
keessystemd-shim really need to be purged before xenial -> bionic upgrades ....00:26
sil2100Hey, does anyone else see "/sys/firmware/dmi/tables/smbios_entry_point: Permission denied" errors in their autopkgtest logs for cosmic?10:21
sforsheeLocutusOfBorg: I assume you're aware that there's a vboxguest driver in the upstream kernel now. We've still been shipping that and the vboxsf modules from the virtualbox-guest-dkms package in ubuntu kernels, and I wanted to get your opinion on whether we should continue doing so13:00
sforsheeone hiccup, if we use the kernel's vboxguest driver we cannot ship vboxsf as it has dependencies on the vboxguest dkms module13:00
ddstreetsil2100 re: lp #1774120, if the last cosmic debdiff i attached looks like what you're asking for, can you upload that to cosmic and reject the previous SRU uploads?  I'll re-upload fixed SRUs.  Or, let me know if the cosmic debdiff isn't what you were looking for13:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1774120 in ebtables (Ubuntu Bionic) "ebtables cannot be upgraded from to on WSL" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/177412013:12
LocutusOfBorgsforshee, I know... not sure if we should continue or not too :)13:28
LocutusOfBorgmy version should be "better" because I can tweak stuff and permissions13:28
LocutusOfBorgthe basic kernel one works BTW13:29
sforsheeLocutusOfBorg: if the in-kernel driver is currently more limited we can disable it and continue using the one from your package for now13:33
sforsheeI assume we'd at least be missing the shared folders functionality13:34
LocutusOfBorgsforshee, better ship it because of vboxvideo13:41
LocutusOfBorgso we don't have to use seeds of vbox-guest in iso13:41
sforsheeLocutusOfBorg: I don't follow, we've been using the in-kernel vboxvideo module already and afaict it has no dependencies on the vboxguest module13:44
LocutusOfBorgvboxvideo is provided by "kernel" and "vbox-guest"13:46
LocutusOfBorgthe kernel version is useful in daily-live images, avoiding to install vbox-guest package13:46
LocutusOfBorgvbox-guest provides more tools and an updated (usually) kernel module13:47
LocutusOfBorgso the latter "enhances" the kernel one13:47
sforsheeLocutusOfBorg: ok, but I don't see how that impacts which version of vboxguest.ko we choose to ship in the ubuntu kernel packages13:57
sforsheebut it sounds like we're better off using the vboxguest.ko from your package for now, so I'll go that direction13:58
sforsheewe can always reevaluate later13:58
Nafallohi! who handles http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-cc-incoming-bug-tasks.html ? it seem a bit stalled.14:14
LocutusOfBorgsforshee, do you want to stop providing it completely?14:58
sil2100Does anyone know if there's some way of marking an autopkgtest as 'skipped' from inside the test? Let's say, I have an ADT test that in some certain special condition I want to mark itself as skipped?15:11
sforsheeLocutusOfBorg: my preference would be to use the in-kernel drivers as long as they are providing the equivalent features15:14
ginggssil2100: if blah blah exit 0 in debian/tests/name-of-script ?15:45
jpleauTrevinho: (I hope you're the right person :P) About the bug you filed for the GDM login/logout issue, do I have to do anything ? You mentionned I had to file a bug but it appears you did so already!18:20
Trevinhojpleau: Hey! yeah, exactly :)18:21
jpleauOkay, just wanted to be sure. I'm aware of the flow for Debian stable updates but less so for Ubuntu. Thanks18:23
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phibsIs this a place to ask a generic package building question?20:02
sarnoldhey phibs :)20:03
phibsok I give up haha20:04
teward#ubuntu-packaging might be a better place to ask generic package building things, no idea if it's still a 'living' channel though20:04
phibsBasically https://packages.ubuntu.com/cosmic/lshw has patches that reference one dir too specific, instead of a/src/blah its a/lshw-B.02.18/src/blah and does not build :(20:05
tewardphibs: that's by design with the way the package is laid out20:07
tewardpatches are relative to the root of the source package tree20:07
phibsthe patch diff doesn't even create the debian dir in the same package dir....20:08
phibsit's AFU, try it :)20:08
tewardi just dget'd the package20:08
tewardand all the patches just applied20:08
tewardwith quilt push -a20:08
tewardhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/mVWymNkQZ2/ is the 'root' of the source pkg20:08
tewardso the first 'folder' within the source package dir is lshw-B.02.18/20:08
phibsoh I see20:08
phibsstupid me haha20:09
tewardit's just this package and the way it's laid out20:09
phibsyeah hadn't run into a package laid out like that before20:09
teward(disregard the /tmp/lshwstuff/... parts20:10
phibsany way to have it fetch/unpack things from say: https://packages.ubuntu.com/cosmic/lshw ?20:10
phibsor is there a tool that does that20:10
sarnoldapt-get source if you have deb-src lines set up20:12
sarnoldpull-lp-source may do the job too20:12
tewarddget -u on the .dsc file linked on that page works as well, but that preassumes you have dget as well20:12
phibsmy host is xenial, i'm backporting the cosmic one20:12
phibsdget -u is perfect, thanks20:13
sarnoldthere's some kind of automated backporting command ..20:13
sarnoldit can also feed right into a ppa so you don't even need tobuild locally20:13
tewardpart of the dev tools, yeah i'm familar with it20:13
sarnoldbut lunchtime :)20:13
sarnoldsee ya phibs, teward :)20:13
phibsthanks to you both20:13
tewardbackportpackage is what sarnold's thinking of20:13
tewardi forget the package that installs it though, maybe `ubuntu-dev-tools`20:14
teward(I'm on a Xenial system too heh)20:14
phibs ubuntu-dev-tools has it20:14
phibsteward: thank you for your help sir, solved my issue!20:14
tewardglad to have helped :)20:15
phibsso yeah the problem was I was unpacking/diffing myself, which worked fine with normal layouts but this one was a tad abnormal so dget -u from now on it is.20:16
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