[03:16] knome: docs are out of date re ppa's [03:16] s/those docs [03:27] Howdy [10:17] flocculant, right... wasn't it Unit193 who was supposed to set the autopull up? :P [10:17] fun, unixstickers.com stopped all xubuntu products [10:20] It's up. [10:21] Too bad the index is the only one that uses REVNO... [10:21] :P [10:22] https://unit193.net/xubuntu/docs/ [16:42] knome Unit193 - sorry ... when I said docs - I meant the ones I would be likely to read - the cont ones are out of date re ppa's :p === GridCube_ is now known as GridCube [22:22] http://paste.openstack.org/show/paDWOU4rchdQB8oPfcDj maybe I should commit one of those..