[19:19] Test [19:19] No chat_id set! Add me to a Telegram group and say hi so I can find your group's chat_id! [19:20] @FloridaGramBot hi [19:20] Test [19:28] hi [19:51] Heyo [19:52] Heyo [19:52] Mm then it went through. [19:52] zcot: heyo [21:45] ahoneybun: Hi. what is that bot? i'm near orlando btw, just found this place. was digging into some development stuff and ended up finding a full irc listing. [22:07] zcot the bot lonks the irc to Telegram [22:08] links* [22:09] ah very nice! :D [22:09] You should notice tge persons name who is actually talking next to the bots name [22:10] yes indeed! [23:17] It's quite handy as well.