[03:34] For the command "sudo dpkg-reconfigure maas-region-controller" some tutorials use the private interface and for the command "sudo dpkg-reconfigure maas-rack-controller" they use the public interface. However, some tutorials describe an opposite approach. Which is the correct one?. My understanding is that the private interface is in charge of DHCP, PXE, IPMPI which are functions of the rack-controller. Thanks [09:46] morning [09:48] do you know how I could restore default repo ? I try to add one through the cli and by mistake I overwrite the repo 1 (archive.ubuntu.com) [09:49] I did try to restore the correct value, but I know have python error (PackageRepository.get_ports_archive().url), it say that url doesn't have attribute [09:49] maas admin repo list look good (similar as the default one) [12:08] hello.. anyone has ever tried to build its own ISO source library? I would personalize my choises but no idea how to do build one? Please any tips? Thaaaaanks you !!! [12:19] ps. I already followed this guide but how to add private iso ? [16:50] Bug #1776526 opened: maas returning error 500 when querying raid by name not id <4010>