
SheilongHi guys  I am having trouble to install  libgl1-mesa-dev on ubuntu 16.04 LTS00:01
SheilongThe paste with the log error https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/2qa7MZ1H/ubuntu00:01
oerheksrun a full update first: sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade00:03
hidefoerheks: I'm trying reinstall now but it looks like and stock again at 82%00:04
oerheksbuilding that dkms takes time, be patient00:04
hidefsounds good00:05
hayshow reasonable is it to do a dist-update between LTS versions vs. reinstall00:05
neal__also, is the ubuntu software center the same as apt-get, just with a UI? Or is it a completely different deal?00:05
oerhekssame resources, neal__00:05
SheilongI have done it also00:06
Sheilongdid not work either00:06
guivercneal__, software centre doesn't list all packages; apt-get can install any package your sources have enabled00:08
guiverc(but outside of fewer packages being listed in software.centre; they do come from same place!)00:08
pantatohttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/XhnXJtSM2W/ dear God...what did I do!?!00:10
hidefoerheks: how long would you say like 10min ?00:12
GoopAnyone have a video editting software they suggest?00:13
GoopOpenShot is pretty buggy.00:13
EriC^^kdenlive ?00:13
SheilongPlease a one could help me understand why am I unable to install libgl1-mesa-dev00:14
EriC^^Sheilong: post the errors00:14
EriC^^!Paste | Sheilong00:14
ubottuSheilong: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:14
SheilongEriC^^: I did it already00:14
SheilongThe paste with the log error https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/2qa7MZ1H/ubuntu00:15

Sheilongthis is the link00:15
EriC^^seems like some ppa issue00:15
EriC^^what does "apt-cache policy libgl1-mesa-glx" show?00:15
hidefoerheks still on ?00:16
hayspantato: looks like this isn't working https://gemfury.com/mdupain/deb:skypeforlinux/-/content/usr/bin/skypeforlinux00:16
SheilongThe output  https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/EFYrzxCH/00:16
pantatoSheilong: what version of ubuntu are you using?00:16
oerhekshidef, can be 10 minutes, i don't know.. as long as hdd led blinks/caps still work00:16
pantatohays: ah good, i thought it may have been related to another issue i'm having. I can't configure, update, or remove the kernel update via apt or aptitude00:17
EriC^^Sheilong: which ubuntu version?00:17
pantatohays: i think it may have been after i created some symlink for something or other but i can't recall what for the life of me00:18
haysmaybe you can look at your command history?00:19
pantatohays: pretty sure it's too far back but i'll give it a go00:19
pantatoah yes it was because Steam was giving me grief00:21
pantatoi remember that much now00:21
dabblerwhat would be the terminal equivalent of checking the "natural scrolling" box in Settings > Devices >Mouse & Touchpad?00:21
pantatohays: sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/readlink00:21
pantatohays: sudo ln -s /usr/lib/klibc/bin/readlink /usr/bin/readlink00:21
hayswell that seems like a lead00:22
pantatohays: ever since i executed those commands i haven't been able to run apt or aptitude without a bucket of errors. Could be causation or correlation00:22
pantatoI have no idea though. The errors are so vague00:22
pantatoI'll post in a sec00:22
hidefdabbler: arrow up down ?00:22
SheilongEriC^^: 16.04Lts00:23
dabblerdabbler: lol smh no00:23
EriC^^dabbler: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.peripherals.mouse natural-scroll true00:23
dabbleroops. i don't usually talk to myself00:23
EriC^^!info libgl1-mesa-glx bionic00:24
ubottulibgl1-mesa-glx (source: mesa): transitional dummy package. In component main, is optional. Version 18.0.0~rc5-1ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 3 kB, installed size 65 kB00:24
hayspantato: probably a bad idea to override /bin/readlink00:24
dabblerEriC^^: thing is I don't have GNOME installed. I'm using JWM00:24
EriC^^Sheilong: can you run sudo apt-get update then try the command i gave you again?00:24
SheilongEriC^^: I've already did it00:25
pantatohays: ...yeah. Know any quick way to possibly undo it or am I pretty much SOL?00:25
EriC^^dabbler: hmm not sure, try "gsettings list-recursively | grep natural" does it show anything?00:25
dabblerEriC^^: i have no gsettings00:26
EriC^^dabbler: ah ok00:26
pantatohays: could i possibly remove and reinstall coreutils package in 1 command?00:26
hayspantato: dpkg -S /usr/local/bin/readlink00:26
haysif that is empty id just rm /usr/local/bin/readlink00:26
hidefoerheks: led only blinks when I switch over to terminal for like 5 times then it stops what you think it still working on it ?00:27
pantatohays: i didn't overwrite the one in localbin00:27
ThedarkbI'm having trouble with suspend.00:27
pantatohays: i overwrote the one in /usr/bin00:27
pantatodoes that matter?00:27
Thedarkbhere are my dmesgs00:27
SheilongEriC^^: any radical idea?00:27
ThedarkbI ran pm-suspend00:27
haysmy ubuntu install doesn't have anything in /usr/bin/readlink00:28
haysbut check to see if a package owns it00:28
EriC^^Sheilong: nope seems pretty odd00:28
Sheilong= /00:28
dabblerI'm guessing I need an X-server level solution. The most recent instruction I've found online is this one (http://unixnme.blogspot.com/2016/10/how-to-reverse-mouse-scroll-direction.html) but in 18.04 the file it refers to ( /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf ) doesn't exist.00:28
pantatohays: i'll just remove it , eff it00:29
pantatohays: i have realpath in /usr/local/bin/ but not readlink00:30
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hayspantato: i'd consider if you are going to do weird stuff to do it in $HOME/.local00:31
pantatohays: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/WbZGhw6Xpb/00:32
boblamontis there a way to have the settings of anything I put in the public folder automatically change to View Content: Anyone?00:33
pantatohays: that's the error00:33
ThedarkbProblem solved00:33
ThedarkbDevice 0000:05:00.0 failed to suspend async: error -11000:33
Thedarkblspci | grep 05:00 got me...00:33
Thedarkb05:00.0 USB controller: Renesas Technology Corp. uPD720202 USB 3.0 Host Controller (rev 02)00:34
ThedarkbIt's my shitty USB 3.0 card.00:34
Thedarkbproblem solved.00:34
pantatowoooo it's doing something different00:35
pantatoITS GONNA WORK!!!00:35
pantatoHAIL 14.0400:35
SporkWitch14.04 is EOL...00:35
pantatonvm. still screwed00:35
pantatoSporkWitch: I like it. It has charm00:36
SporkWitchit's EOL; no new updates, and that includes security00:36
pantatoi am not gonna update my OS every 5 years that is just unreasonable00:36
pantatoespecially with all the PPAs I use00:37
hayspantato: not sure--have you tried apt clean and other things like that00:37
SporkWitchas compared to windows, where an annual reinstall is recomended lol00:37
pantatohays: that's a good idea!00:37
pantatohays: I'm gonna see what happens with this process first00:37
ThedarkbI think I need to reinstall.00:37
pantatoThedarkb: what's going on?00:38
Thedarkbpantato, Random kerneloopses00:38
SporkWitchmy mistake, 14.04 isn't COMPLETELY in the grave until NEXT april00:38
pantatolol now it just says it's half installed and doesn't give me a detailed error, hays00:39
hidefdoes someone knows how long the it takes build the dkms module ? its hang up at 82%00:39
hidefhung up sorry00:39
pantatohttps://paste.debian.net/1028831/ @ hays00:40
hayshalf-installed.. weird00:41
haysmaybe try uninstalling linux-image-extra-4.4.0-116-generic00:42
hayssorry, also maybe someone else knows whats going on00:42
hayspantato: maybe https://askubuntu.com/questions/650732/apt-fails-to-remove-partially-installed-kernel-and-cant-install-any-other-packa/652077#65207700:44
pantatohays: heh actually trying something like that right now00:46
pantatoit's just stuck unpacking the linux-headers package lol00:47
pantatothank god i can still boot. I just tried rebooting. lulz windows fix00:47
pantatoI wonder if my SSD is dying all of a sudden. This is taking way longer than it ever has.00:51
pantato...ok I ran apt-get install --reinstall coreutils ... trying autoremove, tried installing the headers pacakage again...now there seems to be no errors00:54
* pantato squints suspiciously00:54
haysautoclean, clean, autoremove00:57
GunqqerFriithianperson from #KDE told me to ask here (for some reason). Im using 16.04.04 LTS with kde plasma 5.8.something and the global menu widgit doesn't seem to exist anywhere01:01
pantatohays: all is well now. Thanks for your help! I just needed a little mental push to go that far back in my history.01:05
pantatoI'm gonna remain a rebellious EOL'er until Ubuntu security forces invade my home and force me to upgrade01:05
afidegnumwhat's the EOL date of ubuntu 16?01:05
EriC^^+5 years01:06
afidegnumi can see 18.04 is out, do we have all stable packages up till date?01:06
guivercafidegnum, 16.04 = 2016.April = 5 years01:06
pantatohays: I just have a lot of ppas and also later versions I've tried have been buggy, particularly when booting with the new systemd change.01:06
afidegnummaybe i should stick to the 16 for the mean time,01:06
pantato14.04 has just been the most solid for me. I like it a lot. I will try 18.04 one of these days01:06
guivercbut note universe software usually has 3 years of supported life (you need to check for each package) - 5 years for LTS is 'main' only01:06
haysyeah im not in love with systemd either01:07
GunqqerFriithianis 18.04.01 out yet?01:07
guivercGunqqerFriithian, another month is eta (26-july i think from memory)01:07
pantatohays: 15,16,17 just all *felt* off. I can't really explain it. Just felt less solid/more clunky01:07
pantatoif I reinstall I'll probably just do debian with lxde01:08
pantatoI miss openbox01:08
pantatoI know I can run it on this install but...meh01:08
pantatoI have this weird bug with openbox based WMs where when I use a microphone my screen freezes for 3 seconds...pisses me off01:09
afidegnum i can see ubuntu is just behaving like microsoft, where win8 didn't last before 10 is out, the same is 17 and 1801:09
pantatowin 8.1 is the fastest windows, right?01:10
GunqqerFriithiannot having windows is the fastest windows01:10
pantatohaving new hardware is not being able to tell the difference01:10
pantatoI'm big into Quake Live nowadays. Sad there's no port for the penguin :(01:11
GunqqerFriithianlol I got an i5-2430M and no dedicated graphics01:11
afidegnumpantato: unless you run benchmark test to your apps to determine it01:11
afidegnumit depends on the features added01:11
pantatoi have some pirated copy of windows 8.1 that comes with all the bloat and crap removed and the start menu fixed. It probably has a rootkit but idc I just game on it.01:12
haysmy desktop machine is arch--i prefer a rolling distro for my desktop. then ubuntu for server01:12
Thedarkbpantato, That's why you should play Quake III Arena.01:12
ThedarkbOr QuakeWorld01:12
pantatoThedarkb: but muh rail gun and muh population01:12
ThedarkbRail gun?01:12
GunqqerFriithiancan't stand windows, dont even care about games01:12
pantatoThedarkb: no rail in quakeworld01:12
ThedarkbThat's literally from Quake III01:12
haysmy desktop machine doesn't even have grub. boots in like 3 seconds01:13
pantatoThedarkb: ql has more peeps than q301:13
hayskinda fun01:13
ThedarkbQuake Live is even on the same engine.01:13
ThedarkbQuakeWorld has the shaft though.01:13
pantatoThedarkb: QL has the shaft01:13
ThedarkbOh yeah, Q3A has it too......01:13
pantatoQuakeWOrld is respectable for sure. But I come from 15 years of CS so my rail gun is like my only strong point atm lol01:14
haysthe downside is that every time i update it seems like there is need to reboot. they release kernels like its going out of style01:14
ThedarkbQuakeWorld has the best physics of all the Quakes.01:14
pantatoThedarkb: why's that?01:14
ThedarkbThe physics engine was simplified in later versions.01:14
pantatoI think CPMA is the best of all Quakes. No way of disputing that IMO...just no people playing :(01:14
ThedarkbThere's less friction.01:14
Thedarkbin QuakeWorld.01:14
ThedarkbThe physics engine was partially tied to framerate though so later Quakes ditched it for a simpler one.01:16
pantatodat feel when playing quake live at 640x480 on a CRT monitor running at 180 hz01:17
afidegnumcan anyone give me link to download the 16 version?01:17
GorodishSET theme liszt.theme01:18
GorodishSET theme liszt.theme01:18
afidegnumthanks a lo01:18
krytarikGorodish: "/SET theme liszt"01:19
GunqqerFriithianother than /home, what should I backup to make it so I can fresh install and restore and have everything be the same/configured the same01:19
ThedarkbI was thinking of buying a CRT monitor just to experiment with high refresh rates.01:19
vfwGunqqerFriithian: In order to have all applications and everything just as you have now, you would need a complete hard drive backup which would mean you would have a second hard drive installed and clone to it periodically.  (Not really all that practical.)01:23
GunqqerFriithiancould I do a full system backup say once a fortnight and do incrementaly daily like I normally do01:24
haysi thought modern monitors were down around 2-3ms response. no?01:24
dabblerfollowing an askubuntu answer, I made a modification to one of the files in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/. to allow for package upgrades, should I have instead added the modified sections to /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?01:24
dabbler(the change had the effect I wanted)01:25
vfwdabbler: We would need to see the askubuntu answer you are referring to.01:27
oerheksthat /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ solution is correct01:29
dabblerthat file won't be overwritten or held back during a package update?01:29
oerheksindeed, but did you look at : org.gnome.desktop.peripherals.mouse and check the box for "natural-scroll".01:29
dabbleri don't have gnome installed01:30
oerheksoh oke01:30
oerheksthen go by your custom conf, that folder is used to generate the xorg.conf01:30
vfwdabbler: What Desktop Environment do you use?01:31
dabblervfw: JWM01:31
dabblervfw: it's on a single-board comp01:31
vfwdabbler: Well, it it works, you are done. ;)01:31
dabblervfw: i'm just trying to make sure it stays done and has minimal chance of being broken by or breaking something down the road01:32
dabbleri thought machine configuration was generally supposed to go in /etc/01:32
Bashing-omdabbler: XServer is just not the "basic" graphics layer... It's also how the keyboard, mouse, touchpad, gamecontroller, etc. interact in that layer... the /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d directory usually just contains files for those interactive pointing devices.01:34
GunqqerFriithianwith dd if is the read from, right?01:35
dabblerBashing-om: is it just kind of a historical idiosyncrasy that they're in /usr/share/ instead of /etc/ ?01:36
dabbleri thought share dirs were generally things supplied by packages (and potentially changed by them when updating)01:37
vfwdabbler: Your configuration will more-than-likely not get changed by a subsequent update but save a note on what you've done just in case.01:39
dabblervfw: yeah, i've noted it01:39
vfwdabbler: I have a big-ole notes.txt file I save stuff like that in.  I just do a key-word search to find what I need.01:40
dabbleri was specifically wondering whether the most "proper" solution would copy sections of those …/xorg.conf.d/ files over to my xorg.conf and modify them there?01:42
vfwdabbler: You could also keep a backup of the config file.  /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/myfile.conf.bak01:43
dabbleri read that xorg.conf isn't supposed to be necessary any more, but i have one since my JWM won't start if i remove it01:44
nezZarioCan someone explain to me how exactly ubuntu is derived from debian?  I mean, in the most technical of manners?  I keep seeing ubuntu is "basically debian testing" but that doensn't really explain much to me.  I mean, is ubuntu constantly taking debian testing's apt repos and applying it's ubuntu-ness patches over it, .. or what?  I mean I'm asking, how exactly are the apt repos "generated" if that makes sense01:44
vfwdabbler: xorg.conf file is not needed in most cases, but if you create one, it will be used.01:45
dabblervfw: apparently not to the exclusion of the xorg.conf.d stuff, though01:45
vfwdabbler: Yea, that is different.01:46
oerheksnezZario, indeed https://www.ubuntu.com/community/debian01:46
dabblervfw: know any good tutorials on the xorg configuration process? :p01:47
vfwdabbler: There are utilities that will generate an xorg.conf file.01:49
vfw... a couple  anyway...01:49
vfwdabbler: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/xorg#Using_xorg.conf01:50
vfwdabbler: The xorg.conf file will need to be custom made for your particular GPU.01:53
dabblervfw: the one that gets my setup to work is very basic — see http://eewiki.net/display/linuxonarm/BeagleBone+Black#BeagleBoneBlack-HDMI . do you think it's necessary because the driver is fbdev and that's not something the auto-config will try?01:55
pantatonezZario: same package manager and file system01:56
pantatonezZario: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/28324/how-is-ubuntu-based-on-debian01:58
pantatonezZario: https://i.stack.imgur.com/RuUWv.png01:59
dabblervfw: hang on. i'm about to see if it successfully auto-configs after installing the x11-xserver-utils package02:03
hayswhoa 1804 supports zfs. wow02:17
haysif xfs that crusty heh02:17
haysi wonder if that means i have a zfs volume on a freebsd box I can just mount that right on some ubuntu02:19
dabblervfw: nope, still doesn't work02:21
dabblervfw: oh well. i guess i'll just keep my xorg.conf02:21
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dabblervfw: nothing stands out in Xorg.0.log, and the xserver seems to be running. its output just isn't going to the screen. the console stays on the screen02:23
jlucasAnybody else have problems performing "sudo apt install **ANYTHING**" when using ipv6 as your primary network?02:24
jlucasMine seems to always get stuck on "0% [Connecting to archive.ubuntu.com (2001:67c:1560:8001::14)]"02:25
oerheksapt-get -o Acquire::ForceIPv6=true update > https://www.vultr.com/docs/force-apt-get-to-ipv4-or-ipv6-on-ubuntu-or-debian02:29
hjgoihgalkany one03:39
TimeDoctorplease ask your question, hjgoihgalk03:39
superwihi all may request assistance re apt-get > hash sum mismatch bug ?03:45
Bashing-om!details | superwi03:51
ubottusuperwi: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.03:51
dabblervfw: aha! i think i was onto something! https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=19871903:52
oerhekssuperwi, often that 'bug' happens when your mirror get updated03:53
oerhekstry again in a minute03:53
swift110hey hjgoihgalk04:03
superwi@ Bashing-om ubottu : https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/CrxM3vKcjy/  trying to update apps04:06
dabblerhow can i refresh a particular file provided by a package from the cached download?04:06
superwiissue: trying to update apps https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/CrxM3vKcjy/  pls assist me :)04:06
dabblerin my case it's a modification of a file under /usr/share/ that i want to revert04:07
Bashing-omsuperwi: looking .04:09
Bashing-omsuperwi: Try ' sudo rm -fr /var/lib/apt/lists ; sudo mkdir -pv /var/lib/apt/lists/partial ; sudo apt update ' .04:12
Bashing-omsuperwi: MergeLists are a working tool of apt, part of the way it keeps track of which packages are in which repositories. It's the gears of a text-based database that apt relies upon.04:13
Bashing-omWhen corrupted, they can be safely deleted. Apt will recreate them during the next apt update.04:13
superwi@ Bashing-om tnx :)04:13
zenzero@ Bashing-om tnx :)04:14
=== zenzero is now known as superwi2
=== superwi2 is now known as superwi
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superwiissue: trying to update apps https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/CrxM3vKcjy/  pls assist me :)04:53
MnxCoolкто онлайн04:54
Jordan_U!ru | MnxCool04:55
ubottuMnxCool: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.04:55
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Jordan_Usuperwi: Please pastebin the output of the following: wget http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial-security/universe/binary-i386/Packages.xz -O /tmp/Packages.xz && file /tmp/Packages.xz04:59
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superwi@ Jordan_U issue: trying to update apps https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/CrxM3vKcjy/  pls assist me :)05:00
superwi@ Jordan_U 1 moment pls05:00
* MnxCool Cool05:01
superwi@ Jordan_U https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/F47X3NmzWh/05:02
Jordan_Usuperwi: Try running "sudo apt update" again now. It may have just been a temporary issue with the repositories.05:06
superwisame scenes ie: Err:36 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main i386 Packages05:08
superwi  Hash Sum mismatch05:08
superwi@ Jordan_U latest results :  https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/wwDsTQmfzK/05:11
Jordan_Usuperwi: Odd, I don't know why that's happening. Are you running 32 bit Ubuntu?05:13
Jordan_Usuperwi: Please pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list .05:15
Jordan_Usuperwi: Why have you removed so much from the default sources.list?05:18
superwii followed so many steps already,days troubleshooting it on my own. :(05:20
Jordan_Usuperwi: Did you make a backup of what your /etc/apt/sources.list looked like before you started editing it?05:21
superwihmm.i think.there was a step re backing it up.can u refresh where i can find it?05:21
Jordan_Usuperwi: Where you would find it depends on where you backed it up to. Generally you would put backups for files like this in the same directory, so "ls /etc/apt/" and see if there is a "sources.list-bak" or similarly named file.05:22
superwialright.1 moment05:23
superwiapt.conf  apt.conf.d  preferences.d  sources.list  sources.list.d  sources.list.save  trusted.gpg  trusted.gpg~  trusted.gpg.d --> is it any1 of them?05:24
Jordan_Usuperwi: Please pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list.save .05:27
Jordan_Usuperwi: But it looks like you didn't make a backup before editing this system file. Making backups of configuration files is a habit you should get into.05:27
superwiyeah.my bad05:28
superwisource list is empty :(05:28
superwisource.list.save is empty :(05:28
Jordan_Usuperwi: One simple way to make such a backup would be with a command like "sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list-bak". You can also give more descriptive backup names like "sources.list-before-changing-mirrors-to-au" or do "cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list-$(date --iso-8601)" to make a backup with todays date in the name.05:31
superwiare the source list damaged for good?05:32
Jordan_Usuperwi: Here is a default xenial sources.list that you can use: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/rohitrawat/60a04e6ebe4a9ec1203eac3a11d4afc1/raw/fcdfde2ab57e455ba9b37077abf85a81c504a4a9/sources.list05:32
Jordan_Usuperwi: (Found from https://gist.github.com/rohitrawat/60a04e6ebe4a9ec1203eac3a11d4afc1 )05:33
superwiok.can i proceed with copy paste?05:33
superwireplace everything inside my existing source list with this 1?05:34
Jordan_Usuperwi: After making a backup of your existing one just in case, yes :)05:34
superwiok ok.i can start the habit now. :D05:35
superwidone backing up.should i replace all or merge instead?05:40
Jordan_Usuperwi: Replace it entirely.05:40
superwi..doing apt-get update05:42
superwi1 hash mismatch detected05:43
Jordan_Usuperwi: Please pastebin the complete output of "sudo apt update".05:43
superwiok.stil ongoing05:43
Jordan_Usuperwi: ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/05:51
sa_I’ve ubuntu box third 16.04 point release, with 4.4.0-28-generic. So am I having a GA kernel or HWE kernel?05:54
lotuspsychjesa_: update your system to latest05:55
lotuspsychjesa_: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade05:55
oerheksoink ... 2 ppa-s ..05:56
sa_lotuspsychje: will it upgrade the kernel version?05:57
oerheksc/21 ppa-s05:57
guivercsa_ you have GA (general release) kernel, but you should be 16.04.4 (or 5) hence lotuspsychje's recommend to please update!05:57
lotuspsychjesa_: updating your system, also results in having newer kernels05:59
lotuspsychjesa_: consider enabling unnattended updates in your settings?06:00
sa_lotuspsychje: how to check this?06:01
guivercsa_, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/FAQ contains info on enabling HWE (hardware enablement stack) kernels - see Ubuntu 16.04 LTS - Xenial Xerus section06:01
lotuspsychjesa_: software&sources/tab updates06:02
sa_guiverc: 16.04.5 is yet to release, but it comes with v4.15, is this also GA kernel?06:02
oerheksif there is a maximum on repositories..  https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/8j7CnHNnbP/ surely beats it06:03
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lotuspsychjeoerheks: lol06:03
guivercsa_, the HWE kernels mean 16.04 uses the latest release kernel; it'll use 18.04's kernel.  The GA (general availab..) kernel is the 4.4 of initial release06:03
guiverc4.4 of initial release - BUT minor version bumps as new patches are backported to it; which cause the 16.04.x x number to bump; if you're on .3 you're missing quite a few updates! & patches06:04
sa___guiverc: sorry , got disconnected due to net connectivity. Am i missed anything?06:06
lotuspsychjesa___: <guiverc> 4.4 of initial release - BUT minor version bumps as new patches are backported to it; which cause the 16.04.x x number to bump; if you're on .3 you're missing quite a few updates! & patches06:08
oerhekslike spectre & meltdown06:09
lotuspsychjesa___: the moral of this: always keep your system up to date to latest06:10
sa___lotuspsychje: I want to use always the latest GA kernel, but it looks only initial release is the GA rest are HWE06:12
lotuspsychjesa___: feel free to hastebin us your kernel list06:13
guivercsa___, the fixes once detected, are backported to the GA kernel. the GA kernel for 16.04 will always be 4.4 (only the minor numbers below that increment) as does the 16.04.x number06:13
guivercand if you miss anything (i left the room myself); you can re-read on the irc logs everything said here...06:14
Jordan_Usuperwi: That's a *lot* of ppas you have there. I'm not sure it has anything to do with your current issue, but you should try to limit the number of ppas you use, and only use ppas from reputable sources. You can use ppa-purge to properly purge them (just deleting the files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ is *not* enough).06:14
Jordan_Usuperwi: But for the hash sum mismatch, try "sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 40976EAF437D05B506:15
superwiive already uncheck alot inside software updates > other06:16
lotuspsychjesuperwi: as Jordan_U just suggested, uncheck doesnt mean its gone, ppa-purge instead06:16
lotuspsychje!ppapurge | superwi suggested by Jordan_U06:16
ubottusuperwi suggested by Jordan_U: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html06:16
Jordan_Usuperwi: From here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/198371/apt-encounters-errors-with-bad-gpg-keys06:16
superwii see.will do.tnx lotus06:16
superwiwill do this : sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 40976EAF437D05B5 after the ongoin upgrade..or i think il jz ctrl-c it06:17
lotuspsychjesuperwi: just my opinion, but in your case i would just do a clean ubuntu install to get rid op 21 ppa's..in 30min you got a new vanilla system06:18
superwiis this applicable whenever im having hash mismatch? --> sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 40976EAF437D05B506:19
superwi@ lotuspsychje theres a lot of tweaks that i will have to repeat :(06:19
superwii got an app : ubuntu tweak>janitor is this helpful in purging ppa-s?06:21
lotuspsychjesuperwi: ubuntu tweak is not being maintained well anymore, and janitor is more like a system cleaner not for ppa's06:21
superwialso app called: removed orphaned packages? it seems they are not helping ?06:21
superwi* app name: remove orphane packages06:22
superwippa purge is still the best way to remove orphaned ppas?06:24
lotuspsychjesuperwi: ppapurge is handy to remove ppa's, but it also means you need to still find the right ppa url you added once to be able to remove= alot of work!06:25
lotuspsychjesuperwi: ppa's can scramble your system, hence why we dont support them here06:25
lotuspsychjeAssid: good morning, what can we do for you?06:25
Assidso im considering a setup with a raid 1  using 1 samsung 850 pro and 1 wd green (mlc+tlc)06:26
lotuspsychjeAssid: you have a specific reason to use raid mate?06:26
superwiwhat is better than ppa then?06:26
Assidlotuspsychje: yeah its a server type..  and i;d like to reduce downtime in case of drive failure06:27
lotuspsychjesuperwi: using packages from our official repos: try from a terminal apt-cache search keyword06:27
Assidlotuspsychje: im also taking 15minute snapshots to a virtual machine incase of a complete hardware failure06:28
lotuspsychje!raid | Assid start here06:28
ubottuAssid start here: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto06:28
lotuspsychjeAssid: see also the #ubuntu-server channel, they might lean you a hand to best layout for your needs, good choice on 850 pro, i also use them!06:28
Assidlotuspsychje: yeah, i was just asking if theres an issue with using different drives  altogether06:29
lotuspsychjejayden: good morning, how can we help you today?06:30
lotuspsychjeAssid: i dont like raid myself, so unsure of that06:30
superwinoted @ lotuspsychje06:30
Assidlotuspsychje:  im over provisioning myself so i really doubt i would wear out the drive with the database writes..  but then ytou cant really do anything incase of a drive /controller failure .. hence 1 cheaper .. 1 more exp. drive06:31
lotuspsychjeAssid: talk to the server guys, their used to this06:31
lotuspsychjeAssid: check also the raid wiki, hold alot of good info06:32
nav__I logged into ubuntu pc using putty, from command line is there any way to know whether I’ve a desktop or server installation?06:32
oerheksnav maybe both ...06:34
oerheksat least server, as you entered the service06:34
nav__oerheks: which service?06:35
oerheksyou don't know what is running on a machine you ssh into..06:36
* oerheks facepalms06:36
ducassenav__: if the package 'ubuntu-server' is installed you are on a server installation, but they are pretty much the same thing06:48
qoeiwhat to do when git can't complete cloning a big repository because ram is too low?07:00
Triffid_Hunterqoei: gitfs or add swap07:02
st90210goodmorning all, i have a hp del360 gen 10 with a hp smart array p408i-a gen 10 controller. When i try to install Ubuntu 18.04 LTS server, it crashes when i choose the disk. Itust resets me in the installation gui, and lets met start over by using keyboard. How can i install ubuntu 18.04 LTS on this server, or what steps are there available to try and make it work, any advice tips are welcome07:05
superwi@ Jordan_U, before i can use this: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 40976EAF437D05B5  i need to have badsig output from apt-get update,however what im having is hash mismatch instead,any work around?07:07
qoeiTriffid_Hunter: thanks07:07
superwi@ lotuspsychje which is better command line ppa purge or the remove gui @ other software>remove07:13
lotuspsychjesuperwi: you can properly purge a ppa by just remove it, you really need ppapurge07:14
Assidgreat.. so i got a whole lot of resources back cause of too many passenger processes  in nginx07:16
Assidyep exactly sas i said07:19
superwi@ lotuspsychje i need to apply steps from https://askubuntu.com/questions/198371/apt-encounters-errors-with-bad-gpg-keys ..how can i have the badsig output from apt-get update instead of hash mismatch?07:22
EriC^^superwi: whats the problem you're having? initial problem?07:29
superwihi Eric i cant complete the updates due to hash sum mismatch errors07:29
EriC^^can you pastebin the exact error its giving you?07:30
ppfhow do i figure out where an installed package comes from?07:30
EriC^^ppf: apt-cache policy <package>07:30
superwii was troubleshooting it w/ Jordan_U and lotus. ,ok,1 moment pls07:31
ppfEriC^^: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DtPKm5nwYN/07:31
ppf'/var/lib/dpkg/status' ?07:31
EriC^^apt-cache policy07:31
EriC^^which ubuntu version ppf ?07:32
EriC^^!info gcc-6-base xenial07:33
ubottugcc-6-base (source: gccgo-6): GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection (base package). In component main, is required. Version 6.0.1-0ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 13 kB, installed size 60 kB07:33
EriC^^ppf: i'd say it was added by a .deb07:33
ppfhm, dammit07:34
superwiEriC^^ was trying to apply the steps here : https://askubuntu.com/questions/198371/apt-encounters-errors-with-bad-gpg-keys but im not getting the badsig output from apt-get update . im getting hash sum mismatch instead..07:34
ppfwho would do such a thing07:35
system16hi. i have installed xubuntu on a usb drive. it boots fine but its super slowww it takes like 10 min for it just to load desktop icons. is this because of the usb drive ? it uses usb 2.007:35
ppfEriC^^: there's no fix, right?07:35
oerhekssystem16,  as expected i guess, the live version from the iso would boot faster, as it loads a whole block into ram07:37
system16its not live cd07:37
system16i actually installed ubuntu on it07:37
system16so is this because of my usb drive or there is a problem with something else ?07:41
EriC^^superwi: try sudo rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*07:41
EriC^^then sudo apt update07:41
superwialready tried that.but ill do it again07:42
EriC^^superwi: try switching to a new repository07:42
EriC^^instead of the US one try the main one just for now07:43
superwitried that as well on 4 different servers07:43
EriC^^aha then it's your isp caching it probably07:43
superwitried 4 servers ie: nearest/main/US/fastest07:43
EriC^^after some time it'll work07:43
EriC^^or try a different internet method07:44
EriC^^like over your tethered mobile07:44
superwithat i have tried07:44
superwi*that i have NOT tried07:44
XtremeHello, Anyone here who uses apparmour and has change location of mysql data directory?07:50
Mr_Panhallo How to become a ubuntu Affiliate?07:50
EriC^superwi: if you do "wget -O /tmp/apttest http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial/universe/binary-amd64/by-hash/SHA256/c8bc8c1425fef0712430d3991cf15ea96892aa5e13130b36c126fa90887ca756 && sha256sum /tmp/apttest | nc termbin.com 9999" what does it give you?07:50
TimeDoctorMr_Pan: this is a channel for support, not business07:51
Mr_PanTimeDoctor, no business ... i ask for Affiliate Status  ...  ok where i must ask  ?07:51
qoeithis swap thing works great07:52
TimeDoctorMr_Pan: I guess this is what you're looking for: https://partners.ubuntu.com07:52
andrewbwmhowdy! I'm having some issues with my nvidia drivers on my ubuntu 18.04, is this the correct channel to ask around for help?07:54
Mr_PanTimeDoctor, thanks07:54
EriC^superwi2: if you do "wget -O /tmp/apttest http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial/universe/binary-amd64/by-hash/SHA256/c8bc8c1425fef0712430d3991cf15ea96892aa5e13130b36c126fa90887ca756 && sha256sum /tmp/apttest | nc termbin.com 9999" what does it give you?07:56
baakohi guys, i have some commands I need to run, and to save 20 secs. I have put those them in a script. is it possible to create a command which when i call in terminal it runs those script?07:57
baakoruns the script*07:57
superwi2lemee try07:57
EriC^baako: you could create a function07:57
EriC^baako: nevermind, where is the script saved?07:58
XtremeHello Everyone, I have shifted my mysql data directory from /var/lib/mysql to /home/me/mysql. Everything is working smooth. no issues. no errors. I configured apparmour as well. Only problem is, I cannot upgrade mysql. It gets "hung" at "Setting up mysql-server-5.7 (5.7.22-0ubuntu0.16.04.1)". I do get following warning "insserv: warning: current stop runlevel(s) (0 1 2 3 4 5 6) of script `mysql' overrides LSB defaults (0 1 6).".07:58
XtremeBut with quick google i found out it got nothing to do with the problem i am facing. Previously, how I used to solve this issue is moving the data directory back to /var/lib/mysql and then moving it back after upgrade. But I want to stop doing that. I am currently trying to upgrade with apt-get upgrad and since its stuck, i need to do "dpkg --configure -a".07:58
Xtremehistory of apt log07:58
oerhekscrossposting in #debian ...07:58
oerheksrespect our volunteers, wait or their answer07:59
Xtremeoerheks, check properly. I pasted there 30 mins ago and they are not able to help.07:59
oerheksyou just pasted the log08:00
baakoEriC^: https://ccm.net/faq/2540-linux-create-your-own-command08:00
oerheksand mint-mirrors:amd64 (1.1.6, 1.1.7) ... you are not even running ubuntu08:01
ubottuThe Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)08:01
superwi2EriC^^ https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/sk4XC956cc/08:02
EriC^baako: just typing the script in the terminal should run it08:03
EriC^baako: btw a better place would be sudo mv /usr/bin/yourscript /usr/local/bin08:04
baakoEriC^: but it in those 2 places?08:05
ppfno put it in /use/local/bin08:05
ppfusr. on mobile...08:05
baakookay :)08:06
baakoEriC^: my script is very simple like this08:06
EriC^superwi2: it's downloading the file wrongly08:07
baakou r missing part of the url08:08
EriC^superwi2: try "curl -o /tmp/apttestcurl curl -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' ttp://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial/universe/binary-amd64/by-hash/SHA256/c8bc8c1425fef0712430d3991cf15ea96892aa5e13130b36c126fa90887ca756 && sha256sum /tmp/apttestcurl | nc termbin.com 9999"08:09
baakoEriC^: https://paste.ee/p/kPmEH08:09
EriC^that should force it not to use the cache08:09
EriC^superwi2: anyways basically wait a while or switch your isp and it should work :)08:09
EriC^baako: ok, if you type the script name in your terminal it should work08:10
ppfhashbang is missing08:11
baakoEriC^: it does08:11
EriC^ah good catch ppf08:11
EriC^baako: you should add as the first line "#!/bin/bash"08:11
EriC^baako: what's the problem then?08:14
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superwi2regarding the last 2 commands,what do they do?08:17
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EriC^superwi: which exactly? the sha256 | nc ?08:17
superwi2the one that shows a moving indicators08:18
EriC^that's the wget command, it fetches the file08:18
superwi2a needed important file/08:19
superwi2a needed important file?08:19
EriC^that's the file apt is having a problem with, the hash should be the c9.... number but it's not, the files corrupted08:20
superwi2a needed important file - for the hash sum mismatch solution or its just a tester for apt?08:20
EriC^it's just a test, i wanted to see if bypassing the cache using curl would fix it08:21
tomeaton17I just booted my system and tried to apt full-upgrade, but it keeps telling me that it can't lock /var/lib/dpkg how can I find out what is using it08:21
cfhowlett!aptlock | tomeaton1708:21
ubottutomeaton17: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »08:21
superwi2i see.. the 2nd command with curl.should i still execute it?08:21
EriC^superwi2: it's pretty obvious though, it's downloading the file and it's corrupted, if you tried various repos then it's likely your isp has that file cached, so it keeps serving you the corrupted version from there08:21
lotuspsychjeEriC^: he has 21 ppa's added, system bit scrambled08:22
oerhekstomeaton17, after booting, apt is looking for updates, wait a minute08:22
Shabbysheiktomeaton17: If you want to find out what is locking it in future you can do:  ps aux | grep apt08:23
EriC^superwi2: if you like, it'll just confirm the obvious, or possibly still not work cause we couldnt bypass the cache08:23
tomeaton17okay thank you I will do that next time08:23
ppfshabbysheik not if the frontend crashed08:23
superwi2will vpn help ?08:23
EriC^superwi2: technically speaking, if you didnt have another internet connection and you desperately needed it fixed, you could manually download those files using curl, copy them to ...apt/lists and fix the pc that way08:24
superwi2i may have to take the curl option.08:25
EriC^superwi2: i think so yeah, if the connection is encrypted (ive no idea about vpn stuff) your isp couldnt know what you're downloading so it serves the cached version anymore08:25
superwi2i see08:26
superwi2can you point a guide re the curl method with regards to my issue.il take it from there.08:27
EriC^superwi2: try the last command i gave you08:27
superwi2@ lotus & all whats your take on Y PPA MAnager?08:28
peter_hi folks08:29
peter_can anybody recommend a good midi-usb-keyboard that is compatible with ubuntu?08:29
cfhowlett#opensourcemusicans would be a better place to ask, peter_08:29
peter_ah thank you cfhowlett08:30
bsaboiawhere can I report bugs? I think I found one related to display orientation. if I hit the super key + p, then it goes to mirror mode. I have a screen on portrait mode. after the first super + p, when I return back to "join screens" mode, the screen is put to landscape mode again08:31
cfhowlett!bug | bsaboia08:31
ubottubsaboia: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.08:31
superwi2is there a ticketing system here,so we can continue where we left off?08:32
cfhowlettthis channel is logged but don't expect folk to go scrolling back for you, superwi208:32
superwi2ayt.tnx eric.lotus.howlet.jordan. and all.. gtg08:33
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haasnWith `dpkg-divert`, is there a way to just completely remove a file rather than temporarily renaming it?09:11
haasnI know I can move it to /some/place/that/doesn't/matter/09:12
haasnbut I'm wondering if there's a "clean" solution09:12
gigirockhaasn, i don't konw what you want to do with that .deb , if you want to erase completely dpkg purge <package> erase completely the .deb and its configuration09:17
gigirockMr_Pan, ma 6 tutti i canali ?09:19
haasngigirock: I want to remove some files from a package, not all09:20
Mr_Pansono uno e trino09:20
SlartibartMy dnsmasq is complaining: 'symbol nettle_lookup_hash version NETTLE_6 not defined in file libnettle.so.6 with link time reference'. How to solve that? Recompile libnettle6?09:20
ThedarkbShould I dist-upgrade?10:00
ThedarkbI've been having stability problems on 17.1010:00
baakohey guys, in a few days i am getting a new pc and i will absoluely hate to set up ubuntu again and get everything installed, etc. is they a better way to avoid this?10:00
ThedarkbKeep your old PC?10:00
tarzeaudid seahorse change configuration file format between 16.04 and 18.04?10:00
baakoThedarkb: unfornately i will get change10:01
tarzeaugnome keyring manager suddenly doesn't work anymore without deleten/re-creating a new keyring10:01
baakothey have already ordered it10:01
ThedarkbWhat did they order?10:01
Thedarkboff topic but I'm curious.10:01
baakoThedarkb: no idea but it should be custom build i think.10:02
baakoanyways is they a way?10:02
ThedarkbLaptop or Desktop?10:02
ThedarkbNah, not really other than swapping the hard drives.10:02
baakoi feel like crying right now10:03
ThedarkbUbuntu is quite quick to install as of late.10:03
baakohave to set up docker, etc10:03
baakopain and more pain10:03
ThedarkbI have a big list of packages to install for whenever I reinstall Debian or Ubuntu.10:04
tarzeauThedarkb: how big? 3000 packages? more, less?10:04
tarzeauthat'd be a tiny list then10:05
ThedarkbI don't need 3000 packages.......10:05
tarzeauour list is 1726, but at finished state it's 4000+ packages10:05
tarzeauThedarkb: neither do i, but we run multiuser systems (about 100+) with about 1000+ users (ldap)10:06
tarzeauand about 100+ packages in our own repository (reprepro)\10:06
ThedarkbOh, I run several 1 user systems10:06
tarzeaudo you enable popularity-contest ?10:07
ThedarkbWell, on Debian.10:07
tarzeauand check the results at popcon.ubuntu.com ?10:07
ThedarkbNot on Ubuntu10:08
tarzeauah. me too, but the ubuntu ones MUST BE INCOMPLETE10:08
ThedarkbWho knows where that data is going.....10:08
ThedarkbThanks canonical.10:08
tarzeauThedarkb: is your list of 120 packages visible publicly, just being curious10:08
ThedarkbIt's a written list.10:08
tarzeauThedarkb: on paper?10:08
ThedarkbMostly deprecated packages I need to play OpenTTD or Quake.10:09
tarzeauso you run apt-get install `ocr on your scanned paper list` ?10:09
ThedarkbType it out by hand.10:09
tarzeauhah. try nethack!10:09
ThedarkbInefficient I know.10:09
ThedarkbI have, couldn't really get into it.10:09
stvnplay puckman10:09
ThedarkbIf I'm stuck with a Terminal, I'll play an old infocom text adventure.10:09
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Pozzoa question... I've a bash script with a line like this inside :   mv -- from to10:20
PozzoI don't know... what does -- means here ?10:21
Pozzoi cannot find any clue in the man10:21
ppfit means 'here be positional arguments'10:21
ppfthat's something most gnu tools have10:21
ppfconsider if you want to move a file that's named '-v'10:22
Pozzook !! understood10:22
Pozzoif from is named -v... mv wont use that like an option10:22
Pozzothanks a lot ppf !10:22
PozzoI've known that "trick" some years ago... but totally forgotten now :(10:24
Pozzothanks again ppf and have a good day10:24
ppfso ... i have a xenial system, and someone for some reason installed gcc-6-base 6.1.1-3ubuntu11~14.04.1, looks like through a deb10:25
ppfhow do i best fix that?10:26
oerhekslooks like from the toolchain ppa .. ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test10:29
oerhekssudo apt-get update10:29
oerheksppa-purge ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test & be happy10:30
ppfoerheks: doesn't look like that's properly installed10:32
ppfWarning:  Could not find package list for PPA: ubuntu-toolchain-r test10:33
ppfbut there is a remnant in sources.list.d, but commented out10:33
ppfso i guess it used to be there but it got disabled on a release-upgrade10:34
oerheksenable it again, and you can remove it?10:34
oerheksi doubt that package survives release upgrade, so it has to be from that ppa10:35
ppfit was the trusty version. do i use that one or the xenial one?10:35
oerhekserr that package is clearly for 14.04.110:35
oerhekswhat a mess :-D10:36
ppfi know :(10:36
ppfif i add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test the xenial version, i guess it will upgrade these packages to xenial, and then i can purge it10:36
ppfis that reasonable?10:37
oerheksppf, just checking, yes, it will update to 6.4.x ... https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-toolchain-r/+archive/ubuntu/test?field.series_filter=xenial10:37
oerheksafter that, you can remove the ppa, and reverse packages10:38
ppfokay, let's try that then10:38
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ppfi mean, WCGW10:38
oerheksbackup your precious data10:38
ppfyeah, it's attached to tivoli10:39
ppfand also doesn't contain any data that's really irreplacable10:40
oerheksusually i say: if you have no backup of your data, it is not important10:40
ppfthis is the other way around though10:42
ppfit's not important but i have a backup :)10:42
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ppf/usr/sbin/ppa-purge: line 191: aptitude: command not found10:46
oerheksaptitude is not standard10:47
ppfi know, but why does ppa-purge depend on but doesn't install the dependency10:47
oerhekserr, no, sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory>10:48
oerhekssudo ppa-purge ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test [enter]10:49
ppfyes, yes, obviously. and that end's with the error above10:49
ppfbut it fixed the apt configs before, so i can likely recover from here manually10:50
BluesKajHowdy folks11:01
tarzeaugnome-shell is leaking memory for me on ubuntu 18.04, about 10 GB now11:24
tarzeauuptime 52 days11:24
oerhekswhat if you restart your browser?11:25
tarzeaui know my browser also leaks memory, but are they related?11:26
oerheksno, gnome should be fixed, for the known memory culprit11:26
oerheksbrowsers are an other story11:26
tarzeauhtop shows gnome-shell on top sorted with M key11:27
dabbleram I the only ubuntu user trying to use targetcli?11:32
kemisten2whats the name of a shell scripting channel? vcant seem to find any11:49
jpe#bash ?11:52
baakoso ubuntu doesnt like my wireless keyboard logitech k800 and logitech performance mx mouse. So what does it like?12:07
DyrconaI have a Dell R740xd with Ubuntu 16.04 installed, kernel 4.13.0-45, that crashes while writing to NVMe drives that are configured in a mirrored zpool.12:12
DyrconaI have a Dell R730 that is otherwise identical that doesn't do that.12:12
DyrconaAnyone have any suggestions?12:13
DyrconaYes, 16.04.. Xenial Xerus Server edition.12:13
DyrconaBy crahses, I mean it goes down hard and has to be powered back on.12:13
zetherooDoes anyone have experience with Ubuntu and the MS Wireless Display adapter?12:16
LectusHi! I'm running Ubuntu 16.04 on my notebook and it's running fsck on almost every boot. I can't run it there. So I run fsck manually from a Live USB stick and it fixes the problem. Now Chrome isn't opening with a segmentation fault.12:18
LectusIs it a hardware problem or ubuntu problem?12:19
DyrconaOh, forget it. Vague questions are vague....12:19
zetherooUbuntu 18.04 seems to really be struggling with USB headsets :/12:23
tarzeauzetheroo: why?12:23
tarzeauLectus: can you start it from a terminal?12:24
zetherootarzeau: about the MS wireless display adapter or the usb headset?12:24
tarzeauzetheroo: the latter12:24
Lectustarzeau: When I start chrome or firefox from terminal they show a segmentation fault error. Other programs work ok.12:25
LectusThey started acting like after I ran fsck to fix the boot error12:25
zetherootarzeau: Ubuntu sees the headset, but when I select it in sound settings as either output or input it doesn't work12:25
zetheroothis worked in 16.0412:25
tarzeauLectus: can you run badblocks -sv /dev/sda (or whatever your diks in your notebook is)?12:26
tarzeauLectus: and confirm it's not a hw fault? (check dmesg -T output also)12:26
tarzeauzetheroo: so the problem started to be one with 18.04 and the default ubuntu environment (being gnome-shell)?12:26
Lectustarzeau: I can check that when go home (I'm at work right now).12:27
oerheksLectus, wipe the ~/.mozilla and ~/.config/google-chrome and see what happens ( you loose plugins but that can be redownloaded)12:28
zetherootarzeau: maybe. It worked before the laptop went into standby as well ... so I am looking into that ...12:28
zetherootarzeau: seems like after killing and restarting pulseaudio it's working again12:30
Lectusoerheks: I'll try that12:30
zetherooso it's probably the case that suspend is stopping the headset from working after resuming12:32
zetherooHow about Ubuntu 18.04 and Miracast?12:32
oerhekschromecast/nexusplayer works fine12:37
trupheenix___Hi! I am attempting to access nginx server hosted on my ubuntu bionic machine over lan. Localhost works but the IP address from external machines says connection refused. Why?12:42
zetheroooerheks: chromecast is no option for us - doesn't support EAP WiFi security12:43
TimeDoctortrupheenix___: port forwarding, firewall? any number of possibilities12:43
trupheenix___TimeDoctor, ok.12:43
trupheenix___TimeDoctor, I just cannot figure this out12:45
trupheenix___TimeDoctor, ufw is inactive12:45
oerhekssudo ufw allow 'Nginx Full' && sudo ufw status12:53
oerhekssudo ufw logging on && sudo ufw enable12:54
mleon2no puedo entrar a ninguna pagina12:56
the_drowI'm trying to upgrade my kernel and I get "ERROR (dkms apport): binary package for evdi: 1.0.335 not found". This started happening after I upgraded to 18.04.12:56
the_drowSeems like evdi is a displaylink driver but there is no package for it12:57
the_drowI'd rather not download and compile stuff from Github if possible12:57
the_drowThe installation just hangs12:58
the_drowThe terminal doesn't respond to Ctrl+C as well13:00
Accord_hey, is there a way to list all versions of a package available in snap?13:01
solsTiCehi. I was trying to take control of distant ubuntu 16.04 using teamvewier 13 on both side, me using 18.04 and I could see the desktop but can't control anyhting ? any idea why ?13:01
OolsolsTiCe: I don't know how work teamviewer, but I do it with an SSH access and X2go13:05
the_drowAccord_, snapl list13:05
the_drowI mean snap list.13:06
oerheksor https://snapcraft.io/store13:07
YankDownUnder...arguing with the latest/greatest - 18.04 - is there something going on with gnome-keyring that just is fried? Doesn't "remember" credentials for network shares...(can't remember if I went through this with 16.04 or 14.04)13:09
Accord_the_drow: thanks13:11
stevenmanyone got a way of running an app in the tray (notification area?)13:12
stevenme.g. one that only minimizes... but you wish closing/minimize it would just send it to the notification area13:13
stevenmi hear something called alltray used to do this - but it doesn't seem to work any more on modern ubuntu's13:13
lackofanetplanhi there. i just installed ubuntu server 18.04 (using the alternative / classic debian installer). the system i installed on can only have wireless (WPA2 + password) connectivity at this time. configuring the wireless network during installation failed, i don't know why, it would not say (but i am certain i provided the correct essid and password).13:15
lackofanetplannow i have the system installed, and booted. and i'd like to configure the wireless using netplan13:15
lackofanetplani did it as discussed here https://netplan.io/examples#wireless-interfaces except i did not configure addresses, network, nameservers.13:16
YankDownUnderlackofanetplan, Have you tried doing a "static" setup for the wireless instead of going through the NM to do it? Just wondering...always do that - well, for "older" installs - 16.04 and below...13:16
lackofanetplani did netplan try and netplan apply, both seemed to work fine. now how do i bring ths interface up?13:17
lackofanetplanYankDownUnder: NM is not involved there. servers use systemd-networkd by default.13:17
oerheksyou need wpa-supplicant and such..13:18
lackofanetplanpackage wpasupplicant is installed13:19
YankDownUnderlackofanetplan, ...then you're ahead of me...I've not mucked with testing 18.04 server - working on sussing out the workstation first before the nightmare of the server...and won't upgrade/update my clients until I'm "confident" enough to make sure things run like a champ...fighting the bloody passwords for shares right now...not happy with that bit...therefore, server testing waiting...hmmm...13:20
lackofanetplangood luck there YankDownUnder13:20
BluesKajcan't network-manager configuration file provide a static option?13:20
oerheksthis netplan example might be a help https://askubuntu.com/questions/992162/how-can-i-update-wifi-on-ubuntu-17-10-server13:21
lackofanetplanBluesKaj: it's using systemd-networkd, not network manager13:21
oerhekshttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Netplan/Design + https://netplan.io/  for more info13:21
Artur_At any moment when user of OS wants to launch an application he or she can launch it via bash. But when I double click an icon on my desktop there is no any bash involved. Is bash just a graphical tool to talk to shell and By clicking an icon on desktop my computer talks to shell directly to launch a program?13:21
oerheksi think it talks to gnome13:22
YankDownUnderlackofanetplan, Reckon I'll wait for 18.04.1 - kinda done the same for the past, er, what, three releases? Never rush...time and patience...let others break things so I don't have to... ;)13:26
BluesKajlackofanetplan:  I assume network-manager is part of networkd13:26
lackofanetplanno, it's an alternative to systemd-networkd.13:27
lackofanetplanturns out my issue is the drivers / firmware init https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-firmware/+bug/177262413:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1772624 in linux-firmware (Ubuntu) "Broadcom BCM4356 wifi chipset firmware is not working" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:27
lackofanetplanthanks for your help nevertheless.13:27
BluesKajwhy is NM default on most installs if it's an "alternative" ?13:28
pewds11Hi , I've dual booted my win10 with ubuntu and when I select win10 in the GRUB menu ,the screen turns into a purple background with a weird pattern and then after few secs it loads windows..any idea why is that happening?13:28
lackofanetplanBluesKaj: NM is default on 18.04 desktops, systemd-networkd is default on 18.04 servers, that's all i know.13:29
BluesKajlackofanetplan: ok, good to know13:30
BluesKajdamn servers  :-)13:30
lackofanetplani think the release notes say so13:31
Artur_pewds11: Can you launch ubuntu in recovery mode?13:34
baakoam abit confused. i ran npm install which installe gulp but when i run gulp it says sudo apt install gulp                                                       │13:35
BluesKajlackofanetplan: well, I don't use NM or netplan anyway, just ifupdown and a dhcp line in network/interfaces along with gateway,address and netmask IPs13:36
lackofanetplanyou will ;)13:36
XenophonFHow do I troubleshoot the Ubuntu installer?13:37
BluesKajlackofanetplan: well, I'm testing Cosmic 18.10 atm and no NM requirement so far13:37
XenophonFI'm trying to install 18.04 on a Dell Inspiron 1501, but it looks like X or Wayland or whatever it is, is crashing.13:38
YankDownUnderlackofanetplan, "simple" is always good...harder to break "simple" things...or corrupt "simple" things...13:38
pewds11<Artur_> I'm able to launch ubuntu normally.. umm for recovery mode do I need to select the recovery option in GRUB menu?13:38
XenophonFI get a mouse pointer, the DVD churns for a bit, the pointer goes away, then I get a mouse pointer again, &c.13:38
XenophonFI tried booting without "quiet splash" in the kernel command line, but I don't see any error messages on the text-mode console.13:39
XenophonFI successfully ran a media check.13:39
yaccAny way to list the installed memory (to see if it's 2x4GB or 1x8GB) from a running Ubuntu system?13:40
anddamhowdy, where's the systemd-started Xorg log file? I couldn't find it at the usual /var/log/Xorg.*.log13:40
lackofanetplanXenophonF: discuss ubuntu version, hardware, especially graphics card13:40
SporkWitchyacc: the operating system neither knows nor cares13:40
XenophonFTrying to eliminate a hardware issue, I successfully installed FreeBSD, TrueOS, and Windows 7.13:40
lackofanetplananddam: ubuntu version?13:40
anddamnamely I have a dual screen setup, DP-1 is in portrait and I get the login greeter rotated13:40
anddamlackofanetplan: oh sorry, 18.0something13:40
anddamthe latest stable13:40
yaccSporkWitch, but I DO care ;) And e.g. memtest86 is able to display that information, ...13:41
XenophonF18.04 as mentioned, Dell Inspiron 1501 w/ AMD Athlon 64 X2, 2 GiB RAM, and some kind of Radeon graphics chipset (will have to look up specs).13:41
lackofanetplananddam 18.04, where 18 is 2018 and 04 is april13:41
anddamI actually added a xorg config section to handle it but the gdm started X doesn't seem to read it13:41
pauljwyacc, sudo lshw13:41
SporkWitchyacc: so run memtest? O.o13:41
anddamI use the same config on an LTS-based system13:41
XenophonFlooks like it's a ATI Radeon Xpress 115013:41
lackofanetplananddam: log files go into your home directory, in .local/share/X or .config/X IIRC13:42
anddamlackofanetplan:  how does that apply to system's gdm instance?13:42
lackofanetplananddam: 18.04 IS LTS13:42
yaccpauljw, thanks.13:43
anddamit is now, but IIRC previous LTS won't get auto-updated up till 18.04.113:43
anddamso I have a 16.04 based system where https://gist.github.com/adab4d/a1ffe64409d8ae0cd83444560d3f1a28 works13:43
lackofanetplananddam: right13:43
XenophonFis there a way to boot the installer to a text-only console?13:43
anddamlackofanetplan: how would Xorg log be redirected in the home directory if there's no home yet?13:43
yaccThat leaves the question if to go for 24 or 32GB, sigh ;)13:43
anddamor better the home would be the one of the uid running gdm13:43
XenophonFI tried adding "single" to the kernel command line, but it still started GDM13:43
lackofanetplananddam: not at all, i guess. why is there no home, yet?13:44
anddamlackofanetplan: because at the starting greeter, no user is logged13:44
yacclackofanetplan, e.g. encrypted home?13:44
XenophonFah - I specified "single" in the wrong place on the kernel command line, has to come before the "---"13:45
anddamlackofanetplan: take a system with 2 users for example, whose home gets the log? I figure it'd go in a system path rather than a user home13:45
lackofanetplanactually gdm logs to /var/log i think, just X logs to the users' home there.  and by the time X starts you already logged in13:46
pewds11Artur_: I'm able to launch ubuntu normally.. umm for recovery mode do I need to select the recovery option in GRUB menu?13:48
yaccls -l /proc/XSERVER/fd to see where it logs?13:48
yaccXSERVER being the pid of X13:48
XenophonFX run from single user mode seems to work13:49
XenophonFnot sure how to troubleshoot further and am open to suggestions13:49
linux_userHello all! - I am writing an ansible script to make sure all the gpg keys I need are installed on an Ubuntu desktop installation. What keys (for Ubuntu itself) should I be checking for and how do I get a list of key ids to use to get them from keyserver.ubuntu.com???13:51
linux_userI am not asking that question about Ansible, just in general - I know how to ansiblize the answer of adding gpg keys once I know all the IDs I ought be checking for13:52
yaccAny idea how to handle monitors that don't wake up? Currently I've simply disabled "turn off monitors" energy option, but it's irritating. (Thinkpad L470, Intel only, via docking station)13:52
lackofanetplanXenophonF: try the usual workarounds: text, nomodeset, noacpi, acpi=off, vga=79113:52
linux_userbasically if I run apt-key list, what Ubuntu keys should I see??13:53
linux_userfor source and binary stuff13:53
yaccThe funny thing is that the Laptop thinks that the displays are on, so the mouse pointer can disappear into a black screen, ...13:54
anddamlackofanetplan: what's the greeter itself running on then, if not X?13:58
anddamlackofanetplan: from what I get you're already logged when the session starts, not when X starts. I actually got a log in my home folder, but only once I logged at tty and manually ran startx13:59
lackofanetplana separate X session14:00
anddamlackofanetplan: and that makes sense since I'm explictly starting the X server from my user14:00
anddamlackofanetplan: ok, my question is where this separate X session is logging, then. Because its config is not reading /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d14:00
anddamand I'd like to figure why14:00
lackofanetplanmy assumption / limited understanind is that initially the desktop manager, be it gdm or lightdm or kdm or whatever starts with X logging to syslog, then when you logged in there X will restart, now logging to your logged in users' /home14:01
anddamlackofanetplan: I got that, and it makes sense, Xorg moving to userland and all14:02
=== Bob is now known as Guest13981
Guest13981hey guys14:04
lackofanetplan!ask | guest14:05
ubottuguest: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:05
SporkWitchGuest13981: If you have a question, just ask! For example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian version ___. When I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, if anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask. We're all volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get an answer try a few hours later.14:05
SporkWitchjinx, owe me a whisky14:06
CommandPrompthey Guest1398114:07
zetherooit seems like with Ubuntu Touch the functionality of wireless display's was built-in to Ubuntu ... where did that functionality go?14:07
linux_useris there a place I can get a list of the gpg keys for Ubuntu BIONIC that are for all the Ubuntu repos (source and binary) for the OS?14:08
SporkWitchlinux_user: they're bundled with the install14:08
zetherooaethercast - that was awesome. but what happened with it?14:11
BOB_Im the new one14:13
compdocnot as new as me14:13
gabriel29121993hi friend haw i cant open cmd windows comand on debian?14:14
gabriel29121993comand promt14:15
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SporkWitchgabriel29121993: it's called "terminal"14:17
gabriel29121993someone cant help me?14:18
rpittautroll alert? :D14:20
tya99ha anyone noticed an issue where whiptail doesn't show the dialog box to disable secureboot14:22
tya99as in i am updating linux-headers and apt appears to hang14:23
tya99but it isn't it's waiting on key enrolment14:23
SporkWitchit shouldn't need it, i don't think; it should be covered by the shim14:24
tya99because in my processes i see things like: /usr/bin/perl -w /usr/share/debconf/frontend /usr/sbin/update-secureboot-policy --enroll-key and /bin/sh /usr/sbin/update-secureboot-policy --enroll-key and whiptail --backtitle Package configuration --title Configuring Secure Boot --output-fd 12 --inputbox --   Enter the same password again to verify14:24
XenophonFlackofanetplan: I'm trying to boot the installer.  Does the "text" flag do anything?14:25
XenophonFI'm booting with "nomodeset vga=normal" now.14:25
tya99if i type something like: whiptail --title "Testing 123" --msgbox "HELLO THIS IS A TEST" 8 45 in the console14:26
tya99then i do see it working which is weird14:26
XenophonFIf I boot normally, I see the Ubuntu logo with the dots underneath, hear the "drumroll" sound, and then it hangs but remains responsive.14:26
SporkWitchtya99: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UEFI/SecureBoot possibly helpful14:26
XenophonFhm, looks like "nomodeset vga=normal" did the trick, because I just got into the desktop14:27
tya99SporkWitch: yeah i created my own keys and enrolled the MOK i use that for signing virtualbox kernel modules14:27
tya99SporkWitch: actually the same thing happened when i installed virtualbox with secureboot enabled14:28
tya99SporkWitch: https://stegard.net/2016/10/virtualbox-secure-boot-ubuntu-fail/ and that is how i fixed it14:28
GorraDoes anyone know a good website where I can learn advanced configuration (e.g Networking) of KVM?14:29
SporkWitchnot sure i see the point in doing it on client VMs; i don't have much experience working with secureboot, as this is the first machine i've had that supports it and regressions in WINE support forced me back to windows :'(14:30
SporkWitchGorra: https://lmgtfy.com/?s=d&q=qemu-kvm14:30
tya99SporkWitch: yeah i don't use secureboot on my clients, only my host which is a laptop14:30
tya99SporkWitch: but all kernel modules have to be signed so that's why you enrol your own key and sign14:31
SporkWitchtya99: that's what i mean, though, the ones in the official repo should already be signed and covered by the shim; for the two weeks i had linux installed on this thing i had at least 1 or 2 kernel updates and it didn't ask me to set a new MOK14:32
GunqqerFriithianif im using ubuntu 16.04 and want to update to 18.04 and have KDE what's the best way of doing that with out messing everything up14:32
GorraSporkWitch: Thanks!14:32
tya99GunqqerFriithian: do a backup first and then try it14:33
SporkWitchGunqqerFriithian: i'd just do a clean install of kubuntu; if you keep home on a separate partition, doing things like this is trivial14:33
tya99something like https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem/TAR#SSH14:33
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tya99well that too14:33
tya99probably quicker to just back everything up in your ~/ and then reinstall14:34
tya99do a dpkg -l first so you know what you installed14:34
SporkWitchspecifically kubuntu, if you're using KDE; save yourself the trouble14:34
GunqqerFriithianI am not using kubuntu specifically, I just have ubuntu with KDE install on top of it14:34
tya99which is basically the same thing14:35
tya99because it is just ubuntu with the KDE metapackage basically14:35
SporkWitchGunqqerFriithian: i'm recommending that you just install kubuntu; it's community-maintained now, but it's still ubuntu, just with the gnome stuff swapped for KDE equivalents14:35
SporkWitchGunqqerFriithian: saves time and effort if your'e going to be using KDE anyway14:35
GunqqerFriithianso back up /home (already done), list packages so I can reinstall them, and install kubuntu?14:35
SporkWitchpretty much14:36
SporkWitchand if you're feeling froggy, set up a separate partition for /home to make things easier in the future14:36
GunqqerFriithianI use LVM and LUKScrypt dunno if that's possible14:36
GunqqerFriithianeven though installing kubuntu will be nice as it means I don't have to go to the trouble of expanding an LVM partition inside LUKS14:37
SporkWitchGunqqerFriithian: that would make things more complicated, yes, though you might look into the new plasma "vault" system https://www.fossmint.com/plasma-vault-create-encrypted-directories-on-kde-desktop/14:37
GunqqerFriithianIm paranoid, but not *that* paranoid :P14:39
SporkWitchsingle encrypted folders for sensitive stuff is _more_ paranoid than FDE? O.o lol14:41
GunqqerFriithianboth at the same time14:41
SporkWitchi was suggesting it in place of14:42
GunqqerFriithianah hell nah14:42
SporkWitcheven on current hardware, there is still a non-trivial performance impact with encrypted drives/directories14:42
GunqqerFriithianI'm fine with that14:42
SporkWitchand, realistically, most people don't need FDE14:42
GunqqerFriithianremember me mentioning paranoia :P14:42
SporkWitchthat's what the vaults are for lol; lets you keep what you need safe, without the performance impact or the extra headaches when trying to recover or reinstall14:43
GunqqerFriithiannon-zero chance of something leeking out14:44
GunqqerFriithianremember, paranoia :P14:44
SporkWitchi use LUKS for swap and a flash drive that stores stuff like certifying keys (the flash drive sits in a safe)14:44
SporkWitchhence encrypted swap14:44
GunqqerFriithianno wait you're one of the people trying to get my data! AHHHHH!!14:45
SporkWitchnaw, just someone with over 10 years experience and a rational threat model for the average workstation user lol14:46
GunqqerFriithiando you happen to have numbers for how much I'm impacted?14:46
SporkWitchsee also my "no one gives a shit about you" theory of home security; the types of stuff you as a home user need to worry about aren't generally addressed with FDE14:46
GunqqerFriithianI don't like just going "no one gives a shit about you" as there is a non-zero chance someone does, even if it's just a friend trying to fuck with me14:48
SporkWitchGunqqerFriithian: do the friends trying to mess with you have the skill and motivation to get past a BIOS password? lol14:49
GunqqerFriithianpretty sure my laptop's bios doesn't support pre-boot auth14:53
GunqqerFriithianI have a password to change bios settings14:53
SporkWitchshould... i've never seen a laptop that didn't...14:53
SporkWitchit may be called "user password"14:53
GunqqerFriithianodd haven't seen anything14:54
GunqqerFriithianbrb imma check14:54
GunqqerFriithiangive me 2 min ill be back (ty ssd)14:54
cbreakthere seems to be a bug in the ubuntu 18.04 server installer.14:58
SimonNLwould be surprised if it doesn't14:58
SimonNLnot for you cbreak14:58
cbreakselecting a disk as target for installation fails with a python exception14:58
i_heart_penguinsis there any PPAs of wine staging anymore?14:59
cbreak"AttributeError 'int' object has no attribute 'rows'14:59
cbreakfor return self._original_widget.rows(...)14:59
cbreakbug seems to be in /snap/subiquity/346/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/urwid/decoration.py15:00
cbreakI guess that's not a well known problem15:02
cbreakweird, it's very reproducible here. happens every attempt :/15:02
linux_userSporkWitch: right...but lets say some idiot sys admin removes them, and I want to make sure they are reapplied each time the ansible script is run, what keys (with IDs) and servers can I get them from?15:04
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ioriahttps://bugs.launchpad.net/subiquity/+bug/1767295 cbreak15:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1767295 in subiquity "installation crash after selected disk" [Undecided,Fix committed]15:04
stevenmi hear something called alltray used to do this - but it doesn't seem to work any more on modern ubuntu's15:04
stevenmanyone got a way of running an app in the tray (notification area?)15:05
stevenme.g. one that only minimizes... but you wish closing/minimize it would just send it to the notification area15:05
cbreakioria: that error looks the same15:05
ioriacbreak, check #6 out15:06
cbreakI'll try http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/18.04/release/ next15:06
cbreaka non-live installer15:06
ioriacbreak, maybe yes15:07
cbreakioria: thanks for the tip :)15:07
cbreakwonder if just forwarding a disk image would help too...15:08
ioriacbreak, no idea, sy  good luck15:08
aleoooHello, I can't use the grafical interface of Ubuntu 18.04 LTS15:08
nicholasBPMI would like cron to run some kind of backup of my server, i would like the backup to go to a different server, not a local drive, what can you recommend?15:08
cbreakzfs send, rsync :)15:09
whooligannicholasBPM: rsync15:09
nicholasBPMcbreak, thank you i will google it15:09
nicholasBPMwhooligan, thanks15:09
MasterSnipesHey guys, I've been having a problem with my microphone (fresh install) and it has some static noise when I record or speak. Any ideas on how to fix it?15:11
cbreakI like Røde NT USB15:11
cbreakmight not be what you want though15:11
lackofanetplanXenophonF: my understanding is that the "text" kernel parameter will cause ubuntu not to switch the tty to graphical mode before it spawns the login daemon. but i'm not entirely sure about it, better read up on it.15:16
lackofanetplan(and sorry, i missed your reply earlier. also got to go now.)15:16
aleoooHello, I can't use the grafical interface of Ubuntu 18.04 LTS anyone can help me, please?15:21
compdocaleooo, it boots to a terminal screen?15:23
aleooocompdoc, yes15:23
compdocwhat happens if you login and type:  startx15:24
aleooocomdoc: doesn't work , give me an error15:24
compdocdid you install Ubuntu Server? or the Desktop version?15:25
oerheksctrl alt f7, for the gui ?15:25
yaccAny idea how to handle monitors that don't wake up? Currently I've simply disabled "turn off monitors" energy option, but it's irritating. (Thinkpad L470, Intel only, via docking station VGA + DVI)15:25
aleoooCompdoc: Desktop version, I think...15:26
yaccoerheks, in 18.04 the GUI seems to be C-A-F115:26
compdocshould just boot to the desktop15:27
Shabbysheikaleooo: you tried running "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" to make sure you did actually install the dekstop?15:28
chrisadamsHi, a wine install seriously broke myu system, I'm stuck in vterms and trying to reinstall the desktop environment via apt keeps giving "Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages"15:28
chrisadamsI tried `apt-get -f install` and `dpkg --configure -a` but it's not finding any broken packages15:29
aleooocompdoc: I think is a problem of graphic video drivers or something of the sort15:29
chrisadamsbut I continue to be unable to install packages15:29
compdocaleooo, might be. they can cause weird issues. did you install a driver thats not from ubuntu?15:32
baboi can't register any new nicks on freenode and i can't remember my old nick  and pass help15:33
baboive dine a google search with no luck15:33
aleooocompdoc: no, suddenly doesn't worked the GUI. I tried to upgrade from 17.10 to 18.04 but the problem is the same: only terminal.15:33
hggdhbabo: nothing we can do about it here, please go to #freenode for help on nicks15:33
oerheks!register | babo  ask in freenode15:33
ubottubabo  ask in freenode: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode.15:33
oerheksa new nick is not expensive :-P15:34
compdocaleooo, well, you might be able to fix it, but I dont know enough about that to help. Keep asking in here, or try the mailing list15:35
pankaj_Can I install a new package manager in ubuntu? It is possible?15:37
leftyfbpankaj_: why?15:37
aleoooShabbysheik: sorry if Ihave not replied quickly. I read only now you message. My IRC interface is very poor :-)15:38
pankaj_leftyfb: Just for fun? I want to see if it works.15:38
leftyfbpankaj_: you mean like installing rpm or pacman or something?15:39
oerheksthere is only 1 new package managment: snaps15:39
compdocisnt aptitude slightly different than apt?15:39
atee76 ,,,,QNN'M15:40
nicomachuscompdoc: not15:40
nicomachuscompdoc: no15:40
leftyfbatee76: this is a support channel. Do you need help with something?15:40
oerheksthose differences apt <> aptitude are gone, for years15:40
compdocthe one Im thinking of has a gui15:40
coconutbabo: if you haven't used your nick long enough, you might be able to register this again. (long is probably 2+ years not identified with nickserv)15:41
=== morten is now known as Scytale89
pankaj_leftyfb: Yes, pacman is what will be a good start15:43
compdocif you cant remember your nick, might as well pick a new one15:43
Beasthi all15:43
leftyfbpankaj_: you're on your own there. That's not something we can support. There's really no need for it.15:43
pankaj_leftyfb: OK. If that is the case.15:44
BeastI'm trying to upgrade to the latest stable and am getting a failed upgrade due to a /tmp is mounted noexec. I've run sudo mount -o remount,exec /tmp but am wondering why have I had to do this in the first place for the latest upgrades since it wasn't always so?15:46
=== aaron is now known as Guest73231
BeastI've found a howto that seems to suggest making the change permanant by changing the /tmp permisions in /etc/fstab by changing noexec to exec in the /tmp line. Is this permanent change ok from a security point of view?15:50
linux_userSporkWitch: right...but lets say some idiot sys admin removes them, and I want to make sure they are reapplied each time the ansible script is run, what keys (with IDs) and servers can I get them from?16:03
SporkWitchfire the admin for incompetence?16:03
linux_userok, so the real answer is you don't know how to do what I need, got it. thanks for your help.16:03
linux_userhowever, once the "admin is fired", I still need to fix it right? Or are you suggesting I reinstall the entire server? - I doubt you would expect that...so can we now try to get back to waht the answer might really be?16:05
linux_userI would appreciate to limit the silliness and try to see if I can get a workable and functional solution.16:05
oerheksdon't give the admin rights to do so.. else you end up reinstalling16:05
linux_userso if the keys for the Ubuntu installation are ever deleted, the only way to get them back is to reinstall the server then, yes? is that what everyone is saying?16:06
linux_userthe GPG keys16:06
linux_userthey ever get deleted then the entire server needs to be reinstalled to get them back, right?16:06
=== BlackJack|2 is now known as Dreaman`
nacclinux_user: gpg private keys?16:07
oerheksor reinstall the gpg-keys package https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=ubuntu-keyring16:07
linux_useryes, I asked if the GPG keys for the ubuntu repositories that come with the OS when it is installed (source and binary repos) get deleted how do I restore them? seems the answer is a full reinstall16:07
naccif you mean the keyring files, then just what oerheks said16:07
nacclinux_user: that would be ridiculous.16:08
linux_userI agree, but that is what everyone is saying16:08
nacclinux_user: they are a read-only data source, you don't reinstall to restore read-only data.16:08
SporkWitchlinux_user: admittedly  i do not, but it's an issue that simply shouldn't crop up; it requires truly epic levels of incompetence to happen unintentionally.  You're better off preventing it happening than bothering with reacting to it.16:08
oerhekswhat if the admin deletes a kernel...16:09
oerheksor himself :-D16:09
SporkWitchlinux_user: no one said to do a full reinstall, we're saying that it's better to prevent it in the first place16:09
compdocthen they are a bad admin16:09
nacclinux_user: who is saying that? only you have so far, since i've been paying attention.16:09
nacccompdoc: SporkWitch: fully agree, but let's fix the issue at hand first and discuss that in #ubuntu-offtopic.16:09
SporkWitchlinux_user: you could look in the error messages to see what keys are missing and then add-apt-key to restore16:09
SporkWitchnacc: that's the point: there isn't an issue at hand.  he's not trying to recover from it having already happened, he's trying to address a what-if scenario; the better solution is prevention, which is what he (and we) should be focusing on16:10
nacclinux_user: so your system *does* have the gpg keys available?16:11
naccSporkWitch: not in this channel, then.16:12
SporkWitchnacc: how is how to prevent that from happening not topical? O.o i get your obsession with having not even the tiniest of tangents, but this is directly in line with the topic...16:15
linux_userSporkWitch: I am asking how to resolve a problem I HAVE NOW, so your comments are useless. but thanks16:15
SporkWitchlinux_user: then i've already given you the answer: see which key is missing, use apt-key to add it back16:16
SporkWitchlinux_user: the missing keyid will be in the logs16:16
naccSporkWitch: 1) it seems you maybe misinterpreted linux_user's situation; 2) the topic is Ubuntu support, not "become a better sysadmin" or "learn to manage sysadmins".16:16
oerheksoh, it is an actual issue, not a hypothetical one16:16
linux_usernacc: you can't talk sense into people like that, I just ignored him16:16
SporkWitchnacc: yup, supporting him to better run his ubuntu system; again, you're more disruptive than the stuff you're whinging about16:16
oerheks.. nice rant, linux_user .. now grab your keys and be happy16:17
SporkWitchoerheks: you're not alone; it's sure sounded like a hypothetical the last hour16:17
linux_usernacc: I want to get a list of the keys that should be there so when the devs write ansible scripts I know I can reset the system to where it should be if they mess it up.16:17
oerheksstore the deb locally ...16:18
naccSporkWitch: and again, you seem to fully misunderstand this user. They are using ansible in their deployment, it's possibly not a single system; it's not about sysadmins, etc.16:19
nacclinux_user: imo, the 'default' keys are in the keyring packages16:19
linux_usernacc: What I wanted to do was get a list of the key IDs and the key servers so I can add it into the ansible script I run to make sure its right everyday16:20
SporkWitchnacc: i'm understanding it fully, now that he's said he's found an actual issue; if it was done using ansible, as he's now implying, then the same are likely missing on all.  The solution has already been provided when you haven't been whinging and scrolling information off the screen.  Check the logs, see what's missing, add them back.  Next, fire the incompetent admin, and reduce privileges on16:20
SporkWitchthe remaining ones16:20
oerhekssudo apt download ubuntu-keyring && sudo dpkg -i ubuntu-keyring_*_all.deb16:21
nacclinux_user: that would be the wrong way to do it.16:21
oerheksor direct hit http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/main/u/ubuntu-keyring/ubuntu-keyring_2018.02.28_all.deb16:22
linux_usernacc: stop responding to this buffoon, I /ignor'ed his silliness long ago about firing admins, useless help, he had not a single technical item to say. can't believe some moron would think anyone would come here for such advice.16:22
linux_userI am talking about sporkwhich16:22
nacclinux_user: as oerheks is suggesting, you want to use the .deb directly, as that's the only reliable source16:22
SporkWitch!ops linux_user abusive language, trolling16:23
ubottuSporkWitch: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:23
hggdhSporkWitch: please don't16:23
linux_userwell I'd prefer to get the key ids and keyserver names and use apt_key in ansible16:23
hggdhlinux_user: grab the package, and then list the keys in its keyring16:23
linux_usermoron is a medical term by the way...16:24
hggdhlinux_user: enough16:24
linux_userhggdh, how can I list the keys in the key ring once I grab it?16:24
hggdhlinux_user: use gpg16:24
linux_userhggdh: moron, idiot and imbecile are psychological medical terms...It's not like I called him an idiot, I thought moron was sufficient.16:26
hggdhlinux_user: still, enough. Please stop with ad hominens16:26
linux_userhggdh: I'll look at the gpg commands16:26
linux_userhggdh: excuse me, but I gave a medical description of a man, no different than saying he has acne16:27
linux_userI have training in that area16:27
hggdhlinux_user: you have been warned.16:27
SporkWitchhggdh: still think my call was unjustified? lol16:27
linux_userhggdh: warned of waht?16:27
linux_userI did nothing wrong16:27
linux_userI'll look at the gpg command - thank you16:28
hggdhSporkWitch: please do not engage on this type of discussion, it is absolutely unproductive16:29
SporkWitchhggdh: hence the call when it devolved; i had provided the solution multiple times, as well as preventatives for the future16:30
hggdhSporkWitch: I know. But engaging does not help16:31
PisoteHi people! I am trying to install dual boot ubuntu 18.04/Windows 10 in a UEFI computer. Is there any way I can install grub in the efi boot partition so it boots grub instead of windows boot manager?16:31
Pisote I would like to avoid to install windows again, I read that dual boot can be configurated but it is necessary to install ubuntu first16:32
SporkWitchPisote: install windows first, install linux, point it at the existing EFI system partition.  Should be automatic.16:32
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI16:32
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
=== mkv is now known as m4v
someguuuybased on my reading it looks like nvidia cards have a lot of issues in 18.04?16:35
someguuuyi tried both nouveu and nvidia drivers and have issues with both, plus it looks like i am not running wayland which based on my reading is due to using nvidia driver?16:35
tya99hi, i installed the gnome extra extensions so i could change the gnome shell in gnome tweak tool next to Shell it has None16:36
SporkWitchsomeguuuy: only one common one i'm aware of; the suspend issue has been present for a while, AFAIK.  That said, I had no issues on mine with proprietary binaries16:36
tya99and nothing but default, i want to use Adwaita on my shell16:36
PisoteSorry I was reading.. thanks guys! Thatts what I guessed, but wanted to be sure ;)16:36
someguuuySporkWitch, you are using wayland?16:36
Pisotesee you soon if everything is ok reinstalling ubuntu lol16:36
SporkWitchsomeguuuy: i use KDE, wayland isn't supported yet16:36
SporkWitchsomeguuuy: i was already typing before you sent the message mentioning wayland16:37
someguuuySporkWitch, isnt supported by nvidia yet or isnt supported by 18.04 yet?16:37
SporkWitchsomeguuuy: wayland isn't supported in the KDE version in kubuntu 18.04 yet; not sure about gnome, but it's possible there's an issue there.  I know nvidia binaries and the plymouth bootsplash have issues (or did in the past; mostly when combined with FDE)16:38
tya99surely the Adwaita gnome shell theme is available without installing from third parties16:39
someguuuySporkWitch, yeah i am having tons of issues with my 1060, nouveau makes everything lock up at the login screen (gui) and also having issues with nvidia drivers16:39
someguuuythe main reason i installed ubuntu on this new machine instead of arch is i wanted to try wayland and thought 18.04 had aa pretty stable implementation16:40
someguuuyi went to scale one of my monitors to 200% (4k monitor) and it made my 1080p monitor 200% as well and i that is when i realized i wasnt running wayland16:41
SporkWitchsomeguuuy: i'm running a GTX1060m (laptop), it was stubborn about using the driver wizard to switch to the binaries, but i was able to install via command line and it ended up using them correctly.  As far as the DM, try lightdm or sddm; can confirm sddm doesn't have any issue (default DM for KDE / kubuntu)16:41
someguuuyi thought ubuntu was using lightdm as default?16:41
someguuuymaybe i will try kde, i havent run kde since like version 3, maybe worth taking a look16:41
someguuuybut i really want to be able to scale per monitor16:42
hggdhsomeguuuy: yes, scaling right now applies to *all* monitors (I also have a HiDPI latoptop, and a 1080p extermanl monitor)16:42
SporkWitchsomeguuuy: think it's GDM, since it switched back to gnome, no?16:42
someguuuythat is supposed to be one of the big improvements in wayland i bellieve, per monitor scaaling16:42
someguuuySporkWitch, oh right probably, yeah16:42
someguuuymaaybe i will return this 1060 and get an AMD card, hear anything if AMD runs better w/ wayland?16:43
hggdhsomeguuuy: the only two options right now are (1) have all videos HiDPI, or (2) scaling set to 100%, and the HiDPI device set to a lower resolution16:43
hggdhsomeguuuy: well, depending on the size of the HiDPI device. Mine is 13 inches...16:43
someguuuyhggdh, you mean in X or in waylaand too?16:43
hggdhsomeguuuy: in X16:44
SporkWitchsomeguuuy: KDE5 is pretty awesome, overall huge improvements over the years, though some regressions in Locale settings and virtual desktops (no more per-desktop wallpapers or widgets, they want you to use those silly "activities" instead; regional format settings are now done by locale, can't be custom set beyond "use this locale for time format, this for currency")16:44
someguuuyI will give KDE5 a try if i can get a astable wayland going16:44
hggdhsomeguuuy: and this is valid for Gnome, I do not know how, for example, KDE would behave16:44
SporkWitchsomeguuuy: that wouldn't get you your per-display DPI settings16:44
someguuuyi feel like my other machine with aa 580 had better linux drivers, AMD really has stepped up their linux driver game16:45
mouseswhoops :)16:47
=== czesmir_ is now known as czesmir
someguuuymaybe i will just run the onboard graphics16:48
someguuuyi think intel drivers work with wayland16:48
SporkWitchsomeguuuy: intel has excellent linux support, though you're losing the advantage of a really good GPU...16:48
someguuuySporkWitch, it might be enough for what i need, which is basically productivity and watching videos16:50
someguuuyalthough i dont know if i can drive 3 or 4 hi res monitors16:51
SporkWitchyeah, onboard would be fine for that; still feels like a waste, though :'(16:51
someguuuyi am just reading that wayland isnt even default in 18.04, that might explain why i am not using it LOL, i thought it was the defaultl16:51
someguuuyi thought the reason i wasnt using wayland was i installed nvidiaa drivers16:52
SporkWitchthat'd do it lol16:52
someguuuyanother funny issue is my entire gui is unresponsive if i plug a monitor into a specific DP port16:53
someguuuyi thought at first it was a haardware issue on the new card but in windows its completely fine16:53
someguuuyif i change the monitor to any other DP port its fine, odd issue16:54
someguuuybrb going to see if i can get wayland working16:54
SporkWitchcouldn't comment on displayport; none of my displays support it and i kind of avoid it, since the cables are pricey and i have a million DVI and HDMI cables heh16:55
Ridley5hi all16:57
Ridley5i have some trouble finding driver for my dvb-t adapter16:57
Ridley5ID 15f4:0131 HanfTek16:58
wkitty42i need some help with a guest  ubuntu 14.04.5 amd64 server kernel panicing in a qemu-kvm virtual machine... it just started panicing this morning after updating the guest and the host...16:58
Ridley5i have this error in kernel.log " media: module verification failed: signature and/or required key missing - tainting kernel"16:59
wkitty42not sure where to look and total novice... host and guest have been running fine for several years until this morning's aptitude update...16:59
oerheksexcellent post about that HanfTek = Astrometa_DVB-T2. >> https://askubuntu.com/questions/655801/how-to-install-a-usb-tv-tuner17:00
compdocwkitty42, what sprt of update was it on the guest?17:00
wkitty42@compdoc i regularly run an aptitude update via a logging script but i cannot get into the guest to get its log17:01
tomreynRidley5: this kernel.log message is because you have secureboot enabled and the kernel module it is trying to load is not signed. about your tv tuner, be sure to read this fully: https://www.linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/Astrometa_DVB-T217:01
compdocwkitty42, do you use virt-manager?17:01
wkitty42compdoc: basically it is "aptitude update" followed by "aptitude safe-upgrade"17:02
tomreynwkitty42: can you show the panic output?17:02
Ridley5thank you tomreyn, i have readed that but i cant find a proper why to install the driver17:02
tomreynRidley5: so which of these hardwares do you have there?17:03
wkitty42compdoc i think so...it says it is virtual machine manager 0.9.517:03
oerheksoh good spot tomreyn17:03
wkitty42tomreyn i have only a jpg image of the last 25 lines17:03
Ridley5 i have the 2014 revision  tomreyn17:04
tomreynoerheks: :) thanks17:04
tomreynwkitty42: better than nothing17:04
wkitty42tomreyn how to post image so you can see it?17:04
tomreynRidley5: are you certain? so the PCB says exactly this? "DVB-T/T2/C+FM+DAB"17:05
compdocwkitty42, the host is 14.04? Ive never used ' safe-upgrade'  Does that upgrade the kernel?17:06
Ridley5the picture are the same tomreyn (stick, cd ...) i wanna open it now..17:06
wkitty42compdoc yes whenever there is an update for it...17:06
wkitty42compdoc, and yes, the guest is 14.04 server amd6417:07
tomreynwkitty42: imgur.com is an option17:07
wkitty42tomreyn ok... BRB17:07
compdocwkitty42, I said the host. is that 14.04 too?17:08
wkitty42tomreyn : https://imgur.com/a/esjOwJ917:08
wkitty42compdoc, sorry, yes... fully updated with aptitude as noted... i use the same method on all my systems... the host is also amd64 but it is NOT server... it is kubuntu with KDE...17:09
tomreynRidley5: i'm not sure i understand. you are going to open the chassis to check what it says on the PCB? or is this device still packaged (and vendor sealed) and you are about to open the package?17:09
someguuuyok got wayland working and scaling per display works now17:10
someguuuyim probaably going to hook up a single monitor to this maachine though so i might give kubuntu a try17:11
tomreynwkitty42: hmm this is not very telling unfortunately: it paniced while trying to load a kernel module. can you tell whether you had custom kernel modules configured? ones you built yourself or something?17:11
wkitty42compdoc most of my VMs are ubuntu 14.04 server... but i do have a couple that are not... the thing is the 32bit VMs are running but the amd64 ones are panicing...17:11
someguuuyi was more interested in wayland for my other machine because i use a mix of 4k and 1200p monitor17:11
Ridley5it's the 2014 revision  tomreyn17:12
Ridley5i just opened it17:12
wkitty42tomreyn no clue... i only installed it and then updated it... it mainly runs a synchronet BBS which is self-compiled on that VM...17:12
tomreynRidley5: okay, and you verified this how?17:12
compdocwkitty42, were they ever imported from a different hypervisor? or were they created and run solely on ubuntu w/ kvm?17:12
tomreynRidley5: i'm insisting on clarifying this to ensure both you and i dont waste our time17:13
wkitty42tomreyn it has something to do with amd64 i'm sure because all my 32bit VMs are running... none of the 64bit ones...17:13
someguuuyoh man, resize window shortcuts dont work under wayland? forget it lol17:13
Ridley5i know tomreyn, thank you very much for that17:13
Ridley5it's the same PCB as here https://www.linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/File:Astrometa_2014_PCB_2.jpg17:13
tomreynRidley5: so you verifiied it by its looks only? since the text clearly states "2013 and 2014 revision look very similar. Probably, the text on the 2013 revision always reads "FM+DAB+SDR", while the 2014 one says "DVB-T/T2/C+FM+DAB"."17:15
Ridley5i have "DVB-T/T2/C+FM+DAP" on my stick tomreyn17:16
lotuspsychje!who | someguuuy17:16
ubottusomeguuuy: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:16
tomreynwkitty42: does it panic immediately at boot or is there other output before this?17:16
tomreynRidley5: okay! now we're getting somewhere! :)17:17
Ridley5nice tomreyn, i'm traying to get it working from 4 days now17:18
tomreynRidley5:so which driver gets loaded currently, and how does it not work? is there something about it not working in dmesg?17:18
tomreynRidley5: please also tell the ouputs of "cat /proc/version", "cat /proc/cmdline", "lsb_release -ds"17:20
wkitty42tomreyn there's a lot of output that goes buy... i can't read it and don't have a clue how i might be able to... i can select any of the grub options and all do the same thing... none of the four or five kernels or their recovery modes work...17:20
tomreyn!pastebinit | Ridley517:20
ubottuRidley5: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit17:20
Ridley5this the log tomreyn : https://pastebin.com/rPuQJ24y17:20
someguuuySporkWitch, i got per monitor scalaing working but its a joke, most of the apps dont even support it, so not even worth running wayland, going to give kubuntu a try17:21
Ridley5i do that for /proc sorry17:21
tomreynwkitty42: i haven't checked but i bet the cpu model is an issue. i suggest you try a different one.17:22
=== pankaj_ is now known as marko_
SporkWitchsomeguuuy: sorry to hear that; that said, i do like KDE17:23
someguuuySporkWitch, yeah im going to give it a try, otherwise i am going back to xfce which isnt fancy but it works17:23
MrokiiHello. Is there any way to upgrade 16.10 (for which I can't seem to download files anymore) to the 17.04 or any of the later Ubuntu-versions?17:24
lotuspsychjeSporkWitch, someguuuy there is a nice #ubuntu-discuss channel if you guys like17:24
lotuspsychjeMrokii: those are end of life17:25
someguuuylotuspsychje, thanks17:25
lotuspsychjeMrokii: choose a supported version from our topic to install17:25
SporkWitchMrokii: any x.10 and odd-numbered x.04 are only supported until the next version is released; even numbered x.04's are LTS and are supported for 5 years17:25
MrokiiSo there's no way to update that version anymore?17:26
SporkWitch!dist-upgrade | Mrokii17:26
ubottuMrokii: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.17:26
SporkWitchapologies, you want !upgrade | Mrokii17:26
nacc!eolupgrade | Mrokii17:26
ubottuMrokii: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades17:26
naccMrokii: you are multiple releases EOL out of date17:26
naccMrokii: tbh, a reinstall is probably less painful17:27
MrokiiI'll think about that, thanks.17:29
lotuspsychjeMrokii: alot of security updates are out since then too, why risk?17:29
Ridley5that is tomreyn : https://pastebin.com/j8c0EaLi17:29
wkitty42tomreyn i'll try changing it from the "copy host cpu" option... that's an opteron_g5... i have tried kvm64 and qemu64 but they did the same thing... the opteron_g5 has been working since installation... 1 CPU allocate...17:29
compdoc1 CPU allocate?17:30
Mrokiilotuspsychje: I don't want to go through re-configuring the system on that laptop, if possible. That's why I was looking for an upgrade-possibility.17:30
SporkWitchMrokii: many settings can be transferred simply by backing up your home17:30
lotuspsychjeMrokii: your the boss of your system mate, we can only advice17:31
wkitty42compdoc my host CPU has 8 cores... i sest the VMs to only use 1 of them...17:31
tomreynRidley5: try the hwe kernel17:31
tomreyn!hwe | Ridley517:31
ubottuRidley5: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack17:31
compdocouch. thats crazy17:31
MrokiiI'll think about what to do. Thanks anyway.17:31
compdocwkitty42, were any guests ever imported from centos?17:31
Ridley5i'm installing that tomreyn, thank you17:32
lotuspsychjeTmorrish: welcome to ubuntu support, what can we do for you?17:32
wkitty42compdoc no... i have one ubuntu amd64 server VM, one wheezy 64bit VM and one or two other 64bit VMs and they are all doing the same kernel panic...17:33
tomreynwkitty42: your screenie https://i.imgur.com/cMrHkZG.jpg said Pentium 2X, 1996, i440FX chipset. that's not opteron G5.17:33
compdoctomreyn, thats normal17:33
TmorrishI am having a issue and am a little out of my depth wondering if anyone else has had AMD ryz server issues17:34
tomreyncompdoc: is it? ok, i wasn't so sure about that17:34
wkitty42tomreyn i saw that and wonder WTH... i'll do a screen shot of the virt-manager gui screen. stand by...17:34
lotuspsychjeTmorrish: best is to explain your detailed issue to the channel, all in one line so volunteers can try helping you17:34
tomreynwkitty42: it might be better to work with libvirt-bin on the host17:34
wkitty42tomreyn https://imgur.com/a/eAkMbXR17:35
wkitty42tomreyn i don't konw enough about what virt-manager does to know how to duplicate its options... i only just now found where the img files are stored... these are all raw imgs so "qemu-img check" wasn't able to help...17:36
Tmorrishso i am renting a server, and for some reason its locked up on normal boot but i can boot into recovery GRML version from the provider but every time i try to pull down my backups it locks up (3.19.0-1-grml-amd64) its a known kernel issue17:36
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
tomreynwkitty42: i see, i had no doubts that you have it set, in virt-manager, to clone the host config. just sometimes virt-mannager doesn't do what is says it is doing, or just dodesn't succeed at doing what it trie to do, because of different versions of virt-manager and libvirt on the host.17:37
Tmorrishi fixed the issue on the main but the recovery has the old kernel and still locks up17:37
lotuspsychjeTmorrish: wich ubuntu version is your server running?17:37
naccTmorrish: sounds like someting to ask your provider about?17:37
naccTmorrish: as that's not an ubuntu kernel, afaict17:37
compdoctomreyn, theres only two chipsets kvm supports,  i440FX and q35. but the cpu can be whatever17:38
Tmorrishis there a way to update the kernel on a live/recovery/rescue boot without rebooting17:39
compdocwkitty42, can you use virsh dumpxml for a guest with the problem, and put the output to pastebin.com?17:39
Ridley5i have installed LTS Enablement Stacks tomreyn17:39
tomreyncompdoc: ok, i just read up on this, indeed, entirely normal.17:40
Tmorrishif not where can i find the logs that will tell me why the normal ubuntu is not completing the boot process17:40
oerheksTmorrish, you really should seek help with your vendor17:40
EriC^^Tmorrish: i think that's what live patching does17:40
tomreynRidley5: and rebooted, too?17:41
tomreynany change?17:41
wkitty42compdoc: is there some way to know what aptitude brought in and installed today? we do updates every time the system says there's one available... the last one was on the 7th and only updated git...17:41
Ridley5i do it now tomreyn stay here please lol17:41
wkitty42compdoc: sorry was writing... yes i'll try that dumpxml... stand by...17:41
tomreynRidley5: ok i'll wait up to 30 min17:41
compdocwkitty42, likely you can check the apt logs in /var/logs17:42
regeyaso I have an 18.04 install I did on a btrfs raid1 setup.  The installer bombed out but at the time it looked like it bombed out at installing grub, so I installed grub from the livecd.  I got it to boot, and the fstab has entries like:17:42
Tmorrishthe vender is use less there like boot into the recovery/rescue and backup your files and reinstall but i cant backup cause it locks up on file transfer rsync scp https and ftp17:42
regeyaoverlay / overlay rw 0 017:42
regeyatmpfs /tmp tmpfs nosuid,nodev 0 017:42
pavloswkitty42: /var/log/apt/history.log17:43
tomreynterm.log rather, history may not have recoreded those.17:43
regeyaI added the @home subvol manually last night and restored my files to that.  when I rebooted a few minutes ago, the fstab is back to the original two lines and was rewritten on boot.  So...uh...how do I prevent the system from rewriting my fstab?  Am I supposed to put my fstab info elsewhere?  I did some searching, but didn't find anything.17:44
wkitty42compdoc: is that dumpxml run against the img file or something else i have to hunt up to find where virt-manager put it??17:44
wkitty42thanks, pavlos17:44
pavloswkitty42: also check /var/log/apt/term.log as tomreyn wrote17:45
compdocwkitty42, open a term window and type: virsh dumpxml yourguestname > yourguestname .xml17:45
regeyaah, well, twas worth a try.17:46
Ridley5tomreyn: it seem ok in the log now: https://pastebin.com/0ViBMGbw17:47
charolastrahi, doing a server install with software RAID. as soon as i compose the RAID it does a resync, which is pointless, takes hours and slows the install to a crawl. is this the usual behavior? cause i've done the same install on the same hardware some time ago and i don't remember this happening17:51
wkitty42compdoc: thanks! sorry for the delay... https://pastebin.com/DfF9x2Jd17:51
regeyaso if I had the 18.04 installer quit when installing grub, is there anything I need to do other than installing grub?  I wasn't sure why the /etc/fstab has root listed as 'overlay / overlay rw 0 0'.  I have tried to add subvolumes/mount points to fstab but they're overwritten on boot.  Apparently the installer doesn't like my btrfs raid setup :-}17:52
tomreynRidley5: according to this you have the variant with the Rafael Micro R820T tuner which doesn't support DVB-C.17:52
lotuspsychjeTmorrish: we can only support vanilla ubuntu versions here, as suggested above17:53
Ridley5that mean not supprted tomreyn ?17:53
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charolastraRidley5: but you can use it as an SDR :)17:53
tomreynRidley5: but you want DVB-T, right? terrestial (antenna, over the air), not cable, right?17:53
Ridley5yes that is tomreyn17:54
tomreynRidley5: so no problem there, it should support DVB-T fine.17:54
Ridley5ahh good17:54
tomreynRidley5: so configure it, scan, see whether and how it works17:54
Ridley5thank you very much tomreyn i wanna try it with Kafeine do you suggest me anothe good dvb-t player ?17:55
tomreynRidley5:  it's years ago that i used DVB, i could probably not provide a good recommendation. i used xine back then. but you'll better search for yourself.17:56
charolastrajust make sure that there is still DVB-T at your location17:56
Ridley5ok thank you tomreyn :) i apreciated your help17:56
regeyaI wonder if I booted from the Live CD and chrooted into this new install, if that'd help me figure out why / seems to be overlay.  Thoughts?  Anyone?17:57
tomreynRidley5: welcome. and charolastra has a point, some countries / regions are now moving to to different standards, making these devices useless.17:58
charolastraregeya: no idea, but if you boot the installer you can go into repair mode and continue the install where you have left of17:58
Ridley5i trayed it on Windows system it work17:58
ubottuYahoo Messenger will be discontinued after July 17, 2018. You will no longer be able to add it to your accounts under Empathy, Telepathy, or other Instant Messaging applications. For more info, please see https://i.imgur.com/x9N0hyT.jpg17:59
regeyacharolastra:  Can you?  I couldn't tell you what the error message was I got last night said but I didn't get that impression.  Thank you!  I wonder if I've messed things up by restoring my files since then though?17:59
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
charolastraregeya: i'm just at the same point as you. for me GRUB install fails on a RAID setup, so i've just tried that multible times (and to delete partitions and try again). afaik it does the user setup after GRUB install and so you have to enter user/password every time you rerun the installer18:02
tomreyncharolastra: actually i think the server installer wouild always start synching the RAID array as soon as it was setup. obviously you don't *have* to wait for it to finish to reboot, but it'd start from scratch then.18:03
compdocwkitty42, you have that xml file saved?18:04
wkitty42compdoc: is that what you were looking for? https://pastebin.com/DfF9x2Jd18:04
compdocyes, thanks18:04
compdocwkitty42, you have that xml file saved?18:04
tomreyncharolastra: if this is just a mirror RAID, what you could probably do is to create the array with just one device during installation and add the other device(s) later after reboot.18:04
wkitty42i have it saved here on my system, yes, compdoc18:05
charolastrano, it's RAID5. and it does the sync every time. even when i have nuked the partition tables by overwriting with zeros, etc.18:06
compdocwkitty42, everything looks good, but Ive found if you dont define a cpu, it often works better. I also changed the video card a little:  https://pastebin.com/yhEm5qmK18:06
compdocwkitty42, try that, and you can always change it back with that xml file18:07
tomreynpersonally i had tried w/o memballoon18:08
compdocIve never had an issue with memballoon. and you should use it18:08
tomreynthis didnt work so well on older linux guests18:08
tomreynwell for me anyways18:08
wkitty42compdoc: ok... i'm not sure how to load yours, though... do i need to exit virt-manager, too?18:10
regeyaok charolastra.  I'll give it a try.  Thanks.18:10
compdocwkitty42, I think you can use virsh import xml, but maybe change the name and it should create a new vm. All I did was cut out the cpu section, so virsh edit name works too, if you know how to use vi18:12
compdocI also changed the video to cirrus, and that gives the guest video a little more ram18:14
wkitty42compdoc: i have mc ;)   i did see what you did... i'll try that by saving yours with a new name and editing the VM name...18:14
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wkitty42compdoc: is it ok to just edit the name and leave the uuid alone?18:15
compdocnot sure. it the original isnt running, might be fine18:16
compdocyou can change it18:16
wkitty42compdoc: the original is not running and i have quit virt-manager, too... will try to import now...18:17
wkitty42compdoc: error: Failed to create domain from haven2-vm.xml18:25
wkitty42compdoc: error: operation failed: domain 'haven-vm' is already defined with uuid 8d88f791-5b85-5293-329f-943e871c4a0218:25
compdocyeah, need to change the name in the xml file slightly, or did you?18:26
wkitty42compdoc: haven only appears twice... once in name tags and the second time is the img file name...18:26
compdocuse haven-vm1 or something18:26
wkitty42compdoc: i changed to <name>haven2-vm</name>18:26
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compdocthen the uuid is the problem, huh? maybe change that number just slightly18:27
wkitty42compdoc: i used this command... virsh create haven2-vm.xml18:27
wkitty42compdoc: ok... will try that...18:27
wkitty42compdoc: that was it... changes last digit to "3"...18:28
wkitty42compdoc: now to see if it is running...18:28
wkitty42virsh list says it is but i have to look with vuirt-manager to see if it is jamed and maxing the virtual CPU again...18:29
wkitty42compdoc: it is paniced again just like before...18:30
compdocwell heck18:30
wkitty42compdoc: i think it is something in the update that was applied this morning but i don't know how to get into the VM's disk image to get to my update script's log file...18:31
wkitty42compdoc: or if i even can get into it...18:31
compdocadd an ubuntu server/desktop iso to the cdrom, and boot that. then you can browse the var/logs on the disk18:33
compdocprobably eaier with desktop18:36
wkitty42compdoc: i haven't even used a CD in a VM...  here's another thing... i use virt-manager to force stop that haven2-vm image and it disappeared... it isn't even listed in virt-manager's VMs list any more...18:37
compdocyeah, thats normal18:38
compdocyou have to use a command that makes it permanent18:38
wkitty42compdoc: oh, virsh create foo.xml doesn't do that??18:39
compdocyou might have to use virsh define, or something18:40
wkitty42compdoc: hummm... ok... i saw where create defined and executed so i used that... i'll try define...18:42
compdocI might be wrong - its been a while since Ive used those commands. i use virt-manager mainly18:43
wkitty42compdoc: yeah, define saved it and made it perm... now it is listed in virt-manager and can be started and stopped but it doesn't help with the panic... i'm trying to figure out how to do the boot CD thing...18:44
wkitty42compdoc: do i put the boot CD into my host's CD drive and then use virt-manager settings to connect to the host CD and then select to boot from it in the boot section??18:45
compdocwkitty42, I usually download the iso from a mirror, then in virt-manager attach the file to the cdrom in the guest18:53
compdocthen select the cdrom as first boot device18:54
shazbotmcnastyhello - I'm having some issues with my ftp setup. I've got most of it working but cannot upload to the directory i've set up. The local_root=/media/NAS -- I've uncommented the "write_enabled=YES" in vsftpd.conf and restarted the server. I think it's permissions issues on the directory I'm using but I can't quite figure it out. Anyone have a second for permissions problems?18:58
lotuspsychjeshazbotmcnasty: be carefull with ftp, its a big security risk these days18:58
shazbotmcnastyI've set the userlist to just be one user, when I 'ls -ld' the directory is just lists 'root' user.18:59
shazbotmcnastylotuspsychje: I know. I'm just trying to get it to work for now.18:59
lotuspsychjeshazbotmcnasty: vsftpd channel is dead and nobody uses it anymore19:00
lotuspsychjeshazbotmcnasty: cant you choose a safer alterntive instead?19:00
shazbotmcnastyOk I'll rephrase. My user 'backup' can't write to a directory i need it to write to. can someone assist me getting user writes to that folder19:00
lotuspsychje!chmod | shazbotmcnasty19:01
ubottushazbotmcnasty: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions19:01
wkitty42compdoc: ok, i'll try that... i've been looking for our 14.04 install disk and haven't found it yet... i'll try the image like you suggest...19:04
compdocdoesnt have to be 14.04 if youre just looking at files19:04
compdoc16.04 is fine19:04
compdoceven 18.0419:05
coconutlotuspsychje: safer alternative is sftp right?19:09
lotuspsychjecoconut: yeah or whatever the user needs as end goal, ssh for example19:10
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
leftyfbshazbotmcnasty: you were concerned about a GUI to manage permissions or whatever in plesk. If plesk has the ability to manage linux users, then that is all you need. rsync over ssh will use the built in linux users.19:10
wkitty42compdoc: i found my ubuntu server amd64.iso and attached it... it is booted to the install select menu... i'm guessing i can use the recover a broken system option?? i've never used it before and on't knw what to expect...19:11
l4m8d4Hello there, is there a possibility to have multiple ESPs (EFI partitions) on a system?19:12
compdocwkitty42, dont think you can try Server. You should boot Desktop and select Try, rather than install19:12
coconutlotuspsychje isn't ssh overcompensated for some file share only?19:12
leftyfbcompdoc: server will work just fine to recover files19:12
compdoccan you live boot it?19:12
lotuspsychjel4m8d4: can you tell us what you wanna do exactly?19:12
leftyfbcoconut: ftp is being used to backup files. scp/rsync is a better solution than ftp19:13
hidrclone is good too19:13
wkitty42compdoc: ok... i'll stop that one and go grab another image... i guess i do want live boot and really wish i could have mc to hand in it, too...19:13
willfrandinstalé lubuntu 18.04, pero no me aparece los datos en home, me aparece un archivo que es Acces-your-private-data.desktop, sospecho que son mis datos encriptados y no se como solucionarlo. Alguien puede ayudarme??19:13
leftyfbwkitty42: ubuntu server will work just fine19:14
lotuspsychje!es | willfrand19:14
ubottuwillfrand: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.19:14
l4m8d4lotuspsychje: I normally habe a system setup where there are 2 disks with a big LUKS container, which contain both mirrors of a BTRFS RAID1. Now, of course, I want to have 2 ESPs as well, to be a ble to boot from both disks in case of hw failure19:14
wkitty42leftfb: ok... so use the recover broken system option? this is all extremely new territory for me...19:14
leftyfbwkitty42: sure19:14
wkitty42leftyfb: sorry...19:14
compdocwkitty42, backup your disk img file first19:15
compdoccopy it somewhere19:15
wkitty42compdoc, leftyfb: looks like this may be a host qemu problem... the amd64 ubuntu server iso won't boot further... same panic... hang on and i'll get another screen shot...19:17
wkitty42compdoc: absolutely! i run out of terrabytes for saving too many things all the time :lol:19:17
l4m8d4lotuspsychje: I was in the server installer for 18.04, which only lets me select one boot disk, so only one ESP seems possible19:18
wkitty42compdoc leftyfb: panic screen shot https://imgur.com/a/JjoMSLF19:18
compdocwkitty42, I think qemu was 32bit, and kvm was better for 64bit, then they were combined. maybe you dont have the full package installed. I have a 14.04 server running 64bit OSes19:18
lotuspsychje_l4m8d4: ah your on server, perhaps try the #ubuntu-server channel?19:18
willfrandi cant to entre the spanish room19:18
compdocwkitty42, , is the host 32bit?19:19
lotuspsychje_willfrand: i can join it19:19
wkitty42compdoc: the image has been running since 14.04 was released... same as the host... both are 64bit...19:19
lotuspsychje_willfrand: did you register your nickname?19:19
l4m8d4lotuspsychje_: Ok, I can try that, thanks!19:19
leftyfbwkitty42: http://blog.siphos.be/2016/09/mounting-qemu-images/19:19
l4m8d4(seems to me like a general problem though)19:20
leftyfbwkitty42: if you follow those instructions, you should be able to mount the qemu image itself directly19:20
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willfrandlotuspsychje_, Im a guess19:20
lotuspsychje_willfrand: i see you joined the channel19:20
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wkitty42leftyfb: trying that now... gotta save a copy of the img, first...19:21
willfrandyes, im now it¿n the room19:21
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=== phoenix_firebrd_ is now known as phoenix_firebrd
prex_Hi there! Can anybody help me with FTDI/D2xx drivers and udev rules? Need to finish my thesis :S19:28
wkitty42compdoc: i'm still waiting on the cp of the img to finish but i wanted to point out that none of my 64bit VMs are running... it is not just this one but all of them are failing... i'm starting to think it has something to do with the host qemu upgrade from this morning...19:28
shazbotmcnastyso i've chmod'd and chown'd the heck out of this folder and for some reason I can't get it to change - when doing 'ls -ld /directory' is still just lists the root user19:28
shazbotmcnastyeven after i add the user i'm trying to get on there19:28
shazbotmcnastydrwxr-xr-x 2 root root 0 Jun 12 09:5519:28
compdocwkitty42, yes. Can you see the version of kvm thats installed? I can check it against the 14.04 vm server I have.19:29
leftyfbprex_: You don't get help writing a thesis on IRC19:30
leftyfbshazbotmcnasty: you were concerned about a GUI to manage permissions or whatever in plesk. If plesk has the ability to manage linux users, then that is all you need. rsync over ssh will use the built in linux users.19:30
shazbotmcnastyleftyfb: wrong. I wanted to use the plesk GUI to set up backups. Completely different.19:31
shazbotmcnastyI'm trying to set permissions on a folder now so i can write to it with ftp.19:31
prex_leftyfb: haha, thanks... I'm pretty good at writing, less at Ubuntu stuff ;-)19:31
compdocthis is from my 14.04 server. now Im afraid to try it...  https://pastebin.com/4xVVLtck19:32
compdocwkitty42 ^19:32
wkitty42compdoc: kvm --version gives me this "QEMU emulator version 2.0.0 (Debian 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.43), Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Fabrice Bellard"19:32
prex_Ok, I will just ask my question: I'm running Ubuntu 16.04 on VMware and I'm trying to connect to my FTDI hardware by using D2XX driver. However, I can only do it with root privileges at the moment. So I tried to make an udev rule which works on my physical machine, but not on VMware...19:34
compdocwkitty42, mine says:   QEMU emulator version 2.0.0 (Debian 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.40)19:34
compdocmaybe because I havent upgraded19:35
leftyfbwkitty42: apt-cache policy qemu-kvm19:35
wkitty42compdoc: yeah, i'm ahead of you, looks like... i upgrade religiously... especially since running servers available to the 'net... i'll post my host's log from this morning in a sec...19:36
wkitty42compdoc, leftyfb: here's what was installed this morning when this mess started... https://pastebin.com/6Abiiqm219:38
leftyfbwkitty42: apt-cache policy qemu-kvm19:39
wkitty42leftyfb: do you know how i can back up to the previous stuff i had? i don't know what that command does...19:39
leftyfbwkitty42: that command will tell us what version of the qemu-kvm package you have and where it came from19:39
wkitty42leftyfb: ahh! ok... stand by...19:40
wkitty42 apt-cache policy qemu-kvm19:41
wkitty42  Installed: 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.4319:41
wkitty42  Candidate: 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.4319:41
wkitty42  Version table:19:41
wkitty42 *** 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.43 019:41
=== patriciadomin_ is now known as patriciadomin
compdocwkitty42, how is it that my 14.04 server uses kernel 4.4.0-121-generic #145 and youre on kernel 3.13.0-151-generic{a}19:42
compdocI think maybe safe-upgrade doesnt upgrade kernel?19:43
wkitty42compdoc: i dunno... maybe because i use aptitude? i really don't know... i have used aptitude for years... the kernels do get upgraded but maybe only in the current family?19:44
ioriacompdoc, 'cause you're using hwe he's not19:44
wkitty42@all: sorry for the paste flood, earlier... i didn't think that little amount would be bad...19:46
compdocioria. I think thats true19:46
wkitty42i just saw the notice from "Drone" about that...19:46
compdocwell, tonight I'll try upgrading qemu-kvm like you did, and see what happens. that server has 64bit BSD, Centos, and Windows 7 pro guests19:49
wkitty42compdoc: i trust you have tested backups that you know are good? ;)19:52
compdocwell, the guests wont change, only the host. and I dont have a backup of that19:52
compdocI just run apt-get dist-upgrade whenever I can for it19:53
compdocwkitty42, you might have a look at this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack19:54
compdocI have that installed19:54
wkitty42compdoc: yeah... i'm thinking it is the host that is causing this... something in the host's new qemu-kvm...19:54
compdoccan you uninstall the updates?19:55
wkitty42the last update to our qemu-kvm was 2018 Mar 22 @ 10:28 -0400... here's the log snip from that... https://pastebin.com/NpMFqtGg19:56
wkitty42compdoc: thanks... i might do that...19:56
compdocIve never tried to remove an update19:57
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wkitty42compdoc: i'm thinking about that, now... how to remove the qemu update from this morning and return me to the amd64 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.42 i had before the update... that was working but it might not, now, with that guest's new update which i'm still trying to get to that log...19:59
=== phoenix_firebrd is now known as phoenix_firebrd_
lotuspsychjeGuest35286: welcome, how can we help you?20:01
Guest35286I'm new user how can I find more  channels like this?20:02
lotuspsychje!alis | Guest3528620:02
ubottuGuest35286: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"20:02
Guest35286Oh i see , thx guys20:02
lotuspsychjeGuest35286: #ubuntu is for ubuntu support questions20:03
Guest35286I'm sorry20:03
lotuspsychjeGuest35286: dont be, im just explaining20:04
Guest35286oh okay20:04
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deusexmachinaWhy can't my custom kernel work with nvidia drivers proprietary?20:08
lotuspsychjedeusexmachina: we dont reccomend using compiled kernels, use mainline instead20:09
lotuspsychje!mainline | deusexmachina20:09
ubottudeusexmachina: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds20:09
deusexmachinaubottu, I need my own kernel though that I modified20:11
ubottudeusexmachina: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:11
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lotuspsychjedeusexmachina: yes, its your machine you are the boss of it, but we don't support it here20:12
lotuspsychjedeusexmachina: any specific reason why you dont can use mainline kernel?20:13
deusexmachinaI am working on support for Intel Mobidius Neural Compute sticks20:13
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lotuspsychjedeusexmachina: mainline doesnt work on it?20:14
deusexmachinait has some support but the performance is garbage compared to windows so i'm writing a better implementation20:15
deusexmachinaAlso the support is not in mainline actually, you have to pull it from git20:15
wkitty42finally! here's the paste of the guest's upgrade from this morning... https://pastebin.com/U8HBuxA3 compdoc and leftyfb20:15
deusexmachinaIt's a new hardware with almost no adoption20:15
wkitty42i don't think the problem is there... need to figure out how to backlevel this qemu .43 install to the previous .42...20:16
lotuspsychjedeusexmachina: add new !bug to mainline kernel?20:16
compdocwkitty42, thats from the guest? looks ike mainly the kernel was updated20:16
deusexmachinawell, once i finish writing my drivers, i'll submit them to mainline kernel20:16
deusexmachinalike, me filing a bug report is like me saying I'm too lazy to do it myself20:17
compdocyou might want to concentrate on the host20:17
wkitty42compdoc: yeah...20:17
wkitty42compdoc: yeah... need to back level this morning's qemu .43 update to the previous qemu  .42...20:18
lotuspsychjedeusexmachina: we have a lot of users reporting bugs, and also helping solvind the bug themselfs too, helping the whole community20:18
lotuspsychjedeusexmachina: if nobody ads new bugs to new hardware, nobody will ever know right?20:18
deusexmachinathat's true but I am capable of fixing it myself, and I have the time to do it20:19
lotuspsychjedeusexmachina: ok, but no you are here, asking for support right?20:19
deusexmachinayeah... I am, because I don't want to do in depth research to figure out the problem20:20
SporkWitchdeusexmachina: if you can fix it just means you can better describe the issue in the report so it can be fixed upstream for everyone, not just you20:20
deusexmachinasometimes asking on irc makes more sense20:20
lotuspsychjedeusexmachina: what i would do in your case, is trying latest mainline kernel and file a bug where you got stuck20:23
lotuspsychjedeusexmachina: co-operate with the ubuntu devs20:24
deusexmachinaI could cooperate20:27
wkitty42argghh!!! it looks like qemu 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.42 is no longer available... i can't see it in the repo... only .43 and 2.0.0~rc1+dfsg-0ubuntu3 and yuck!!! i need to move back off of 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.43 :(20:32
de-facto_Hey guys, do i need anything special when installing on Samsung 960 Evo NVMe SSD (M.2 pci express) on uefi AMD x370 Ryzen with nvidia 1060 Ti alongside W7?20:33
de-facto_Do i need the boot option "nvme_load=YES" on 18.04 amd64?20:36
effortDeeall my keys have changed20:37
effortDeei cant use @ is now shift + 220:37
effortDeewhen that should be "20:37
effortDeewhat happened?20:37
wkitty42it looks like i still have the .42 files in my /var/cache/apt/archives... https://pastebin.com/29WVnQ8q20:37
blackfloweffortDee: you switched keyboard mapping from QWERTZ to QWERTY20:37
wkitty42now how to use those to downgrade qemu and friends?20:38
effortDeehow i go back to qwertz20:38
effortDeeI dont have pound sign any more20:38
effortDeeeven tho i have it set to UK keyboard20:38
effortDeevery weird20:38
blackfloweffortDee: if that's gnome, then launch settings, go to locale/localization (don't remember otoh now), and set the correct language for keyboard. Chances are you already have it, beside english and switched them accidentally, I think it's ctrl+shift+space, not sure.20:39
wkitty42i found this but it uses synaptic and i don't know how to get it to look in /var/cache/apt/archives  https://askubuntu.com/questions/292314/how-to-downgrade-packages-on-ubuntu20:40
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wkitty42tomreyn: are you busy?20:52
de-facto_Which device do i choose for bootloader installation when coinstalling on UEFI W7 system? the /dev/nvme0n1? or /dev/nvme0n1p1 "Windows Boot Manager"?20:53
memphistowkitty42: do you have in your /var/cache/apt/archives pkg you are looking for ?20:53
wkitty42memphisto: yes... there's several of them related to qemu that i want to go back to...20:53
memphistoso why not install it from there...dpkg -i pkg name20:54
wkitty42memphisto: not sure how plus there's several of them... here's the list that i know of that i need... https://pastebin.com/29WVnQ8q20:54
wkitty42memphisto: the ones i don't want are also in there... i need to back all of the .43 ones up to the .42 ones...20:56
de-facto_Any ideas which would be the correct location for bootloader installation on UEFI systems?20:56
memphistowell lets try by doing dpkg -i qemu_2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.42_amd64.deb; it will complain but lets wait and see what its complaining about20:57
hans_i hit an apparent bug in GNU screen, i contacted the screen devs, they say i should try to reproduce it in the latest release, 4.6.2, any suggestions on how to get screen 4.6.3 up and running on ubuntu 16.04 LTS? (the 1 in the repo is 4.3.1 )20:58
leftyfbhans_: you could run ubuntu 18.04 in an lxd container21:00
SporkWitchor a VM, or install from PPA, or build from source21:00
memphistode-facto_: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/GRUB#EFI_default.2Ffallback_boot_path21:01
wkitty42memphisto: that one downgraded with no complaints... i guess i have to do all the others one at the time??21:02
de-facto_memphisto, thanks, but what does that mean? I am in the installer and have to decide where to install the bootmanager into...21:02
de-facto_The physical device or the EFI partition on it?21:03
de-facto_ /dev/nvme0n1? or /dev/nvme0n1p1 "Windows Boot Manager"?21:03
memphistode-facto_: efi21:03
de-facto_so that first partition (EFI ) then21:04
memphistode-facto_: nvme0n1p121:05
memphistoso you have some fast disks there21:07
de-facto_thanks its installing... :)21:07
memphistowhat is it21:07
memphistowhat PC is that21:07
guysoft42hey all, how do I add code blocks or any syntax to launchpad bugs? Anything I search on google or in launchpad leads me to other bugs and not howtos21:07
de-facto_memphisto, its AMD X370 Ryzen 2700X with Samsung 960 Evo NVMe SSD and nVIDIA 1060Ti21:08
de-facto_not my box, but one i have to install ...21:08
de-facto_that nvme was a pain in W7 but so far its fine with ubuntu21:09
de-facto_installation done21:10
memphistowait for it to boot and then say wow21:10
de-facto_hmm that did not work21:11
de-facto_windows starts21:11
memphistode-facto_: can you go in EFI and check if you have ubuntu there21:11
de-facto_memphisto, you mean in the UEFI firmware (like old bios)?21:14
de-facto_maybe i need to set it with efimgr or such21:14
memphistoexactly, there is uefi shell21:14
de-facto_im new to that uefi stuff21:14
de-facto_yes its listed there21:15
de-facto_but it wont ask on boot21:16
memphistocan you go to uefi shell21:16
memphistoand manually boot it21:16
de-facto_UEFI Hard Disk Drive BBS Priority #1 Windows Boot Manager #2 ubuntu21:17
de-facto_i dont have any clue how to go in that shell21:18
de-facto_but i can swap them here and see if ubuntu boots21:18
de-facto_ah now it did display a choice21:19
wkitty42YAAAY!!! downgrading those 13 qemu packages allows my amd64 bit VMs to run again! whoohoo!21:19
de-facto_congratz :D21:20
memphistode-facto_: choice...like grub menu? is there windows in grub menu, too?21:21
wkitty42so the question now is should i report the problem... it has taken me ~7 hours to get it sussed... if i should report the problem, where do i report it?21:22
de-facto_didnt try it zet though21:22
de-facto_oh wow thats fun 1Gbps download and nvme ssd21:22
memphistowkitty42: sorry i wasn't here from the start. what do you want to report21:23
de-facto_yup starts windows21:23
wkitty42memphisto: the problem was this morning's upgrade upgraded the qemu stuff from .42 to .43 and none of my 64bit VMs would run... the 32bit ones did but not the 64's... you just helped me downgrade those 13 qemu files and the 64s are running now...21:24
de-facto_had to fight with that w7 for hours until it supported all hw, now with all updates installed it complains about unsupported CPU lol. Ubuntu was installed and upgraded in minutes...21:25
memphistowkitty42: https://www.qemu.org/contribute/report-a-bug/, but it could be that ubuntu doesn't have the latest version, and theyll tell you manually install latest and try21:26
de-facto_so where do i set the default boot option on that ubuntu efi loader thingy on EFI partition? is there something like ?etc/default/grub equivalent?21:26
wkitty42memphisto: i thought it would be ubuntu that i would report it to since it is their update that caused the breakage... the changelog didn't seem to show much but it came out of the security group... i should have saved a copy of that change log i saw via synaptic...21:27
wkitty42memphisto: that'll certainly be true, too, since the host and guest are 14.04.5... host is desktop and guest is server...21:28
fishcookerhow to list removable disk plugged historically?21:30
davidejHey - I'm setting up secure boot and I wanted to know where I could find the certificate for ubuntu image?21:31
davidejI know there's one built in but I'm not using ubuntu's grub/efi/ any of that - booting from fedora's grub21:32
krytarikwkitty42: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qemu/+changelog21:34
wkitty42krytarik: thanks! can i report my problem there, too??21:35
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.21:36
krytarikBut of course, this would be with the downgraded version now, so..21:36
EriC^^fishcooker: /var/log/kern.log should have it21:37
memphistodavic: doesn't the shim binary in eufi has built in certificate21:37
de-facto_Is there an offiial guide to install nvidia cuda support on 18.04?21:39
levifigI can't get netplan to work with DHCPv6 unless I force edit /etc/resolv.conf with an IPv4 DNS server, even after creating a custom netplan YAML file with the correct IPv4 DNS info...21:41
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levifigas soon as I override the /etc/resolv.conf file, I *instantly* have DNS resolution working (for both IPv6 and IPv4)21:41
levifigI'm super confused21:41
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levifigFWIW, I'm using static IPv4 and DHCPv621:42
andrew09Any idea on how to burn a docx file to a CD using Ubuntu?21:45
memphistode-facto_: i'm on kubuntu and there is driver manager..on ubuntu search driver or additional drivers; it should help you choose the driver for your card21:46
memphistoandrew09: brasero21:47
de-facto_yes i just did that, yet it kinda hangs there doing nothing with the progress bar21:47
de-facto_i wanted to 1) In software & updates, select the restricted and multiverse repositories21:48
de-facto_ 2) In the Additional Drivers tab in software & updates select the NVIDIA proprietary driver (390 for CUDA 9) 3) sudo apt update && sudo apt install nvidia-cuda-toolkit, or install it from the ubuntu software center. 4) CUDA requires gcc6, use update-alternatives to maintain both gcc7 and gcc621:48
memphistops -ef |grep -i nvidia21:48
memphistoit could be compailing modules21:49
de-facto_nope just shows the grep itself21:49
de-facto_yeah i will wait a bit more...21:49
de-facto_but i think it just idles\21:50
Bashing-omde-facto_: ' lsmod | grep nvidia ' ? The format is name, size, (the amount of memory used by the resident module, in bytes.) use count(how many instances of the module are being used. If the number is zero, the module is not currently being used.)21:52
de-facto_empty response, i think that driver tab is just lazy doing nothing21:53
Bashing-omde-facto_: ' dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia ' ?21:54
de-facto_tell me something like "changes are being applied" and a progress bar which never moves from maybe first 10% or so21:54
de-facto_nope its not installed yet21:55
de-facto_hmm that seems to be broken21:55
Bashing-omde-facto_: headers for the presnt booted kernel installed ? ; ' dkms status ' too .21:55
andrew09memphisto: can't choose pdf only iso21:56
de-facto_no dkms21:56
de-facto_i think that additional drivers tab does nothing at all21:56
de-facto_can i just kill it and do it proberly manually?21:56
memphistoandrew09: what are you trying to do?21:57
Bashing-omde-facto_: terminal is the only way I do know how to do this .21:57
de-facto_i did kill it and restarted it21:59
de-facto_exactly the same clicks unless now it seemed to have installed it21:59
andrew09memphisto: our school require that the final paper must be as a docx and burned to a cd, but using brasero i cant burn a docx file21:59
de-facto_not loaded until reboot i guess22:00
memphistoanderson: you choose data project22:01
memphistoandrew09: https://help.gnome.org/users/brasero/stable/project-data.html.en22:02
de-facto_yup loaded nvidia 390 now, guess i can install nvidia cuda toolkit and gcc622:02
de-facto_andrew09, just data project and drag and drop22:05
de-facto_thanks guys, i will continue to test it tomorrow :)22:27
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daegontavenhey folks can someone explain what "hrtimer: interrupt took 11324407 ns" means at the "Copying files..." stage of installing ubuntu 18.04 LTS22:47
daegontavenit's taking forever :(22:47
naccdaegontaven: it's not direclty related, the hrtimer: message is a kernel message. That implies something took longer than expected22:51
naccdaegontaven: is it still proceeding at all?22:52
daegontavennacc: yes it's doing stuff22:52
naccdaegontaven: ok, then just it go22:52
nacc*let it go22:52
daegontavenbut it's all messages i don't understand22:52
naccdaegontaven: what do you mean?22:53
naccdaegontaven: are you install server or desktop?22:53
daegontavenit's been saying "blocked for more than 120 secs" ever 10 mins or so22:53
daegontavennacc: desktop22:53
naccdaegontaven: sounds like you have an interrupt issue, possibly a hardware problem22:53
naccdaegontaven: you can leave it and see if it works ok22:53
naccdaegontaven: did you try the live usb?22:53
daegontaventhis is bad22:54
daegontavenyeah i loaded the iso onto virtualbox and installing to usb22:54
daegontavenyes i know how that sounds22:54
daegontaveni'm trying to full disk install onto a usb22:54
daegontavenbut that's what i want to do22:55
daegontaven_my vm doesn't have hard disk22:56
daegontaven_should i look around somewhere to see it's using the correct drive (my usb)22:57
rud0lfhello. pulseaudio web page gives me this hint "The "auto_switch" option of module-bluetooth-policy got a new mode: mode "2"".. any idea where can i set this mode (config file location)?22:57
daegontaven_figure out23:01
daegontaven_it was failing to download something23:01
daegontaven_error dsiplayed after i yanked the usb out23:01
daegontaven_wow ubuntu installer is shit23:02
phelixAnyone know why this is returning an error? This same command worked  on my other system.23:16
phelixrsync -av domain.com:/var/www/ /home/phelix/backup/23:16
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pavlosphelix: what's the error?23:42
XenophonFdaegontaven: if it's any consolation, I'm 1.5 for 2 on successful 18.04 installs this week :)23:48
XenophonFthe .5 is there because it boots as long as I specify nomodeset23:48
XenophonFand because it's hanging in the middle of the reboot/shutdown process (!!)23:48
XenophonFI'm just happy that I was able to send a crash report off to Canonical.23:49
XenophonFand that that laptop screen powers off when it should23:49
XenophonFmy needs are pretty meager :)23:50

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