
mitya57ahayzen: thanks. I don’t have time to investigate so far, but my initial guess is that the containers may be blocking the syscalls that are important to Qt.06:28
mitya57(Like in Debian #901062)06:29
ubottuDebian bug 901062 in qtbase5-dev "qtbase5-dev: qtbase5-dev: QFile::exists() returns false for existing files?!" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/90106206:29
ahayzenmitya57, no worries, right it's going to be something funky :-) The interesting part is that the same .run works on an older container, so something to do with the 18.04 container and it's env. Let me know if there is any additional info i can try to extract10:02
ahayzenAlso note that to use gdb inside docker i am passing "--security-opt seccomp=unconfined" which should not block certain syscalls, as described in the bug report you linked. And that older versions like Qt 5.6 have similar issues on 18.0410:43
* lisandro suspects we will be seeing more containers issues with Qt in the near future14:31
lisandroit's amazing the amount of times I have seen this in the last two weeks14:31
lisandroI think it is actually rather a good thing15:26
lisandrolike creating docker images from testing/sid and using them in stable15:27

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