
lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:32
EriC^^morning all05:57
EriC^^lotuspsychje: o/05:57
lotuspsychjehey hey05:57
lotuspsychjeoerheks: i once saw a user with kernel list 50 or se, he never cleaned up06:04
lotuspsychjeinitram hell06:04
lotuspsychjeppl and their computers,materialistic savibgs06:05
lordievaderGood morning06:10
lotuspsychjehey lordievader06:10
lordievaderHey lotuspsychje06:11
lordievaderHow are you doing?06:11
lotuspsychjefine tnx lordievader phase2 of stairs renovation going on06:11
lotuspsychjelordievader: how is your side?06:12
lordievaderDoing good here, looking with a half eye into virgl and Windows.06:12
ducassegood morning06:30
lotuspsychjeoerheks: lol06:38
oerheksputty users..06:39
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
=== ernesto_g is now known as tzl-ernesto
BluesKajHowdy folks11:01
oerheksheya BluesKaj11:02
BluesKajHey oerheks11:03
BluesKajseems to take 50 secs for my cloak to enable ...not that it matters that much, but what's the point if some malicious SOB tries to do evil stuff in that timeframe11:05
oerheksoh, i see no delay in your joining/cloak11:06
oerheksyou might see a warning that you need to be registered to talk in some channels ..11:06
BluesKajI justy need pass the cursor over name in the nicklist and my IP shows for almost 50secs11:07
BluesKajmy name11:07
oerheksoh oke, user list..11:07
oerheksthis is what i see... https://imgur.com/a/7M3tNIa11:08
BluesKajok oerheks thanks , is that hexchat?11:09
BluesKajok good11:09
oerhekserr this is what *i* see ..11:11
BluesKajbeen using quassel, it's ok , but I don't care for the layout as much as konversation...altho it does work well with proxy socks5, whereas konversation proxy doesn't work at all11:11
BluesKajoerheks, looks cool :-)11:12
BluesKajok quassel FTW today at least :-)11:15
oerheks_. peng12:28
pauljwhi everyone13:30
BluesKajHey pauljw, how's it going?13:46
pauljwhi BluesKaj, going good so far, you?13:47
BluesKajyeah, good here too, nice weather, a little dry, but who cares :-)13:52
pauljw:) we're rather wet this week, had the hot and dry last week.13:53
pauljwcorn is growing like mad13:54
BluesKajahh corn's gonna be higher than an elephant's eye :-)14:33
pauljwBluesKaj, yep, sure is.  raining again with a thunderstorm coming. if i suddenly drop off it's the satellite...14:50
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leftyfboerheks: I really like the idea of snaps .... but the main problem is the locked down store. And there's no way to run your own. That's a broken system if adoption is to happen in any meaningful way15:40
oerheksi miss a decent snap store15:42
EriC^^evening all16:10
oerhekssudo apt remove ubuntu-keyring -y -f16:11
nacc"training" -- using medical terms from last century?16:28
oerheksbest thing to feel safe is to attack others16:31
hggdhanyways, dealt with16:31
naccyeah, just seemed strange; never heard that argument before16:31
naccand not something i would expect an actual psych. doctor to say on irc, so feels like bs16:32
oerheksi think after some attempts i found a solid answer, but removing keys is so odd..16:32
hggdhthey *are* medical terms, but the common usage is pejorative. So there.16:32
nacchggdh: right16:32
* oerheks would not dare to call out a ~witch16:33
hggdhand you cannot use it as a medical term without more knowledge about the person, so any usage here is ad hominem16:34
oerheksit is not family-friendly16:34
nacchggdh: yeah that was what i meant16:34
=== czesmir_ is now known as czesmir
lotuspsychjegood evening to all17:05
EriC^^evening lotuspsychje o/17:21
lotuspsychjehey EriC^^ how are you mate17:21
EriC^^good thanks you?17:21
lotuspsychjeall good here tnx finished work and chill now<17:21
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
JanC!game poland lithuania18:28
ubot5JanC: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:28
lotuspsychje!info vsftpd19:06
ubot5vsftpd (source: vsftpd): lightweight, efficient FTP server written for security. In component main, is extra. Version 3.0.3-9build1 (bionic), package size 123 kB, installed size 360 kB19:06
lotuspsychjewhy the heck is this still supported19:07
lotuspsychjehey Bashing-om19:11
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: :) ... just getting settled in ... see what the ride is going to be :)19:24
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: main is slowly, and steady19:26
Bashing-omsteady is good lotuspsychje :)19:28
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