
Mavahey guys, help me to understand: one of my friends told me that he was running some experiments on a one server containing 256 CPU cores. Is he lying to me or can it be "relatively" easily achieved ?04:04
nicolas17Mava: for *only* $13.34 per hour you can use an AWS server with 128 cores and 2TB of RAM04:06
Mavanicolas17: is the processing then spanned somehow over several hardwares ?04:07
Mavaon the other hand you might have quad socket with xeon platinum 8180 (56 threads): that means 224 threads in a single server04:09
nicolas17apparently that particular AWS server uses multi-socket Xeon E7-8880 v3 (Haswell)04:10
Mavathats an old server04:10
Mavaor a cpu04:10
nicolas17and obviously it's NUMA04:10
Mavamust be04:12
cpaelzer_good morning04:39
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lordievaderGood morning06:06
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coreycbjamespage: do you have any opinions on keeping/dropping uwsgi support for openstack merges?12:17
coreycbjamespage: for example, sahara-api uses uwsgi for py3. seems we might want to drop it and get apache2/eventlet working.12:19
jamespagecoreycb: just switch it over to mod-wsgi - if we place all of the binaries in python in python{3}-<module> then if someone wants to use uwsgi they can do so without packaging bits12:20
jamespagei.e. apt install python3-sahara + uwsgi12:20
jamespageavoiding any mod-wsgi stuff we default to for more automated installs via pkging12:20
coreycbjamespage: ok, similar to what we have for gnocchi then12:22
coreycbjamespage: i debated moving libapache2-mod-wsgi-(py3) to python(3)-<module> but decided not to. suppose i could be convinced otherwise though for ease of switch to py3.12:25
blackflowbut it's not a python module. maybe tehre should be some consistency in what is python3-*, as in actual python modules  (those you can 'import').12:26
coreycbblackflow: yes, seems that should be the case. for openstack it just might be simpler for users to have a consistent way to move to python 3, where all you'd have to do is install the python3-<module> across all projects, rather than having to know to install libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3 or perhaps other deps. (where python3-<module> and libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3 are alternative dependencies)12:31
blackflowyea but mod-wsgi is an apache module not a python module, that's my point.12:32
coreycbblackflow: agreed12:32
coreycbblackflow: thanks for the input12:33
jamespagecoreycb: I think we need to not have that dependency12:44
jamespagepython*-<component> will work with either12:44
jamespageso our '<component>-api' package can be opinionated and install python3-sahara + libmod-wsgi-py312:45
jamespageleaving others to use uwsgi + python3-sahara if they want without pulling in apache12:45
jamespagebut I think you got to that point anyway!12:45
coreycbjamespage: ok right, that's where i am now. so sahara-api depends on libapache2-mod-wsgi-py | libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3. but installing the sahara-api is optional if someone wants to use uwsgi.12:46
coreycband sahara-api depends on python-sahara | python3-sahara12:46
coreycbjamespage: thanks for the input12:47
jamespagecoreycb: I think the quicker we can get through the 'alternatives' stage the better - we can have an opinionated default of py3 + mod-wsgi - but if someone wants to use py2 + mod-wsgi or py2/3 + uwsgi that's also doable, but not via dependencies - i.e. explicit install of components12:50
coreycbjamespage: true but if we don't have a simple py2 api path then we're going to get a lot of bugs incoming like the gnocchi one. it's not that much work to have libapache2-mod-wsgi-py | libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3.12:53
coreycbjamespage: the apache config is the same. i think?12:54
jamespageI think we reduce the risk of people getting things wrong with reference to alternative dependencies if we do one thing i.e. py3 + mod-wsgi12:54
jamespagebut I also appreciate that's not working everywhere yet12:54
jamespageso hence 'quicker through the alternatives phase' rather than 'just don't do it'12:55
jamespageif that makes sense12:55
coreycbpart of the problem is that upstream is not fully py3 supported12:56
coreycbjamespage: ^  i'm picturing just dropping libapache2-mod-wsgi-py and python-<module> with a breaks/replaces on all projects at once when py3 is fully supported12:57
jrewingHi. are anyone good @ pxe servers? Ive followed thos manuals that I can find and I cant get it work.. so my question is, is there anyone here that can help me?13:53
rbasakjrewing: please ask your question. People who can help usually don't volunteer themselves without knowing what the question is first.13:55
jrewingrbasak: sorry.. I need help to install an PXE- server13:57
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rbasakjrewing: start by reading https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines and http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html please - that'll help you ask the right questions here to get the most useful help.13:58
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jrewingrbasak: thanks, i did read some of it...i will  resend my question :)14:12
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jrewingIm trying to install an PXE server and I cant get it work... it wont start ftpboot. ive tryed to reinstall all as the manuals said byt i still get the same problem and i wonder if there is anyone here that can help med to install through some remoteprogram?14:15
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SliderFishHi, I've got a question re .htaccess redirect problem I'm having, I thought someone here might be able to help maybe? I'm trying to redirect all files in directory from (domain.com/other)/transfer/ to (domain.com/other)/files/, but the rules that I'm entering redirect me to (domain.com)/var/www/html/other/files/. I haven't found anything useful after searching for a while so I thought I'd try here. Thanks!20:41
Aisonwhat could be wrong here?21:29
Aisonman: error while loading shared libraries: libmandb-2.8.3.so: cannot open shared object file: Permission denied21:29
AisonI get this error whenever I try to read a manpage21:29
Aisonas root!21:29
sarnoldAison: check your dmesg or audit logs, there's a possibility your apparmor profiles are too tight21:31
Aisonoh, strange: [  572.147660] audit: type=1400 audit(1528752452.004:86): apparmor="DENIED" operation="sendmsg" profile="/usr/bin/man" pid=2220 comm="man" laddr= lport=899 faddr= fport=2049 family="inet" sock_type="stream" protocol=6 requested_mask="send" denied_mask="send"21:32
sarnoldokay that's curious21:34
sarnoldwhy exactly is your man process using the network?21:34
sdezielNFS mounts maybe?21:35
Aisonyes, exactly, nfs mounts21:35
Aisonit used to work over an year now. strange things are happening now ;)21:36
sdezielAison: man is apparently contained by apparmor now21:36
sdezielthis is one of the annoying thing with Apparmor and NFS21:38
Aisongoing to remove apparmor21:38
Aisonit is a complete closed box anyway21:39
sarnoldsdeziel: dude, nice crystal ball :)21:39
sarnoldsdeziel: I guess the 2049 should have said it all21:39
sdezielsarnold: TCP/2049 ;)21:39
sarnoldstill :D21:39
jdstrandAison: you can update /etc/apparmor.d/local/usr.bin.man to have: 'network inet,' then do: 'sudo apparmor_parser -r /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.man' and it should start to work21:45
jdstrandAison: if you could file a bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/manpages/+filebug, then a dev can get it fixed for everyone21:45
sdezieljdstrand: if the NFS server is referenced by a DNS name, would it need <abstractions/nameservice>?21:50
jdstrandsdeziel: yes, to get nsswitch.conf21:51
sdezieljdstrand: OK, thanks21:52
jdstrandit may not need all of abstractions/nameservice. I've not tried it21:52

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