=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer | ||
didrocks | good morning | 06:40 |
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seb128 | good morning desktopers | 07:35 |
didrocks | salut seb128 | 07:36 |
Laney | ello! | 08:00 |
didrocks | hey Laney | 08:03 |
seb128 | hey Laney, how are you? | 08:05 |
Laney | hey didrocks, wb seb128! | 08:10 |
Laney | how's it going? | 08:10 |
Laney | seb128: good holiday? nice tan? tasty food? relaxed? | 08:10 |
seb128 | great holidays, very nice food & relaxed | 08:10 |
Laney | we went to watch a friend do a running race at the weekend, and also go to the beach :> | 08:10 |
seb128 | not so much sun though, but we mostly avoid the rain so I'm not complaining | 08:11 |
Laney | you could be english | 08:11 |
seb128 | hah | 08:12 |
Laney | people sitting on the beach in a storm | 08:12 |
Laney | *eats sand filled sandwich* | 08:13 |
didrocks | :) | 08:13 |
Laney | you good didrocks? | 08:14 |
didrocks | Laney: my ears aren't… It's been a nightmare for more than a week. Not a lot of sleep :/ | 08:14 |
Laney | :(((((((( | 08:15 |
didrocks | so, not a really good week-end | 08:15 |
Laney | is there a treatment option? | 08:15 |
didrocks | I don't feel the doctors necessarily knows | 08:15 |
* Laney hugs | 08:16 | |
* didrocks hugs back | 08:17 | |
seb128 | brb, changing location | 08:20 |
seb128 | (back online) | 08:48 |
didrocks | jibel_: do you plan merging the ubiquity branch yourself? I don't have access (also, you didn't review the bionic ones, is it on purpose?) | 08:55 |
Nafallo | o/ | 09:37 |
Saviq | hey all, do you guys know anything about disappearing app icons in the Ubuntu session in 18.04? I think they go away on screen lock and come back on alt+f2, r | 10:26 |
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jibel_ | didrocks, merged. | 11:29 |
=== jibel_ is now known as jibel | ||
didrocks | jibel: thx! Should I prepare a changelog and upload? (same for bionic branches?) | 11:30 |
jibel | didrocks, Yes, you can proceed with a release in cosmic. I'll test bionic now | 11:30 |
didrocks | xnox: hey, how do you release the ubiquity branch? gbp buildpackage -S doesn't have the bzr hooks since you move to git? | 11:34 |
didrocks | jibel: release commit will be http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ddP8VKXZYV/ if you want to push it | 11:35 |
seb128 | Saviq, launcher icons? is that specific to some icons? maybe Trevinho knows but I didn't see that issue mentioned before | 11:37 |
Saviq | seb128: sorry, failed to be clear, tray/indicator icons | 11:37 |
Saviq | but only those for apps | 11:37 |
seb128 | so the appindicator extension | 11:38 |
seb128 | that's a Trevinho topic for sure :) | 11:38 |
seb128 | are those electron apps? | 11:38 |
jibel | Saviq, like bug 1714504 ? | 11:40 |
ubot5 | bug 1714504 in gnome-shell-extension-appindicator (Ubuntu Artful) "App indicator is not always displayed" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1714504 | 11:40 |
Trevinho | Saviq: yeah, I got them once happening, but I wasn't unable to debug things properly, as the shell was registering correctly, but something on the UI side wasn't working | 11:41 |
Trevinho | since then, I never had it | 11:41 |
Trevinho | Saviq: is that something happening for all the apps, right? | 11:41 |
Trevinho | or just a subset of them? | 11:41 |
Saviq | Trevinho: yes, they all disappear | 11:41 |
Saviq | and then a alt+f2 r brings them back | 11:41 |
Trevinho | Saviq: yeah, I saw that happening once. I saved some debugging infos, but wasn't able to understand the deeper reason in a first look, I think I saved some logs from there though | 11:42 |
Saviq | jibel: yeah that sounds like it | 11:43 |
Saviq | oh wow upgraded from 13.10, kudos | 11:43 |
Trevinho | Saviq: is the `org.kde.StatusNotifierWatcher` name exported, right? | 11:44 |
xnox | didrocks, ./debian/rules update; debuild -S | 11:44 |
Trevinho | Saviq: also RegisteredStatusNotifierItems has elements? | 11:44 |
didrocks | xnox: ok, I have to ignore .git then, thx! | 11:45 |
xnox | didrocks, the hook was ./debian/rules update-local -> which is same as update, but error out if any changes detected and do not touch the debian/changelog. | 11:45 |
Saviq | jibel, Trevinho: fwiw "Ubuntu appindicators" extension was off here - but turning it on/off doesn't seem to matter | 11:45 |
xnox | didrocks, i did not look into hooks yet, or how this can be done in git. Possibly simply needs to be done as part of the clean target, and detect if there is a git repo. | 11:45 |
Trevinho | Saviq: yeah, it's loaded anyways in the ubuntu session | 11:46 |
didrocks | I'm adding -I to ignore git dir, thx xnox | 11:46 |
xnox | hm... it should be autoignored, are we not 3.0 (native) format?! | 11:47 |
Trevinho | what's weird is that also after a restart and lock it doesn't work anymore, but then isn't easily reproducible | 11:47 |
xnox | ah | 11:47 |
xnox | $ cat debian/source/options | 11:47 |
xnox | compression = "xz" | 11:47 |
xnox | tar-ignore = ".bzr-builddeb" | 11:47 |
didrocks | xnox: yep :p I can change that | 11:47 |
Saviq | Trevinho: right now I have the icons so don't think checking those dbus paths would be meaningful, will report back on the bug then | 11:47 |
xnox | yeah, that needs changing probably, and possibly we want to use tar-append | 11:47 |
xnox | didrocks, thanks! | 11:47 |
Saviq | Trevinho: but yeah, locking the session and back - they're gone | 11:48 |
Trevinho | the upstream issue is https://github.com/ubuntu/gnome-shell-extension-appindicator/issues/133 | 11:48 |
gitlab-bot | ubuntu bug 133 in gnome-shell-extension-appindicator "[bug] reload gnome-shell to show icons" (comments: 2) [Open] | 11:48 |
ubot5 | Error: Ubuntu bug 133 could not be found | 11:48 |
Saviq | Trevinho: and yes to both dbus questions | 11:49 |
Trevinho | Saviq: it happened to you to a new lock/unlock cycle? | 11:49 |
Saviq | Trevinho: alt+f2, r → icons show; Super+L + unlock → icons gone | 11:50 |
Trevinho | Saviq: and when they're gone dbus is all ok, right? | 11:50 |
Saviq | Trevinho: yes | 11:51 |
Saviq | and yeah that upstream issue seems exactly that | 11:51 |
Trevinho | let me hack something so we can see if we can get some more info | 11:51 |
olj001 | hello everyone | 11:57 |
olj001 | can someone help me with installation and running live cd? :P | 11:58 |
Saviq | Trevinho: on a related note, is there a way to get chrome-gnome-shell work with snapped firefox? I suppose we're missing a gnome-shell interface? | 11:58 |
didrocks | jibel: scratch my request for pastebin, as there are multiple commits now, I'll just push a branch so that you can pull/push | 12:05 |
didrocks | annoying to not have those ubiquity commit rights :/ | 12:06 |
didrocks | jibel: just pull and push from didrocks/master, it's based on master, and what's now in cosmic: https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/ubiquity/+git/ubiquity/+ref/master | 12:12 |
jibel | didrocks, ask to be in ubuntu-installer team | 12:16 |
didrocks | yeah, let me request for team inclusion on launchpad | 12:20 |
Trevinho | Saviq: if you do Alt | 12:22 |
Trevinho | Alt+f2 -> "lg" and enter | 12:22 |
Trevinho | then you do this | 12:22 |
Trevinho | imports.ui.main.panel._rightBox.get_children().forEach((e) => { print(e.get_child().get_children()[0].get_children()) }) | 12:22 |
Trevinho | what you get on your journalctl /usr/bin/gnome-shell ? | 12:23 |
Saviq | Trevinho: e.get_child() is null | 12:29 |
Trevinho | mhmh, it's like the whole panel area isn't showing properly | 12:29 |
Trevinho | can you install an extension such as https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/1162/emoji-selector/ and see if that's hidden? | 12:30 |
Trevinho | Saviq: speaking of extensions though I've to check, chrome-gnome-shell can accept stuff from stdin too and that could break things if called from a confined place | 12:33 |
Trevinho | Saviq: anyway from inspector you can also try to navigate | 12:34 |
Trevinho | justs | 12:34 |
Trevinho | write `imports.ui.main.panel._rightBox.get_children()` | 12:34 |
Trevinho | then from the results go deep to see if you can find presence of AppIndicator Instances | 12:34 |
Trevinho | to that call returns | 12:35 |
Trevinho | https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/tpcnFoaY/ | 12:35 |
Trevinho | in that case could be that a child isn't actually added as actor, as for sure the appindicator instance (the model) was created when I tried | 12:37 |
=== pstolowski|lunch is now known as pstolowski | ||
Trevinho | kenvandine: hey, please check https://github.com/ubuntu/snapcraft-desktop-helpers/pull/133 | 14:51 |
gitlab-bot | ubuntu bug (Pull request) 133 in snapcraft-desktop-helpers "desktop-exports: cleanup XDG dirs management" (comments: 0) [Open] | 14:51 |
kenvandine | Trevinho, will do! | 14:52 |
Laney | break things, black screen for a few hours, hackhackhackhackhack, see gdm again | 15:14 |
Laney | this is life atm | 15:14 |
Laney | the joy of seeing a user switcher after being deep in the mine | 15:15 |
Laney | it's a sad life | 15:15 |
kenvandine | :) | 15:17 |
didrocks | jibel: and here is the ubiquity bionic SRU in UNAPPROVED: https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/ubiquity/+git/ubiquity/+ref/bionic, same, just pull and push to the "bionic" branch please | 16:26 |
=== maclin1 is now known as maclin | ||
k_alam | jbicha: Please review my merge requests for Unity. They are still pending. Thanks. | 19:02 |
jbicha | k_alam: sorry, I'm not working on Unity right now. Please at least make sure they show up on http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/sponsoring/ | 19:03 |
k_alam | jbicha: Ok. But only one is showing there. Not sure why..... Any idea if anyone else can review ? | 19:08 |
jbicha | make sure there is a bug for the issue and that ubuntu-sponsors is subscribed | 19:12 |
jbicha | you can try asking in #ubuntu-devel too | 19:13 |
jbicha | I doubt I'm the only one to have done sponsoring for you in the past… | 19:13 |
jbicha | and bye :| | 19:13 |
jbicha | reposting in case you missed my replies | 19:14 |
jbicha | make sure there is a bug for the issue and that ubuntu-sponsors is subscribed | 19:14 |
jbicha | you can try asking in #ubuntu-devel too | 19:14 |
jbicha | I doubt I'm the only one to have done sponsoring for you in the past… | 19:14 |
k_alam | jbicha: I just subscribed those ....but it is still not on qa page?...may be it takes time to update? | 19:19 |
jbicha | yes, the page is automatically updated periodically, it should show up in a few hours there at least | 19:21 |
k_alam | Ok. Thanks. :) | 19:22 |
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