
cpaelzergood morning04:51
admcleodi notice the installer doesnt prompt for tz/locale, what is the rationale here?05:04
admcleodcpaelzer: hi! :)05:04
cpaelzeradmcleod: wihch installer05:28
lordievaderGood morning06:09
cpaelzerhi lordievader06:10
cpaelzerhow are you today06:10
lordievaderHey cpaelzer06:11
lordievaderDoing good here, how are you?06:11
cpaelzerlordievader: fine as well06:16
cpaelzera bit rainy, but no floods here at least06:16
Assidhi there06:31
Assidso im considering a setup with a raid 1  using 1 samsung 850 pro and 1 wd green (mlc+tlc)06:31
Assidi was just asking if theres an issue with using different drives  altogether06:32
lotuspsychje!patience | Assid06:39
ubottuAssid: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/06:39
lotuspsychjeAssid: the ubuntu channels run worldwide on timezones, not everyone is awake at same time06:39
Assidyeah im aware mate..06:40
Assidlotuspsychje: any idea if this looks like a drive thats failing? https://pastebin.com/CDL05Ark06:40
cpaelzerAssid: yep raw-read and seek should usually not fail non-rarely06:41
lotuspsychjeAssid: smart test passed, perhaps also take a look in your syslog for IO issues06:41
cpaelzerunless you had some crazy special test load (unlikely)06:41
Assidcpaelzer: thats what i was thinking.. it shouldnt be that much.. but the other values dont look like it..06:42
Assidand the smart tests pass fine06:42
Assidi need to do a long test perhaps tonight after work..06:42
cpaelzerit seems that seagate encodes values more special than the tool might know06:43
cpaelzerso take it with a grain of salt06:43
cpaelzerand maybe take a calculus to check the values :-)06:44
Assiduhh.. crazy idiots..06:44
Assidif thewy wanna do that.. why not provide a patch to smartmontools to be able to READ it back to a standardised format06:45
cpaelzersimilar discussion06:46
cpaelzerAssid: I assume there is a list of per device quirks already06:46
cpaelzerjust nobody yet cared to create one for this device06:46
cpaelzerunfortunately manufacturers still love to hold back specs sometmies06:46
Assidso this device somehow lags slightly everytime i run a command..  while i get its a 4th gen i5, it really shouldnt behave the way it is06:47
cpaelzerltrace -S and perf are your friends06:50
cpaelzerthis could be so many sources06:50
Assidyeah i;ll check that06:50
Assidso what about the raid 1 situation ..  using 1 samsung 850 pro and 1 wd green (mlc+tlc)  ; would there be an issue with using different drives  altogether06:51
Assidman.. im worse than a person with ADD..06:51
cpaelzerhonestly that is a LMGTFY question06:51
cpaelzerTL;DR not recommended but working, has special implications you usually do not want06:52
Assidwhile most guides say you should use similar drives or similar spec drives.; i can understand the performance of the slower  drive would be the final performance of the system06:54
lotuspsychjeAssid: see also the ##hardware channel for hardware questions, like combining ssd's in raid06:55
lordievaderAssid: Depends a little bit on how it is implemented, but if the write wait until everything is stored on both drives the benefit of an ssd will dissapear.07:08
Assidyes but it will be as quick as the slowest drive in the array.. which would still be fine; since thats an SSD07:11
lordievaderErr, the WD green you mention is a regular hard drive right? Or am I misunderstanding the setup you have in mind?07:12
lordievaderBut yes, it will be as quick as the slowest dive in the array.07:12
cpaelzerlordievader: Assid: I think writes will be as slow as the slowest07:19
cpaelzerreads will be more interesting07:19
cpaelzeras they might end up being served round robin07:19
cpaelzerbeing slow and fast one (or whatever i t switches) at a time07:20
AssidWD Green SSD ..07:20
cpaelzerOh there is a green ssd now07:20
Assidi wouldnt put an SSD with an HDD07:20
cpaelzerwell then it is probably ok07:20
cpaelzerif characteristics don't differ too much07:20
Assidyes thats  why i mentioned MLC+TLC07:20
Assidi want the benefits of RAID without needing to spend too much on MLC drives07:20
cpaelzerin general it is prefered to use different drives anyway, to lower the chance of breaking at the same time07:21
cpaelzerat least not from same production batch07:21
Assidthe TLC just helps incase of hw failure on the drive controller of the samsung..07:21
Assidi also have a VM which has the snapshot of the database every 15 minutes.. incase of total hw failure07:31
Assidonce i learn how to use pg  replication , i'd probably use that instead of snapshots07:31
jamespagecoreycb: I'm going to start a run of dep refereshes for b209:25
jamespagecoreycb: merging with debian as I go09:44
jamespagecoreycb: oslo.config to start with09:44
jamespagecoreycb: ok config, utils, log, i18n and oslotest done and uploaded to cosmic10:53
jamespagedoing context now11:08
rawiHello folks. Xenial Server with encrypted root partition. After the kernel update to 4.4.0-128 the server goes into endless boot loop. Booting the old 4.4.0-127 is OK. Somebody here, who experienced it to?11:09
jamespagecontext done moving to cache11:19
coreycbjamespage: cool, i'm starting on clients now12:08
coreycbjamespage: working on glanceclient and heatclient12:14
ahasenackhi, does anobody know if inotify can catch changes to a symlink's target?12:22
ahasenacklike I watch resolv (which is a symlink pointing at resolv1)12:23
ahasenackthen ln -sf resolv2 resolv (have resolv -> resolv2)12:23
ahasenackbut inotifywait didn't catch that12:23
ahasenackhm, there are more operations happening there: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/wKpMVY4dVz/12:27
coreycbjamespage: looks like glanceclient needs a new keystoneauth so going to do that12:46
coreycbjamespage: keystoneauth and heatclient are done13:10
coreycbjamespage: working on keystoneclient and keystonemiddleware13:14
jamespagecoreycb: .cache done moving on13:40
coreycbjamespage: ok. glanceclient is done.13:41
jamespagecoreycb: oh I see you already did .concurrency - lemme check for a rev13:45
jamespagegbp:info: package is up to date, nothing to do.13:45
coreycbjamespage: ok that was probably during b1. keystonemiddleware is done.13:47
coreycbjamespage: keystoneclient is done. moving on to python-neutronclient and python-neutron-lib.14:09
jamespagecoreycb: ack14:19
jamespagecoreycb: oslo.db underway14:44
jamespagecoreycb: ovsdbapp needed an update btw14:44
coreycbjamespage: ack. neutronclient and neutron-lib are done. moving on to novaclient and openstackclient.14:46
* lopta downloads Ubuntu Server 16.04.4 for i38615:39
* compdoc passes the hat for donations so lopta can buy a real computer15:45
loptacompuguy: This is a test rig that I use for things and stuff.  I have another test rig for amd64.15:48
coreycbjamespage: novaclient and openstackclient are done.  working on os-brick and os-vif.15:55
jamespagecoreycb: ok I've got this far - https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/3285/+packages15:57
jamespagecoreycb: will pickup again tomorrow as have a few calls todo before I EOD15:58
coreycbjamespage: great and thanks!15:58
jamespagecoreycb: those are all merge/update for rocky15:58
jamespagecoreycb: I took the re-align with Debian where possible decicion paths15:58
jamespagebut kept to the upstream release tarball for sources15:58
coreycbjamespage: yep makes sense16:10
powersjnacc: rbasak: added pulling the built snap as an artifact for the nightly and ci jobs example: https://jenkins.ubuntu.com/server/job/git-ubuntu-ci-nightly/28/18:51
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
l4m8d4Hello there, I am trying to set up a server in the following way: There are 2 system disks, on each disk should reside a big LUKS container, which contains one mirror of a btrfs RAID11 configuration. Now, I used to install on BIOS systems in the past, where I would then install grub to the beginning of both disks, which worked fine. Now with the new EFI system I have here, grub has to reside in the EFI19:23
l4m8d4partition right? So how do I set up an ESP on both drives so they are both bootable in case of a hardware failure?19:23
l4m8d4The server installer only lets me select one boot disk, where it creates the ESP19:26
rbasakpowersj: thanks!20:16
naccpowersj: excellent, tyvm20:53
naccpowersj: will that lead to eventual space issues/how will it be pruned?20:53
powersjit should (heh) be fine as the jenkins runs are limited to last 25 runs20:54
powersjthat is an extra 5Gb of space and I'm ok with that20:55
powersj2 jobs * 100mb snap * 25 runs20:55
powersjif it gets bad I can lower the number20:55
naccpowersj: ack, thanks for thinking about it :)20:57
l4m8d4So, nobody here has a clue regarding multiple ESP?21:06
rbasaknacc: so my plan for now is to upload to edge manually using the artifact after checking the hash built matches origin/master. Sound OK?21:25
rbasak(as a process, every time)21:25
rbasakThough I noticed that particular build failed CI due to the bug we haven't been able to reproduce previously21:26
rbasakIf that keeps happening, I could try the edge snapcraft snap instead, which would mean adjusting the CI a little.21:27
naccrbasak: yeah i think that's reasonable21:31
naccrbasak: i mean the goal is to fix this bug, right? :)21:31
rbasakYeah but it's blocked on snapcraft being deterministic and then us being able to give Kyle a reproducer.21:39
naccso for now, edge will just be manually updated by you as we land things in master?21:51
naccand we'll be leaving beta/stable alone until the bug is fixed?21:51
rbasakI thought I could promote the edge snap directly to beta/stable in the store.21:57
rbasakWhen it's known good. Rather than using the git branches.21:57
naccrbasak: ah then yeah you can do that22:06
naccrbasak: are you going to delete the git branch then?22:06
naccor would we eventually move back to that?22:07
runelind_qI'm trying to set static DNS servers (ipv6) in an ubuntu1804 container.  It seems like changes in 50-cloud-init.yaml don't persist, should I create a new file with just the DNS servers?22:14
runelind_qor what's the best way to go about it?22:14
nacc"Changes to it will not persist across an instance."22:18
naccrunelind_q: that's for getting networking info from the data source22:18
naccrunelind_q: you might want #cloud-init as well22:19
naccor #netplan22:19

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