i'll try again09:56
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=== righttime is now known as rud0lf
kimmokHi, Can some experienced guru tell when would it be good time to upgrade 16.04 to 18.04?15:59
knomeyou're notified of the LTS->LTS upgrade once the first point release it out. that's not a bad time.16:07
kimmokOk.. I red from some old LTS release that it would come few weeks after first full release, but I haven't got any info about that so thats why I asked16:10
knomea few weeks from now16:17
kimmokroger that16:30
xubuntu50dВсем привет! Как установить Skype на Xubuntu? Спасибо!21:09
Spassxubuntu50d, what version of Xubuntu? 18.04? you can install Skype as a snap package from the gnome-software21:13
Spass...or you can download DEB package from the Skype's official website21:14
xubuntu50dXubuntu 16.0421:18
xubuntu50dThank You!!!21:19
SpassHmm, I don't remember if 16.04 has snaps enabled by default, but you can try to just search for "skype" in the gnome-software, or try with that DEB package from skype.com (I think it's only for 64-bit)21:23
xubuntu50dОк. Thanks!21:26
Spasssure, no problem21:27

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