
daftykinsdiddledan: haha google's page lets you download a CSV of where the malware is! check out this list00:01
daftykinsSecurity issue type,URL,Date,Sample snippet00:01
daftykinsthat's it!00:01
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.06:59
daftykinsdiddledan: ugh fasthosts support are all "yeah we don't support special characters in the hosts field" what rubbish12:54
diddledan_ is defined in RFC. therefore it is not a special character12:54
daftykinsi have subtly hinted that their decision gives the air that they are trying to ensure customers pay them for certs, therefore i may have to take my (friends) business elsewhere12:55
daftykins*maybe* if i did stick cloudflare in front they let you enter such a host though12:56
daftykinswonder which RFC it is, i could blind 'em with documented science12:58
daftykinshttps://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1464 look like that one13:00
mgdmRFC1912 perhaps13:00
mgdm"Allowable characters in a label for a host name are only ASCII letters, digits, and the `-' character."13:00
mgdmOh, hmm, I misread - as _ >_<13:01
diddledanpossibly: https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2782.txt13:03
diddledanthat details srv records13:04
daftykinshrmm it definitely pertains to a TXT creation though, annoyingly13:05
daftykinsthe manual method from the utility 'certbot' the EFF provide for LetsEncrypt certs definitely speaks only of creating _acme-challenge.example.com13:07
daftykinsall is not lost as i could just give up on obtaining a wildcard cert - but it'd be nice13:07
daftykinsthanks for the input btw guys, as always :)13:08
daftykinsyep their support has just come back and said NOPE not doing it13:10
diddledansee "NAMES" in that document13:16
daftykinsooh beauty :D an explicit mention!13:18
daftykinsdiddledan does indeed deserve many doshes13:19
diddledanand that paragraph is about "restricting" beyond what the protocol allows: "The domain system allows a label to contain any 8-bit character." <-- ANY character13:20
daftykinsjust replied with that in the ticket, told them they're breaking spec :)13:22
* zmoylan-pi suspects they'll respond with something that can't be printed in unicode... :-P13:23
daftykinsyeah, most likely :) and then they will see their business disappear13:24
daftykinsi wonder if i really need the full 'sendmail' package on this VPS just to allow contact forms etc to send from apache14:30
mgdmdaftykins: you might want to look into something like nullmailer14:31
daftykinsoh ja?14:31
mgdmassuming you have access to mail servers you can relay through https://untroubled.org/nullmailer/14:31
mgdmit pretends to be sendmail/qmail/postfix but isn't a full MTA14:31
daftykinswell they're small sites of a friends i've taken off hosting company's services that were charging an arm and a leg - and am moving them to their own digitalocean VPS instead14:32
mgdmAh, I'm not sure if DO will provide a mail relay14:33
loptabrb, fancy coffee14:33
daftykinsmgdm: nah just letting the sites email straight out tends to do the job14:33
daftykinslopta: :o i would enjoy details of this fancy coffee :D14:34
mgdmdaftykins: ah, in that case nullmailer won't be what you want14:35
daftykinsit's that sender rewriting thing y'know so that they get contact form stuffs from their sites14:35
mgdmAhhh yes14:37
mgdmI found that tends not to work well in these days of SPF and DKIM14:37
daftykinsmmm more info online that folk just install either sendmail (metapackage) or sendmail-bin alone14:37
daftykinsyeah, makes sense - these sites will get a redesign soon though so i'll just flag up the idea something smarter need be employed :)14:38
mgdmOh this isn't slack :P14:38
daftykinsi'd dump the whole forms myself and just put the phone # and a 'sendto:' email addy so folk can do it themselves :D14:38
daftykinsones a personal blog for a mates wife - and the other is a holiday cottages website14:39
daftykinsas it is the latter employs just a mail forwarder right now, however i will move her to google G Suite for all of the £40/yr to make life simpler14:40
daftykinslol @ a yahoo as it is now xD14:41
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diddledandaftykins: postfix ootb works great on an ubuntu system - they provide simple default config choice when you install it15:15
daftykinsdiddledan: ah i don't fancy a full on-box mail solution though, as they won't be after full services15:39
daftykinsdiddledan: you win the prize! that forced them to look into it - and they created it manually :D17:25
daftykinsalthough they messed up the paste and put in a quote at the end17:26
marshmnis there a way to tell whether my laptop is using 2.4Ghz or 5Ghz WiFi?19:02
marshmnI'm pretty much assuming that it's not even capable of 5Ghz TBH - but it would be useful to be certain which it's using19:04
marshmn(trying to debug something)19:04
daftykinsmarshmn: looking up the chipset in use should show, if 'iwconfig' still exists it would often show network info iirc20:43
marshmndaftykins: ah, yes - you're right; in fact it does seem that I'm on 5GHz after all21:00
daftykinspretty sure fasthosts fixed the ability to add a TXT record with _ in, but their support is lying saying it worked fine for them xD21:26
daftykinsdespite my screenshot of the error21:26

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