
cpaelzerblackboxsw: you were late to reply, but you beat it by replying twice :-)04:47
=== r-daneel_ is now known as r-daneel
lucidguyOk, can you not set ssh-authorized-keys for the root account?15:11
lucidguyvia cloud-init15:11
blackboxswlucidguy: you can, just provide a cloud config like the following :15:19
blackboxswdisable_root: false15:19
blackboxsw  - ssh-rsa AA.....15:19
blackboxswfound per http://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/modules.html#ssh15:20
lucidguyI tried that, minus the disable_root15:20
blackboxswcloud-init automatically disables the root user for securtiy15:20
blackboxswcloud-init automatically disables the root user for security. yeah have to turn that default feature off15:20
lucidguyThanks blackboxsw15:21
blackboxswno problem15:22
lucidguyI hope its also not an issue with this centos6.9 cloud image15:23
=== r-daneel_ is now known as r-daneel
blackboxswpowersj: rharper https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/347824 for integration test breakage on artful containers per https://jenkins.ubuntu.com/server/view/cloud-init,%20curtin,%20streams/job/cloud-init-integration-lxd-a/377/console17:07
blackboxswbah good review powersj fixing that conditional was bogus :/17:16
blackboxswcut-n-paste fail17:17
blackboxswpushed e5baa98996aacd7a1906fad4a77a0aaa679f5827 powersj17:18
* powersj looks17:18
blackboxswthx .landing once jenkins is happy again on that branch17:21
blackboxswsalt_minion you are next on my radar buddy: https://jenkins.ubuntu.com/server/job/cloud-init-integration-nocloud-kvm-b/212/console17:23
powersjblackboxsw: will both of those make us all green again?17:29
blackboxswpowersj: I think that will do it for cloud-init. (integration-b and  integration-c are both salt_minion I think (on all platforms)17:31
blackboxswso it feels like a bug in how cloud-init writes salt minion keys.17:32
blackboxswin bionic++17:32
blackboxswbut hadn't really gotten to a proper solution yet. (that citest --preserve-instance param will help now)17:32
blackboxswanother one for readability in jenkins rharper powersj https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/34783318:40
powersjoh yes please18:40
blackboxswyeah I finally hit my limit with that giant dict of hopelessness18:41
blackboxswso much time wasted searching the browser for FAILURE: or FAILED: etc18:42
blackboxswgood thoght rharper will drop all those indents18:43
blackboxswrharper/powersj: updated the decription with the new output   I'm all ears for other formatting thoughts18:48
rharperlemme see18:48
blackboxswpowersj: rharper eureka. found the salt-minion error for jenkins on bionic ++21:21
blackboxswnewer versions of salt-minion auto-move /etc/salt/pki/minion files over into /var/lib/salt/pki/minion/* no logs tell you about the behavior. even setting log_level:trace gives me no info about this21:22
blackboxswthough I did see that trace presented an authentication request to the salt master I had to set up. it contained a new path that I hadn't written:  Initializing new AsyncAuth for ('/var/lib/salt/pki/minion', 'b3', 'tcp://')21:23
blackboxswman. that was a bit tedious. but I know know how to setup salt_master on ubuntu to auto-accept new-client certs :)21:24
blackboxswI'm going to write a tiny blog on this21:24
blackboxsws/know know/now know21:25
rharperblackboxsw: yeah, good content with some cloud-init in there = )21:27
blackboxswok salt_minion integration test passes on bionic/cosmic21:57
blackboxswputting up another small mp.21:57
=== r-daneel_ is now known as r-daneel
blackboxswok it's up https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/34785622:12
blackboxswrharper: powersj  if either of you have a chance on that mp above. it could get us green on jenkins22:35
powersjblackboxsw: land it ;)22:37
blackboxswthanks powersj22:41

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