
hax4dayzHey anyone know how to stop the random freezing on a imac g4 mini?09:13
hax4dayzI am using the powerpc iso09:13
bumbhi there14:38
bumbcould you please recommend a software for ripping audio CDs / copy them to the PC?14:39
randomdude999from a bit of googling i found ripperx14:40
randomdude999ubuntu's default one is called sound-juicer14:43
bumbi have ubuntu 18.10, there is no sound-juicer14:51
randomdude999_you mean, it's not preinstalled or it's not present in the repos?14:55
loptabumb: cdparanoia14:58
bumbthanks, i'll try that one14:59
* lopta nods15:00
loptaWell crap, I don't think this machine's going to take Lubuntu.15:16
loptaMy guess is that the processor or graphics are unsupported.15:17
ubottuYahoo Messenger will be discontinued after July 17, 2018. You will no longer be able to add it to your accounts under Empathy, Telepathy, or other Instant Messaging applications. For more info, please see https://i.imgur.com/x9N0hyT.jpg17:58
=== randomdude999_ is now known as randomdude999

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